\ Ir . We Do , ) I : \ . .r . ' " Business On The , SQUARE rt Our Great President . y . . said "Every man shall have a square deal. " "Them's our Sentiments" 'vVe include women and children in this proposi- C" ' ' \ tion. When we sell . . . ' r Shoes to anybody a square - ' , . . . are deal always goes with . . . . ' . u the Shoes. ' m 'vVe sell the best shoes ' r :1 : ' we can buy , as low as we can afford to sell them , and our guarantee goes with every sale we make. Money back should the Shoes you buy go wrong . in any way. Spring Footware is now ready and we have a square deal waiting for every patron r Geo. B. Holt rr } . . , The Shoe Man . McNALLS' J : , ' GROCERY , - Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season , Satisfaction Guaran- , , teed Free City Delivery . Phone 40 Storage for Household And other Goods. r , Missouri Pacific Railway r Time Table , Falls City , Neb. , NORTH No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al:57ain : No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:00 : p m No 191 Local b"reight : , Au- ' burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . A 1:00 : p 111 I SOUTH No. 106 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . . . . . A 3:10 : a 111 No 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . . . . . . A 1:25 : p 111 No 192 Local , Atchison . 10:30 : a 111 No. 1M Stock Freight , Hi- awatha..A 10:20 : p 111 A. Daily B. DailY except , Sunday ' ' J. B. VARNER , Agent t . , n . . , r , , , . _ . _ Eat Sowles Candy Prof 1. G. Wilson dclivered I the Decortion Day address at Ste11a. See Coupe & : tl'llOrnton for alL kinds of salt anal frc'sh fish. ' . ' I : Mrs. Albert Ma115t : pent this week in Kansas City' with h her " paren ts. Coupe & : 'l'hornton have on tap at all times corn fed mcats. . : Miss Elizabeth Naylor' is attending - tending summer school at Peru , Nebr. 'Vhen in need of a nice juicy stake or a prince rib roast telephone - phone 74. Prof and : Mrs. Larrabee of Preston were in Falls City 'l'hurs- day of last week. Miss Lettie Cain left this week for Wyoming to visit with her father , Fred Cain. : : : Mrs. : 1\ J. Gist and two little daughters arc visiting friends in Litico1n this week . Miss : Eva Bacon , who taught in Dist. No. 65 last year , is visiting - ing friends in Robinson , Kansas , Iisses Cecil and Mamie Kanaly came up from Rule to attend commencement - mencement here last Thursday evening. Here is the way it is done : If tli.e printer owes you make 'him pay up ; if YOU owe the printer . forget it 1\1rs. ) Lee Crofford and Miss Viola went to Falls City last Thursday to visit for a fcw days. -Shubert Citizen. 11rs.Vhitrock and daughter , Miss Emma 'Vhitrock , of Falls City have been visiting at the home of Henry 1\1eycr.-Hiawa- tlta World. 1\1rs. Carrie J. Shaw and grand- daughter , Laura , left Saturday afternoon for New. York , where they will spend the .summcr.- TIiawatha 1\'orld. Funny that Hiawatha , which has most every lodge under the sun , has not yet an order of Elks. Two car loads of Omaha Elks established a lodge at Falls City Friday night. A great time was there , my countrymen.-Hiawa- tlta World. Miss Mary Strunk has been elected primary teacher of the Dawson schools for the ensuing year 1\Iessrs. Larabee , Boss , Weiss- man , Avery , Stephenson , Grif- fiths and Heinzelman were among " the many in town , Saturday who remembered the printer. The apple crop that promised so well at bloomiug time looks very different now ; Thc Jonathan being particularly shy , it is pre- sumed that the cold during the time the trees were in blossom caused the fruit to drop. The Ben Davis , l\'Iilu.m ' , Northern Spy and Jan netts seem to have enough yet to yield a fair crop.-Salem Index. . - tl'hursday of last week was the anniversary of birth of 1\11' James K. 'McDowcl1. His wife jmlanned and carried out a very nice sur- prise on him. A small company of friends was invited in for the cvcning' and the time was most I pleasantly spent t.tl'hc guests I found 11Ir. McDowell feeling in the best of spirits and he proceeded - ceeded to dress up a la comedian , apply burnt cork and grease paint to his erstwhile Napoleonic features - ures , and entertain them with comical songs and sayings. 1Ve i arc told that hc is very versatile , I and the patrons of the local thea- ! tre should insist on his appear- atce at the first home talent pro- duction.-'l'ccumsch icftail1. Much corn has been re-planted . thc second time this spring : , and ! in some fields even the third time. A. J. Wilson had to goo over nearly all of seventy acres the third . time. , Three reasons arc given for the re-planting , and arc applicable - plicable to different fields or thc three conditions may prevail in the same field ; poor seed ; on account - . count of the dry weather all good I seed did not germinate ; a white I worm working on the seed kcr- nels. These worms , are very small , and in some cases as many as half dozen have been found at work on one seed kcrnel.-Slm- bert Citizcn. Secretary Shildneck of the chautauqua association tens us that the program is very near complete and that within a couple of weeks he hopes to have his I contracts all signed up and will then be able to make known the personal of his speakers. tl'he dates are August 12 to 20.-Salcm Index . Let us help push your business ; put an ad in The TribullC' . JUST WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD DO. IvIr. ) . T. Barber of 1rwinville , Ga. , always keeps < a bottle of I Chamberlain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy at hand ] ready for instant use. Attacks of colic , cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine Mr Bar- ber says : "I have tried Chamber- lain's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy which is one of the best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bet \ tIc of it in my room as I have had several- attacks'of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used. " Sold at Kerr's drug store. For Sa.le. I have some seasoned burr oar standards for sheds or barns cheap. From 12 to 16 feet. C. F. R ; A VIS. No Favorites Though the world may owe all of us a living , not many of us are preferred creditora. - Chicago Sun . I PLANTS OBEY " WILL - OF MAN Praise Will Raise Them to Ecstatic Joy While DIJlme CauseD Wilting Now that scientists ( have deiu . onsll'utad that metal ! : ; , which w\ ( have been taught t t belong to Om cu ta logua of inbrgaimic substances . stances , cnn ue poisoned und restored - stored b y , lantidote . , cunhe , OYPI' . worlwd and refreshed ' bJ' a period ( of rest , und otherwise respond to . many of the same influences to which living IIi iugs are subject , it is not impossible to believe the statement that flowers exhibit spnsibilitil's not unlikc those of human beings and other of the higher animuls , says the Chicago 'fribunc. Recent experiments prove that plaints have in somu cases fur finer sensibilities : : ! than mauJ' milodermi mortals , since a word of pl'aiscV ill , it is state , raise them to ecstatic joy amid ex passion , while blame will so crush their feelings that they die , broken - cu heal ted. CoI. Audt'aedp , in the account of his life in l\'xieo \ ( , tells au extraordinary - traol'dinnrJ' story o'f the will power ] - er exercised over ! plants sand lIlt rcsu1t lIe is an ardent lover of flowers , and , pU'Hsessing strong hypnotic force , the idea occurred to him one day to tpst the strength of his will on the vegetable king- dom. doms.He ITe selected two flowering phUlts of the same kind , both in equally good health and just bursting into generous bloom. Standing near one , he put forth all his mental will power , bidding it to obey hilll in 'cry wa.r. lie commanded it to develop courage and sturdiness , to rejoice in its health and strength , and to develop - op its sweetness and beauty to the utmost of its power. Every day he lingered near the plant for a considerable time , giv- ing it all the amoral encourage. ment possible , praising it , flatter. fug it , coaxing it , and , in fact , making absolute love to it. Time plant responded in the most remarkable manner to this stimulating - luting treatment , producing finer blossoms than had ever before been seen of the sort , and send. ing forth , as though in gratitude , a richer , rarer perfume. Indeed , it seemed absolutely to become personified , and to wish to attain a state of nbsolllte perfection for its master's sake. It actually appeared . peared to recognize him , and , seemed to lean toward him at his approach. On the other hand the colonel treated the second plant in an opposite posite manner. Hedispnraged it , scolded it , sneered fit its flowers , and was altogether so cruel and unkind that in three days the barely - ly opened blossoms began to wither and within a month the plant actually withered away and died as if of a broken heart. From this the colonel deduces that plants , etc , may be guided and governed in their growth and development bJ' that animal magnetism - netism which we all possess to some degree. It must be ea plained that both plants received scrupulously the same garden. ing care and that the colonel neven touched either. _ _