FALLS CITY TRIBUNE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE HUMBOLDT ENTERPRISE , JUNE 23 , 1905. Vol. 11 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JULY 21 , 1905. Whole No. 81 Society News. Miss Clam and Elta Boose will entertain the Presbyterian Ken sington this evening- . Mrs. 13. I. Rcavis entertained the married ladies kensington and their husbands yesterday evening. _ Misses Kate and Bess Heacock and Sara Hutchins are in Hum- bold t to attend a house party at the home of O. . A. Cooper. " ' " Mrs. Ed Fisher entertained a number of her friends at a ken sington on Wednesday afternoon. The event was of a very pleasant sodial nature. ' Ed Fisher and wife entertained L. C. Mauger and wife , Rev. W. T. Cline and wife and H. P. Cus- ter and wife at a six o'clock din ner Tuesday evening. Florence Wylit was hostess at the regular meeting of the II. S. M. club on Saturday evening. A fine program was rendered and the members were very pleasant ly entertained. The Methodist ladies kensington - ton spent Tuesday afternoon at Dr. Fast's grove north of town. In the evening they served their husbands and gentlemen friends to a first class picnic supper On Tuesday evening about twenty-five of the young people of the Presbyterian church plan ned and executed a pleasant sur prise on W. Hill Griflin and Miss Mabel Moore of Kansas City who are guests at the home of Rev. Griffin. The plans were well car ried out and resulted in a general good time for all who were there. Wednesday being Mrs. Mar gery Grants sixt3'-seventh birth day , her children and grand child ren planned and carried out a most pleasant surprise for her. They brought their dinner with them and all enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Grant was the recipient of a number of very useful presents. On Friday afternoon at the home of John Wilson in this city was a very pleasant lawn party in honor of Miss Bessies eleventh birthday. About thirty-two little folks were present and enjo3ed the afternoon. Man } ' pretty gifts were presented Bessie by her lit tle friends. A nice lunch was served. _ The members of the Epworth League of the M. E. church com pletely surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher at their home Monday evening. The evening was most pleasantly spent. They present ed them with a large water painting. The picture is a beauty and * vas painted by Mrs. Mason , Lillith A. Mead and Glen M. Campbell were married on Tues day at Council Bluffs , Iowa am will be at home after July 25 tc their friends at 2734 Caldwell St. , Omaha. The bride was raised at Salem in this county and has many friends here to wish sh < and her husband much prosperi ty and happiness. At the residence of S. B. Hoff nell in Falls City , Neb. , July 10 1905. Henry W. Walker and hii wife Mrs. Martha Walker cele brated their golden weddidg. Tin aged couple are among Richard son county's honored and respect cd citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Walker wer united in marriage in Johnsoi county , Ky. , near Prestensburg July 19 , 1855 where they residei for a few years. 39 years agi they came west and located ii Northwest Kansas and later t this county where they have re I sided for nearly thirty years. The following children am rl grandchildren were present , Mrs S. B. Hoffnell , husband an daughters , Mrs. J. H. Nunns and two daughters , William Walker , and J. D. Walker , Hannibal , Mo. , A. A. Walker and family. Salem , and J. P. Walker , Hoisington , Kansas. Following were the guests : Mrs. Owens , Harrison- villc , Mo. , D. H. Hoffnell and wife of Rule , Nat Auxier , wife and daughter , Sam Auxier and wife , John P. Walker and sons of VerdonJos Pritchard and wife C. N. Pritchard and wife , Mrs. Gardner and son Harry , Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cline , and Mrs.Went- worth of this city , W. L. Tur- man of Denver , and Lydia Mar- stellar of Salem. At the noon hour the .guests were gathered about the tables spread with good things when Rev. Cline in a short address presented Mr. and Walker $84 and a gold berry spoon the gift of children and friends. All en joyed a delightful day. Mr. Turman and wife favoring the quests with several appropriate elections. All united in wishing Mr. Walker and wife many hap- y years to come. On Wednesday eveningin hon- r of three young ladies who are isiting her , Nelle Cain enter- aincd about thirty-five of our oung people. The evening was nest pleasantly spent in games ind music. Elegant refresh ments were served. Maud Graham entertained at a Kensington on last Friday after- 10011 in honor of Miss Wetherald f Hebron , and Mrs. W. A. Stuart of Okmulgee , I. T. A pecial feature of the occasion , vas the musical numbers , piano elections being rendered by Misses Graham and Schoenheit ind vocal selections by Miss Roth- cnberger of Leavenworth. Dainty efreshments were served and the ifternoon was very pleasantly pent b } ' a large number of guests. What the Moon Saw. One of the summer maids who s visiting one of our society girls was sitting in Henry mith's park with a loqal ) "outh Sunday night. The girl was singing , in a low , rich contralto , 'draw me nearer , " and the man n the moon knows the youth was obedient. ( This is no joke. ) Falls City Humane Society. Falls City has organized a ocal humane society with the 'ollowing officers : H. C. Davis , president ; Rev. E. E. Haskins , ice president ; Mrs. Ida Ran som , secretary-treasurer. C , Herehey was elected humane officer. Suitable by-laws were adopted and the membership fee placed at fifty cents per annum No doubt much good work will be accomplished. Destroyed the Fish. On Tuesday when Geo. Abboti made a visit to Crystal lake , tlu artificial body of water on his place northwest of the city , IK found the banks strewn witl dead fish , including hundreds o : the fine large catfish and crop pies with which the lake luu been stocked. All indication ! point to the fact that the lak < had been visited during the nigh by a party or parties unknowi and that dynamite or other mean : had been used to destroy the fish Mr. Abbott is justly incensed a the outrage and offers a rcwan of S25 for the arrest and convic tion of the offenders. A stric watch will be kept in the futun and it will be a sorry day for tin vandal , should he be caught ii the act of again attempting t < molest the fish in Crystal lake. Henry Patterson was dowi from Humboldt township on busi ness Wednesday. WHAT PUBLIC SPIRIT HAS DONE FOR FALLS CITY r- ! = < r 9B , n- - - - - T -t- r-c- Ja'rC r C ? - ; - -s yr-pffisire'022.-Sl- ! STONE STREET , FALLS CITY IN 1866 Tim above pietm-e U n dru > vliii.r in ide from KM niil phnto.MMpli tn the po-isesslon of Anderson Miller that win tiil { > en on Sto.ne re.-t in the MIIIIIII ! i f ISlNI. To * ' IVihmi' ; attempted to secure u cut of tlio photograph , but , It hud so tided with veni > that itvn impii-sllne " - ( | the above dr.iwlng WIIB tniiila as U hero reproduced. The hotel building on th left o * the picture U the old Mlnnluk hotel , which was situated whore the Uluhiinlfron county Imnk hulldlng now s-tumN , mid wan for many years the political and social center of the little village. No old resident of Falls Oity can s ioak of thu ' 'good old times" without repeated reference to the old hotel. In and about this old dnlldlng clusters many memories precious' ' to those who knew it In thu days of Its popularity. It win the homo of courtships and the scene of marriage celebrations. Within Its walls thu tables of the law hiivo been broken as tnur- ler wa at one lime oo.nmltted there. The building next to It was the old Joe Hurlmnk store whoso chief clerk wr.B George E Dorringtonliow of Yuma. Arizona. The lirst building on tin- opposite side of the street was thu newspaper otllco of the old "Ilroudnxc" which led n somewhat precarious life and was edited at dillerent times by Ned Hiirbunk , Judge Dundy and others of the then prom- nent citizens. This old building was bltiuicd ahout where the G. 13. Hull shoe store now stands. The uuxt Is the llt > tie brick law ofllee of Judv'o Elmer ri D-indy , afterwards U. S. district judge for the d'btrlot of Nebraska. This WIIB the only brick building In the city and was the pride of all the hardy pioneers who called Palls Ulty their homo. The icxt building , the chimnev of which can bo jo n thro.igh the trees , was the home of David Dorrlngton. familiarly tnown as Squire Dorrlngton. This homoMead win situated where the buildings now occupied by D. W. Sow lea , Glias. ilurgrave and I' S Heacoeif now bland. The building adjoining the Dorrlngton home-item ! was the law ollloo of Ipham Rciivie , this building win eon-truuteil jointly by Mr. Ueavi * and Agnellis poliociihulltinu win considered very iretentlous in tliose days. This Imildlnir occupied the ke now occupied by V. 0. Lvfords fctore. The old "white saloon'- comes next and immediotely bu.vond tliat i the residence of Deb Cain. The building furthest down the street win-the iwlntlHl re-Idi'iitre of Dr. Ilunnti which stood on the present site of Samuel Wnh'l atore. This residence was the iliies-t in thu state and was always pointed out to the occasional visitor in a blu'tit of great Interest. The bulldini : remained on it ? original location until Gee A A'bbott disposed of it to Mr. With ! , when It was removed to the south cud of town Wehavefnundnooiiewnorememberstne taking of the very Interesting picture owned by Mr. Miller and from which the above drawing wa * made There are several figures about the old hotel , but time tuts 80 faded ; he photograph that Identification is impoaibo ! The f ices are as dim a > Is ihu memory of man ) of thoio who mii'lu Fallb City their home in 181)0. rieme who lived here at that time are still with us , but the vintl.y gre.itcr portion have traveled other roads , some to the eatt , borne to the west nnc' many , very many to the country "from whoso bourn no traveler returns. ' If this paper should reach the eyes of anyone who remember that taking of the picture , we would greatly ap preciate Information concerning it. Palls City in 18ii ( ( bears little resemblance to the present city. It : s hard for the jeneratlon now reaching middle life to appreciate the fact that the town ever looked like the above picture. Not a sidewalk in town , no street save where the wagon wheels had cut into the bulTalo grass. No luxuries , very few com forts was the lot of those who made the pre.-ent beautiful city posblc ! , and yet , withal , to hear the talcs of forty ycar.- ago , one wojld imagine that It was a pretty coed old plaeo to live , that life contained about Its usual proportion of joy u nil sadni'b ? , and that ilioiu who then livi.-d here hud hopes of greater tningb to come with thu passing year , ' even in you and I. " Married. Miss Grace Belpere , of Rnlo , and Max Guesser , of Nebraska City , were united in marriage Wednesday at high noon at the home of the bride's parents , C. L. Belpere and wife. At the appointed hour the happy couple inarched into the parlor to the strains of the wedding marcl ) played by Vesta Vanvalkenberg , a n d stood under an arch of ferns and car nations , that had been deco rated for the occasion , and the ceremony performed by Rev. Kincaid of the soulli M. E. church. The bride wore white silk and carried a beautiful bouquet of while roses. The groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony all partook of a sutnputous wedding dinner. The presents were numerous and beautiful. The young couple will make Rule their future home. Their many friends wish for them a happy future. Jobn Joseph Injured. John Joseph is nursing a very sore finger which he is carrying as the result of a peculiar acci dent. He was attempting to lower an awning when his finger was caught in the joint of one ol the rods. A heavy gold ring which he was wearing was crushed and the sharp edges thereof badly lacerated the flesh of the finger. It was found nec essary to have a jeweler remove the ring before a surgeon could dress the injury. The wound has proven very painful but ulti mate recovery is certain. Storm at Rulo. One of the worst rain and wind storms of the season vis ited Rule Wednesday afternoon at 2-10. The rain fell in torrents - rents and the wind was almost a hurricane. Great damage is done to the corn and apple crops. Barada Liquor Cases Again. Judge Wilhite's time was again taken with the Barada liquor cases yesterday. The case of Arthur Nixon was dis missed tor the lack of material evidence. Jim Smith was bound over in the sum of ยง 250 , which bond he gave. Barada as a prohibition town is not a howl ing success. A Severe Storm. On last Thursday evening the whole of Richardson county was visited by a severe electrical storm and considerable damage has been reportedt The storm seems to have reached its worst in the vicinity of Shubert , and in that neighborhood several wheat stacks were burned and in the town lightning struck a church and a livery barn. W. B. Boyd , the Salem liveryman , had sent two teams to Shubert that day and three of his best horses were killed when the bolt struck the barn. Jim Mettz , of this city , had several head of horses in the barn at the time , although none of them were killed. Mary Sincl ; ir and Mrs. Will Williams of Preston were in town Wednesday. Mabel Clark arrived from Chicago cage this week for a visit with Mrs. Tom McKiever and family. James McKiever was in Hia watha Wednesday visiting friend > and attended a base ball game and a band concert. W. E. Kentner came up frotr loffeeville , Kansas Wednesday and will spend a few weeks witl parents in this city. Fred and George Clcvelam walked down to the muddy Wed nesday after the storm and in ; few hours * returned with fifteer pounds of fine fish. Mrs. John Wertof Nashville Michigan , relative of Mrs. W. S Korner is visiting in this city Mrs. Wcrt/ was accompanied Ir her son an his wife. Mrs. Chas Sherman of Kanka- kee , 111. , and Mrs D. C. McLeo < of Council Bluffs spent a part o last week in this city with thei sister , Mrs. II. C. Davis. Tin three sisters left Saturday fo Hamburg Iowa where they spen a few days with relatives. Harry Cain , Curl Sedlameyer Guy Crook and Fred Cleveland , j returned Wednesday from th the Missouri Lakes. Fred an < Guy have been there more thai a week and returned with twent. five pound of fine black bass They report more than apleasan time. Judge Babcock Dying. Word reached here Thursday hat Judge A. II. Babcock , of 3eatrice , was in a dying cotuli- ion. Judge Babcock was taken 11 at Auburn during the June erm of court and was compelled o adjourn the court and return o his home He has gradually 'rown worse until his heart is iltected and his demise is a question of a few hours. The lany friends will learn of his omlilion with great sorrow , le was a just judge and a chris- ian gentleman. A Trio of Accidents. On last Sunday Mrs. G. W. nskeep had the misfortune to 'all down an open cellar-way ind the result was a number of ery severe and painful bruises. The infant son of Henry Fclir , i fanner living near this cily , ell from a high porch last Sat urday and sustained a broken inn. Surgical aid was sum- noned and the fracture reduced. The little fellow is doing as yell as could be expected. While engaged in her house- vork last Saturday morning Mrs. Win. Boose had the mis- ortune to get a quantity of con centrated lye in her eyes. The njtiry resulted in considerable lain , but the ill effects are not expected to prove permanent. DIED. Miss Eulea Friend died at her lotne in Lawrence , Neb. , last Saturday the cause of her death jeingconsumption. Miss Friend will be remembered by many as a teacher at Ursuline convent in this city. About two years ago she went to mother house at York where she took the veil and was yet serving her novitiate when > he was summoned to higher lutics in the house of eternal ife. During her residence here ihe impressed all who kncwhcr , by lier piety and Christian character ind the tidings of her death will bring to many , the most sincere regrets. Albyn Frank , a son of M. A. Prank of this city , died in Omaha last Sunday , his demise [ laving been caused by chronic stomach trouble. The deceased was well known to most Falls ity people , having1 been raised liere and having made frequent trips to this city to visit his father. The funeral was held in Omaha on Wednesday and Mrs. Frank and son , Tom , went to Omaha to attend the ser vices. Mr. Frank wns at one time deputy clerk of the federal court under Judge Dundy and had occupied other positions of similar responsibility. Grandma Mcllhorn , as she was known to her friendspassed peacefully away at the home ot her daughter , Mrs. George A. Schock , Thursday , July 18 , 1905 , aged 70 years , 8 months and 14 days. She is survived by four chil dren and they were all present at the funeral , Martin , coming from his home in Denver , Colo. , Charles Madaies fromFairview , Kan. , mid Mrs George Schock and Mrs. Kate Schock residing here. There are four living grandchildren , Mattie , Jennie and Fred Schock and William Mellhorn. Grandma Mellhorn was a member of the Brethern church and the pastor , Rev. E. E. Has kins conducted the funeral ser vices at the home of George Schock on Saturday and inter ment was made in Steele Gem- tery.