The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 30, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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A Voice From Washington.
Spokane. Wash. June 2005.
Editors Tribune : --Thin is the
yenr for i-astern people to make a
trip to this section of the country
lo eoe the Portland Lewis and
Olark fair and this great north *
west. There ate many things of
historical interest ami great nat
ural beauty in what was once
known as "Old Oregon. " The
present Hinted \\ii.shingtun , Oregon
gen , Itltiho and western Montana
were once included in Oregon.
Read iMf Laughlin and Old Oregon
if you want an interesting cliron
icle of the Hudson Buy Co and
the Hrst settlers of thin section.
Then foi a Htory with much of
( ruth running through it , read
Bnleh's Bridge of the Gods. Thin
book is rich in liuli'm tradition
and descriptions of the scenery
down Hit : Columbia river.
If I were making the trip from
Nebraska with the expectation of
seeing the most 1 should conic via
the Miiilingtoti lo Denver , Denver
and llioGrande lo Salt Luke City.
Oregon Short bine aial O.K. it N.
Salt Lake to Portliuul , and the
Burlington from Portland through
Tueoiiia , Seattle , Spokane back lo
Nebraska. who have not seen Denver -
ver ran well all'ord lo take tune
enough to see ilH beauties. The
best quick way to HOI- all the west
ern cities is to take the "Seeing
Denver , " "Seeing Salt Lake. " and
etc. ears that go over the main
parts of the city with oxplanalions
by the conductor. These ears
make two trips a day usually at
50 cents a trip. The hotel clerk
or any policeman will give you
information in regard to them-
cars. Stop long enough at Colorado
rado Springs to go out to Ghoy-
ennc Canon , with its seven falls ,
and over to Maniton with its min
eral Bpring" , mill Piku'ti Fenk.
From Colorado Springs there is
nothing of especial interest till
yon reach Canon Oity , a few miles
west of which is the wonderful
Royal Gorge. Be sure to make
your plans so you will hive a day
trip from Colorado Springs to
Glen wood Springs , for between
these two points is some of the ( in-
est scenery in the Hoakies. Twice
1 have crossed o n this rond.
Think 1 should never tire of ite
beauties. Tennessee Pass , 10,000
feet above sen level , is one of
America's Edens.
From Glenwood Springs to Salt
Lake there is little of beauty anl :
much of sage brush. Ono or twc
days in Suit Lake will give you
time to s-ee its especial points oi
interest. Coining west from Sail
Luke stop a day at Boise , Idaho
anil see how irrigation makes UK
desert indeed a garden.
It is true all over the couulrj
that land is the safe property tt
hnndlo. Wo nro convinced thai
irrigated land is the land to him
tile. The day of cheap land is
In going ou the O. K. it N
down the Columbia river to Port
land stop at the Dalles , or twoiit ;
miles farther at Hood river am
have an all day boat to Portland
The Palisades of the Hudson ar
not lo be compared to the beaut
of the mighty Columbia as it cut
through the Cascade range.
Domes , miii'irets ami stooplt
rise -1.000 foot , Mutlnomah Falli
with its two leaps , covers 800 fee
Bridal Veil Falls and counllet
other beauties keep one on tli
alert. On the train one goes tc
fast to tlrink in all these beauties
A trip from Portland could L
mads to Hood river and back fc
$1.00 if one does not stop going t
Portland. Ml. Hood , thirty mill
from the Columbia at Hood rive
is a wonderfully beautiful sno\
capped mountain. Opposite it c
> the Washington side is M
Helens , also snow-capped at
Another trip from Porthu
should be made either by rail <
boat ninety miles down to tl
coast to bee and hear the surf
the mighty Pacific.
Starting homeward from Per
Ihiul stop at Tacomn. See h
harbor and big shipping vessel
Go out to her fine old park , I
Defiance and gaze ou the "moth
of mountains" as the Indians name
Ml. Tacoma mean- . ( Seattle nnd
the geographies call this mountain
Ml. Kanier. ) This mountain is
! higher than Pike's Peak and never
I looses its snow. It is by far the
prettiest mountain I have ever
From Tacoma take the steamer
"Flyer" to Seattle , a distance of
forty miles and then if more boat
ing is desired go to Vancouver
B. 0. Puget Sound is the "Mod-
itenanhan of Washington. "
There are many thing * of interest -
est in and around "hustling , bust
ling" Seattle. After Seattle has
boon seen , take the Burlington
again and come across the state of
Washington and STOP OIT AT
St'CKAXi : .
If you wanl lo see more irri
gated land slop a few hours at
North Ynkiinn about half way be
tween Seattle and Spokane. This
irrigated lands sells from * 1QO to
$500 per acre and worth it too , be
cause of the income it yields.
Five or ten acres in 1'iuit and veg
etables in all and moie than one
person can handle.
At Spokane one will find a city
about Hie si/e of Lincoln , Nebr.
It is scarcely equalled anysvhore
n the Hue appearance of its busi
ness streets. It is noted , too , for
its beautiful homes , for there aie
many wealthy people here. The
beautiful falls of the Spokane
river dash in a succession of leaps
two blocks from the center of the
Davenport's restaurant hero has
one of the finest dining rooms on
the American continent , It is
not equalled west of Now 1'ork
and claimed by some not even in
that metropolis.
It you want your trip crowned
with a final succession of beautiful
scenery , stop at Livingston , Mont ,
and spend a week in the nations
greatest playhouse Yellowstone
National Park. We went with
the Wiley permanent camp people
and prefer il to the Transportation
route. All the ditl'erent means of
going travel the same government
Such roses as you will see in
Portland , Tacoma , Seattle and
other coast cities ! Every lawn
whether large or small is a bower
of beauty.
Do not start on a trip to the
coast without a light overcoat era
a light jacket. In the cities west
of the Cascades it is not uncom
mon to see people wearing furs
any time during the summer. Tt
is always cool on the water.
E. ISIth Ave. , Spokane , Wash.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Invinville ,
Ga. , always keeps a bottle of
Chamberlain's colic , cholera and
diarrhoea remedy at hand ready
for instant use. Attacks of colic ,
cholera morbus and diarrhoea
come on so suddenly that there u
no time to hunt a doctor or go tc
the store for medicine , Mr Bar
ber says : " 1 have tried Chamber
Iain's colic , cholera and diarrhoe ;
remedy which is one of the bes
medicines I oer s.tvv. I keep a bet
tie of it in my room as 1 have hat
several attacks of colic and it liai
proved to be the best medicine
ever used. " Sold at Kerr'.s dni {
Burlington Bulletin.
Winter tourist rates to California
the Gulf country , Cuba , Florida , th
South and Southeast.
Low ono way ettlers rates lirst uni
third Tuesdays of Jtimmry , tVbuury
March mid April to Southeast point
beyond the Ohio lUver.
> s - . . .
Mr. J. Riley Bennett , achemis
of Brown's Town , Jamaica , Wes
Islands writes : "I cannot spea !
' " too highly of Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. It has provei
itself to le the best remedy fo
jr whooping cough , which is prevalent
10 valent on this end of the globe
uf It has never failed to relieve i
any case where I have reconi
mended it , and grateful tuothen
er after using it , are daily thankiti ;
me for ad vising them. " This n
't. ' medy is for sale by Kerr's Dru
Store. k.
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble , hoping "it will wear away , " are
drifting towards Bright's Disease , which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms *
stops irregularities , strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not , and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body ,
' causing dizziness , backache , stomach trouble , sluggish liver , irregular heart action , etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE at once , as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a i
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out.
You can easily determine if your kidneys are
out of order by setting aside for 24 hours n
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has
a brick-dust sediment or small particles float
about in it , your kidneys are diseased , and
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE hould be taken
at once.
G. D. Burhans Testifies After Four Yearsi
G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center , N. Y. , writes :
"About four years ago I wrote you ; tatlng that I had been entirely
cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of H f-r
Foley'i Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick-dust sediment and | 11
I have never had n return of any of those symptoms during the four
years that have elapsed , and I am evidently cured to stay cured , end
heartily recommend Fotey's Kidney Cure to any cue suffering from
kidney nr bladder trmlhl . ' *
Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00.
Dr. McMillan , City Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska.
Rtilo is going to celebrate on
ic Kourth rain or shine.
May Hull is clerking in the
u\v restaurant for "Will Davis.
Bridge Foreman Arvidson find
ang are here rebuilding the
Jurlington stock pens.
Joe McVev has been working
ith the Burlington depot gang
t Wilbur for some time.
Mr. Easter has a pretty field of
orn which is waist high. Who
an beat it in Rule precinct ?
The work on W. J. Cunning-
ani's fine residence is progres-
ing rapidly and will be ready to
ccupy about October 1st
The fine residence of Steve
unningliam is almost complete.
Steve will move into his new
ionic about September 1st.
The line steamboat , K. C. Gun-
cr , from Kansas City , passed
Rule Wednesday of last week for
Omaha. Their music was line.
Mrs. Watyne has made some
great improvements on her Main
treet property , which will be
iccupled by Phil Iloran for a
barber shop.
Mrs. J. A. Thomas will leave
eon for Santa Barbara , Cal. ,
.vherc . Mr. Thomas is employed
n a lumber yard and will make
hat their future home.
Will Young and wife have
gone to house keeping in the
Ocamb house. Will is night
.vatchman . on the engine that
mils the Atchison freight.
The pupils of the Catholic con
vent gave an entertainment in
he opera house Thursday night
of last week which was fine. Had
i large crowd and good order.
On Friday night of last week
the big gasoline lamp in Ike Jar-
rot's restaurant exploded , seri
ously burning two small boys.
Otherwise the damage was small.
Mrs. Roy Hart and little
daughter , Gladys , of St. Jof ,
came up last week to spend n
month with relatives and friends.
Roy is bookkeeper for a bank in
St. Joe.
Sav ! Talk about pumpkin pie !
Well Clem Davis has just aboul
as fine a patch of pumpkin vine ;
as one would wish to see , ant :
Clem says if the great power :
doesn't prevent it lie will have ;
bumper crop this fall.
Yes , by the way , we notice tlu
city is having some improvement !
made in the way of repairing ant
rebuilding sidewalks , also streei
crossings , and are having tlu
weeds cut which is a good thint
and speaks well for our city of
ficcrs. Let the good work go on
The Rule base ball team is
talking of clearing off a piece oi
ground between the Atchisor
line and the river for the purpose
of playing ball. Don't know
about it as we heard the mayoi
say some time ago that thert
would l > ? no SumitKy ball games
in Rule
making some improvements by
way of enlarging their yards for
the purpose of giving the Atchi
son trains an independent track ,
coming into Rule on the south
side of the depot and connecting
switch with main line west of the
depot , instead of east of the de
pot. This was a most needed
change for the railroad people.
Too late for lust wee1 * .
Mis.s Davifion linn engaged to
tench Hehool in district No. 9.
Mrs. Job neon , of Kansas , is vis-
itinu her niece , Mrs. J. O. Shroy-
Mrs. Richards returned home
Sunday , after spending a week in
A. D. Sargent had the misfor-
nne to lose a young horse last
Hugh , Ellen and Emily Philips -
ips spent Sunday with T. H. Ed-
nonds and family.
Ruth llosford will spend the
summer with her sister , Mrs.
MntiBtellur , near DuBois.
Ohas. Hosford and wife and
Mrs. C. B. Gridley attended the
'itrieral of Lester Hayes near
Stella Sunday.
Kate and Minnie Mnyer re
turned Sunday from Woodbine ,
[ own. where they attended the
wedding of a cousin.
Wes Lindle was home from
Verdon Sunday.
Jack Presser hauled hogs for
Tom Smith last Monday.
Miss Anna Crotty attended
the Catholic Congress in Senica
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis George
spent Sunday with Mrs. George's
mother Mrs. Elder.
Co. Supt Crocker and Miss
Moore of Stella dined with Miss
Crotty last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ankrom
visited Mrs. Ankrom's mother
Mrs. Wm. Corp last Sunday.
County Supt. Crocker met the
members of school broad at Bara-
da on Tuesday to settle up school
matters for the scholastic year
just ended.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Presser left
for St. Joseph Wednesday taking
with them their little daughter.
They go to consult the specialist
in regard to the little ones health.
Little Elsie Elder while play
ing , gashed her loot severly on
some broken glass. The hein-
morhage was so severe that Mrs.
Elder was alarmed and called in
Dr. Maust. Elsie is now able to
use her foot and seems quite com
Miss Bridget Kelley , of this
place , accoiijJP > med by Miss
Anna Crottyjfgj % } City , left
Saturday aff
Kansas ,
H O repairs
W y o u r watch.
If you are
satisfied with
m e r e 1 y a
pocket piece ,
very well , let
a n y jeweler
repair your
watch. But if you want
your watch to be a time
piece one that tells the
correct time at any hour
of the day there is but
one jeweler to take it to
and that is Jaquet. The
many who depend on
him for their watch re
pairs , will bear out the
The Old Reliable
U. S. soldier who served in Cuba
during the Spanish war know
what this disease is and that ord
inary remedies have little more
effect than so much water. Cuban
diarrhoea is almost as severe and
dangerous as a mild attack of
cholera. There is one remedy ,
however , that can always be de
pended upon as will be seen by
the following certificate from
Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston ,
Texas : "I hereby certify that
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and'
Diarrhoea Remedy cured my hus
band of a severe attack of Cuban
diarrhoea , which he brought home
from Cuba. We had several doc-
lors but they did him no good.
Ou bottle of this remedy cured
him , as our neighbors will testify ,
thank God for so valuable a
medicine. " For sale at Kerr's
Drug Store.
The publishers of the Nemaha
County Republican paid to the
postal authorities this morning
the sum of $167.05 for postage
on copies of the publication sent
out in violation of the 50 per
cent sample copy list. This case
has been up to the department
for some time and after a thor
ough sifting of the matter at
issue it was decided by the de
partment that 1,285 weekly pa
pers for thirteen weeks were not
entitled to the pound rate but
were chargeable to the second
class rate. 1 cent for each four
ounces or fraction thereof. Shu-
bert Citizen.
Really there is not much for
the populist papers to say. They
might get busy telling how fool
ish 'they have been , but they nev
er yill do that. York Times.
Hessian fly , which threat-
tuctive invasion of
to have been
ssfully Oyaniaed.
JULY 4th
Where are you g'oin '
to shoot your crackers on
the Forth ?
Wherever you go ,
you'll want comfortable
How about a pair of
of Oxford Ties , Canvas
or Outing' Shoes ?
Lots of comfort in them
Price fair
There's a whole Sum
mer ahead to wear cool
Come and let us put
you in condition to enjoy
your outing1 fully.
We've a style , a size , a V' V
width and a price to fit
every purse and person
who comes to us for
Summer Shoes.
Geo. B. Holt ,
The Shoe Man
See the
PLAY : : :
in onr large window. This is the
best earthen cooking ware made ,
and every piece guaranteed lire
. .Don't for get us on. .
Queensware , Notions ,
Groceries and Flour ,
the best stock Of the above goods in
the city at.
> ,
R. L. Beaumont M. D.
ronuerlv CVe and Car Specialist. i
Now limiting practice to EYE
GLASoES. Sixth and Felix ,
Read The Tribune
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . .