The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 14, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Kplirnim Witlicc was down
from Stella Sunday ,
J. J. Ilauer came down from
Verdon on Tuesday.
Fay James of Ked Oak , Iowa ,
is visiting Nellie Snyder.
Samuel Windrum , of Sabetha.
Kan. , spent Wednesday in this
H Stella Clark is visiting rela-
| | j tivcs in and near Dawson this
l | week.
I ! L. C. Watson of Forest City ,
li Mo. , was here on business Wcd-
If , nesday.
| f [ Margaret Phelon of Dawson
| | i was one of Wednesdays business
l | * visitors.
l ! Mrs. Chas.-Atwood came down
| - from Humboldt Wednesday for a
I ; brief visit visit in this city.
I * Prof. J. W. Watson of Verdon ,
I was in this city on business
I Tuesday.
K . _ _
I Iva Kent returned Wednesday
I from a several days visit in
I Sabctha , Kan.
I W. J. McCray of Stella spent
I the week in this city. He is a
member of the county board.
I < There was no ball game here
on Sunday evening owing to the
fail that four of our nine are at
I Hastings.
| j James J. Price and wife of
I ) Santa Barbara , Cal. , are visiting
I C. 13. and Mamie Gillespie in
I this city.
Joy Andrews left Wednesday
I for Columbus , Nebr. , where he
I lias a good position in a meat
H = market.
I' ' Guy Crook and Fred Cleveland
are at the Missouri lake this week
fishing. They will return some
I time the first of next week.
i - - < *
H John Rieschick was a pleasant
' caller at the Tribune office Wcd-
H nesday. lie called to place his
H subscription credit a year in ad-
H vancf. _ _
I Rev. W. W. Laughlin of Fair-
H fax , MO. , will preach at the Bap-
J tist church next Sunday morning
I and evening. Everybody wcl-
i come at these services.
i Mattic Williams sold her home
1 place to Hurbcrt Hedges , llarlan
H street , five lots , consideration
Hi $1800. The deal was made
j through Whittaker Bros.
Nellie and Benton Marsh of
Lincoln are visiting in this city.
Nellie is the guest of Florence
Wylie and Benton is visiting at
theJjomeof Ferd Parchen.
On Friday evening at the court
house a large audience listened
to Prof. Craft deliver his address
on "That boy and girl of mine. "
All who attended say the enter
tainment was fine.
Rev. Smith and wife returned
Wednesday evening from Indian
Territory. Mrs. Smith has been
absent about three weeks an * '
while away she has been very
sick , but is much better.
Charles Burbank , wife am'
children of FiMey , Nebr. attendee
the funeral of Mary Parlier it
this city on Tuesday. Mrs
Burbank is a neice of the deceased
ceased , but had made her honu
with her from two years of ag <
until grown.
The remainder of the liquo
cases from Baroda were befor
Judge Wilhite Thursday morniny
The state was shy on witnesse
and asked for a continuance. Judg
gave the state until next Thun
.day to produce its witnesses c
dismiss the cases.
The county board has been i
session this week and has trans
acted considerable routine bus
ness. A petition from the cit
Zens of Rule asking that a justic
of the peace be appointed forth :
city was filed and the pray <
thereof granted. Clement Dav
was appointed as such office
The board has devoted most (
the session thus far to checkin
tip the various county officers.
Salem Interstate Chautauqua
AUGUST 12 to 20 , 1905
That reliable old time favorite. Dr. Jehu Devvit Miller will lecture at the
Salem Assembly the opening Sunday , August i3th , at 2:30 P. M. Subject :
"Self-Sufficiency of the Republic. " Again on Monday August i4th at 2:30
P. M. Subject : "The Reveries of a Bachelor. " Dr. Miller never fails to
please and always gives the most profound something to think about.
Dr. Matt S. Hughes will give one of his polished lectures Saturday
August 19 at 2:30 P. M. Subject : "The Evolution of Woman" On the clos
ing Sunday , August 20 , at 2:30 P. M. his subject will be : "The Dimensions
of Life. " It is unnecessary to tell those who heard him two years ago at
our Assembly , that Dr. HuGhes is nusurpassed as a public speaker.
If you want a program or a tent , write to
I W. P. Shildneck , Secy. , Salem , Neb.
A gun elub with tweny members
hns been oruimi'/cd here.
MTB , Ophil Reid , of Deuven-
port , Tiu , is in this city visiting re-
Miss LydiiGuthneeht of St. Joe
Mo. , is in the city visiting her
Jennie Follors entertained her
friend , 1C in in 11 Wood , lit her home
Sunday last.
Miss Wilmo Wright came down
from Pierre. South Dnkotn and is
the guest of friends it this city.
John Williamson iind wife iire-
the parents of n bright little daugh
ter welcomed lit their home Inst
The many friends of Mosi
Shu'rtletr are pleased to see him on
the streets again after many weeks
illness with typhoid fever.
O. A. Cooper has n force of men
busy harvesting a largo crop of
hay from his hundred acre field
south of the depot.
John Johnson , jr. arrived in the
city Sunday after a two years ab
sence at Peoria , 111. , and is spend
ing a vacation with his parents.
Win. Lytlo and family of Atehi
son , Kansas spent several days the
past week heie visiting J. J. Tin * ,
nor and family and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Litchlield
were entertaining , Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. 'Meredith , of Wahoo , the
parents of the latter the past week.
Kov. L. 11. Smith and family of
the Presbyterian church left
for a couple of weeks visit to re
latives'and friends at Courtlam !
Mrs. W. E. Diiiigau returned
home Monday from Auburn when
she had been for some time will
her father. Mr. Duller who is eer
iously ill.
s Mrs. J. L. Gaudy expects t (
e leave Ihis week for Soaltle , Wash
where shojwill make an extendet
visit lo her daughter , Mrs. Nellii
H. P. Marble and wife of Tin
Leader arrived home Wednesda ;
evening from an extended visit 01
the Pacific coast visiting the Lewi
nnd Clark exposition.
JHB. Wilsner formerly a wel
known business man of this cit
but uow of St. Louis. , MO. , wn
in the city last week looking afte
property interest here.
Mrs. Hayes Beyer and daughte
of Kansas City , who were her
visiting her pnreute , Dr. 3nrver
nnd family left Monday for Elk
Creek , where they are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood.
The City Mutual Telephone j
company have commenced improv.- '
iiiontB which when completed will
make the system here one of the
best in this part of the state.
Fred Sparks formerly a well
known citizen of this/jity who bus
been making IUH homo in the west
ern part of the stute for decade
ptiBt was hero Monday renewing
old acquaintances.
The entertainment given on Friday -
day evening of lust week by the
Alpha OlubnviiB well attended nnd
was one of the best so fnr present
ed by that progressive organised
Card of Thanks.
For the kindness and sympathy
extended to us during our be
reavement , we wish to return
heartfelt thanks to our many
School Board Report.
The school board have hired
all the teachers for the coming
year. Iva Beck , of Edgar , Neb. ,
will fill Cora Betts place. Maude
Mohler was elected to the sixth
grade Central. Floy Grinstead
will teach the third and fourth
grades of the high school , and
| Belle Miller was changed to the
1 seveuth grade Central.
Father Bex Hurt.
On last Friday Father Bex was
, in Plattsmouth and while walk-
1 ing down the street slipped and
I fell backward and hurt himself
quite badly. He was not able to
hold services last Sunday and is
still confined to his room. The
physicians say the accident i-v
not serious but is a verv painful
' one. We hope , however , it will
I be only a short time until Rev ,
i \ Bex has fully recovered.
3 The parties who were injured
f , by the recent collapse of the
i j Schulenberg bridge near BaracU
B were before the county board 01
I Wednesday presenting t h e i i
claims for damages. The boarc
, , has the matter with a view tc
affecting a settlement.
Clare Coleman has filed a peti
tion in the district court asking
that a decree of divorce be grant
ed him from Gertrude Coleman.
The Missouri river is on the
rise. They haven't run the ferry
boat for a few days.
Frank Snal , of Nebraska City ,
is visiting with his mother.
Quite a crowd of young folks
spent last Sunday evening tit the
home of Andy Thompson nnd
John Speers and wife are the
proud parents of a baby boy.
Ollie Thompson of this place
was shopping in Falls City Sat-
Mrs , Bnrbarn Strieker npent
last Sunday in the country with
William Strecker and family.
Clarence Santo and lady spent
last Suday evening at this place.
William Fredrick and wife were
trading with our merchants one
evening last week.
Notice for Bids for Coal.
The Falls City Board of Edu
cation will receive bids up to S
o'clock p. m. , Monday , August
7 , 1905 , for the furnishing of
from ten to twelve cars of soft
coal delivered on track at Falls
City , Nebr. , six'cars to be deliv
ered in August DOS , and balance
it option of board. Bidders to
piote prices on mine rim and
lump coal and designate kind and
grade of coal. Board reserves
right to reject any or all bids.
JOHN IriciiTY.
Recorder. S0-3t
Falls City's Carnival.
The C. W. Parker shows have
no followers , in other words
grafters , fakirs or gamblers. It
is one particular pride of the
management that any lady or
child can go up and down the
"Pike" accompanied , visit every
show and have a good time with
out seeing anything immoral or
being afraid of grafts or insults.
They have in their employ two
special detectives whose whole
duty is to see that the patrons
of the attractions are properly
taken care of. He also carries
numerous gentlemanly ushers
whose sole duty is to supply in
formation and look after the gen
eral welfare of the patrons. The
date in Falls City is July 24 to 3C
and fhe management especially
invites the ladies and children tc
be their guests up and down'tlu
Pike. / '
* *
Persistence is not Sea =
i sonable Like Fall and
I Summer Goods
We as merchants and you as cus *
I tomers know that success in anything de
pends upon careful and persistent industry
is at all times.
s If you could buy a Spring Couch , Car
pet or Bed Room Suit for less money in the
Summer time it would be your duty to do
We know this and therefore want to
inform you that the odds and ends in all
our store have been marked down to a
summer figure.
Our window is full of Rockers ; good ,
beautiful and stylish that we have marked
less than cost.
Next week we will display in the same
window a full line of Couches. The price on
these will astonish you.
Carpet Remnants in abundance.
Mattings cheap and lots of it.
Ca I on us these hot days.
Our spacious room is cool and
you would enjoy your visit
whether you bought or not.
We are overstocked with Buggies and Sur-
ries. We have just unloaded a car load , and we
need the room , and for this reason we make very
Low Prices for Next 30 Days
so don't miss this. Remember we have the
Largest Stock to select from , and our goods are
the Best Money Can Buy. We also will close
out some Riding Plows at actual cost. Call and
see them. Yours truly ,
Special Closing Out.
Our clothing out sale of cloth
ing is still in progress , and we are
offering some inducements that
must appeal to the conservative
buyer. Our line is one of super
ior merit and is composed of gar
ments that we can guarantee in
every particular style , quality ,
fit and price. The prices that we
are making are out of all proportion
tion to the excellence of the goods ,
anu never before could you buy
so much good cloth , made up into
superior garments , as you can buy
at our store ( luring this closing
put sale. ' P\W. CUJVEI.AND.
D. S. flcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Read The Tribune
, $1.00 a Year ,