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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
WilIian1sville. . Too late for last issue. l\Irs. : 'Veissinger called on her . \ : ; brother , Ed Schopts , Friday Dr Van Osdpl l reports Mr. , : Garwick as slowing recovering. : . , , ! : " . ; , - Henry Zimering and family : /k / : visited Gus Steinbrink Sunday. / ; : : ' 1 ' , . . . . . i R µ f ' 1. A. Dunn a : nd family visited . . Frank Butler and family Su.nday. I , . . + : Mrs ' . J. A. Dunn was a pleasant , . : " : ' , caller at Henry and Chas. Kuker's ' ' . " . , . " ' I , , . . Ionda ) . ' : , " Pearl Van Osdcl was ) the guest u r r of Hazel . Dunn Saturday night and Sunday. " / r1 " ' . . Prof. Dunn's ' scliool closed Fri- ' . , - 'I\.r- \ : } _ : , - day with a program , and many ; ' . . . . visitors. Mr. Dunn is an able : J , . Instructor . " , . / _ . Jacob Arnold , wife and son , . _ ' . George , and : Mrs. Mary Duerfeldt ' r , . were pleasant visitors at the E : home of Frank Butter. , , t . . 1. A. Dunn was in Barada Sun- ' ' ' ' : ; ' ' \ 1ilf f " day. ' ' ' Dlyrtla Isabell visited her pars - \ . ; s . ents Sunday. ti ' , ; ' ; , Emmet Shaw was seen 011 our ? , . streets Thursday. , . , , . v' . Byron Dunn assisted his uncle ' " with his work Friday. . " 7. . . Gus Duerfeldt and wife visited i Anna Reidle Sunday. 1'lrs. Fink and daughter called . . . on Mrs : . 1. A. Dunn Thursday. Byroi Dunn was a business visitor in Falls City Ilonday. Ed Schouts was a business vis- itor in Falls City Tuesday. Among those who were in Falls City Thursday were Elsie Dunn and wife and Myrtle Isabel il . Byron Dunn assisted Mr. . . ' . \ ' . , Reinle with his farm work Tues- i . : ; ' 4s' ! d : : . . . . . . dav. ' clay.R. : . , . R. J. Dunn took charge of the Morehead Bros. store Thursday. a ' . . His son and dau ghter will assist ' : ' him in the. . store. ' " ' " Fargo i i There was a dance at the new . . . ' hall May 30th. . \ " . Charles Nitchie and wife were ' . . " . - in town last Sunday. i.r' ( , Henry Thieman of Corning , ' : 1'10. , was in town Sunday. , . . J' : : \ ' Mr. Tom Wright and wife of I ' , : ; ' , , Craig Mo. , were over Sunday I " " " , ; : ; ' > : f : " " , . - . - Joe , Bauman and 1rs. : T. Santo " < ' , ' < " were pleasant callers at this place ' " " . . . Sunday. 1 ; \ - : . ' . : : Mr. Walter Baker , Emil and , ' \ Fred Saal drove over to Corning , ' 1'10. last . " " . _ , Monday. , { : : Lizzie Peabody ot Rule spent k- , " a few days last week with her t ; ' mother , lrs. Fischer. p ; . . . , - . \ , \k Mr. George Nitzel our new J : : ' / 4 . blacksmith drove to Preston last' \0 . I ' j' " Friday evening on business. t ( , ' , . ' , 1rs. : Lillie 'rhieman and son l . . 1"yJ ! ' . : 1 . . . . Leonard left last : Monday for Ainsley , Nebr. , where she will : : ; 'y- ' , - ; ' , spend a week with her sister Irs. . . ' . It. - Flora Sellart. . I . CASH OR . , CREDIT I REAVIS f & ABBEY' . . The largest stock of general House furnishings . in Richardson County Mrs Francis Buckminister of Falls City was visiting with her mother-in-Iaw,1'lrs. Buckminster , north of this place. . , - Ohio. J. W. Dodds was a Peru visitor last week. . 1'Irs. Jas . A. Stouder visited in Straussville last Tuesday. O. A. Burk and wife visited at Wm Reichick's . , Sunday. . S. H. Knisely and wife were ' guests ofrias Peck , 1'londay. I Hulda Warmer , who was quite sick last week , is improving. Rebecca Dodds is improving at this writing , after a severe sick spep. spep.Wm. Wm. Huettner and family were guests of 1rs. : Huettner's mother , Mrs. Zorn. Mesdames Ketterer and Nolte and Miss Minnie Zorn were visit- ors at E. T , Peck' Friday after- noon. . Jennie : Miller returned to Mor- rill , Kas. , Saturday after a weeks visit among relatives Zola Burnsworth is spending the week with her friend , Merle Fields , south of Falls City. Mrs. Harriet Stump of Falls City was visiting with relatives the latter part of last week. Mrs. Henning , who was stay- ing with : Mrs. E. T. Peck , returned - turned to her home in Falls City Saturday. Mrs , John Burk and wife , and her sister returned to their home in Rule last Saturday after spend- ing a week with the former's , children. - - - f - , WE WILL SATISFY YOU or you ca..n't be satisfied in SEWING MACHINES $5.00 down and $1.00 per week will buy this elegant easy running and reasonable priced Sewing Machine. It will pay for itself in the hands of any sewing woman. Joe Flickinger and family of Merrill , Kas. ; were visiting relatives - 'latives the latter part of last week. Mary Dodds has returned to her home from Peru , where she was attending school the past winter. J. W. Maust and 1'lr. Strauss went to Idaho to look over the the country in view of buying some land. CUBAN DIARHIIOEA. U. S. soldier who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is and that ord- inary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy , however , that can always be depended - pended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from 'tirs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston , Texas : "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured my 11U8- I band of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea , which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doc- tors but they did him no good One bottle of this remedy cured him , as our neighbors will testify. I thank God for so valuable a medicine. " For sale at Kerr's Drug Store. Our Need. A North Dakota editor breaks out as follows : "It is reported that one of the fastidious , newly- married ladies of this town kneads bread with her gloves on. This incident may be somewhat pecu- liar , but there are others. "The editor of this paper needs " bread with his shoes on ; he needs bread with his shirt on ; he needs bread with his pants on ; and un- less some of the delinquent sub- scribers of this Old Rag of Free- dom' pony up before long , he will need bread with out a damn thing : on , and North Dakota is no Gar- den in the wintl'rtime. . WHOOPING COUGH IN JAMAICA. Mr. : J. Riley Bennett , a chemist of Brown's Town , Jamaica , West Islands writes : "I cannot speak too highly of Chamberlain's Cough Rtmedy. : It has proved itself to be the best remedy for whooping cough , which is pre- valent on this end of the globe. It has never failed to relieve in I : any case where I have recom- mended it , and grateful mothers , after using it , are. daily thanking me for advising them. " This re- medy is for sale by Ker.r's Drug Store. Miss Cora Betts left Monday for her home in Blue Springs Miss Betts win not teach in Falls City next year as she will attend an eastern college to prepare for high school work. . H. PARSELL M. D. GEO. Telephone No. 88 Office at Residence Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ; I to 3 p. m. REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont , M. D. Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph Formerly eye and ear specialist - ist now limited practice to Eye Glasses