The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 16, 1905, Image 8

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    Democratic Convention.
The democratic county conven
tion met in this city Honda } ' .
The attendance was very small
as there was no local candidates
for the nomination ; but ever } '
precinct in the county was re
presented , S. M. Whitaker was
made chairman and C. C. Davis ,
secretary. Mr. Whitaker made a
speech that was to the point which
brouht forth cheers from the con
vention. The convention was
called for the purpose of select
ing twenty delegates to the con
gressional convention held in
Lincoln 3'esterda } ' , June 15th.
The delegation seemed to be per
fectly willing to accept an } ' can-
dinnte who is a clean man and
strong in his democratic faith.
Some favor Will Maupin because
he was once a resident of this
county. The following is the
delegation : II. C. Davis , J. M.
Whitaker , Charles Brccht , L. C.
Prichard , Ambrose Parsons , T.
J. Gist , A. II. Fellers , J. M.
Davis , B. C. Riggs , L. R. Chaney
J. M. DeWald , R. A. Clark , J. S.
Lord , Dr. Fast , R. C. James ,
John Weaver , Iv. C. "Edwards , C.
II. Noltc , Chas. Loree and Henry
Court House.
The county commissioners are
in session at the office of J. C.
Tanner in the court house. Mr.
Tanner has been quite busy all
week. Ruth Floyd Rutherford
of Rule brought in six wolves
scalps during the week ,
T li e following marriage
licenses were issued this week :
Ouy C. AVllllamsoii , llinnbolilt 27
Minnie H. Cllft 2
Hurry V. Ross. Greenwood , Win 21
Anna L. Dotrlnutnn , T.ills City 23
Kdwatd 1) . 1'Mslu'r. Falls City 30
Lillian 1 . DurritiKtott 20
Carl Lewis Paul OabrU-lKansas City. Mo..42
Anna 1'lank , Falls City 37
Koli R. Johnson. I'.ills City , 2S
Ida iv.oslman , l\illn City. . . . 22
Otlio TlMcker. Falls City 30
Olive Hann.1 , Falls City 27
Simon L. D.vvli-s , Falls City 35
XolaU. Jones , Falls City 24
Christian Church.
Bible School at 9:30. :
Preaching and Communion at
11. Sermon will be preached by
Mrs. Grin stead.
Junior "Endeavor 3 p. m.
Y. P. C. E. , 7 p. in.
At S the Modern Woodmen and I
Royal Neighbors will attend in a
body. Sermon by the minister.
You will be made welcome to
these services.
J. Cronenberger , Minister ,
Brethren Church.
Services at 11 a. m. and S p , m.
Sunday school at 9:45 : a. m.
Junior endeavor at 2:30 : p. m. ,
and Senior at 7 p. m.
The morning hours 9:45 : and 11
be devoted to the little chil-
. Mothers with children es
pecially invited.
Preaching at S by pastor :
Silver Creek Sunday school at
9,30 a. m. and preaching by Rev.
Decker at S p. m. All are
welcome. E. E. Ilaskins.
M E. Church.
Early prayer service 6:25 : a. m.
Sabbath school 9:45. :
Dr. Chas. Fordyce will speak
at 10:45 : a. m. ; also at 8 p. m.
Junior LeagucS p. m.
Epworth league 7 p. m.
All are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
W. T. Cline , Pastor.
Miss Grace Maddox leaves tomorrow -
morrow for an extended visit with
relatives in Indiana.
Mrs. II. M. Smith and children
arc preparing for a visit in Indian
Territory , They will leave
Mrs. Nelson of Tecumseh at
tended the Ross-Dorrington wedding -
ding Wednesday. Mrs. Nelson is
an aunt of the groom.
The people 'of Preston and
vicinity are attending Rev. lias-
kin's tent meetings in large num
bers. . The attendance and at
tention are all that could be
desired : Good delegations from
this city are present each even
ing. Dr. Mathers leads the
music and finds the people will
ing to assist in the song service.
The meetings will continue each
evening indefinitely.
Snvory and Salutary All the Yeai .
Bound aud Liked by All , Says
a Londoner.
Nearly all our vegetables anil
herbs appear originally to havr
passed through some preliminary
stage in the laboratory of the medical
ical herbalist before being admit
ted to the full honors of the kiteh
en , writes a Londoner. The fact
is not so strange as it might ai
first sight appear , and its result ?
have certainly been to the general
advantage of mankind , for.
though for the most part the old
herbalist's prescriptions were of
a kind neither to kill nor cm e , his
investigations of the specifn
qualities of plants were ot'tei
useful. The ancients seem to have j
regarded sage as a-herbof fust i : i j
portance to the physician , and tin
many traditions concerning it re
fer almost entirely to thisaspecl
of the plant. "Why should a mm
die who has his sage in his gar
den ? " was one of the maxims o
the famous school of health a1
Salerno. The belief in its virtue
survived through the middle
ages and was handed down witl-
unimpaired vitality to quite mod
ern writers. The writers of the six
teenth and seventeenth centuries
were full of its praises , and then
was hardly an ailment of mind 01
body for which sage was not pro
nounced a cure or an alleviation.
Thence sprung the idea that , as it
was thus generally wholesome
and recommended by the faculty ,
the housewife might prudently
admit a dried winter supply to
her storeroom. And so this "sov
ereign herb" gradually found iff.
way into the kitchen , of which it
has ever since remained an indis
pensable adjunct. Xot that it at
once lost all its medical attri-
butes. "He that would live for
aye must cat sage in May , " runs
the proverb. But the COOKS soon
began to take broader views.
They pronounced sage to be
equally savory and salutary all
the year round , and of special and
peculiar value at the season of
But this is advancing matters.
Even the best of things eatable
have * had to overcome prejudice
and slowly make their way ; and
in the case of more concomitants
some help from the encouraging
hand j of fashion has generally
been necessary. The rather inui-
seus brew known as sage tea was
so common a domestic medicine to
our forefathers that they could
not at once accept the herb in the
character of a savory adjunct.
But we live and learn , and the
merits of sage as a modifier of cer
tain i rich viands
began to be ac
knowledged. It seemed to have a
certain sort of natural affinity
with roast pork , goose and duck ,
and presently became the con
stant attendant of these dishes.
EUTfyin the eighteenth century
an acknowledged authority laid it
down that "as to geese and ducks ,
cooks should stuff them with sage
shred fine , and a little pepper and
salt ; and the same with a suckling
pig. "
Heavy Guns in Uncle Sam's Defen
ders Are Constantly Being
Changed for Others.
"That there is nothing excep
tional in the experience of the
United States navy in losing guns
through wear is sliown in the fol
lowing statement made by the
United Service Gazette , the offi
cial service organ of England ,
regarding the wearing out of the
heavy guns in the British navy :
"All the Atlantic fleet battle
ships have had their barbette guns
changed. In the case of the flag
ship Caesar only two guns have
been changed , but other ships
have had three and in one case
all ! four guns landed and replaced
hy others , and considerable press
ure has had to be put on the
Woolwich authorities to have all
the required guns available. Sur
prise has been expressed that de
fects should have been simul
taneously discovered in so many
of the guns , and also at the fact
that although the ships have been
in port for two months the work
of changing them should have
been deferred until the last mo
ment. The defects are all in the
inner or A tube. In some cases
it is worn , but in others the evil
is much greater , as the tube has
developed serious weakness ow
ing to overheating. "
Practical V , Girl.
Pearl I don't see how you can
have more beaux than most girls
when you are not particular about
your appearance. Why , if I am
washing dishes when a young man
calls I'll rush up the back way and
fix nryself up before letting
him in.
Ruby That's the trouble , dear.
I walk right out in my apron.
Chicago Daily News.
- -
Sixty childreniof Falls City
In full evening dress will
participate in a fashionable
JUNE 20th 1S85
at the-
Beachy Musselman. . . .
Othie Watson Groom
Liza Crook Bride
Lloyd Wahl Best Man
Nellie Holt. . Maid of Honor
Albert Farmer ) TTuw
Byion McDonald "
Myrle Naylor - ) . .Brides
Suzaine Brecht ) Maids.
Ruth Johnson ) Flower
Sturley Whitaker } Maids
Dorothy Minor , Ring Bearer
Famous Russian Found
Himself at a
Loss When Confronted by the
Officer's Argument.
Once , in Moscow , near the Boro-
ntchskaia gate , says Success.
Count Tolstoi saw a persistent
beggar asking alms , who ex-
slaimed : "A little penny , broth
er , in the name of Christ ! "
A police officer approached ; he
was young , martial , and wrapped
in the regulation sheepskin At
! ? ight of him the beggar fled , hob
bling away in fright and haste.
"Is it possible , " said Tolstoi to
himself , "that people are forbid-
ilen to ask charity , in Christ's *
name in a Christian land ! "
"Brother , " he said to the police
man "canyou read ? "
"Yes , " said the officer , politely , "
for Tolstoi has a grand air.
"Have you a Bible ? "
"Yes. "
"And do you remember Christ's
order to fred the hungry ? " and
"ie " cited the words. The police-
( nan was evident ! } ' troubled ; he
turned to his questioner and ,
asked :
"And you , sir can you read ? "
"Yes , brother. "
. "And have you read the police
regulations ? "
"Yes , brother. "
' ' 'And do yon remember that
oegging in the main streets is for-L
bidden ? " The prophet found r
mswer ready.