The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 14, 1905, Page 7, Image 3

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- i
Hunters for Little Paper Go in Droves
in New York City Manner
I Identifies Them.
If you see n young girl , or even
u grown woman , swoop upon
tiomothing lying on the street do
not think Unit "she has found a
prize. In all probability she is
simply one of those with a craze
for making cigar band decorated
plates , and has found a bit of ma
terial , asserts the New York Sun.
The favorite hunting ground i1 *
ou Broadway from Fourteenth
street to Forty-second street , and
along Forty-second to the Grand
Central. More people travel over
this route and more cigars are
Hinoked here than in any other
given stretch of street in the city.
The hunters usually go out in
pairs , and one takes the inside and
the other the outside of the walk.
Then they march along looking on
the sidewalk and especially in tile
entrances of cigar stores for the
bands. Some of the bolder ones
do not hesitate to sally in and
grab a coveted one if they see it
lying on the iloor.
The women who make these
plates were quick to find the hunt
ing grounds. Hubby did not pur
chase enough different brands of
cigars to meet the demands. Tin
dealers in the vicinity had too
many calls to be able to favov
everyone. So resourceful women
ventured out. They found that
men would usually throw the
band on * the sidewalk. Now the
sidewalk is gone over carefully
and bands of all si/.es , shapes and
colors are found and pasted on
dishes , plates or bowls.
The favorite band is the big red
or brown one that comes on SOUK
of the largest Cuban cigars. Any
of the bands from the Havana or
Key West cigars are snapped up ,
and even the brands from the
cheaper domestic brands are not
neglected. P.nt as the object of
most of the makers is to have rare
bands and bands from costly ci
gars , Bro-dway is scoured in
search of them.
Basketball , a Flower Hunt and Run
ning Knees for an After
noon Party.
A bright young college girl has
evolved this original contest for
an afternoon in May , says AVhni
to Eat. Nearly all her friends are
athletic misses who love to tramp
and indulge in games of skill , and
as these will be her guests there
will be an hour of outdoor fun for
the first part of the programme.
This will be basket ball and run
ning races around a small "track"
arranged by the hostess on the
rear lawn.
The second hour will be spent t
indoors. Each girl will be given
the name of a ilower written on a
slip of paper and told that the let tc
ters forming her tlower and the
flower itself are somewhere in the
room for her to start out on a
flower hunt. The letters of the
flowers will be cut out of gilt paper i-
per and concealed in a way to
make things interesting to the
seekers. Each girl will be given a
card on which to paste the letters
spelling out her flower. Each letter
ter will have a coating of inn
cilage so the girl must present her :
word nicely pasted on the back of
her card. The hostess will exhaust
her ingenuity in hiding the fi
cial flowers and they will be le
hardest of all to find. One or two
are to be placed in some one's hail
and some will be pinned incon
spicuously en a gown to deceive
the searching maidens.
After the hunt , each will be
given a pencil and tablet ani
asked to write 100 words dcscrib 1
ing what thrilling adventure sht !
had ou her hunt for flowers. This
will give play to the imnginatSoi
and the reading will cause mucl
merriment. A pretty buckle witl
rose design and an opera bag o
rose decorated brocade will be
given for prizes.
Food for Zoo Animals.
The cost of feeding the animal
in the zoo last year was 3,42 ;
The principal items of food wer
207 horses , 270 goats , 34,92
pounds of fish , 25,190 eggs , (5,85
quarts of milk , nnd 137 loads e
hay. London Tit-Bits.
Skins for Banjo Heads.
Parchment such as is used for
banjos , etc. , is made from the :
skins of asses , calves or wolve
those of the last named anirai
Leing considered the boat.
Inking Letters from Chute No Fun
If Package from Twentieth
Floor Hits Hand.
Skyscrapers have added to the
trials and tribulations of the
mail men , according to the 1'hila
delphia lleeord , which tells this
story : The letter carrier was gin
gerly fishing out mail from tin-
box at the bottom of the oflkv
building mail chute. "You handle
it as if it was dynamite , " com
mented the elevator starter , who
was overlooking the proceeding.
"Ain't afraid it will go off , are
you ? " "No , but 1 don't want to
get hurt , " responded the postman.
"There isn't any dynamite to be
feared , but it's no joke to have
a letter drop two or three hundred
feet onto your hand. Look at that
one , " he continued , holding up a
bulky missive bearing four two
cent stamps ; "that letter weighs
two ounces , judging by the
stamps. It may have been dropped
into the chute at the twentieth
floor. Just consider what kind of
a sensation you would experience
if a two-ounce weight fell 250 feet
and landed on your knuckles , and
you will get some idea of the ( hud
that would have been coming to
me if my hand had been in tin
way when ( hat letter sailed down.
Even the ordinary letter insid
the two-cent weight limit will
make you wince if it soaks you
after a descent of 2(1 ( stories. Tin
blow is delivered by the edge of
the envelope , and sometimes it
will draw blood. This job of col
lecting mail from olllce buildings
may not be as dangerous as work
ing in a powder mill , but when a
fellow has been swatted two or
three times by heavy letters trav
eling at cannon-ball speed he be
gins to think about taking out an
accident insurance policy. "
Belling with Hnge , When Able to
Speak , Jarred Man Utters
Single Word , "Idiot. "
"While passing along Itegent
street , in London , one day not
long since , " said a well-known
New Yorker , "I saw a cab horse
knock down a dignified , well-
dressed man as he attempted to
cross the crowded thoroughfare.
The horse was moving slowly at
the time , and the man was more
jarred than hurt. Hut when here-
gained his feet he was simply boil
ing over with rage. He dashed
madly after his silk hat , which
was in imminent danger of being
crushed by the wheels of a han
som , and then rushed in another
direction for his cane. The street
was jammed and the driver had
not been able to move more than
a few feet from the spot where he
had run down the foot passenger.
"After securing his hat and
cane the man jumped on the side
walk , glared up at the driver , and
tried to sj > enk , but was actually
rendered temporarily inarticulate
by his anger. I lingered to see the
finish of the incident , as I expect
ed , as soon as his feelings had sub
sided sufficiently to permit him to
speak , to hear an eruption of
abuse , thickly intermingled with
strong words , such as would be
likely to come from the average
American placed under similar
"Finally , fairly quivering with
rage , and all the while shaking
both lists at the cabby , he succeed
ed in uttering the single word :
-Idiot ! '
' And then indignantly strode
. "
- away.
I -
Canary Farm.
. The village of Scoficld , Wis.
e '
boasts of a canary farm operated
* by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Neupert
They are now raising about 1,00
e 00a
birds yearly , and are doing
profitable business. It is a uniqm
occupation , requiring considei
able skill , judgment and patience
of The Neuperts have been cngagei ;
in the business for -10 years.
Costly Target.
Probably the most elaborat
Is and costly target in the world ha
. just been launched in the Nei
York navy yard. The target i
almost an exact duplicate of a ; ec- <
tion from the hull of a battleshi ]
of and is estimated to have cost ? 50-
She Knew Him.
Wright Have any stories acted <
cepted nowadays ?
, Penman Have some accepte
by editors , but noiiQjbf my wifi
Yonkers Statesma
Coming Generations May Escape
Thrall of Old Adage as It Is
Less Observed.
The tantalizing old jingle about
early rising making a man healthy ,
wealthy and wise is responsible
for more misery in the world than
all the other good-behavior max
ims and rules for success put to
gether , and it is gratifying to ob
serve that the present generation
is not so complaisant in obeying
the rule as the good but misguided
men and women of yesterday ,
says the Rochester Post-ttxpress.
The early-rising fad is not much
in vogue now in the cities , and il
will not be many years before"
the beneficent reform will take
root in the country.
The cause of this change , o ! '
course , is the change from early to
late hours in thickly settled lo
The urban population occupies
its evenings in pleasurable pur
suits and retires at an hour that is
not in Jinrmony with the advice
that was inculcated daily in Hi'-
minds of our grandmothers and
Another great change is the in
crease of occupations that require
night work , for in every large city
there are thousands of men and
women who work at night and I
sleep during the day.
The theater is also an impor
tant factor in keeping ] > copU
awake until midnight. In olden
limes there were not so many
i amusements and distractions it
daily life , and after our grand
parents finished their day's work
there was nothing better to do
than to go to bed.
In these days of rushing busi
ness and varied pleasures , how
( verhumanityjustbeginsto eujo ;
itself when "darkness falls frou
the wing of night , " when the pah
blue rays of the electrics dril
holes in the ebon atmosphere , am
the noises of the downtown thor
oughfares fall on the ear.
Bishop Asked Him Why He Didn't
Say Something When the Bottle
tle Went Astray.
The late bishop of Connecticut t
i lit. Ilev. John Williams , was an
ardent fisherman , relates the Boston
| ton Herald. On one occasion
' "Lord John , " as he was affection
alely called by his brethren of the
house of bishops , accompanied by
one of his priests , now the bishop '
of California , a young deacon , and
one of the leading members of the
Connecticut bar , left the bishop's
house en route for a certain island
in Long Island sound , where they
hoped to enjoy their outing. An
old lady had sent the bishop
. bottle of rare claret to be par
taken of by the party at luncheon.
On their arrival at their des '
tination the claret was carefully
placed in a cool place and the
party dispersed , not to meet again
until noon. Promptly at that hour
they reassembled , and the bishoji
tenderly took the bottle from UN
resting place , and , declining all of
fers of assistance , inserted ft :
corkscrew into the neck of the bottle
tle , while the other members tof
( he party , cups in hand , thirstily :
watched the procedure.
The cork proving refractory
"Lord John" placed the bottle be
tween his knees and madeanof erSe
effort to dislodge the cork. So
great was his effort that when he
cork did yield the- bottle flew ck
and struck the trunk of a tree im
mediately behind where he inas
Consternation was depicted on
. , every countenance , and a solenn
silence ensued , which was final ib !
. broken by the bishop , who , id
( ing the corkscrew in one hand am
a the neck of the bottle in the othei
turned to the lawyer , exclaim ing i
- most emphatic tones : "You're
. layman , sir ; why don't you wv
something ? "
Record Sunday School Work.
Warwick claims to possess i
Miss Owen the oldest Sunda
school teacher in the Unite
Kingdom. She has taught in loci
is Sunday schools for 82 years , nd
- although she is now in her ninet
, fourth year , she still takes a clni
, - every Sunday.
In English Courts.
Even in court it is considered ;
- mistake for an English judge ; f
express a disagreement with tl
jury , and it would be felt to bei
. excusable if he carried the co :
| troversy outside.
Authorities Hunt for Document and
Finally Unearth It in Long
Unused Desk.
\ After the death of the late Gov-
' Chailes i Itohlnsou it was found
that he had followed tip a num- |
her of valuable gifts made to the I
university during his llfetinu by
bequeathing to the univeyniiy bin
valuable farm , a few miles north
of Lawrence. His widow was to
have the farm during her life and
then it was to go to the State uni
A few mouths ago L. S. Sfeele.
an abstractor in Lawrence , wan
Commissioned to make an abstract
of the Inrin. He found the title
vested in a Mister of ( lov. Kobin-
son by vi. ( lie of a deed made more
than 25 years ago. The executors
could not find any deed or other
instrument transferring the prop
erty to ( lov. Itobinson. KOMI time
it seemed as if the legacy would
be lost. The woman in whom the
title was vested had been dead for
several years. The widow of the
governor was sure that her hus
band had held ( he tiileof the farm
at the lime of his death. A thor
ough search was made.
Finally it occurred to one of the
executors to compile a list of all of
the agents ( ! ov. Itobinson had cm-
ployed during his lifetime. All of
these agents ( hat could be found
were seen and each of them
searched everywhere for the deed.
Finally one of them recalled an
old desk that he had sold to a second
end hand dealer a few years be
fore. The desk was traced to : .
farmhouse almost adjoining the
Itobinson farm. The desk was
searched , but the missing docu
ment was not discovered. The
farmer who owned the desk was
not safislied with the search made
by the lawyers who had visited
him for that purpose. He took the
desk apart and behind a broken
panel found the missing deed.
The document was recorded the
next day and the widow of Gov.
Itobinson is now sure of her home
during her lifefime and I lie Uni
versity of Kansas is again secure
in its anticipation of a valuable
- Great Harm Is Done to Young Men
n. Who Indulge in Cigarette
I Habit.
Very few people are aware how
much harm is done to young men
by the almost universal habit of
cigarette smoking. The man who
smokes cigarettes has one always
in his mouth , and is continually
inhaling nicotine until his system
is saturated with the poison.
.Va The result of this practice is a
catarrhal condition of the nose ,
throat and bronchi , a disordered
. and very irritable state of the
nerves , a weak and rapid action of
the heart , and indigestion.
' Thin , anaemic , weak , with clam I-
my hands stained with nicotine
r poison , unstrung nerves and de
generated muscles , the youth of
the land go on ignorantly suffer
fa ing the consequences of a perni ri i-
a i cious habit until attacks of heart
t- trouble , nervous prostration , mel-
! itncholia , etc. , bring their condi
tion to the attention of a physi
, If a man must smoke and we
admit the charm of the habit to
s hose who have become accus
tomed to its soothing influences
* et him choose a mild cigar and
nave certain set times for indulg
- ing. If he puts a certain restraint
as upon himself from thestartin the
matter of smoking , he will nol
overdo it , and there are few men
who can smoke more than three ,
, cigars a day without injury.
nd Total of Mr. Carnegie's Gifts.
, Mr. Andrew Carnegie's latest
benefaction is a gift of 2,000,00(1 [ ) (
to provide pensions for professors
In universities , colleges , and tech
nical schools throughout the Unit
ed States , Canada and Newfoundland
in land , who , from age or ill health
tire no longer able to render efll
dent service. The total of Mr
cal Carnegie's gifts exceeds 24,270 ,
tv-1 , Auburn-Haired and Red-Haired.
ass I
What's in a name is nicely illiih
trated by the experience of a bus
ness man who advertised for flvi
a auburn-haired girls and receive
to fin many answers that it require
the fire department to keepdow
- the heat , while another advertise
ou- for red-headed girls and got
frost. Tahlequah ( I. T. ) Id.
The Old Favorites Are Perennially ] '
Popular with All Classes j
of People.
Old songs are the best , for they
carry us back to the days that
were radiant with sentiment
and were part of poetry and ro
mance , declares the Kansas City
.Journal. They stir our natures in
their profoundcsl depths , and ,
reaching below the callous of our
potreseent hearts , play strange ac
companiments upon the long dis
used strings of our remembrance.
Who can resist the subtle potency
of those old songs that stop the
world in tear-smiles that we may
wave a salutation back through
a rift in the storm of years to the
youth and maiden of thelongngo ?
That the old songs are best has
been shown in the perennial popu
larity of 1'atti's "Home , Sweet
Home , " Kmmu Abbott's "Annie
Laurie , " Jennie Lind's "Kathleen
Mnvournecu , " Christina Neil-
son's ' "Way Down Upon the Su
wanee Itiver" and Melbu's "Coin-
in' Through the Itye. " We do nol
always associate these immortal
songs with ( he great singers who
have included them in their con
certs , but the singers are often re
membered because of the songs
themselves. There are few who
can remember the many acrobatic
arias of the splendid vocal artists
who have commanded almost fab
ulous sums for their singing , but
no one can forget when they yield
ed to popular demand for the old
songs. 1'atti or Sembrich or Melba -
ba or Calve never had more sincere
core appreciation in the snprem
est moments of her trininpliH than
when she descended for the time
from the classics of foreign com *
posers and sang the simple love
ballads that sent thrills through
world-weary hearts and caused
withered palms to stir in tremu
Ions applause.
Waltz That Lasted Six and Three
Quarter Hours Egg Enter's
Capacity Other Marks ,
Those who fail to gain distinc
tion through other means seem Ir
seek oddity of performance , am
every little while'lhere appears n
challenge from some "champioi
egg eater" or other freak , says th
New York Herald.
The 40-quail-in-40-dnys perform
mice has been outdone by a mat
who recently ate a whole gees
each day for 30 days , the few
weighing from 0 toll pounds.
Other records in this line are ( ill
soft-boiled eggs daily for six days ,
six quarts of beans in10 minutes ,
smoking 50 cigars in 11 hours
without once taking a drink.
A Paris couple recenf ly wnltx/od
without cessation for ( hours ,
while an English actor danced all
the way from London to Norwich.
The best club-swinging record
has been standing for 17 years ,
when 388 different combinations
were shown in 10 } minutes , 2,311
fi revolutions being required.
A score of (5,434 ( points was 111"
result of a 2-f-hour endurance bil
liard match in Paris , ( he contest
' ants covering 30 miles in walking
around ( he table , and a violinist
has played a composition of 4,800 ) (
notes in 4 } minutes , averaging 1 I !
notes a second ,
Heciting Dante's "Divine Com-
' edy"from memory in 20 hours is
another queer record , while oth
- ers have gained fame through
making 2,000 ham sandwiches in
1 ! ) hours and 40 minutes , dressing '
fen sheep in 33 minutes , 200 chick
ens in 44 minutes and killing and
dry picking 103 geese in ten hours
Strange Bet on War.
Some extraordinary bets havt (
been made on the > Iapanese-ItiiK ,
sinn war. A number of Japanest
olTIcers have bet that they wouh
be killed in battle. The nione.
was to go to their widows. Om
- officer , on starting for the front
- made the following wager : If lie
were killed within a month hii
, heirs were to receive § 500. Afte
- that he was to pay his opponen
. 10 yen ( ? 5) ) a day until he had sui
- vived 100 days , after which the urCt
was to cease. lie undertook fi
expose himself to danger enl , ;
when military conditions demanded
- ed it ; in other words , he would mt
* let himself be killed.
Has to Shout.
* There are times when the stil
small voice of conscience sound
! as if it had been filtered through i
a megaphone. Chicago Dail ,
. News.
Over Two Centuries Ago , the Orientals
Warp Engaged in Industry of
Recent Origin Hero.
The backwardness and uupro
gross ! veness of the elemcn'f of our
population ( hat opposes oyster
cull tire are indicated by a fact
slated in the National Ueogfapl'lio
Magazine , namely , ilia ! the'll/ipau- /
ese were cultivating oysters over
two centuries ago on the only
practical basis of individual con-
trolof theoyster bottoms. This in
telligent people longugo saw what
our politicians do not yet see
that reaping without sowing is UH
improvident and ruinous in aqtii-
culture as in agriculture. "It
comes as a shock ( o our national
pride , " says the National Geographic
graphic Magazine for May , "that
the Japanese should have taken
up oyster culture a century before
our nation was born and have rec
ognized the most essential factor
in successful cultivation , namely ,
individual ownership or control
of the oyster bottoms , when we.
remember ( hat in the most impor
tant oyster region in the world ,
within a short distance of the cap
ital of the United States , the vital
principles of oytdev culture are ig
nored and efforts to apply them
are resisted sometimes by ( ot'cu
of arms. " Happily for ( he .laps ,
among them the least intelligent
are not permitted to dictate the
policy of the slate to their own
iiurt and to ( he injury of large pub
lic interests.
Not only do the Japs cultivate
with great profit the common oys
ter , but they cultivate also the.
pearl oyster. They stimulate the
pearl secretion artificially , with
the result that every year they
have 1,250,000 oysters undc'r
treatment and obtain annually
some 250,000 pearls. Among us
the raising of terrapin is an un
solved problem , so that we are fac
ing ( he extinction of the diamondback -
back and of other less valued va
rieties. Kill the Japs for years
have born placing iirtlllclully
grown terrapin on the market.
Near Tokio a single farm markets
yearly a crop of about 50,000 to
(50,0(10 ( ( terrapin. In view of facts
like this il seems to be "up to" our
people ( o take u comprehensive
view of their valuable but neglect
ed water areas areas which un
der intelligent management are
capable of producing , per aero ,
crops largely exceeding in value
. ( hose grown on land. We boast of
'our ' position in the van of inoderu
progress , but in respect to the
utilization of our natural resour
ces we arc far iu the rear of the
Japanese. In fact we regard our
oyster bottoms from the point of
view of primitive savages who
hold their land in common and
senselessly consume its products
without provision for their re-
One Factory in Germany Makes Six
Million Instruments a Year
for Exportation.
Although the United States is
by far the largest purchaser of
mouth organs , comparatively few
are made in I his country. Most of
) the mouth organs sold here are
) of German make and are imported
from the Hlnck Forest , where one
- factory alone turns out ( > ,000,0)0 ( )
harmonicas yearly through its 15
branches , in which 2,000 hands un
Only tin * higher grade harmon
icas are of domestic make , since it
- is impossible to compete with the
German made affairs in thcchcap-
. er grades mostly sold , but at the
same time the most expensive are
also obtained from Germany be-
cause of the care used in their
- manufacture
These last are so-called "con
) cert" harmonicas , which come in
, , | sets of from four to a dozen and
, which sell for several dollars. .
< They are tuned in various keys ,
and in one form have six harmou
icas of different keys fitted about
a central stem. Some of the mor
elaborate ones are handsomely
decorated in silver and gold , and
the wood , instead of the cheap
jv [ pine generally used , is mahogany.
Trossingen is the headquarters
for the industry , and the trade sup
ports almost the entire popula
All in the Mind.
It is-not the place , nor the con
dition , but the mind alone that can
make anyone happy or miserable.