The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 30, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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As has been our custom we now offer all seasonable goods at closing out prices. The cuts we make
are money saving , the merchandise is all of the highest standard that distinguish our offerings. Host of
the season is still ahead of you.
All wool Veils In Cream , Tan , Blue , Gray and
Pearl , sold at $1 to $1.50 , Sfrf \ 7 r >
clearing price OUC LU I Ow
( Just half price. )
Mohairs New Fancies In Browns , Blacks , Reds ,
Greens , regular GOc , for this sale andy o _
days , only OOL-
30 pieces of Fancy Ribbons rej t- 4-f * " > C/-r
duced from 25c to t'Oc at. . . . 1 C/C LU wOC
Plain TriTeta Ribbon , full width , all sizes , best
shades , No. 0 4
f No. 12 5
No , 10 6
No. 22 8
No.-10 10
No. GO 12
Men's Fancy Shirt and Drawers , desirable in
every way , reduced from oOc Cite >
to ZVC
Women's Union Suits , Laee trimmed , umbrella
short sleeves , low neck , good value at "JCfi
oOc reduced to OOC
All Women's Vrists and Pants from 25c and uu re
ducedMiy 25cper cent
Misses' Ribbed Vests and Pants , lOc quality "J
now * C
lee quality , now 1 UC
2f > e quality , now IOC
Eat Sowles Candy.
3 Doll Whitaker left Friday
morning for a short stay in Kan
sas City.
The board of supervisors ad
journed Friday of last week to
ith meet July 11.
Bert Marts , of Wymore , came
to this city Friday morning- for a
visit to his parents.
Hon. Chas Smith of Nemaha
precinct was a pleasant caller at
this office Saturday.
Miss Mamie Adams , of Stella ,
visited a lew days the past week
with friends in this city.
Joe Holmes and wife and Chas.
Hewitt of this city attended the
Case-Hewitt wedding in Hiawa
tha last week.
Miss Roxie Reithers , of Horton -
ton , Kansas , is visiting her
uncle , George Reichers and fam
ily of this city.
The Tribune has been to great
expense in its late improvetnents
and would appreciate a remittance
on that delinquent subscription.
Mrs. George Boone who was
called to this city by the death
of her father , Peter Resterer , re
turned to St. Joe Friday morn
ite. T. J. Gist suffered a painful
"accident Sunday by running a
r ; rust } ' nail in his foot. He was
IV disabled several days by the in
IVfc jury.
Charles Jackson has improved
his third ward grocery store un
til it is one of the neatest and
most complete establishments in
the citj' .
A. B. Sprague , a Hiawatha
man , has been granted a patent
on a telescopic traveling bag.
This bag has no straps and has
all the advantages of the best of
iVs kind together with the added
capacity of a telescopic bag. The
bag is not yet on the market.
The band boys are again hard
at work and are rapidly getting
into their old time playing form ,
We hope that that the evening :
band concerts will be held after
the fourth. Concert Saturday
afternoons would not be a bad
business proposition. The mer
chants of Auburn has found them
very successful in drawing people
to town.
No special prices on these lines but the most
complete assortment ever shown by us at attrac
tive cost
A delightful display just now needed
20 per cent discount.
Straw Hats
All Straw Hats At Half Price
10 Per Cent Discount on all
Carpets , Rugs , Linoleums Matting
AH Wool Carpets are higher than in the spring our regular prices
are low. Buy during this sale.
Ten Per Cent Discount on all
Lace Tapestry and Rope Curtains
This discount will not positively be given only during this sale.
M. J. Byrne was down from
Dawson Sunday.
John Gilligan was a passenger
to Hum bold t Friday.
George Jennings returned from
Chicago last Friday.
Prof , and Mrs. Barrett are vis
iting relatives at Ravenna , Mo.
Mr.Linleyof Atchison , Kans. ,
is visiting- the home of J. L.
Mrs.-G. H. Neal who had been
j visiting- Little Rock , Ark. , re
turned home Sunday.
R. E. Grinstead and John
Timmerman , of Salem , were in
this city last Monday.
Miss Katie Thomas who had
been visiting- with friends here ,
left Saturday for Chicago.
Thomas Plumb and wife of
this city were guests' of C. W.
Ocamb and family last week.
Neal Thornton and R. E.
Kanal } ' attended the convent
commencement exercises in Rule
Tuesdav evening.
Henry Rogers and wife , of Be
atrice , are visiting the latter's
parents , Mr. ijlier'W.
Smith , in this city.
Mrs. J. S. Johnston , after
spending several days with her
sons in this city , returned to her
home in Superior Monday.
Mrs. Lower and daughter ,
Sadie , spent Sunday with the
former's brother , Robert Bow
man , and family at Shubert.
John Mosiman went to Omaha
Sunday and before returning
purchased some new goods which
are referred to in an ad elsewhere
in this paper.
Frank Wheeler , wife and
daughter , Hazel , of Wymore
i spent a couple of day here the
first of the week. Mr. Wheeler
is manager of the ball team.
E. E. James moved his family
from Shubert to this city on
Wednesday of last week , in order
to have them more centrally lo
cated in his business
The "Go-to-chu > e
new organization tlie'Pj'esbv
terinn Sunday schdol In
tha. Every
pledges him or
church after Si
W. H. Wylie.of Nebraska City ,
was in this city Monday.
M. A. Veach , of Vercion , was
a Falls City visitor Saturday.
Sheriff Hossack was in Weep
ing Water on business the first
of the week.
F. W. Cleveland le.ft Monday
for Holton , Kan. , where lie will
spend a few days.
John Strauss , the merchant of
Straussville , was one of Satur
days business visitors.
- 4 *
Rev. Bell , of Omaha , returned
to Omaha , Tuesday after spend
ing a few daj's in this city.
Miss Nellie Hossack left Satur
day for Yerdon for a few days
visit with her sister , Mrs. W. C.
Floyd Morris and wife , of
Stella , spent Sunday with Mrs.
Morris' parents , D. C. Lowe , and
Clyde Haskins , of the Stella
Press , was a business and social
visitor to Falls City the last of
the week.
Miss Emma Wallace came
down from Omaha Thursday to
spend several days in this city
with Misses Elva Sears and Belle
j Mrs. Edna Holland arrived
Monday from Wichita , Kan. She
will spend most of the summer
with her mother , Mrs. Eva Dav
idson , in this city.
Peter Kaiser and wife and Win.
Harnack and wife were among
those who drove to Rule Thurs
day to attend the convent com
mencement exercises.
Miss Lillith A. Mead , who is
employed at the Boston store in
Omaha , was called to this city
the last of the week by the seri
ous illness of her father. Mr.
Mead's condition had so far im
proved that she was able to
return to Omaha Tuesday.
Hank Shaw gives this receipt
for the preparation and cooking
of a German carp : Clean as soon
as caiiK-ht > andj JjUngT . .Minours m
the pn todr & § n'iijl ! \i \ to a ,
L. Jarrott was up from Rule ,
Friday on business.
H. E. Stauffer of Salem made
a business trip to this city Mon
Cass Moore of Salem renewed
his faith in The Tribune this
Geo. Harral the popular Hum-
boldt insurance man was in town
Nathan Seff returned Monday
night from a combined business
and pleasure trip to Chicago.
Supt. Geo. Crocker is' making
the county this week and settling
up with the various school dis
Mrs. Harry Coe of St. Louis
arrived in this city Tuesday on a
visit to her aunt Mrs. Chas. M.
Mrs. Geo. Crocker and little
daughter Alice are in Dawson
visiting the formers parents , Mr.
and Mrs. N. B. Judd
Mrs. I. B. Whitaker and
daughter returndcd Monday from
a visit at the home of Jule
Schoenheit in Kansas City.
Miss Frankie Dixon , is having
a short vacation from her duties
at V , G. Lyfords department
store , and left Saturday night
for Denver.
Major Jack Glines who is now
located at Lincoln will hereafter
keep in touch with his old Falls
City associations through the
medium of The Tribune.
William Klei , of St. Joseph ,
was in the city the latter part of
the week visiting at the home of
John Weber. Mr. Klei is a
brother of Mrs. Weber.
Among those from this city
who attended the funeral of
Peter Resterer in St. Joe Friday
morning were , Alfred Resterer ,
Peter Resterer and wife , D. W.
Sowles and wife , and Mrs. E. E.
On last Friday Nick Lippold
sold the cafe which is operated in
connection with the Derby , to
Glen and Carl Bunker. These
g6ntlemenarQ experienced in this
line of business and will give the-
public all that it deman'dVtJ
bespeak for
gr\ , < * j.
rf&Y I. .
* * * * + 'r
In our Ready Mntlo .section upstairs the wholesale
slaughter cannot fall to Interest you. Ladles' '
silk and wool Shirt WaUt Suits , Tailor Made
Suits , Dress Skirts Suquot and Spring Wraps
have boon cut so close. * r ift r | _ _
r rAi
Induction umountH from * " " w * > * Fl M5IH
10 pieces fi-4 Table Oil Cloth , fresh and direct from
the factory , worth double the mjeond grade
olTored as bargains by jobbers , sale f _
prlco 1 UL >
Misses' Hluck Ribbed , heavy weight , u ICe
value , sale prlco 8c
Liulles1 Plain Hluck , Black Cut make , worth
loc , sale price
Ladles' Pancu Colored and Laeo Hose , reduced
from fiOe. 7"o # 1 and $1.2 , * ) .
Odd and Shelf soiled Muslin wear at about half
prices. Lot of Child's Muslin good Muslin
8c to i6c
f > do/.en Sun Sonnets , woith 15o and 'loc , f/\
closing price I UC
1 cross Side , Black , Pull' and Pompodor Combs
worth 20c to oOc -t fat \ , t
* * * -
at lOc and 15c
0 dozen WhiteKmbrolderod Belts , the 25e f gj _
sale pi-Ice IOC
E. Dowty of Preston on our
streets Saturday.
W. E. Goolsby was down from
Verdun Saturday ,
Walter Billings was down from
Salem last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs , Linn Barnes of
Salem were in this city on Tues
Guy Everaole is visiting his
cousin Raymond Kinsey in Ver-
don this week.
Mrs. Garth MettH of Newkirk
Oklahoma is visiting with rela
tives in this cit } ' .
Ed Hammond and wife of Stella
are in this city this week visiting-
relatives and friends.
Clifford Garnett left Monday
for Omaha. He will spend some
there with his parents.
Mrs. Will Wigton and little
son , Dorrington , spent Sunday
with relatives in Omaha.
Miss Jennie Thompson came
down from Stella for a visit with
parents and many friends.
Mrs. Sarah Mason returned to
Stella , Saturday after spending
a few days with relatives here.
Misses Nelle Cain and Nelle
Snyder returned from a short
visit with Stella friends Tuesday.
Miss Grace Cronin of Rule was
the guest of friends and relatives
in this city the first of the week.
Tommie and Mamie Sullivan ,
who make their home with L. L.
Aldrich , went to Atchison Satur
day to visit their father for a few
The deposition of a witness was
being taken last week in a case
about some town property in
Hiawatha. "What street is this
property on. " asked the lawyer
on cross-examination. "Aw hell"
replied the witness , "quit stringin
me , they aint got but one street
in Hiawatha. "
The Tribune is prepared to do
any character of job work in the
least time and for a fair price.
We would like to figure"witli ,
you on cataloijues.'cttoAvork or I
i iV. . , . : UATOM.i iiK - - . . <
Linn Glines went tP Sterling
James McKiever was in
watha Tuesday.
George ffail matin a business
trip to Verdon Tuesday.
E. P. Stringfield was a M. P.
passenger to Stella Tuesday.
George Bo'er and wife return
ed from St. Joseph Tuesday after
' George Ewalt returned to his
work in Galveston Saturday of
last week , . !
Mrs. Ethel Morrow and the
baby returned Monday from a
visit with Mr. Morrow at Kansas
WANTKD . To exchange a 200
acre farm in North Georgia for
small propert } ' in Falls City.
J. Cronenberger , Falls City Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mussel-
man and son , Beach } ' , left Tues
day for a trip to the Pacific coast.
They will visit the Portland ex
position before returning.
The republican state committee
meets in Lincoln tonight to call
the convention for the nomina
tion of supreme judge to fill the
place of Judge Holcomb whose
six year term expires this fall.
'hey '
well pleased with the
had seen and report a
joyablc and delightful
Any way George Jorn
set > or gets another year. If
is any officer that deserves
George is one , lie has done hj
full duty in a thankless oftic |
and has followed his sense
right in spite of kicks and con7 y t jf
plaints. ' ' j i 1
'Joe Rcavis the six year old son .
of D..D. Reavisfwas taken
ill Mondaybecause of over
tion - while'playingw"He is
ly imp pX'e'd at this \vritihg MWij
daflyCKasestr'aefball games have . '
Lbeen , postponed , as a ball ffame
i/.IM. _ gt-reet d dren1 ta
as he 4s VJ
to his playr