The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 28, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. II FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JULY 28 , 1905. Whole No. 82
Can you keep warm ?
Judge Wilhite spent Sunday at
W. II. Morrow was down from
Shubert Tuesday.
W. G. Hummel of Dawson was ,
seeing the carnival here Tuesday.
Will Ramsey is up from St. Joe
to spend this week with his par
'T. J. Whitaker went to Au-
burn Friday afternoon on busi-
Willis Ransom spent a few
days the first of the week' in
Mrs. Chas. Maddox and chil
dren of Preston were in town
Dorothy White returned Fri
day afternoon from a weeks visit
in Hiawatha.
Miss Rhoda Naylor , of Holton ,
is visiting her cousins , Elizabeth
and Laura Naylor in this city.
Mrs. F. C. Wiser and daughter ,
Nellie , returned to Verdon Mon
day , after spending Sunday here.
Walter Morehead , of Barada ,
was in town Monday and from
here went to Auburn to attend
the circus.
J. T. McKinney , of Omaha ,
spent several days with J. C
Spear and family in this city the
past week.
A. D. Gise came down from
Pawnee City Saturday. He was
on his way to Humboldt to visit
relatives a few days.
J. F. Shubert. who will be a
a candidate for county clerk was
in town Tuesday looking after
his political interests.
Mrs. Walter Van Laningham
came down from Stella to spend
several days with her parents ,
David Ransom and wife.
John Manshart , wife and son
returned to their home in St. Joe
after visiting his father , Rev. C.
Manshart and family here.
The dog catcher is abroad in
the land , and many are the curses
the small boy without the price
of a licence is heaping upon him.
Dr. Hannah Fleming was taken
to Omaha Saturday where she
will receive medical treatment.
She had her ankle broken about
a week ago.
You can't always tell by the
prayer a man makes whether
his credit is good in his
home town or not. Robinson ,
Kans. , Index.
A number of our citizens who
went to Wichita last week re
turned home Friday. They had
a pleasant time and report that
they saw some very fine land.
Mrs. Grace Strong returned to
home in Strongburg , Neb. , Wed
nesday after visiting her parents.
G. H. Fisher and wife and many
friends for some time.
Lucy Smith , of Barada , spenl
a few days the first of the week
with Goldie Yocum. Monda }
she went to Auburn to attend
chautauqua and the circus.
Anna Schmidli left the lattei
part of the week for St. Joe tc
visit her parents , J. Schmidli am'
wife. She will be gone severa
weeks and while away will tak <
medical treatment.
Bob Moore the young coloret
man who recently lost a leg b }
falling beneath a Missouri Pad
fie train in this city , was down
from Humboldt Tuesday seeing
the carnival sights.
The members of the Presby
terian C. E. drove to the Missour
Lakes Tuesday returning home
' r on Wednesday. They report ;
if fine time and brought horns ;
number of large fish.
Not What She Meant.
It is related that at a picnic
icld last week , a number of , the
girls sneaked off and went s.vim-
ning. Some of the boys were
carching for a fishing place , and
he mermaids hearing their approach
preach hurried out of the water
irnl made 'for the brush. One of
he frightened swimmers , who
bought herself well concealed
aid to a companion , "I have a
landy hide. " A boy happened
ilong at this time and gazing
ritically at a leg sticking through
he vines said ; "It looks good to
Resisted Arrest.
Elmer Tuttle got drunk at
Salem Tuesday and proceeded to
create a disturbance. When the
Hinge marshall attempted to
place him under arrest he put up
i lively fight and resisted the
officer of the law to the best of
lis ability. The marshall se
cured the assistance of Captain
Grinstead and the two sticeeded
n placing Tuttle under arrest.
ic was brought to this city and
edged in the count } ' jail to await
The Falls City Ball Players.
In speaking of a ball game
played recently between Hastings
ind Kearney teams , The Hast-
ngs Tribune says ;
Harry Foehlinger , the fleet
: ooted short stop , is a Falls City
3oy who is an experienced
Third base is held down in ye
olden style by Claire Foster who
mils from Falls City.
Gus Ruegge , pitcher , and
Thomas Poteet , catcher , are
two more Falls City boys who
have won the confidence of the
ocal fans.
Small Boy Hurt.
Mrs. O'Mara , a widow lady liv-
ng seven miles north of the city
came to town Wednesday accom
panied by her seven-year old son
to see the street fair. During
: he afternoon the boy strayed
away from his mother and climb
ed onto the high fence surround
ing the count } ' jail in order that
he might see the loop the loop.
He lost his balance and fell into
an open cellar way , sustaining
numerous and severe bruises. His
injuries were dressed , after which
the little fellow was taken to his
Young Men Butted In.
Miss Elizabeth and Misses Elta
and Clara Boose entertained the
members of the Young Ladies
Kensington club of the Presby
terian church on last Friday
evening. The members of the
club came with their kensington
bags well filled with fancy work
and all were busily engaged
when two young men appeared
on the scene. They too , had
Kensington bags and fancy work.
These credentials however were
not recognized by the society and
the male intruders were only
allowed to remain and ply the
needle and crochet hook , after
each had paid a special license
fee of one dollar. While all were
present and busy with the work
in hand , a mail carrier called at
at the house and left a sealed
proposal of marriage to each
maiden lady present. The mem
bers of the club , however , had
reserved the right to reject any
and all bids and the same was
promptly done although the mat
ter furnished much amusement
for all. The evening was spent
in a very pleasent mamier. Re
freshments were served.
Frank Todd came down from
Humboldt Wednesday to attend
the street fair.
The Street Fair.
The street fair has proven a
great success for the Parker
Amusement Co. The aggrega
tion arrived in the city on time
and pitched its tents along Stone
street and the ad jacentsidc streets.
Without exception , the shows
are good and those who patro
nized them have gotten value
received. The free attractions
have been conspicuous by their
absence ami the farmer who lias
come town to see the sights has
found himself in the position of
a man who is invited to a party
and-is then asked to pa } for the
refreshments. The streets have
persented a gala appearance and
the music of the band and the
and the
merry-go-round organ
cry of the spicier have given the
necessary atmosphere to the
street fair. But the carnival was
not what the people expected.
They were led to believe that
there would be free attractions
and that a price would not be put
upon everything in the way of
amusement. The street lair will
not prove a paying proposition
from a business standpoint.
Entertainment has been afforded
to those who cared to pay for it.
It is only from a business point
of view that the street fair has
been unsuccessful for the company
has given clean entertainments
and all connected with it have
conducted themselves in a proper
manner. One can hardly blame
them for getting the best of the
bargain when they are able to
do so.
NOTUS. ' .
The band is not the best in the
world , but , it is above the average
travelling organization of this
The merry-go-round organ has
attracted considerable attention.
It is a wonderful piece of mech
anism. It is clever mechanical
device in fact it is more interest
ing from a mechanical than from
a musical standpoint.
The necessary apparatus for a
high dive had been installed in
front of Wahl's store , but Tues
day a passing wagon ran into a
guy rope and the damage was
sufficient to put that apparatus
out of commission. A schntc for
the loop-the-gap act was then
erected and a man mounted on a
bicycle has performed this thrill
ing feat every day to the delight
of the assembled multitudes.
A Falls City wan who ought to
know , says that the Katzenjam-
mer castle idea was originated
by some poor devil , "in the cold
gray dawn of the morning after. "
Those ice cream sandwiches
are doubtless very good , but the
person eating one appears about
as awkward as a man eating
green corn from the cob.
The trip to the Alps was very
entertaining. Mechanical in
genuity assisted by a healthy
imagination enabled the beholder
to duly appreciate the spectacle.
The statue turning to life is an
old illustion but never fails to en
tertain and mystify.
A young man and woman from
Dawson were riding on the Ferris
wheel Tuesday night. "Would't
it be nice , " said the young man
as they reached the top of the
wheel , "if wecould ride this way
through life together ? " He fol
lowed the question with a more
direct proposal , but just then the
wheel stopped and the young lady ,
taking it as a bad sign , turned
down his propo'sition.
On last Thursday County Judge
Wilhite performed the ceremony
uniting in marriage Samuel
Knowles and Sadie G. Wing.both
of Mound City , Mo.
Congressman Pollard Married.
lion. E. M. Pollard , the newly
elected congressman from the
first district and Gertrude Wat-
tcrman were married at the home
of the bride's parents in Omaha
on Tuesday evening. The ro
mance which led to the marriage
begun in Lincoln some time ago
and while in the midst of the
recent congressional campaign ,
Mr. Pollard was also making
plans for the important step that
has just been taken. The con
gressman-elect and h i s bride
have left for a trip to the Pacific
No Law Suit.
Under the above caption the
last issue of the.Journal related
an alleged attempt on the part
of a local lawyer to involve the
city in a law suit with the Jesse
James show. Of course the ac
count was a baseless falsehood.
The proprietor of the show did
seek advice ol a lawyer with
reference to his rights in the
matter and was told that he
could sue out a mandamus to
compel the mayor to sign the
the show license , but in as much
as the application would have
to be time enough to get the
writ signed as no judge of that
court was in the city. Judge
Wilhite says that the state
ment of the Journal to the effect
that he was asked to issue an in
junction is not correct , as no
such request was made by any
one. If the legal department
of that paper would stop and
think for a moment he would
know that no lawyer would ask
for an injunction in the case
\vhere the thing required is com
pel action and not to restrain
action. We might add further
that if the Journal is correct is
saying that industry tends to in
crease a lawyers , business , that
it would not be a bad idea for
its legal department to get busy.
Warm Time at Council Meeting.
In response to an invitation
from the mayor all of the clergy
men of the city together with
a number of our msot representative -
ative citizens met with the coun
cil Monday evening to remon-
state over the gambling and
other illegal tilings now taking
place in this city. The mayor
was in consultation with
Francis Martin on the steps of
the German church immediate-
before the session , and from
what we learn was loaded for
bear when the show commenced.
We have been unable to get the
the exact facts but one the part
icipants said "the mayor spent
most of his time in lauding him
self and the rest of the time in
abusing us and The Tribune. 1
told our people what we might
-expect and had the satisfaction
of saying I told you so after the
adjournment. " It is to be re
gretted that the present condi-
exists , but The Tribuntcan say
with the preacher , "we told yon
so. "
Child Injured.
On last Thursday the inlant
son of Chas. Ileineman stepped
on a nail the point of which en
tirely pierced the little fellows
foot. Dr. Burchard was called
to dress the injury , which proved
I to be exceedingly painful' and
'caused ' the unfortunate little fel
low much distress. The wound is
healing perfectly.
Joe Morris , Hugh Leatherman ,
Lou Beard and Herb Borland were
among the Humboldt people wlu
came down Wednesday to visi
the fair.
Miss Emma Frank of Quincy
111. was z guest at the Home o
J. C. Tanner this week.
The Richardson county teach
ers' institute will be held in Falls
ity , August 7-12th inclusive.
It seems that the enrollment will
reach 175. We are anxious to se-
cuse boarding places for these
teachers. Those who will take
.eachers to room and board will
confer a favor by making the
same known to me.
Lost Valuable Hog
Win Brandow , owner of the
Nemaha Valley herd of Ditroc
Jerseys has had the misfortune to
ese Eskort 29501 , one of his most
valuable animals. The animal
was a grandson of Dnroc Challen
ger 11163 , a hog that was valued
at more than $750. The loss is a
licavy one , although Mr. Bran
dow repors that the other ani
mals comprising this noted herd
arc in fine condition.
$3.30 To Lincoln And Return.
On account of the Nebraska
Epwortb League Assembly
the Burlington will sell tickets
to Lincoln and return at $8.510 ,
August Isttollth , inclusive.
An educational , interesting
and amusing program is offered
which the following will con
tribute : Mr. Mark Guy Pearse ,
of London ; Governor E. W. Hoch
of Kansas ; Bishop David II.
Moore , of Portland ; Dr. Robert
S. Mac Arthur , of New York ;
Fred Emerson Brooks , Poet of
the Sierras : Dr. Geo. R. Stuart ,
of Tennessee ; Colonel II. W. J.
Hams , the Georgia Humorist ;
Dr. Anna Shaw of Philadelphia ;
Dr. D. F. Fox , of Chicago ; Dr.
Stephen J. Ilerben , Editor ol
the Epworth Herald ; Frank R.
Roberson , World Traveler : Mr.
Clinton N. Howard of Roches
ter , N. Y. ; Dr. Win. F.'Anderson
of New York City ; Mr. Ralph
Bingham , Promoter of Mirth ;
Spencu and MacDonald , Scot
tish Entertainers ; Kaffir Boy
Choir from South Africa , The
Locke Male Quartette ; Rosani ,
Famous Manipulator ; Oxenham
with his wonderful moving pic
tures , and many others.
Write for pamphlet "Souvenir
Talent" which will tell you all
about it. 2 t.
Gen. Pass. , Agt. , Omaha.
Real Estate Transfers.
The county recorder reports
the following real estate trans
fers :
Albert Maust und wife tn Gnorge W
Peck wd tolotn 11-12-1.'M4 unit purl ol
lot 10 blk I.'JIJ Fulls City , consideratior
C 1C Stoltx und wife to Armstrong
Crundull wd to f ! lot 5 und ull lot 0 blk
10 Ulmcr'e ndd to Dawson , conshlorii
tlon $1000.
Jurnea MuOougall und wife to Henri
Alberta wd to al blk 'M Lutli.'iNlmi
udd to Uutnboldt , consideration $1000
G. A. Alexander and wife to W. G
JUHICH wd to purl lots 8-0 blk 22 Huga
barn's udd to Diiwhon , consideratior
J N Kckmiin and wife to N A Ker
inotid wd to lot 1 blk 7f > ttulo , consider
utlon SID.
Gee A Ocainb und wife to Grants
Ocamb wd to part lot 14 blk 7 link
consideration $100.
Martini C Gray widow to Lydlu Van
Deusen wd to lot 4 blk 230 Fulls City ,
consideration $76.
Thomas 13 Smith and wife to John
Splckler wd to ej nwi and purl nuj
2'KMG , consideration $11. ' ) .
Cora C'larK Andrews and husband t <
Edith M Clark wd lots 1-2 10-20-21-22
2I1-21 blk 20 Stcolo's 1th add to Full
City , consideration $1.
Cora A Andrews and hiibband t <
Kdlth M Clark wd lots 10 blk 1
Stella , consideration $1.
Total 818112.00
John Lichty , wife and daugh
tcr Marie returned this week fron
the exposition at Portland , Ore
gon. They report a pleasant time
Sam Kimmel and wife returnei
Wednesday from a visit to tin
Portland exposition.
E. Dowty was up from Preston
Martin Kelly , of Shubert , was
in town Wednesday.
Mrs. Ophie Ricd was down
from Htimboldt yesterday.
Mrs. D. M. Davies attended
the Auburn chautauqua Sunday.
Eugene A. Tucker , of Globe ,
Ariz. , was here ( luring the week.
Watch for lite special Institute
eddition in The Tribune next
R. C. James returned Wednes
day from a visit with friends in
Helen Ricd , of Humboldt , was ,
visiting the carnival in this city
G. E. Tingley , of Hydro , Ok. ,
was in the city Wednesday visit
ing old friends.
May Johnson was down from
Verdon to attend the . street fair
during the week.
N. B , Judd and wife , of Dawson -
son , spent Sunday at the home of
George W. Crocker.
Mrs. W. S. Fast is entertaining
a little nephew , Harry Bankers ,
of Corning , Mo. , this week ,
Laura Holmes and Gertrude
Norris , of Table Rock , arc guests
at the home of I. C. Maust.
Mrs. Peter Christen , of Corn
ing , Mo. , is visiting her daugh
ter , Mrs. W. S. Fast this week.
Dr. Mathers , wife and children
returned the first of the week
from a weeks visit with relatives
at 55ion City.
Mrs. George Marburger , of
Humboldt , is the guest of her
sister , Mrs. George Schmelzel , in
this city this week.
Rev. E. E. Haskins returned
Wednesday evening from a trip
to Lincoln. On his way home he
visited the Auburn chautaupua.
W. A. Hossack returned Wed
nesday from the hospital at Sioux
City , Iowa. He has sufficiently
recovered as to be able to be
about on crutches.
The members of the Brethern
Sundaj' school were to enjoy a
picnic on Wednesday at Schock's
grove , but owing to the bad
weather it was postponed ,
Philena Yutzy arrived from
Sioux City Wednesday on a visit
to her father , Dr. J. C. Yutzv ,
and other relatives. She expects
to be here about two weeks.
Mrs. Fred Stringfield , of Fort
Crook , and Myrtle Bryant , of
University Place visited this
week at the home of their broth
er-in-law , E. P. Stringfield.
While in Tlumboldt last week
Bess Hcacock was taken seriously
ill. They brought her to her
home in this city the first of the
week. At this writing she is
slowly recovering.
On Wednesday afternoon Min
nie A. McDonald entertained the
members of the M. E. Kensington
at her home. There was a large
attendance and all enjoyed a
pleasant afternoon. Light re
freshments were served.
Nelle Snyder entertained at her
home on Wednesday afternoon
from three until six o'clock in
'honor ' of Misses Lyle , Kirschner
' and Kitchen , who are visiting
" 1 Nelle Cain. They were entertained -
' ( tained with cardsIces and
1 cream were served. The prize
i was won by Mrs. Lloyd Gianini ,
which was a beautiful hat pin.