The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 16, 1905, Image 9

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When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them , the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body , deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble , stomach trouble , sluggish liver and a host of other ills , all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form , tones up the
whole system , and the diseases that have
Mr. Robert Q. Burke , Elnora , Saratoga Co. , N. Y. , writes : I am glad to have ' an opportunity resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear ,
tunity of telling what magnificent results I have had from using FOLEY'S . I has been removed. Commence
CURE after having tried other advertised medicines and several physicians. Before began because the cause
bladder. I was all bloated up
it I hod to get up from 12 to 20 tunes each night to relieve my
with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one of my family mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
the room. In fact , I was so badly used up that I had given up hope of living when I
across was , urged and before by a friend I had to taken try the FOLEY'S third bottle KIDNEY the superfluous CURE. One flesh so-cent had bottle gone , worked as well as wonders all at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
trouble. My friends were surprised that I was cured , as they
other symptoms of Kidney . from miles away to learn ' Disease or Diabetes.
nil thought I was going to die. Every few days some one comes having Bright's
the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Bright's Disease , and not one that
has tried it has failed to be benefltted.
Two Sizes , 5O Cents and $1.00.
DR. McfllLLAN , Proprietor City Pharmacy.
. '
< t
Miss1 Ida Markt returned last
Tuesday to her horn e in Oregon ,
Mrs. M. Allen has returned
from a few davs visit with hei
, ' parents.
_ . . . "
tAter- " " < * * "
-Miss Maude .xocam visited
Miss Lucy Sniith4for several days
last week. , ,
Wes Tinclle .of Verdon was a
caller at the home of Thomas
Smith Sunday * ( l , ; i . . t
Miss Winona Moore , of Stella
'has now an interesting- class oi
twenty pupils ; hftrfo , , ,
L. P. Watson , of Forest City
visited Mr. and Mrs. Eberharl
for a few days last week.
Walter Morehead went to Missouri -
souri on a fishing . /jxcmsion lasl
Saturday' and returned Sunday.
Walter's well known modesty
permits are publishing' details oi
his catch.
Mrs. Landolt , who is still al
the home of John Schulenberg
near the scene of the recenl
bridge disaster , 'is recovering
nicely from her injuries undc * .
the skillful care of Dr. Maust.
A pleasant picnic was given
last Sunday in the pretty grove
on Sam Van Osdel's farm in
honor of Miss Markt. A camr.
fire , a generous "spread , " a view
of the river and a trip to the cave
were the routine of the day.
The trial on the question ,
"Saloon or no Saloon" was held
> *
last Monday evening. Mr. Scotl
was attorney for the non-saloon
element , Mr. Reavis for the
saloon party. The matter musl
go before the district court ioi
Cecil and Wherry Lowe spenl
last week with their sister ,
Mrs. Floyd Morris.
Dr. Wiser returned Tuesda.
from a business trip to Omaha.
Mrs. D. P. Lowe went to Stcll ;
Tuesday to visit herv daughter
Mrs. Floyd Morris fora few days
Mrs. Squire Frank's sister , wh
is eighty-two years old , arrive *
here Tuesday from Johnson
Penn. , to spend some time visit
Miss Kearnelyr of Johnstoi
Penn. , a niece of Mrs. Frank's , i
here visiting. She made a num
ber of friends while visiting her
last summer.
Mrs. VV. S. Leyda started Tues
day for Omaha , where she wil
attend the District convention o
the Degree of Honor , being ;
delegate from the local lodge
She will visit relatives in Platts
mouth before she returns.
Mr. J. Riley Bennett , achemis
of Brown's Town , .Jamaica , Wes
Islands writes : ' 'I cannot speal
too highly of Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. It has prove <
itself to be the best reined y foi
whooping cough , which is pre
valent on this end of the globe
It has never failed to relieve ii
any case where I have recom
mended it , and grateful mothers
after using it , are daily thankinj
me for advising them. " This re
medy is for sale by Kerr's Druj
Missouri Pacific R.ate.
The Missouri Pacific will sel
round-trip tickets Falls City t <
Milwaukee , Wis. for S8.00 01
June 17th , 18th , final return lim
it June 28th , 1905.
Missouri Pacific will sell ticket ;
Falls City to Chicago an <
return for 88.35 , to return no
later than June 26th , 1905. Tick
ets on sale June 17th , only ,
J. B. VAKNEK , Agent.
. O. Stalder of Salem spen
Mondav in our cit } ' .
S. B. Lee was down from Daw
on , Monday in business.
Dick Walker of Stella was ii
this city the first of the week.
S. B. Sims of Ninas City was ;
business visitor here on Monday
Prof. Watson of Verdon was ;
business visitor here on Tuesday
Ben Reichers is taking a vaca
tion from his duties at V. G
Lyford's department store and i :
visiting friends in ' 'Humboldt
Mr. Lyford is acting in tin
capacity of aj grocery clerk thii
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnstoi
came down from Sterling , Tues
day night.
O. F. Martie of Lincoln spem
several days in this city theguesi
of Miss Helen Fowler ,
Mrs. E. M. Wheatley of Ver
don visited with her many friend ;
in this city on Tuesday.
Mrs. L. A. Kinsey and son
Raymond , spent Tuesday at the
home of F. P. Eversole in this
Mrs. Earl North came dowr
from Lincoln on Tuesday to at
tend the wedding of the Dorring
ton girls.
Fred DeWald was able to be
down town on Wednesday after
having a severe attack of rheu
Mrs. S. B. Brett and son , Ferd
of lola , Kansas , arrived in this
city Tuesday to attend the John-
ston-Mosiman wedding.
Mrs. A. Powell returned froir
Sterling , Sunday where she has
been visiting her daughter , Mrs ,
Ramsey. She will spend some
time visiting relatives here.
Ready ( o Boom Pollard ,
Tomorrow Auburn will have a
big day. Committeeman II. R.
Howe has made the necessary
arrangements for a good time.
The republicans of the. First
district will open the congres
sional campaign there. The
bands will furnish music for the
occasion while United States
Senator Elmer J. Burkett and E.
M. Pollard , candidate for con
gress , will be the orators of the
day. Nemaha county has re
covered from the effects of the
Falls City campaign and all are
enthusiastic for Pollard ,
Death at Humboldt.
Mrs. Melinda A. Facemire , for
many years a resident of Hum
boldt. died in that city at the
home of her daughter , Mrs. Jas.
II. Smith , after an illness of sev
eral years. The deceased was a
native of Virginia and was in
her eighty-second year. She
went to Humbolt twenty-six years
ago with her husband , who died
sixteen years since.
Mrs. Facemire leaves two
daughters besides the one men
tioned above. The funeral ser
vices were held Sunday afternoon
at the Baptist church conducted
by Rev. C. W. Wall.
Base Ba.ll at Humboldt.
The second contest between
the Christian church base ball
club and a similar organisation
picked up from the other denom
inations of Humboldt resulted in
a second defeat to the first named
club. A large crowd was in at-
tendence and Bob Moore , who
had his leg cut off by the train
three months ago , umpired the
game. Two of the mix up nine
were preachers.