I lie r/\LL.o v/i i * IKIOUI-NC , iuui THE FALI CITY TRIBUNE . Rnlcrcd a * secomt-claRs matter as 1'nlls City , Ncbranka , j > est ofllcc , Janu ary 12 , VH)4 , utulcr Ute Act of Congrcfit of'March 3 , 1879. fe Published every Kridny at Kails City , Nclirnsku , by The Tribune rublliltinrf Company One year J1.X Six months M Three months 3i . TELEPHONE 226. Announcement. 1 licichy iitumuttci' wym 1f n oitndldatn fo county clurk , Mibject in dm ileoWon of Ihi rcpucllcan county contention. tf J. K. HiimiKHT. WHAT'S THE MATTER. Notwithstanding the fact thai ever ) ' indication suggests tlu prosperous condition of our pee pie , we are enduring a period ol great and unaccountable business inactivity. Crops neverwere more , promising , the batiks are full ol money , live stock commands n fair price , in fact every commer cial condition prompts the ques tion , what's the matter ? Maj we not find the answer at homo ? The surrounding towns are offer ing every inducement to secure the trade which naturally belong ? to us ; what are we doing to re tain i ( ? It is an undeniable facl that our stores are superior to anj competition in southeastern Ne braska Nobody can deny thai Falls City merchants demand ant receive a less percentage of prolll on merchandise than any othei city in this section. A compari son of the advertisements of oui merchants with the announce incut made by the merchants ir surrounding cities demonstrate that wo undersell all competion While this condition is one of tlu trade induccrs , standing alone i is insufficient.The people dematu amusement. Auburn tries t < make every Saturday a holidai for the farming public. A bane concert is given on the streets a the expense of the merchants The outside public is made wel come - to feel at home. Tin best investment Kails City cai make is to employ the band t play on the streets every Satur day. A Saturday afternoon batv concert will bring many peopl . , to Falls City who would other I1 i wise go to some other city. 5c the buying public in the habit o trading here. To create tha habit requires work. You can not relieve the present dullnes by knocking , you must do some thing.Ye are neglecting on opportunities. That's what' ' the matter. Mr. Pollard was honored by th presence of Journal crowd ; i the meeting last Saturday. Thi is the first time the gang has a tended a republican gatherin for two years. The Tribune is not in tl newspaper business for its healtl It is a business proposition wit Us. As a business institution v are asking nobody to regard it : a charitable institution. Win we go to a merchant for his ai vertising , we go prepared show that we have the large circulation in Richardson count If that merchant does not wa ; advertising space , it is a matt of choice with him. That's li business. We have always ma < it a rule and intend to continue obedience thereto , not to go to ; advertiser and whine because i has chosen to advertise in oth papers. One of the advertise of this town has been bored in taking space in the Falls Ci Journal this week by a meml of the grafter gang following h around and saying , "you ai treating "s fair. " The Tribu doesn't want business in this w ; "We can give you more public for the money than the Journ We stand ready to prove tl assertion. If as a business pr < osition our paper appeals to y < we are willing and anxious serve 3'ou , but we will not lx you with childish complaints get your business. We are i built that way. The county authorities have permitted the Hiawatha people to place benches in the court house square , where the farmers' wives and children may sit and rest in the shade of the trees. Wouldn't it be a good idea to do the same thing in Falls City ? The tired mothers who drive a long distance to trade with our merchants , would doubtless an ticipate a trip to Palls City with more pleasure if they knew that some provision had been made for their comfort. Put the band on the street , furnish a resting place for the ladies and their little ones where they may sit and listen to the music , and see what Saturday afternoon in Falls City will look like in thirty days from now. Don't knock do something. Shubert. Or a Koss , wife and chilelrcn sptjnt the 4th in Falls City. C. A. Smile } * onr popular rural mail carrier is building a new barn , Lee Shuburt and wife of Bracken - en were visiting in Shubert last Sunday. | ' J. F. Shubert was mixing with Hie : politicians at Falls City last ! Saturday. j Jesse Jamison , Henry Weller ami Morg Vanderventcr of Stella celebrated the fourth in Shubert. Mrs. Lord and daughter Gladys accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham spent Sunday last at the Sycamore Springs. Miss Kate Thompson an erst while Shubert bell but now living in Nemaha was here visiting her many friends last Thursday. Miss Mary Davis and Miss Flossie Bragg , formerly Shubert girls but now of Broken Arrow I. T. are visiting in and near Shubert. Chas Attwood , Chas. Santo and Bill McCray members of the boarel of county supervisors were in Shubert last Monday trying to effect a settlement of the llaller and the Constantine damage case. Last week a party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Evans , Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Tompkins and Miss Jennett Weller took the south bound Burlington for Port land Oregon and other points un the Pacific coast. Judge Lambert'of Auburn and W. C. Lambert a prominent at torney of South Omaha , attended a family reunion at the home of their father and mother north of Shubert on the 4th. There were sixty children and grand children present. The old adage that "A man t hael better be born lucky than rich" has been varilleel in out s town recently. P. S. TIeacock owns a small residence in Shu bert which he purchased for a home for the engineer who runt his elevator. Last spring his man entit him and moved awaj leaving him without an engineer and house vacant. Lately three swarms of bees have taken pos session of the house , are filling it with honey , a new engineer has taken the place of the old and what seemed at first to be : loss to Mr. Ileacock has reallj it been a gain. itT is BAHADA. le Mrs. John Miirkt 1ms returnee 11 from her visit in Kansas. 11n n Mrs. Kiinmernmn , of Beatrice 1C is visiting her sister , Mrs. .loin Shortlege. rs Miss Miuul Yocam is visitin to bore. Miss Yocam will teach i district No. 11. F. K. Eberlmrt is in Beatric on business connected with tli canning factory. F. K. Eborhart and wife re ' | turned Saturday from Forest Git where they had gene to spend tli l ! ' Fourth. us p- Many persona spent part of la pu , Sunday in a visit to the river , to is higher tlmu in years nnd tl fishing in the creeks near is o : ire to celleut. ot Mr. ProsBer nnd wife and M Poodie and wife returned from Jot > last Sunday. Poodio stood the operation HUcct'fiRfully nnd is doing nicely. VVoaluy Smith has Hold IIIH farm south of town to Jake Peltra. The land , 100 ncros , IH t oed nnd well located. The price we are told IB * 85 per acre. Gluts. Allen IIIM removed the little dwelling house from his property north of the store to the east side of hin other business rootus and ie having it romodeled. It will be need by Mr. Spear. A few of Lucy Smith's frienda surprised her on the evening of the 7th , the occasion being her 17th birthday. Music and dainty refreshments made the evening enjoyable. Miss Lucy received several pretty remembrances of the day. OHIO Frank Peck is on the sick list. Myrtle Dodds is very sick at this writing. Daisy Peck visited with her cousin , Edith , Sunday. E Peck and wife entertained Mr. Sausman and wife Sunday. Helen Mohler was a guest of her friend , Mollic Stouder , Sun day. John Yocam and daughters , of Falls City , visited at N. Peck's Sunday. E. T. Peck and family were entertained at the former's par ents Sunday. Rev. Mohler and family of Falls City were guests at Noah Peck's Sunday. Goldie Yocam , of Falls City , spent a few days the past week with her sister. Mabel and Esta Stouder spent Saturday with their friend , Maude McGann. Elder Sheep will preach ai the Maple Grove church nexl Sunday evening. Maude. McCann and Mabel and Esta Stouder visited witl Ida Burk Sunday. Bert Dodds and sisters , Marj and Rebecca , were guests at O A. Bnrk's Sunday. Sadie Peck spent a few day ; this week in Falls City with hci friend , Myrtle Yocam. I Mrs. N. B. Burnsworth am children visited at Geo. .John son's one day last week. Philip Shouse , of Mt. Morris 111 , came in a few weeks visi with relatives and friends. Lena and Alfred Brecht , o Falls City , visited their sister Mrs. Schindle , the latter par i of last week. Mrs. Huettner and little girl : and Mrs. Nolte and son won guests at their mother's Mon day afternoon. The farmers in this viciuit ; are very busy cutting1 their oats The sound of the reapers can b heard in all directions. VERDON. J. F.Cornell is still improv ing and will soon be out. Fay Simmons shipped liv cars of cattle to Kansas Cit Tuesday. I The new vault door for th | Fanners it Merchants bank at 1 rived Monday. i Dr. G. R. Taylor made a brie I visit with his parents at Ai burn on Monday. John Strauss and wife , < Straussville , are visiting wit I'M. ' A. Veach this week. C. G. Humphrey made a bus ; ness trip to Atchison Monda1 i < returning Tuesday night. E. L. Bowers , E. E. Auxie 3 Chris and Win. Fisher attendc } stock sale at Stella Monday. I Grace Bennett , who has bee - under the doctor's care for tl y past few days , is repoi'xC'l imu e better. ' W. S. Sailor returned fro it Excelsior Springs on Tuesd : .t where he has been for the pa e month. : - W. A. Nussbaum was in Fal City Tuesday and Fargo < r. Wednesday in the interest t. the Verdon mills. A. W. Burchard and family spent Sunday in Verdon the guests of E. A. Harden and wife. wife.Mrs. Mrs. Julia Hall's new resi dence is Hearing completion and will be among one of the finest in town. Norman and Johny Henzelman are out in the country this week working in the hay field for their uncle , Geo. Jorn. Asa Miller came in from Kes- terson , Neb. , for a weeks visit with relatives and friends. He is holding down a good job as agent for the B. & M. O. O. Marsh returned from the western part of the state where he has been looking- after his land. He reports everything1 looking fine out there. Joe Bauer was in Falls City Tuesday looking1 after county business in regard to the new iron bridge which is being1 built across the Muddy north of town. We understand Geo. Kieler has sold his residence in the north part of town to Mrs1. C. C. Parsons. The former contem plates moving1 to Lincoln iu a short time. Geo. Lum , wife and daughter , Gertie , returned the latter part of last week from the Portland exposition where they have been for the past month. They report having1 an excellent time. Edna Wilkinson and sister drove over from Dawson Satur day remaining till Sunday with their uncle , Chas , Henderson. Mr. Henderson and wife re turned with them for a brief visit. The picnic committees are all working hard and getting1 things in shape for one of the best picnics ever held in Verdon. Watch tor the larg > poster and make arrangements to attend , The dates are set for August 9th and 10th. F. E. Ewing1 and C. M. Ilein- zelman drove up to the Clark farm west of Stella where they were looking after the stock sale in the interest of the Farm ers & Merchants bank. The salt was well attended and every thing1 brought a good price , The sale amounted to aboul 2,000. Rev. Aten and family left on Monday for a visit with rela tives and friends for a month ir Iowa and Illinois , after whicl they will go to their home ir Oklahoma City where they wil reside in the future. Rev. Ater is professor of arts and litera ture in the Oklahoma City col lege. C. Friley returned from El don , MO , last Friday where IK has been looking1 at some lane with a view of purchasing1 , bu' ' has decided he does not wan any Missouri land as it contains too much rock and gravel te suit him. He is perfecfly satis fieel with Nebraska since hi ? return. * Martha King , Sara Seybolt Dr. James of Stella , John Hall W. F. Veach and wife , and C G. Humphrey and wife drove te the Sycamore Springs Sunday where they spent the day. The\ took baskets of lunch ami en joyed both dinner and suppe f under the tine shade1 trees. report a very pleasant time. - . . n t _ f RULO Supt. Rogers of the Burling ton was in town the first of th week. Mary Story , of Preston , vis ited friends at this place las Sunday. Less Leeds went to St. Jo Saturday returning the first o the week. J. A. Hinkle and family vis h ited with relatives over Sunda in Missouri. in J. E. Leyda and C. F. Reavis y of Falls City , were in the cit > t Friday transacting1 legal busi ness. Is John Kanaly , Major Har' ' m Jud Carpenter and H. Backim 3f made a business trip to Fall City last Saturday. * buying and selling real IN estate , the services of a bank are usually needed. In ttttttt these transactions we make loans , advance money on mortgages , take care of con A tracts and deeds and other BANK wise assist in closing up deals USUALLY I li/HCN / I you sell or buy property - NEEDED I WHEN I erty , let the busi ness end of it pass through the FALLS CITY STATE BANK ; * m * You will be pleased with our services. Sheritr Hossack was in Rule n business Tuesday. II. Boehme was a Falls City isitor Wednesday. Will SVinterbottom , of Falls Jity was in Rule this week. Ray Hart made a business rip to Falls City last Sunday. Elsie Marsh , of Stella , is vis ting1 her brother , Harry , this veek. Mrs. Title , of Union Town , enn. , is visiting her mother , irs. Boles , of this place. Mrs Staver ami daughter , of alem , visited with Dr. Hender- on and wife over Sunday. W. J. and S. W. Cunningham ire having1 furnaces put into heir fine new residences. Rosa Plant returned home rom Denver the first of the , vcek , where she had been visit ng1 a sister. Mrs. Kincaid and granddaugh. e. returned home Monday from Troy , Kan. , where they have been visiting1 friends for some time. Old Lady Hatfield died lasl Friday and the funeral was held the next day at 10 o'clock. She las been confined to her bed foi ilmost a year. G. N. Ocamb bought the Win terbottom lot on Main street and will erect a brick building or the purpose of going intc merchandise business again. Clem Davis received notice Tuesday of his appointment bj the county board as justice o : the peace for Rule Clem is al right and is well likeel by al who know him. The Missouri River is verj high at present and is running over its banks into the Big1 lake just north of John Manns ane overllowed most of the railroae elump , causing1 some of the pee pie to move on higher ground Grandpa and Grandma Cutlei came up from the Lytle Islam last Tuesday on. account of the river overflowing Mr. Cutlei says he had three acres of con in sight when he and his wife left in a boat and that the water was just up to the door sill of their home. He hael in 4C acres of corn , which will be a total loss. Leeds and Davis , two of oui prominent young1 men and 1ms tiers , were conducting a saloor in the basement of Mr. Plant ! store and they lost everything in the tire excepting1 the casl register ami a line cigar case This was a hard blow on th' ' boys as they had no insurance We understand they will star in the same business again in ; few days in the basement unde the bank. District Court. Judge Kelligar held a short ael journed term of court in tin clerk's office Saturday morning Aside from the foreclosure of ; mortgage and rulings on a fe confirmations , there was nothing of importance decided except tin Schulenberg liquor case of Bai ada. The court denied the li cense and Barada will be withou a saloon this year , though it doe not necessarily follow that it wil be a dry town. \ Notice to Creditors. u the count ) court of Richardson county , Nebraska : In the matter of the estate of John A. Koso , leccasi-d. It Is ordered by the court that the .line limited for creditors to file claims airainst itadl estate is sU moiilhs from the loth day of June. 1W5 , and all claims not filed in this court , duly \erlfled , on or Iwforo said last lamed date , ulll t > o forever barnil. Ordered further that all claims filed airainst said estate will IMS examlm-d and ail justed by the court , u the county court room , In the court house In I alls City. In said ceunty. Auaust 16th , October Hith aud December 15th. lly order of the court dated June 10. 1"OS. WKALl J. R. WlLlUTi : . < > - * Judue Notice for Administration. Tirst publication June 9,1905. Notice ! < hereby men that 1'rank Cook did on the 7th day of June 190S. file petition n the county court of Hlchardson county. Nebraska , the object and pra > er of which is that Letters of Administration maybe granted to C. KKealsas Admnlstrator of the estate if Rudolph Cook who It Is alleced died In and a resident of said county August 1SS1 , Intestate. Ills ordered that the same tie heard by the Court in the 24th day of June. VMS. at 9 o'clock a. in. , in the county court room , at Falls City , In said county , when and when-all parties Interested may appear and oppose the irrantin ? the irayer thereof. Hy order of the court , dated June 7. 1905. J. R. WlLIIITK. County Judge. Legal Notice. In the District court for KlcharJson county , Nebraska. Kuby McCurty 1 * vs f John McCurty I Thi ! ilcfuiidunt will tnko notice that on t io2lht cliiyof Juno , 1H05. the plaintiff filed In the Itlchnrdson comity district court u peti tion iiKiilnst > oti. tin- object nnd prayer of which lire to obtain u dlroicc from you on the Krounda that jou have urossly und will fully and without cause , fulled and refused to siipMrt | plulntlll though of sultlclent nullity so to do. The further prayer of thn IH-iitiiiii ( to give plaintiff the care and custody of the minor children , Zenith and Kutilth.ou ure required to answer this petition on or before July 31st , 1PO , " > . or the game will bo tuucn as true. , , , , Ktinv McCAitTV. UKAVIK& . HKAVIS , Attorneys for plalntllf. 77-4 Notice for Administration. Not leu is hereby jrlven that Hosii Nofsxer did on the i'Dtli day of June. 1WH. fllo petition In the eountv court of Klehnrdson countv. Nebraska , the object and prayer of which Is thut Letters of Administration may bo granted toV K. Oulld , as Administrator of the estate ol .laeob Nofscer , who , it Is alleged , died In and u resident of siiid eonntv Juno nth , Ux , Intestate. Ills ordered tha't tint sun u bo heard by the couit on tho8th dny of July. 11HV. , nt U o'clock u in. . In the founty Court room , KalN City. In g ld county , when and where nil parties interested may appear and oppose the granting the jMityer thoieof. lly order of the Com t dated Juno 20th , IPO. ISKAI.I J. K. WiMiiTf. ' I County JudKc. = WE Diplomat , Old Crow James E. Pepper ( iuckenlieiiner Rye The finest Whiskey tnutle. Cull for your favorite brand at William Harnack's Phone 74. MAKES A DIFFERENCE I M O repairs W y o u r watch. If you arc satisfied with in e r e 1 y a pocket piece , very well , let a n y jeweler repair your watch. But if you want your watch to be a time piece one that tells the correct time at any hour of the day there is but one jeweler to take it to and that is Jaquet. The many who depend on him for their watch re pairs , will bear out the assertion. The Old Reliable A. E. JAQUET J