THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter as Falls Citj' , Nebraska , post office , Janu ary 12 , l'J04 , under the Act of Congrosl of March 3 , 1879. Published every Kriduy at Falls City , Nebraska , by The Tribune Publishing Company One year $1.00 Six months 60 Three months 35 TELEPHONE 226. THE REPRISAL. Lancaster count } ' is mad. For years things have been coming1 her wiy , and that the pendulum is now swinaintf the other way is the cause of grief and anger. Lancaster lias 32 per cent of the delegates in the republican con vention , the six country counties have 68 per cent. For twenty years more or less the 32 per cent has been seated at the table de manding , not alone the choicest , but all of the feast. At the con vention held in this city June 1st , the dog concluded to change the proeccdurc and set aside prece dent by wagging the tail instead 6f permitting the tail to wag1 the dog as heretofore. Consequently Lancaster is mad clear through. The country counties are to be punished. The delegation to the next legislature from hogville will combine with the counties in the western part of the state to pass a re-apportionment bill which will cut down the legisla ture representation of Cass , Otoe , Nemaha , Kichardson , Pawnee and Johnson counties. Thus will Lancaster get even. For years these outside coun ties have been voting to keep the state fair at Lincoln. For 3ears these six counties have voted in favor of large appropriations for state fair buildings and to main tain the fair as a successful in stitution. For years the vote of Richardson and the other coun ties have been favorable to the appropriations for the state uni versity. For years every state institution located in Lincoln has received fair and liberal treat ment at the hands of the legis lators from the six counties. Don't be foolish , you statesmen from the empire of Lancaster. Don't try to shove the country counties. They carry "the big- stick. " "Don't start noth'in. " The Journal received a unique distinction this week. Bide Dud ley of the Kansas' City Star edits a column of fearfully and won derfully made extracts from the country'press. The article in last week's-Journal entitled "A model iann" was thought to be quite up to the requirements of Mr. Dud ley's column , and was accord ingly sent him. He reproduced it and acknowledged its receipt with thanks , asking for further contributions of the same sort. If you failed to read this model literary production , look up last last week's Journal and do so. It is worth while. You will readily understand the remark of a Humboldt gentleman who said , "I read the Journal for its gra- matical mistakes , " Next week the Tribune becomes the largest paper in Richardson County. The consolidation of the Tribune and Enterprise will give a guarnteed circulation of more than 2000 subscribers. We shall not be content with this. The half hundred stock holders arc each taking an interest in in creasing this circulation to three thousand before the year is out These stockholders ara scattered through ever } ' precinct from Dawson - son to the river and their com bined efforts will make The Tri bune one of the best and largest country papers in the west with in the next twelve months. Re member , our circulation is guar anteed and our books open to the inspection of ever } ' advertiser. Governor Mickey is endearing himself to people of the state by his determined and aggressive fight to compel the railroad to share their part of the tax. For rears the } ' been evading their axes at the expense of the incli- idual , but it seems that the lay of special interests is gone by. Under the leadership of the governor and Attorney General Brown the assessment will be raised to a fair figure this year It is the duty of every republi can to vote at the special election to be held in July. Mr. .Pollard s all fours with the President on the railroad rate proposition and should receive the vote of every nan in the favor of "the square leal" . _ The Fourth of July celebration in this city will meet the amuse ment demands of everybody. There will be sports of all kinds : and fireworks unlimited. Yon owe yourself this holiday. Spend it with us. Don't think that the ' 'policy of this paper is to be changed be cause of the consolidation. II will fight the battles of the re publican party in much the same old way , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As the literary head of our more or less esteemed contempor ary would say , "it is some warm this week" . For I have some seasoned burr standards for sheds or barns cheap. From 12 to 16 feet. C. F. RKAVIS. SPKAINKD ANKIU , STIFF NECK LAME SHOULDER. These are three common ail ments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especially valuable If promptly applied it will save you time , money and suffering when .troubled with any one o these ailments. For sale at Kerr's Drugstore. ' 1 This That % ยง Where one man Where one man gets rich through stays poor through % hazardous specu the slow methods S lation. ' a hundred of saving , a hun get POOR. dred get RICH. r The wise man show the better part , and places his money in-the bank , to be used. in legitimate channels of business. : : : The Falls City State Bank t. I . S t.VI McNALLS' GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season > Satisfaction Guaran teed \ Free City Delivery Phone 40 j Storage for Household And other Goods. Notice lo Creditors. In the county court of Richardson county , Nebraska : In the matter of the estate of John A. Koso , deceased. II is ordered by the court that the time limited for creditors to file claims against said estate is six months from the 16th day of June. 1905 , and all claims not iiled in this court , duly verified , on or before said last named date , will be forever barred. Ordered further that all claims filed against said estate will be examined and adjusted by the court. In the county court room , in the court house in Falls City , in said county. August 16th , October 16th and December 15th. 15y order of the court dated June 10. l < Xb. lSKAi.1 JWIUIITI : . 76-4 J ml ire. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Farmers State Hank , of Preston. Nebraska , Charter No. 70S. incorporated in the state of Nebraska , at the close of business May 29 , 1905 : Kl'.SOUKCr.S , Loans and discounts $ 16,910.44 Overdrafts , secured and unsecured. . . . 75.88 Banking house furniture and fixtures 650.00 Current expenses and taxes paid 378.7o Due from nat'l , state and pri vate banks and bankers.$12,298.40 CASH 2,460.33 Total cash on hand 14,758.7.1 Total $ 32,773.81 MAIIIMTIKS. Capital stock paid in $6,500.00 Surplus fund iOO.OO Undivided profits 855.97 Individual deposits subject to checks $11,870.24 Demand certificates on deposit 13,047,60 24,917.84 Total $32.773.81 STATE OF NEBRASKA. Vss. County of Richardson. I , Clyde Thacker , cashier , of the abore named bank , do solemnly swear that the abore statement is correct and a true copy of the re port made to the State Banking Hoard. CLYUIJ THACKEK. ATTHST : LKVI TIIACKKK. Director. \V. A. MAHGKAVI : . Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me tinlOlll day of June , 1905 , WALTHK R. BANKS , Notary Public. ( My commission expires March 8 , 1911. ) Notice for Administration. First publication June n. 1905. Notice U hereby g veil that Frank Cook did on the 7th day of June 1905 , file petition in the county court Richardson county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which is that Letters of Administration may be granted to C. F. Reavisas Administrator of the estate of Rudolph Cook who it is alleged died in and a resident of said county August 1881 , intestate. Ills ordered that the same be heard by the Court on the 24th day of June , 1905. at 9 o'clock a. in. , in the county court room , at Falls City , In said county , when and where all parties interested may appear and oppose the granting the prayer thereof. lly order of the court , dated June 7 , 1905. [ SIAL ] J. R. WinUiiTi ; . 75-3 County Judge. READ THE TRIBUNE