The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 02, 1905, Image 10

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    - - . . _ , .
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" Fred Dc'\Vald is suffering from
r , : , , ' , ' Maud Leer . , of White Cloud ,
' 4i' ' was 111 the city 1vlonday.
If Archie Paxton is spending
. .i' . week on thc Fry farm south of
, I ; " town
: , ' - '
, ry George Hossack and Gene Cain
, . ' .
. . ' " : f 'I , were in Stella Wednesday to see
. , / . . . , : the ball game.
' '
! , } < .
, ' 1' . L. Hall was in this city
, . . y ' \ Vedticsdathe guests of his
; p _ brother , G. B. Hal1.
" Mrs. Thomas : Murphy was
down from Shubert Wednesday
to visit with fricnds.
11r8.V. . M. Johnson of Verdon
visited her brother , Will Price , in
this city \Vednesday
Clarence Peabody was in this
city a few days this week and
left Wednesday for Nemaha
Mrs. l'Ierritt I"ul11 , of Vcrdon ,
spent a few days this week with
her mother , 1\lrs. Sue De'\Yald , in
this city.
Jennie Prater , 1IaggicYeiks
and Fred De\V.ald spent Sunday
at Reserve at the home of Sam
Stcw f trt
. .a" n . . . . .
Una Snidow and Elizabeth
Brecht went to Peru Sunday ,
where they will attend the summer -
1111'1' school
Eldcr J. Croncn berger has had
a telephone placed in his study ,
and his friends can reach him by
calling 293.
Tent meetings conducted b.y
Elder E. E. Haskins of the Brethren .
rcn church will be opened at
Preston on next WTednesday evening -
ing , June 7th.
1\1rs. ChlocI"cwis left this week
for her home in California , after
spending about eight weeks with
her parents , : Mr. and Mrs J. 1\1.
Culp in this city ;
Elizabeth Sanford returned
from Maitland , 1\10. , \Yedncsday.
where she has been engaged as
trimmer in one of the millinery
storcs thc past season. -
J. F. Mauck was up from White
Cloud , visiting his ( laughter , : Mrs.
Fowler , several dad s thc first of
the week. He returned home on
Monday accompanied by Mrs.
Fowler who will visit relatives a
few days ,
The young ladies of the Chris-
tian church were royally enter-
taincd at the home of their pas-
tor , Hcy. Croncnbcrger , Thursday
cvcning. The evening was spent !
in a .social way , with plenty of
good mu ic. Light refreshmcnts
were served.
Hc\ John Williams , of Dar-
aboo , \Vis. , will preach at the
Baptist church Sunday morning
and e\'cning. 1\1r. Williams will
be with us to consider this field
as it permanent pastorate and for
this reason it is important that
every member of thc . church bet
t present amt both sen'ICCS. The
r . prayer meeting was largely attended -
. tended this week and one person
' .c
was baptised at thc close. Come
next Wednesday at 8 o'clock and
bring your friends. The prayer
meeting is considered by many
pastors as thc 1110St important i
meeting of the church. The
memorial services for the Woodmen -
men will be held in the Baptist
church Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Strangers in Falls City
will find a hearty welcome at all !
of the sen'ices.-Geo , r4. \Vhite.
The teachers and officers of thc
various Sunday schools of the
city arc requested to meet at the .
M. E . church to organic for the
"Housc-to-Housc" Sun-
- - canvass , -
day at 4 p. 111. Let there be a
full attcndance.
l"lrs. S. B. Stewart and Miss
Anna Stewart , of Reserve , were
in this city Wlnesday visiting
with friends and relativcs.
Mrs. Gee Ocamb and Miss
Katherine gdgecomb ! , of Rub ,
were guests at the home of Geo.
DiCtsch in this ! : city.
NIl'sV. . C. Sloan and little son
spent Wednesday at the home of
1\11' . and Mrs. John Hossack.
J. \V. Stalder was down from
Salem \Vednesday.
Christian Church
Bible School at9:45. :
Preaching Communion at
11. Subject 'Vhat is Christian
Baptism , and what is it for ? "
Junior Endeavor 3p. m.
Y. P. C. E. , 7 p. m. Subject :
"HelpinEr One Another "
Evening worship and Sermon.
Subject : " ' 1''tte Gospel Supper , "
at S.
Midweek prayer sen'iceYed -
ncsday evening at S o'clock.
Children day exercises will be
held in thc cliurch , Sunday even-
ing June 11.
You wilt be made welcome to
these sevices.
J. Croncn berger , l'Hnistcr ,
\Vhilc returning from John
-Carico's farm Monday evening
George Messier , August Nettle-
beck and \Vm Maddox ' were in a
a buggy when the axle broke amid
thc horses became frightened and
run away. 1\11' Messier was
quite badly hurt but not serious-
,1) ' which : the others were only
bruised. The team was soon
caught and thc members of the
company brought to town.
. .
Court House.
Ralph Stalder of Nemaha pre-
cinct brought seven wolf scalps
to the County Clerk Tanner this
Two cases were filed which arc
Adalinc Morris vs James" Morris
d \'orcc. Charles Paradise \'S' '
James Hopper appeal from jus-
ticc court.
Time following licenses were is-
sued - \Vilhite.
; ) by JmlgeVilhite. .
\Vm. \Vaggcncr , Salem----------24
Vcnctta O. Shier , Dawson26
Ernst l'airchild ; , St. Joc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34
JeuuieTiuson , f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _
One-Timo Sailor , Shoemaker , Gold-
Digger , at Last Comes Into
His Own
Sir George Augustus JCl'vis
MCl'cdyth , baronet , cab driver , of
Hobart Town , and follower of
many other trades , has arrived
in London on his way to Ireland
to take possession of thc estate
of his ancestori ! , says a , London
On thc death of Sir Edward
\ ' last October the ,
l\lercdJ'th , , pres
put Sir George , after nearly 73
; years of globe trotting and rough
living , succeeded to the title and
to the family seat. (
Time fortuucy \ attached to the
title is not a great ) one , but the
farms and tl'uaut'il's are said to
be worth about 1:200 : per annum.
Time baronet . is a little man with
a thin , cleau-shaved face and a
nervous manner. - His voyage to
England on the steamship Ortona
Was a honeymoon trip , for the
day before the boat left Melbourne \
he married his second wife , who
is very much younger than him
His aninll at St. Pancras wm :
a pathetic sight. He stood on the
platform surl'ollllded b.y a rampart .
part of luggage and ( lazed bj' the
busy scene around him. He turned
u look of comradeship on a cab.
man who hailed him , but was too
\cited to 'cply. _
"Don't leave go of mime , " hI'
whispered to his bride , as hp eluup
tt' her rill. "I am so stupid'
But Lady lered.Yth had never before
fore seen . a bigger place than no
bart TownaJll was more lost - than
her hnsbllnd. Few of the onlook
ers who saw the little shabbily
dressed old man and the sweet
faced woman to whom he clung
sitting pathetically amid the
chaos of luggage , guessed that
they were a real baronet and his
Tot a penny have I ever hal
that I did not earn myself , " said
Sir George when hc' was . comfortably . ,
fortablJ' installed at his hotel in
the evening. "I have had noth
ing from the estate ret ; , which accounts .
counts for my wife and myself
being steerage passengers. I am
going to Ireland now to claim
and live upon my inheritance
My title to it is acknowledged , but f
there will possibly be some litiga
Lion with reference to a portion
of the proceeds of the estate"
Sir Georgl"s story , which hr I
subsequently told , was that of fli
wanderer who had always , as he
expressed it , "sold his labor to the
highest bidder. "
For three years hc worked asa
a shoemaker , and saved enough ! :
money to pay his passage to no
Bart Town , where his cousin wa ,
a well-known merchan
Ram fn' rrero. d.
Ireland has on an average a
third more rain yearly , acre for
acre , than the east of England.
First Tissue Paper.
Tissue paper was originally intended -
tended to be placed between
tissue of gold 01' silver , to prevent
its fraying 01' tarnishing when
folded , hence the name.
. _ ,
Good .
Time ,
Keeper r
-1'0 ; : ; - : ,
' '
To the busy until au accurate
watch is a IIcccssity , not a lux- .
, \11'\ as some seem to think. 1'0 )
utilize every nioment of precious -
ous time , to meet trains , to iteep l ' ,
appointnints , to bc always on
time , one MUST have a good
watch. Drop in and let us talk
watch to .you.
I \\TC arc practical watch re'h
pairers. Wc have had years of
experience in all kinds l of watch
, repairing and we are prepared
to regulate , clean , repair and . , " ' , . . . i ;
adjust any watch or clock that . '
needs attention , in a prompt V t
thorougli and practical manner 1
at reasonable prices. Also other
work thai properly belongs to
the jeweler's craft. Bring your
work to m'c if ' you wish entire I '
satisfuctioll .
. - . . - . . . . . . - - . - -
The Old Reliable '
A. F. JAQU . . '
_ : : ! : : J
Lega. Jtice ,
Notice Is hereby given that A. J. lIl'lrl1ick
has Jilcd his IIctltloll.oll May 11. lIJ05 , slllIcd
hy lute requisite number of freeholders ! of
the village of Stl'lIa Richardson cOUllty
Nebraska , asldulr that a license ! as a saloon
lcl'IICl" I be Irralltl'll to hllll tocll ! malt . spirit-
uous ruin Vinous liquors 011 lot 6.b1oclc 11. In
said Village \ for the municipal year beginning -
JUlie 1. 1')05. and elllllll May 31. 1'OfJ. " -
J. C. Rii : tt ss ,
village CIeri
first publication May 19. 1 < ) ( )5.
Notice Is hereby i'l'lI that John SchulclI'
berg has filed his petition with the village :
board uf Harada signed by the relulslte ) nUIII-
bcr of resident freeholders of said village
asklll that a license bu granted hllll to sell
utaht splrltlwus and vinous liquors on the
llropl'rty bCIC11l1lh11r 28 feet south from the
south cast Iorllcr of the old school house ion
thellcc west ; 140 ) feet thence south to the
strcet. thence east to corner .tonc ! of block 1.
thcllcu north to place of beginning , ! all In north-
east quarter of section 23 , towllshlll 3 , range
HI , cast of 6th principle meridian In Rlchardsoll
county allll village \ of Harada for the municipal : '
hlal year bCl"lnulll : May 4 , 11)05. allll ending
l\Iaya 1 , 1906. 'l'1I0lIAS : Ron
72.3t. village Clerk.
Notice for Administratiol' '
first Publication May 2o , 1905. I 'I
Notice is I hereby given that Caroline Koso j
did 011 the 22nd day of D1ay . 1905. l1le IIl'tithlll
In the cOllllty court of Richardson count ; ;
Nebraslca the object and prayer of which is
that Letters of Adniinistration stay he granted :
to her as Administrator ot the estate of John I
A. hoc \ : ) . who it Is alleged died III and a resident - '
dent of said county I \ Iay 10. IfX15 , Intl'statc It
Is ordered that the salllc he heard by the Court 'r
on the 10th day of J unc 1905 , at 9 o'clock a. 111. . 1
ill the county court room , at falls City . In said
anent ) . . when allll where all Parties interested
ncu' appear and oppose the ralltlllr ; thc
prayer thcrcof.
l1y order of the eotn t . dated \ .Iay 22nd . 1905
[ HHALl J. \\'tllI.hlTH . ,
73.3 Count Judgc
Accidently Shot.
Will Hoffncll , who lives a few
miles north west of this city was '
in town l'Ionday and when he'
went home hc took with him a
gun he had , had repaired and
while he was putting his team
away left the gun in the buggy.
His two sons were playing it ' '
in the yard and gut thc gun from
thc rig and the older one ac-
cidently shot the little one
through the upper limb. A doctor - 1
tor was called and dressed the
wound and the little one is rest-
ing nicely although the bullet 'ti1
has not been remove ( I . V . ! I ,
Cards of Thanks.
\Ye wish to cxtcnd our heartfelt -
felt thanks to thc many kind
friends who extended to us their
careful jympathy and assistance
during the illness and at the death
of our beloved wife and mothcr.
\Varren Hutchins and Family ,