The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 14, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    2 , FRIDAY , JULY 14 , 1905.
Win. Fisher was in this city-
W. A. Margrave was up from
Preston Saturday.
, \ :
W. B. Albright was down from
Humboldt Monday.
Linna Timmerman was down
from Salem Saturday.
George Hossack went to Pres
ton to spend some time.
Ora Marsh , of Vcrdon , was
here Saturday on business.
G. S. Albright made a business
trip to Humboldt Monday.
L. A. Ryan of Kansas City-
spent the week in this city.
H. E. Clark , of Stella , was in
the city on business Friday.
\ A. II. Callison , of Auburn ,
spent Sunday with friends here.
F. Martin and wife of this city
were in Lincoln Monday on busi
Fern Fowler left Friday for a
visit with relatives in White
Harrison Marks , of Verdon ,
was in town Saturday on politi
cal business.
J. E. Mettx and wife are the
proud parents of a baby girl , born
Monday , July 10.
Eb Goolsby and Dan Ramsey ,
of Vcrdon , were among Satur
day's business visitors.
Fleming Robb came down
from Verdon and spent Sunda\
with friends in this city.
May Brow of Blue Springs hat
been visiting at the home ol
Mr. and Mrs. B. Ilarpster.
L. C. Edwards , of the Hutu-
bold t Standard , was in this city
Sunday the guests of friends.
Roy Waller and wife cam <
down from Salem and spent Sun
day with friends in this city.
Sarah Seybolt , who has beet
visiting Miss Grinstead in thi ;
city , returned to Verdon Satur
The office and dining room o
the National hotel are beinj.
newly papered and painted thi ;
G. W. Mock , of White Cloud
was the guest of his sister , Mrs
W. A. Fowler , in this city las
- week.
Mr. Elsworth , of Grand Island
spent a part of the week in thi
city , the guest of Miss Fredi
Miss Marie Talbot who ha :
been visiting Miss Mable Lyfori
returned to her home in Lincoh
Mrs. John Joseph left Saturda ;
for Kansas City to help care fo
a sister who is suffering from ty
phoid fever.
Mamie Carey , who has beei
visiting her aunt , Mrs. Join
Joseph , returned to her home i
Atchison on Saturday.
Miss Myrtle Ilarpster of Bin
Springs spent a few days th
first of the week with her brothe
B. Ilarpster and wife in this city
A Mrs. John Neitzel returned t
g home in Preston yesterday afte
spending several days with he
daughter , Mrs. B. Ilarpster ii
this city.
Mrs. W. R. McFarland an
little girl of Omaha arrived her
Wednesday from Omaha for
visit to her sister Mrs. R. I
Mrs. R. A. Munson , who vi ;
ited her daughter , Mrs. C. B. E <
| J wards , returned to her home i
Onida , Kan. , the latter part (
the week.
H. D. Weller , of Stella , wr
a business visitor Saturday to s <
that the next county conventic
went to his town. He accotnplisl
ed his purpose.
, On Monday evening the men
4 , bers of Falls City lodge No. .
A. F. and A. M. listened to ot
of the best lectures ever deliverc
in the city. The lecture was c
, 'Antiquities of the Order.
Joe Gulp spent Sunday in St ,
Joe with relatives.
A. E. Butler , of Barada spent
Saturday in this city.
Martin Gehling went to Ver
on business Tuesday.
George Albright spent Sunday
with relatives in Humholdt.
D. Zimmerman , of Barada , was
on our streets last Saturday.
R. E. Grinstead , of Salem , was
in this city on business Saturday.
Will Cross , Humboldt's genial
section foreman , was in our city
J. R. Dowty and wife , ol
Straussville spent Saturday in
this city.
W. H. Morrow and J. F. Shu-
ert were down from Shubert on
John Hinton , R. C. James ami
Dr. Wolf spent Sunday at Syca
lore Springs.
Mesdames John Holt and I ,
Mead were in Salem Tuesday
isiting friends.
Mabel Poteet left for Padonii
Tuesday for a visit to her sister
Mrs. Maud Hearst.
John Wiltse spent several days
his week attending to busines :
natters in Humboldt.
Mayor Hart , of Rule , was it
his city Saturday , and made thi :
) fiice a pleasant call.
Win Harnack came down fron :
v'erdon and spent Sunday witli
lis family in this city.
Bruce Dixon and Bert Whita
r returned Friday from a busi
less trip in Buffalo county , Mo
Misses Nettie and Jennie Sni
dow , of LeMars , Iowa , are guest
of Mrs. Hattie Snidow in thi
Dr. and Mrs. Keeler arrive <
'rom St. Louis Tuesday eveninj
'or a visit with their Falls Cit ;
Nellie Weaver , of Verdon , wa
n this city shopping Saturday
While here she was the gues
of Rue Gates.
Miss Eva McNall and Glen re
turned home from a weeks visi
with relatives in Missouri , th
Irst of the week.
Mrs. David Ransom returne
from Auburn , where she spen
several days with her daughtei
Mrs. Walter VanLaningham.
May Elliott , of Onida , Kansas
who has been visi ting her mothei
Mrs. C. B. Edwards , in this cit
returned to her home Saturday
Mrs. Henry Rogers returned t
icr home in Beatrice after spend
ing several days with her pai
ents , John R. Smith and wife
and other relatives.
Misses Nelle Cain and Nell
Snyder , accompanied by littl
Robert McCoy , left Saturday fo
Hiawatha to spend a few days ;
the home of David McCoy.
Misses Mary Wiltse and Emm
Scholl and Mrs. Voegelein le
Monday for a trip to the Pacii
coast and will see the expositio
at Portland before returning.
Frank Greenwald , who h ;
been visiting with his family i
this city for the past week , le
Sunday for his duties in Mort
Dakota. Mr. Greenwald is tnr
eling for the Brown Shoe Co.
On Wednesday morning she
services were held at the lion
for the infant daughter of M
and Mrs. Verne Sears , who dit
Tuesday. The parents have tl
sympathy of all in their bereav
D. H. Sears and wife of Eldot
Mo. , were called to Reserve. K *
the latter part of the week by tl
serious illness of the lattei
brother. They spent Sunday
this city at the home of Willia
Sears and family.
Aside from the ball gameFal
City's celebration was "punk
The evening carnival was call <
off by the mayor , who seemi
afraid the crowd present won
get on a ' "tear" and dainaj
property. Hiawatha World.
j Ben Miles , vas down from
| Dawson Friday.
James Natisler was a Barada
visitor Tuesday.
W. S. Leyda Was in Auburn on
business Tuesday.
Irvin Shirley was down from
Ilumboldt Saturday.
Max Werner is at Greenleaf ,
Kan. , visiting his grandparents.
Ethel Albright was down from
Ilumboldt the first of the week.
Mike Meliza was down from
Verdon the latter part of last
week , *
George Watkins , of Verdon ,
was in this city .on business
Judge W. II. Kelligarof Au
burn was a business visitor here
J. D. Shrauger of Ilumboldt
was a business visitor here on
Laura Gehling was very sick
at her home in this city the first
of the week.
Frank Adams and wife spent
Sunday in Vcrdon at the home ol
W. E. Goolsby.
Dr. L. A. Callison of Stella
spent Sunday with his sister , Mrs.
I. M. Houston , in this city.
Mrs. Hayden Bowers , of Ver
don , was the guest of her sister ,
Mrs. A. N. Cook , last Saturday.
Judge Grinstead , accompanied
by Miss Lina Shirley , left Tucs'
day for his home in Larned , Kan
Mrs. Delia San ford is moving
this week from 9th and Chasi
street to one of the Ryan cot
Mrs. W. C. Sloan and little son ,
Neal , spent Sunday with tin
formers parents , Sheriff and Mrs
Hossack in this city.
Orrin Kent , formerly of the
Auburn Postis now an osteopatl
and was in this city Saturday
looking for a location.
Lela Powell left Wednesday
nesday for Kansas City to spem
a couple of weeks with her aunt
Mrs. Frank McDermand.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hargravt
and son , Tommie , and Mr. am
Mrs. Lawrence Snydcr spen
Sunday at Sycamore springs.
Jennie Prater and Carroll Prio
returned Sunday evening from ;
weeks visit with the former' ;
sister , Mrs. C. E. Peabody , ii
Mrs. Mary Wicks returned fron
Lincoln Thursday after spendinj
several days with her son , win
was very sick. Mrs. Wicks re
ports Stanley much better.
Mrs. Oscar Maddox and son
i Wilson , left Wednesday morniii }
for Kansas City where the littli
boy will have his eyes treated
They will be gone two or thro
t days.
Mrs. Hannah Schuleiiburg am
Miss Fannie Sheehan were callei
to Lockridge , Oklahoma , Thurs
day by the serious illness of thei
father , Patrick Shfehan , formalh
of this city.
Mrs. Hayden Prater of St. Jo >
is visiting at the home of her par
ents , Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Al
bright and other relatives. Sh <
will visit in Ilumboldt and Daw
son before she returns.
Helen Fowler returned Thurs
day from White Clould , Kans.
where she was visiting relative *
1 She was accompanied home b ;
Misses Daisy Van Doran an
Alice Hall who spent severa
days in this city.
Mrs. Senner and daughtei
Freda , left Friday for a seven
weeks visit with the former
daughter , Mrs. E. C. Hatfield , ; i
Fairview , Kansas. They wi
visit other relatives in that se <
tion before they return.
Mr.and Mrs.O.P.Heck left Slit
day for Mr. Hecks old home i
in Ohio and a visit to Buffalo IS
Y. This is the first visit Mi
Heck has made to Ohio i
twenty years. They expect t
be gone about three weeks.
John Gehlingisitcd Salem
and Vordon Monday on business.
Dorothy White left Monday for
a visit with friends in Hiawatha.
Frankie Dixon returned trom a
two weeks visit with friends in
Joy Andrews cawe down from
Xcd Oak , Iowa , Sunday for a
short visit at home.
The board of supervisors met
n regular session and will re-
nain in session all week.
Jack Glines , of Lincoln , came
down to visit a few days with
lis brothers in this city.
Miss Zimmerman came up from
liawatha to spend a few days at
the home of W. II. Keeling.
Miss Rothenbcrger of Levcn-
worth , Kansas ie visiting at the
lome of W. H. Keeling.
The Richardson county teach
ers institute will be held in this
citv August 7 to 12 inclusive.
Miss Margaret Flynn , of
Omaha , is visiting her cousin ,
Mrs. John Gehling in this city.
Jos. Oilman left Sunday for
Nebraska City to spend some
time with his son , C. D. Oilman.
Miss' Georgia Ward of Rule
q > ent a few days the first of the
week with Mrs. R. E. Plumb in
this city.
Mrs. Everett Scott returned the
first of the week from a several
days visit with her parents , J.G.
Ranger and wife in Salem.
Ralph Moore and Ollie Stewart
drove down from Salem Sunday
and spent the afternoon in this
city the guest of Vergie Mead.
Mrs. S. B. McQuillen and two
daughters of Mishawaka , Ind. ,
are visiting at the home of the
formers brother , E. S. Towle.
Mrs. Van Doran and children ,
of Hiawatha , spent a few days
the first of the week with Mrs.
S. Breb ck and daughter , Helen
in this city.
John Mosiman met with a very
painful accident Monday. He
was moving some machinery and
mashed a linger on his right
hand very badly.
Miss'Amelia Schult/ left Tues
day for Sacramento , Cal. , for .1
visit to her sister , Mrs. Joe Hoff
man. She will probably be gone
about four weeks.
Harry Fochlinger left Satur
day for Hastings to play base
ball the balance of the season.
This makes four of our ball boy
with the Hastings team.
Gladys Hindman of Fairfax ,
Mo. , is visiting at the home Eva
McNall in this city On Wednes
day they went to Shttbcrt to visit
Miss Hindman's uncle :
Miss Martha Ncff , who ha *
been visiting her cousin , Mis >
Elva Sears , for the pnst few
weeks , returned to her home in
Eton , Ind. , Monday morning.
Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd , of St
Louis , who has been visiting her
sister , Mrs. C. M. Wilson , for :
few days , left Monday for : i
visit to relatives in Hiawatha.
Lela Crawford who has beer
at the National hotel for the past
two years left Tuesday for the
Sycamore Springs where she will
receive treatment for rhetima
It is very necessary that every
member and prospective membei
and every friend and supporter ol
the Presbyterian church be pre
sent at the Service next Sab
bath morning. Everybody cord
ially invited.
A humane society will be es
I tablished in this city next Mon
i day. This i s commendable
Branches might b e orgatmec
throughout the county and a vas
amount of good accomplished.
Verdon Vedette.
Meeker Cain left Wednesday
for Hiawatha to spend a few day
with her cousin Mrs. David McCoy
and Gnumerous friends. Mis
Cain is enjoying a three week
vacation from her duties at E.
Bode & Sons department store.
Money ! Lands !
Private Funds to Loan
This is a good time of the year
to arrange your money matters
Some good farms , also Lands and Ranches to
sell or Exchange in Desirable Localities
in the West and South
ACRES stock and fruit land near railroad -
road in Webster county , Missouri. 80
acres in orchard. 7 room house : corn crib and
other buildings. Owner east , and will take
some exchange. Can be had for $9ooo.
Farm lands in the Indian Territory and the
South. Handy to market and well locat-
ted. Come in and learn about them
Business chances and stocks of
merchandise to sell or exchange
200 acre farm in Richardson county ; have
known it for years If sold soon , owner will
make price that is right , flight take some
Write me your wishes if you desire to buyer
or sell. I may know of just what you want.
Over 18 years in business
Henry C. Smith
| i Maddox Grocery
' and Queeasware
We have the most complete stock and largest
variety of 1'ancy Groceries and Queens-
ware in the countv : : : : : : : :
in queensware to he sold at 20 per cent dis
count in , the next 60 days , consistinpf of
I laviland , Austrian and Bavarian china ,
and Meakin'sand Johnson Bros. ' porcelain.
All must < ro to make room for fall stock.
c *
Highest market price paid for produce.
. 141 . O.H. MADDOX Court House
ISat Sowles Candy.
John W. Towle , wife and two
daughters , Naomi and Marion
came down from Omaha , Wed
nesday to spend a few days at
the home of I } . S. Towle.
WANTKD. To exchange a 200.
acre farm in North Georgia for
small property in Falls City.
J. Cronenberger , Falls City , Neb.
Christian Church. I
Bible School at 9:30. I
Preaching and Communion at
11. Sermon will be "Upon this
Rock I will Build my Church. "
Junior Endeavor 3 p. in.
Y. P. C. E. , 7 p. in.
At 8 p. in. subject "Why was
Cornelius Baptized in Holy Spirit
before he wa ? baptized in water. "
Miss McNall will play a solo in
the evening. Prayer service Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock.
You will be made welcome to
these services.
J. Cronenberger , Minister ,
Brethren Kvirch.
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Junior endeavor at 2:30 : p.m. ,
and Senior at 7 p. m.
Morning subject "God , the
Holy Spirit ; " evening "A New
Heart. " All are welcome.
E. E. Haskins.
K H. kurch.
Early prayer service 6:25 a. in.
Sabbath school 9:45.
Preaching at 10:45 : a. m. and
8 p. m.
Junior Leagues p. in.
Epworth league 7 p. in.
In the morning the subject will
be "A message to persons 60 to
70 years of age and those who
are candidates for this stage of
life. " In the evening , "Our
Trials and Troubles. "
All are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
W. T. Cline , Pastor.