The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 21, 1905, Page 8, Image 9

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Beginning , Saturday , July 22 , Ending August 5 , n
Is to innko this store the recognized plnco to do your trading in Falls City ; to make this store so reliable , so
trustworthy in living up to its principles , that everybody will feel and know that any purchase can be made
here with absolute safety and certainty of complete satisfaction. Our standards are never lowered for the pur
pose of making low prices , Our constant ell'ort is to improve this business by offering styles and values that
will please the general public. '
Dress Goods.
On account of the rout dominid for all kinds of sheer
this season , wo bought very heavy in cortnln lines In our Dress
Goods , Wash Goods , India Linen and White Goods Departments.
Wo have a quantity of piece jjoods loft over from our second ] > ut-
chitKO that wo wish to unload. All thought of profit has boon forgot
ten. Wo want the space for our now fall goods now on the way from
market. This is our loss and your gain. Sansatlonal bargains. Wo
control the Folwoll Dros. & Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. , line of Wool
Dress Goods which wear like iron. Buy those ; none better.
Wo hnvo received direct from the manufacturers four cases con-
talning ix ir of shoes tint I Hell the world over for ? i ! a puir , but
wo got a bargain and will give you the benefit and will soil the -18
pairs as long as they last for f 1.18 per pair. There are many bar
gains throughout our shoo drpartmont.
: See large posters for prices and particulars. Your money - ;
: ey will buy better values during this sale than is possible ;
: elsewhere during this season of the year.
S > ' S S Sr : S '
I. N. Lyons was in Arago
| Ingram Cain was down from
Stella Wednesday.
J. T. Shubert was down from
Shnbert Wednesday.
Emil Saal came over from
Fargo and was shopping in onr
city Tuesday.
Mable Moore of Kansas City
is in town visiting at the home
of her uncle Rev. Griffin.
John Taylor and Joe Miles and
Misses Florence Wyle and Mil
dred Holland spent Sunday at
Snn Springs.
W. Hill Griffin is the guest of
his father , Rev. Griffin. Mr.
Grifllin is the cashier of the New
York Life Insurance Co. at Kan
sas City.
Harry Mann and John Smith
came down from Humboldt Wed-
j nesday morning bringing with
' them the returns of the special
One of our farmers received
a letter of inquiry from an In
diana man asking what it costs
to raise a bushel of corn in Neb.
The fanner replied , ' 'from 12/4
cents to $1.50 , depending entirely
on the man. "
Grant Shurtleff who has been
touring the east and south with
a. show of his own , is here for a
visit with his Falls City friends.
He reports a very successful sea
son and bears all the outward
visible signs of material prosper
There may be those who receive
I this issue of The Tribune who
, | are not subscribers. Do not be
I alarmed , we are sending it to you
1 that you may make own compari
son and form your own judge-
I ment whether or not the paper
jl is worth a dollar a year to youi
n Better stop in and give us youi
( name. You know the old adage ,
"if you want all the news all the
time , try taking The Tribune ?
, T. E. tieyda , of Falls City ,
was transacting business here
Lewis Knickerbocker , fro m
Miles ranch was a Kulo visitor
Our agent , Ross Jackson , and
Willie Ward went fishing at the
Big lake Friday evening
Several of our young people
enjoyed a pleasant time boat
riding last Sunday night.
Sam Hates , night operator at
this place , left for Denver , Col. ,
and Mr. Neal , of Firth , relieved
Curtis Graham , of Kulo , and
George Goolsby , of Rushbottom
went to Dakota this week with
a view to homesteading land.
Charlie Caverzagie is clerking-
for J. A. Hinkle. Charlie is a
hustler and Mr. Hinkle can be
congratulated in securing- his
services. Hart and littledaugh
ter , returned to their home in
St. .Toe Saturday after spending
four weeks with her mother ,
Mrs. McVay.
Mr. Graham crossed the river
with his ferry boat Saturday
the first time in ten days 6n ac
count ot the mud and water
just east of his landing.
Verna Vastine returned from
Peru Thursday where she has
been attending- school for some
time. Verna taught in our first
primary department last year.
About one o'clock last Friday
morning : Rule was visited by a
severe electrical storm , the
worst known for several years.
There was but little damage
The little child of Finley
Bentley and wife died Sunday
morning with summer com
plain. Funeral services Mon
day afternoon. The bereaved
parents have the sympathy oi
this community.
= ? W ?
The finest mid largest stock of Clothing und Gents'
Furnishings in this section. The stock Tms our guar-
untee behind it as being the best made. Sold during
this sale at greatly reduced prices. This is your op
portunity. The goods are the siime high class we have
always sold. Yon can't all'ord to miss this sale.
Ladies' Silk and "Wash Waists , Embroideries and
Laces , Ribbons and Handkerchiefs , Table Linens ,
Curtains and Domestics.
Ladies' Skirts , Suits and Jackets ,
Wesley Bently has a very
sick baby this week.
Bill Ilniton , with the Burling
ton at Wytnore , was in town on
Lee and John Jones , of Pa-
donia , Kan. , are visiting friends
in Rule this week.
John 11'an is nursing' his left
arm this week all on account of
a very painful boil.
Henry Schmidt is putting
down a concrete walk this week
for Mrs. Watteyne , in fron.t of
her building on Main street.
George Davis , Joe Horan and
John McCleland left Tuesday
for Wilcox where they will worn
on the section for the Burling
Mary Wattyene returned on
Tuesday , after an absence of
three months visiting friends
in diil'orents parts of Nebraska
and Iowa.
All of the Atchison freight
gang- went over to Big lake fish
ing last Sunday via hand car
route. The boys say there were
all kinds of bites except fish
bites which were nit.
Mr. Tinsley , G. N. Ocamb &
Co and Mrs. Boker have all re
ceived their insurance money
from the company for their
losses sustained by the fire here.
It will be several days before
Mr. Plante's claim can be ad
justed as his books were lost in
the lire.
C. / . Ilosford of Humboldt was
in town Wednesday.
Henry Wittwer of Spiser was
in our city Wednesday.
Mrs. A. Vavra returned Mon-
from a brief visit to Lincoln.
G. A. Jorn of Verdon was a
business visitor here Wednesday.
George Jennings , wife and
daughter returned Wednesday
irora a weeks visit with relatives
in Salem.
Lon Shelton was down from
Shubert Wednesday.
John Gun enhauser of Spiser
precinct was a business visitor
here Wednesday.
Word was recieved from W. A.
Hossack at Sioux City that the
weights have been take from his
feet and he is doin g nicely.
| Persistence is not Sea = |
| sonable Like Fall and |
| Summer Goods : : : : |
= = = = = *
iU We as merchants and you as cus *
tomers know that success in anything de
pends upon careful and persistent industry
at all times.
If you could buy a Spring Couch , Car
pet or Bed Room Suit for less money in the
Summer time it would be your duty to do
We know this and therefore want to
inform you that the odds and ends in all
our store have been marked down to a
summer figure.
Our window is full of Rockers ; good ,
beautiful and stylish that we have marked
less than cost.
Next week we will display in the same
TJ window a full line of Couches. The price * on
fa these will astonish you.
Carpet Remnants in abundance.
Mattings cheap and lots of it.
Ca' 1 on us these hot days.
Our spacious room is cool and
you would enjoy your visit
whether you bought or not.
Salem Interstate Chautauqua I
AUGUST 12 to 20 , 1905
That reliable old time favorite. Dr. Jehu Dewit Miller will lecture at the
Salem Assembly the opening Sunday , August i3th , at 2:30 P. M. Subject :
"Self-Sufficiency of the Republic. " Again on Monday August i4th at 2:30
P. M. Subject : "The Reveries of a Bachelor. " Dr. Miller never fails to
please and always gives the most profound something to think about.
Dr. Matt S. Hughes will give one of his polished lectures Saturday
August 19 at 2:30 P. M. Subject : "The Evolution of Woman" On the clos
ing Sunday , August 20 , at 2:30 P. M. his subject will be : "The Dimensions
of Life. " It is unnecessary to tell those who heard him two years ago at
our Assembly , that Dr. HuGhes is nusurpassed as a public speaker.
you want a program or a tent , write to
N. P. Shildneck , Secy. , Salem , Neb.