The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 02, 1905, Image 2
' Cicirt H ; . tory , 1905 'By Mary Katherine Maddox. There have been many changes I . in the personnel of this class dur- ing its course in the high school. . Now it represents seventeen mem- bars and various kinds of talent. ADAJ.INIt MILDRED HOLLAND. Adaline Mildred Holland is one you would notice anywhere because of her confident air and pleasant smile. She possesses the talent for getting into trouble and getting out again and as a native of Falls Cite , this talent is well developed. Mildred is a natural leader with many willing followers whom she rules with diplomacy and good sense. Has not decided her future course only that it must be swell. fJ.0 know her is to love her , At her sweet voice it doth appear That love may enter at the ear VISTA VltRNIU.L LIVItLV. "A perfect woman , nobly planned , 1'0 warn , to comfort and command. " Vesta was born in the spring . time and has continued seeing things at their best. For a time she lived near Salem and attended the district school where she wrote her first poem and gained her first honors as a student. She enjoyed the life of a farmer's girl and gives as her favorite reminiscenes , roaming through the woods gathering flowers , driving the cows home and other pleasures denied city people Vesta is always on hand when I she is needed and knows what toI I do yet she says she used to run away _ - . . - . -.I STEP lIENS ALBERT tIOWER. Stephen Albert Mower , because of the work done and the way he does it , makes an artist of whom any town might boast. Steve is a happy toiler , "Work freely done should balance happiness fully enjoyed. ' \ His prestige is due to his accomplishments and eccentricity as well as his age. LEN AIKEN. Lena Aiken , started life on a farm in the Sunflower state where she learned the Arts and Sciences of a farmer girl , especially to appreciate the beauties about her. She attended the little red school- . ' houseon the hill and spent her time to the best advantage. We . regard her as a model of sincer- ity and gentleness. "A countenance which doth meet Sweet records , promises as sweet : " Lena believes with Emerson that constant effort is necessary to be entirely truthful , so enjoys the song "Truth" RUTH AIKENS. Ruth Aiken changed her resi- ' dence from a sod house on the Kansas prairie to a home in Rich- ardson county. She has made rapid progress in her schoolwork and now graduates with her older sister. Is popular as th duthor . " , , . " ' . : ' { 'A ' : , : " ' ; . ' . ' t , , , " ' ' : \ : , " ' . ' . . ; - " - a I of short stories and treatises on cooking and candy making. For : recreation she teaches in kindergarten - garten and teaches the seniors long words. Her record does not contain any acts of disobedience or of quarrels with teachers. UNA MAY SNIDOW. Una May Snidow , is a member who has done much Ito make school-life pleasant with her optimism. She sees the best in everybody and everything' always gives the benefit of the doubt. She is often called upon as arbitrator for she is able to see two sides of a question. Like the 'Father 'of his Country" claims Virginia as her native land and February the month of her birth. Una belongs to the high . school quartette and besides her other duties leads the singing in the school. As a student she says "All work and no play makes one dul1. " , JAMES FRANCIS coupn. James Francis Coupe , after attending - : tending school at different places came to Falls City to fit himself for president of the class of ' 05. James is a gem of meekness and considers it no disgrace to submit his wil1. He has lost , through commendation much of his mod- esty and has begun to realize his own brilliancy and ability. He sneers at all foolishness except school-boy love. . MARTHA WEAVER MEVERS. Martha Weaver Meyers , spent i the first years of her life in the beautiful Wyoming valley , Penn- sylvania. Several years ago Martha came west to secure the benefits of our schools and i3 now leader of the class at recitation time Formerly shy and prim is now quite at ease in joining our pranks. Compares herself to the Sleeping Beauty. The Prince bas not come to claim her and at present the walls are impene- trable. "Was ever such a goddesssuch a queen Who burned the temple where she was adored ? " FRED MARTIN GRAHAM. Fred Martin Graham , the gen- ius of the class , spends his time producing original ideas and plans. He possesses an independent - dent and enthusiastic disposition and will not follow anJ'one's lead- ing. He usually does as he pleases. "Fishes that tipple in the deep know no such liberty. " I Will be remembered among early settlers as two for a nickle , doll tailor and displaJrer of the magic lantern. - FLORENCE IRENE WVLIE. Florence Irene \Vylie , a charm- ! ing little coquette , was born in : NeVI York City. The city of en- tire freedom , and although moy- . 0 : , , , , . - i GOOD . NAMI3L. . . w makes possible new end . . 1- : ) handsome effects in home decoration. Bradley ( : Vrooman Co" " i ' * , : , ; : . . I ' Florentine r 'ti 1A\ . \ Enamel may be used for all interior II . I ' .u . painting-on waIls and ceil- oti ings , on woodwork , on furniture - iture and brie-a-brae , on anything you want to paint. It is handsomer than ordinary paint , cleaner than kalsoti mine , healthier than wan paper , better than varnish. " Sold at the same price as mixed paint. . . . . .W& SELL 1T. THE CITY PHARMACY , _ , McMillan , Proprietor. ing from there when quite young . she brought with her some of the ind ! pendent , have it your own spirit. Her favorite work is experimenting - perimenting and . trying some- thing new. Enthusiastic i n everything especially in her attention - tention to young men. Florence is of medium height but carries her social head higher than her ph sical. FRANK ALLEN DOOSE. Frank Allen Boose , the most ambitious of the class grew up in Nebraska. We know little of his history , but a good man's pedi- gree is little hunted up. Ambi- tious for the possible and makes it his business not only to plan but provide for the fulfilment of his plans. For this purpose he is storing his mind with good thoughts and facts. His self con- fidence will undoubtedly be an aid to his success. ANNA AUGUSTA FREHSE. Anna Augusta Frehse , was born in Orleans , Nebraska. She attended school there and also at Beaver City and Oxford. She moved with her parents to this city on Easter day , 1901. Anna is devoted to the class of 1905 and spent the winter months of her senior year making a pillow case representing the members of the class. She still retains the same spirit which formally caused much grief to teachers. Her chief characteristic is cheerful- ness. "And cloudy the day , or stormy the night , The sky of her heart is always bright. " EARL MELOV CLINE. Earl Meloy Cline joined our class , unexpected but welcome , at the beginning of our senior year. Though young in years he is a sage in wisdom. "Type of the wise who soar but never roam. " It seems his ambition to be wiser. . . - Since a resident of Falls City he tas gained a reputation as a de- bater and is much spoken of both in envy and praise. Guides his action with lofty purposes and high moral standar JOHN DUNCAN , TAVLOR. John Duncan Taylor came to the United States about the time of the great earthquake. He came to Falls City in the winter of 1903. We noticed his ability in keeping ' his dignity when on the first day he was ushered into a class of Junior girls. Unheeding he moves on in his stately manner but abundance of spirit lies hid- ' - den in his sparkling black eyes. Although he never shirks there is one thing he never does , hurry. The more rush the less speed. LENA ALICE VOnGnLEIN. Lena Alice oegelein was born on a farm in Richardson county in the midst of plenty. While laying the foundation of her education - ucation she recieved inspiration for future greatness and after studying at Yale she came to Falls City for furture study. Alice is a deep thinker and does not approve of light reading but . what school folk call digging. She scorns compliment yet : "The love of praise howe'er concealed by art. Reigns more or less and grows in every heart. " ' DANIEL JACOB GREENWALD. Daniel Jacob Greenwald received - A ceived his training , scientific , classical , and physical in the , ( Falls City schools. He leads in all athletic sports and studies . about all the subjects taught in the school. He thinks there is a time for . "A time everything. to # , , keep silence , a time to speak and , ; ' , . , abundance of time for grinning. " Jake has the idea that he is too tall and must stoop to those less favored. Admired for his pol : ished manner and gentlemanly . conduct. Popular because of his good natured disposition. . . \ .