THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 28 , 1905. IT'S SAFEST To use the and obtain the best results. You can't afford to do without the best when the best is- Vroomcm ( Crown Cottage Color * ) PAINT Every drop is honest value every gallon possible perfec tion every can full measure. It will do the work most satisfactorily and economically , besides putting off repainting for the longest possible time. "We guarantee that when properly applied on a surf ace in proper condition our paint will give better results than any other paint ( including ; White Lead and Oil ) and in all cases where it does not and it is the fault of the material used the work over again at our expense. " GET A COLOR CARD FROM US-- THE CITY PHARMACY Dr. flcMillan , Proprietor. McNALLS' GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guaran teed Free City Delivery Phone 40 Storage for Household And other Goods. . H. PARSELL M. D. GEO. Telephone No. 88 Office at Residence Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ; i to 3 p. m. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NORTH No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Express A 1:57 a in No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln passenger A 1:00 p in No. 191 Local Freight , Au burn A 1:00 : p in SOUTH No. 106 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 3:10 a m No. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 1:25 p in No. 192 Local , Atchibon. . 10:30 : a in No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi awatha A 10:20 : p in A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday. J. B. VAKNIK , Agent. Biiilington TIME TABLE Route Falls City. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points east and and all points south. west. TKAINS I.KAVK AS FOLLOWS : No. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all point.- , east and south 7:20 : p in No. 13. Vcstibuled express , daily , Denver and all points west and northwest 1:25 a m No. 14. Vestibuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south 7:47 : a n No. 15. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver , and all points went and northwest 1:23 : p n Nc 16. Vestibuled express daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St Louis Chicago and points east and south 4:25 : p n No. 20. Local express daily Atchison and points south and west. . . . 4:35 p n No. 41. St. Louis-Portland SpecialLincolnHe lena , Tacoma and Portland without change 10:07 : p n No. 115. Local accommoda tion , daily ex cept Sunday.Salem , Nemaha and Ne braska City 11:15 p m Sleeping , dining and reeling chai cars ( seats free ) on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked t < K. any point in the States or Canada. Fo . information , time tables , maps am tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. Ego. Nobody hns ever succeeded in proving thnl I. e o. i- < not immor- ill , and an almost nod-like , self- ctive and most important exist- nee. Truly ELM Imp some reason or sometimes appearing vain , laving existed from the hpuititung and universally believed to be lestined to an endless' future. 'erlmps it requires some tremen- iuous base-like eternity to enable one to withstand the cuffs of life , it least it requires a strong1 iiu- nilse in the beginning to yield the nomentum necessary to .hrough life. It is possible the realization of ego that it is something with an mportant source that gives it the lerve to so boldly declare itself. Til lell yon how I'd build that juilding" criticises the man whenever never saved a thousand dollars above his living as he scans the 'ramework of a seventy-five thotis- and dollar structure , and he tells Scarcely is there a hired man on a 'arm that is not able , and some- ; imes does , reel by the hour des criptions of the failings in the plans of his employer and substi tutes whereby the latter coulc treble his profits. The layman wonders at the stu pidity of the eommander-iu-chiel in the land operations and at the ullibility of the admiral on tilt sea. The man in the ditch finds iis amusement at the simplicity of the engineer a fine diversioi that helps him to forget the sin overhead. "We'll venture then , lire two million men in the Unitec : States who can tell Roosevelt aiu the cabinet just how all the issues can be and should be handledlock stock and barrel. Socialist publi cations offer easy directions for maintaining universes , men write directions for women to condnc themselves and explain what man hood really is. No doubt all thi.- inakes up life. Ego is undaiiiitec and omnifccient ; ' 'hope springs eternal in the human heart , " nnc it's no wonder at all that one fel low wrote : "What I Would do i I were God " Hustings Tribune For Sale. Two reiiistered Hereford malt calves , yearlings mist. Write , Wil Skalak ! Humboldt Neb. tf. CHOLERA INFANTUM Child not Expected to Live from On Hour to Another , but Cured bj Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera. a.nt Diarrhoea. Remedy. Ruth , the ( huiirlitiT of K N. Dewey of AgnewvUlu , Vu. , was surioubl.v 111 o cholera Infuntum lust summer "Wt C'ivc her up and did nut expect her ti live from one hour to another. " hf suj'ri. "I happened to think of Chum berlain'a Colic , Cholera ami Dlurrhoei Remedy and cot u bottle of it from th store. In five hour * I suw u chang for the better.Vo kept on givlnjr \ and before ehe hud taken the half o one small bottle she was well. " Till remedy Is for tale nt ICerr's rtrujr store Dr. R. over King's Pharmacy. Educational Department Conducted by County -Stipt. Crocker Opportunity. 'hey do movroni > who su > I cumu no more When once 1 knock ami fail to 11 ml you In ; ? or every thiy I stand outside jour door , Ano bid you \vuko and rise to fight and win. Valt not for prculous clwiu'cs passed ixwuy , Weep not for golden ages on the wane ! inch nljjhl 1 burn the records of the day ; At sunrise every soul Is born again , Walter Mnlcne. County Teachers' Institute. FALLS C1TV , NUM. , AUi. 7-12 , 1903. iNSTKUCTOItS. Supt. W. H. Plllsbury , Falls City. Supr. . R. L. HoiT , Humboldt. Miss Graee Greaves , Kearney , klrs. H. C. Richmond , Kearney. Prlu Geo. E. Martin , Nebraska City. 1'rln. Oshor Sehhufer , Humboldt. UISH Vernti Vastlne , Rulo. Prof. .1. W. Watson , Verdun. Miss Mnrthn King , Verdon. LKCTURUUS. State Supt. J. S. McHricn. Prof. A. E. Davlsson , Prln. State Sehool of Agriculture. Prof. Prof. W. II. Olemnions , Pros. Fremoni Normal School Prof. O , H. Lonpncll , Pros. Highland Park Normal College. Prof. J. W. Crabtreo , Pres. Peru State Normal School. Supt. Geo. D. Carrlngton , Auburn. Misses Alvlrda Allen and Orra French , Salem , will have charge of the exhibit of school work. Prof. P. W. Carr. Rule , will be secretary rotary of the institute. Prof Osher Sclilaifer is visit- friends , in Table Rock. Prof , and Mrs. I. G. Wilson are visiting" freinds in Woodbine Iowa. Supt. Hoff and family who are now visiting1 relatives in W. Va. , will return to Humboldt about April 1. All friends of education are invited at attend. The enroll ment last year was 1C7. Our mark set for this year is 175. After October 4 , all examina tion papers will be graded by the state examinating board. Each director should have a copy of his new school law. If you do not have a copy ; write tc the County Supt. , he will send you one. It would be a good plan to come to Falls City Saturday , April f , secure a boarding place enroll , be rested and read } ' for work Monday morning April 7. The county superintendent will have a list of boarding places at the office. The revised school laws have just been published by the state department. Thebooiccontains 158 pages carefully edited and indexed. There are several im portant changes , the one of 'the most importance to teachers being the examination of teach ers by the slate. A special teachers exam inn. tion was held in Humboldt last Wednesday and Thursday. ' the following applied for certifi cates ; Nellie Cinndy Georj'iu Candy Gertie Robinson Marlon Pillow Fred Arnold Maud Tosluml Jessie Draper Olive Petrashok Winifivd Ryan Georgia Wells MatlitiSt.iliifr Herbert Ford Wilma Wright Ida Stalder Katella DHInw Daisy Morris Sadie Cur ran Anna Gravatt Jennie Gravatt O. W. James Arthur Klima Edward Hodapp Announcements. The Richardson county teach er's Institute will be held in tlu Palls City High School building Falls City , Nebr. , beginning Monday. August 7 , 8:80 : a. in , and closing Saturday , Aug , 12 , 1905. 1905.Able Able instructors and lecturer. have been secured. Our insti tute will be professional acade micand inspirational the three combined in one. The State Department of Ed ucation , "for lack of funds tc get out a meritorious work , ' has discontinued the publication of the Nebraska State Course ot Study , and now recommends that the school work of based on the Nationalized , or Illinois State Course of Study. All instruction in our institute will be based on this Nationa lized Course of Study. Each teacher will be given a copy for liis school. An enrollment fceof $1.00 will be charged. A note book will be furnished each teacher. Teachers should bring text books. All persons desiring to teach in Richardson County are re quested to attend the Institute and no excuse will be granted except under the most impera tive circumstances ( See Sec , , 2 and 7 , Subdiv. , 10School Laws. ) Examinations will be given Saturday afternoon August 12 and Saturday , August IS ) . SPECIAL FEATURES. Annual Teacher's Spelling ontest ; suitable prizes will be otl'ered , words will be taken from Roll of Honor spelling book un til less than ten remain in the contest when words will be taken from Reed's Word Les sons ; Exhibit of School Work : each teacher who taught in the coun ty last year is expected to have his school represented by at least some work : Map Drawing Contest : Five dollars is offered for the best map of Richardson drawn by a pupil who attended a Richard- county school last year , three dollars for second best , two for third. TEACHER'S RECEPTION. Prof. Martin will have charge of an exhibit of line art pictures and conduct a class in Picture Study ; Vocal Music : Orthoepy ; Primary Kensington ; A class in Water Colors ; Pennmanship ; Drawing ; Basket Ball and Men tal Arithmetic. _ - * An Open Letter. Des Moines , la. , June 15 ] , 1005. Editors Journal of Education : I noticed this in the Journal of June 8 : A half day is long enough for any child of live , six or seven to be in school. " Now in turn , is not a half a day long enough for any child ol live , six. or seven to be on the street ? A lady , whose name is well known in school work , especially in connection with the National Council of Education , once ad vocated the above doctrine , that the school hours for primary grades should be shortened by one-half. Some one asked her : "What should become of them the remainder of the day ? " A saddened expression came into her face as she answeaed the in quiry : I don't know. That is a difficult question which I am not prepared to answer. ' ' Of course , if we take it for granted that the children came from cultivated homes , in which they are tenderly nurtured and carefully trained , surrounded by all elevating influences , the statement is partially correct. But unfortunately this is not the case in our large cities and vil lages. In many cases , even with full school time should be reduced to two and one half hours each day , and the street hours increased the same amount ? Would not the school be shorn of more than one halt ite power ? This is not a matter to be decided in accordance with the first impulse. It re quires very careful consideration - tion and should be viewed from every standpoint. The year of the graded school I ever taught consisted of forty-four weeks. The grey- haired men and women whc were pupils then , only a few o : them remain , tell you they wen not hurt by o 'er work. Onlj a year or so ago one of then said to me : " 1 have ofter told my boys and girls that thej have never known what hard study means , " We have in most places reduced the school year to thirty-six weeks : the school hours six to five , and we now propose to further reduce these hours to two and one-half. If we grant that a boy of seven can do the work now required , in one-half the time , which we do not believe , the question at issue is , how shall he spend the other half ? It he is dismissed at noon how shall he spend the other half ? An answer is very respectfully solicited either from Dr.Vinship , or from some other person who advocates the change. Cordially , HENRY SAWN. Impromptu Justice. There is no time to counten ance or excuse lawlessness in any form and yet there are ac- casions when it strains human nature almost beyond the limit to frown at a particular act of lawlessness Not long ago in Chicago park , soon after a Philadelpia motorist had killed a boy in the street while teasingly - ingly chasing him with an auto car , a man in an automobile was having great sport scaring people ple by making- if to run over them. The screams of woman and the shrieks of children were apparently musir. to his cars , and no policeman appeared to stop the refined sport. At last the antomobilist charged a man who did not run. Instead , when the car came near enough , he sprang abroad , seized the play , ful driver by the collar , pulled him into the street , blacked his eye , broke his nose , choked him , and then tossed him back into the car with instructions to get out of the park as quickly as the speed limit would per mit. This champion ot the women and children broke the laws , but it is hard to wish him in jail. A day or two ngo a New York beach young man swam out to a boat containing three girls , climbed aboard , and heedless of their screams proceeded to rock the boat. The boat capsized , whereupon the young-man swam for the shore leaving the girls who could not swim to their fate. The girls were rescued with difficulty and at great dan ger by spectntors who then turned their attention to the young man who caused the trou ble , lie was captured by the men , and was just about to be thrown into the water when re scued by the police. This punishment - ishment was unlawful , especial ly so as the laws throw a rather special protection about fools. Unless we can convince our selves that this was a case where the ox was in the pit , we are morally obliged to con demn the act as a species of justice , but weak human nature will do so with the mental re- f-ervation that the boat rocker got what he deserved or less. State Journal. We admire C. W. Parker , the owner of the amusement company that is to hold forth here on carni val week , because he stands tip for his home town Abilene , Kas. , It is at Abiline that the Parker factories are located and Mr. Parker proposes that everybody shall know it. It might give him more prestige to advertise his attractions as the "latest New York sensation , " or to post big pictures of a seven story building occupying two blocks in the heart of Chicago and call the same the Parker factories. But instead of so doing , Mr. Parker gives his home town the benefit of the advertising and the name of Abilene , Kansas , appears many times on the lithographs that are now posted in Falls City and all over the surrounding country. "The girl from Abilene" is a title that not only advertises the Kansas town , but answers the purpose as well as though sht weiu called "the girl from New York. " The people of Abilent should appreciate Mr. Parker. Pioneer Picnic At Verdon The Pioneer-Old Settlers pic nic which is to be held at Verdon on August 'JtliandlOtli , promises to be a big thing. The old set tlers picnic which has l > 2cn held at Rothcnbergcr's grove near Dawson , has been consolidated with the Pioneer picnic of Ver- lon and the two will be held as otic this year. A splendid pro gram has been arranged. The music will be furnished by tlte the Merchant's band of Nebraska City and the principal speakers will be lion. II. II. Wilson and Hon. Gco. W. Berge of Lincoln and C. F. Reavis of this city. There will be a blue rock shoot , a ball game and a balloon ascen sion each day , besides various other attractions. Many Falls City people are planing to attend the picnic which promises to be a great success. Play Your Own Game. Play your game with the world the best you can. If you get beaten do not try to lay the blame to some one else but stand up manfully and take your medicine. Everybody wants to win and you can not blame any one for it. You are as anxious to do so as the rest. If you go into a big game you have a chance for big winnings and many chances to loose out al together. It is your privilege and your choice. If you ven ture out where the big fish are you take your chances. "Ves sels large way venture more , But little craft should keep near shore. " If you want to "play safe , " you can. But do not fret and whine because you do not accomplish as much as those who venture more and do more. It is an old and true proposi tion that every man is the arch itect of his own fortunes. Ad verse circumstances may retard him , but if he works steadily and dilligently with the same end always in view he will be successful , or as nearly so as anybody can be. Remember , there are failures and disap pointments in every life and success is only comparative. It is never complete in this world. Envy no man anything except his integrity and good reputation and do not chide him for that but rather try to make your own as good. York Times. WIRELESS MESSAGES. If i noriiiice is blifes. the happi est man in the world lives in Fulls City. It in oftsn the man who rides on n pass who findri the most fault with the train service. Some men think they are not bud so long as they ean point out one who is a little worse. The consciousness of duty done , is the highest reward of ell'ort. Now is the time to subscribe. There arc people whose idea of humor is to stand near a brass band and make icmarks about Inning the drum. We ran all remember when people used to buy green eolTeo and brown it in the oven Re- nii-inber how yood it used to smell ? This in Hie season of the year when a yonny man will risk chig- geiH and mosquitoes and mnlarin in order to lake his best girl to a picnic. Unusual things are constantly happening. The other day a man was driving an antomibile along u country rend when he e me to the place where another man was hav ing trouble with a balky horse. The man with the horse tied his obstreperous steed to a telephone pole and cnmo to town in the automobile - mobile with the other man. The proprietor of the "little store on the corner. " says that Hiawatha is too good for him. "One half of the people over there spend their time going to church and prayer meeting , while the other half spend their time hunting a drink , " he says.