The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 16, 1905, Image 6

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to enter a room where turn"
iture , walls and ceilings are
painted with
"Bradley * &
Vrooman Go's
It makes everything glisten with
wholesome cleanliness radiate a
new beauty. It pleases the eye ,
satisfies the mind and is best for
health. Florentine Enamel in
sures ideal sanitary conditions you can keep it clean by
dusting the surface with a soft rag or washing with soap
and water. Sold at the same price as paint.
ricMillan , Proprietor.
R.L.Baumoivt N. D.
. . , . .
Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph
Formerly eye and ear special
ist now limited practice to
Eye Glasses
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence
Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a m
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger A 1:00 : p in
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:00 : p m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 : a in
No. 108 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:25 : p m
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 : a m
No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi
awatha A 10:20 : p m
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday.
J. B. VAKNIJK , Agent.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville ,
, Ga , , always keeps a bottle of
Chamberlain's colic , cholera and
diarrhoea reined } ' at hand ready
for instant use. Attacks of colic ,
cholera morbus and diarrhoei
come on so suddenly that there is
no timeito hunt a doctor or go to
the store for medicine , Mr Bar
ber says : "I have tried Chamber
lain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea
reined ) ' which is one of the best
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle
tle of it in my room as I have had
several attacks of colic and it has
proved to be the best medicine I
ever used. " Sold at Kerr's drug
/ j
_ - .
Joe Parson was in Falls City
Mrs. Will Griffith was in Falls
City Tuesday.
S. B. Huffnell and wife visited
in town Monday.
Mrs. Combs came up from
Falls City Monday.
Mrs. Stevens returned from
Auburn Saturday.
Fred Gibson and wife weut to
Falls City Tuesday.
Mrs. Mayfield was a county
seat visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Josh Bloom was a Falls
City visitor Saturday.
Roy Marsh came down from
Omaha Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Watson and Roy were in
Falls City Tuesday trading1.
The front of the new bank
building is nearly completed.
Mrs. Robbins of visiting C. G.
Humphrey and wife this week.
Fred Hall , of Galesburg , 111 , ,
is visiting his mother this week.
John Marks and Mr. Curry
came down from Stella Sunday.
Henry Kuker visited Mrs. C.
M. IleiiiBelman , his sister , last
John Oswald , the Falls City
photographer , was in town lasl
Grace Sailor visited her brothei
"Ed and family at Howe ovei
C. M. Ileinzelman returnee
home from his mill trip WedneS'
day afternoon.
Reba and Guy Eversole am
Ametia Wilson visited Raymom
Kinsey Thursday.
The Richardson Count } ' Mutua
Insurance Co. held their annua
meeting on Monday , June 12th
A large crowd was in attendance
Word was received yesterday
that Mr. Tinglcy of Oklahoma
had died and the remains would
arrive here on Thursday for
burial in the Cornell cemetery
west of town. For years Mr.
Tingley a n d family were
residents of Verdon but for
the past few years they have
made their home in Oklahoma.
Mrs. Tingley is a sister of John
F. Cornell. Our sympathy is
extended to the family in this
sad hour.
David Clark entertained a
number of his friends at a part } '
Wednesday evening. Games and
music were the features of the
evening. Light refreshments
were served and a good time re
ported by all present.
A special meeting was held by
the D. oi H. lodge on Thursday
evening as a time set apart by
the grand chief of honor of Ne
braska. Refreshments were en
joyed by all the members.
Thursday evening a dance was
given at Veach's hall by West
Tindel. A large crowd attended ,
the music extra good and a good
time reported. >
Prof. Watson clerked several
days for H. M. Buckley & Co.
during the absence of Mr. Buck
Miss Gamma Hall came down
from Peru Saturday. She re
turned to her studies Sunday.
Cap Sailor , Will Friley , Harry
and Ralph Miller attended the
ball game at Stella Sunday.
Exercises at the Christian
church Sunday night in honor of
Children's day were good.
A ladies party was given at
the home of Miss Amelia Schra-
der Wednesday evening.
Rev. Smith left Monday to at
tend a convention at York , Neb.
He returned Friday.
* L. K. Barnes and Henry Stitxer
of Salem attended the insurance
meeting on Monday.
John Weir of Kansas City is
visiting his brother , Charlie
Moran , this week.
S , H. Knisely is reported to be
very sick at this writing.
John Yocam of Falls City spent
Friday with his' daughter.
Willis Yoder and family were
guests at his parents Sunday.
Miss Brim of Hamlin , Kan. ,
visited with relatives Sunday.
Ephriam Peck is building a
new house. It looks rathei
suspicious ,
Mrs. John Wiltse and son ol
Falls City were guests at her par
, ents Sunday.
Mrs. W. K. Knight and daugh
ter of Falls City spent Sunday
with her mother.
Chas. E. Peck and Miss Venn
Fleckinger of Merrill visited witl
relatives Sunday.
There was quite a nice love
feast at the German Baptist
Brethren church. About sixty
communed. Quite a number of
guests were here from Glenrock ,
Brock , Salem , Merrill , Beatty
and Washington county , Kansas.
Rev. John Eby and wife and
S. M. . Barlow returned to their
home in Marshall county , Kan
sas , Monday after visiting a few
days with S. H. Knisely and
Rev. John Woodie and wife of
Brock were guests at Rev. Stou-
der's a few days and attended the
love feast.
Clay Wagner and wife of Salem
and Mrs. J. W. Maust were
guests at E. T. Peck's Saturday
Delia Knisely and her friend ,
Miss Barlow , were guests at Rev.
Stouder's Tuesday.
Ada Shouse who has been
working for E. T. Peck left for
her home Monday.
Mrs. Snyder of Glenrock was
down to attend the love feast.
Frank Fredich attended the
Ollie Thompson spent Sunday
with her parents.
Carrie Herschberger and Katie
Keller were in town Monday ,
King Saal spent Tuesday even
ing at the home of Mrs. Buck-
Mr. and Mrs. Strecker were
pleasant callers at this place one
day last week.
Alice Moore and some of her
Falls Citv chums attended the
dance Saturday night.
Chas. McCoy , of Mound City ,
Mo. came over last Tuesday to
work for Jim Randall.
Carrie Buckminster spent last
Tuesday at this place with her
sister , Mrs. Lillie Thieman.
Geo. Nitzel and Floyd Thomp
son spent last Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ran
Miss Savilla Thompson was
visiting one day last week in the.
country with Miss Maggie Man-
Fred Thieman , Harmon and
Frank Simms , Walter Baker and
Lucien Loveall made a trip to
Corning , Mo. , Tuesday.
Miss Mead Hurt.
On Monday morning as Vet
Simaaton was finishing a job of
papering at the telephone office
the scaffold broke and the two
men , who were standing1 on it ,
fell. The scaffoi1 was just over
the switchboard and a pieca of
the broken lumber hit Miss
Vergie Mead across the arm and
hand. The accident was quite
painful and if it had not been for
the switchboard more serious re
sults might have happened. The
other members of the company
were uninjured.