The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 26, 1905, Image 4

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t .
Entered as secoml-class matter at
Falls City , Nebraska , post office , Janu-
' ary 12 , 1904 , under the Act of Congress
\ of March 3 , 1879.
4 Published every Friday at Falls City ,
I' r , Nebraska , by
, The Tribune Publishing Company
" One _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ .
' : ' Six months----------------------- ,60
! . ' I Three months _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .35
: Yon want the most for your
money that you can ottain That
i is natural and legitimate.
' . , The question is , how and where
. can you get it ?
The Tribune has been in exist-
encc a little more than a ycar. It
I seems a startling fact , but it is
1 true , nevertheless , that 85 per-
I sons who lived in this county
when they subscribed for this
paper , have since moved away.
Let us submit a proposition for
If 85 of our subscribers have
the paper sent to their present
address , how many who once
: lived here but have since removed
I take , say the Journal for instance -
) I stance , that has been in existence
{ for many years ?
I When a newspaper speaks of
the number of its subscribers , it
i includes both home and foreign
i , Foreign subscribers are of no
value to the local advertiser.
J It is the home man that counts. '
i The Falls City merchant de-
i rives his trash : very largely from
the farming public around Falls '
I City. Realizing this to be true
, we have made a special effort to
; enlarge and increase our circula-
i lion on the Falls City rural routes.
You remember that we have
1- il asserted that we have the largest
y circulation on these routes. We
now repeat the assertion and
x \ i stand ready to prove it.
t An ad in The Tribune is the
I most valuable at the price to the
t local merchant.
I The statement in the last issue
i. of the Journal that many members
t of the Roosevelt club expressed
t. the fear that Falls City could not
properly care for the congres-
t s sional convention , was not only
l ill advised , but it was also incor-
recto No one attending the meet-
inl of the club expressed any
; such sentiment. No representa-
\ .
ttve of the Journal attended the I
meeting , and the mistake was
doubtlessly occassioned by such
fact. The committee , fearing
that an erroneous impression
might be created by the Journal
article , wired the state papers
that the town was making ample
preps a' 'ons for the convention ,
and that aU visitors would be
provided with entertainme.nt.
t 'Ve counted seventeen fishing
t. rigs making for the river Sunday
\ tt19rmng.
V ! . . .
. . . -
_ - " - ' ; : ' ' . . " . , . : : : . . . . : ; , : . . > J..I ; ' , , ' - '
Quite a number were singing
"in the cold gray dawn of morn-
ing after"on the morning following -
ing the installation of the Elks
lodge , ,
Vie cannot recover from the
idea of a band concert Saturday
afternoons It would be a treat
to which the farmer and his fam-
ily would look forward to and
would be a great trade producer.
No one need stay away from
Falls City June 1st for fear of inadequate -
adequate accommodations. There
will be provisions , made for all of
you , arid an opportunity to wit-
ness one of most interesting conventions -
ven Hens of years.
The Humboldt Enterprise
speaks luminously and to the
point on the question of faction-
alism within the republican party :
No true republican can feel any-
thing but regret over the condi-
tion. ' The remedy lies in the
hands of the people , and while
they are patient and long suffer-
ing , the time is nearing when the
remedy will be applied.
All eyes will be upon Falls
City June 1st The congres-
sional situation seems as much
in the air as ever and no political
prophet can foretell the , result.
The Lincoln papers say that the
Lancaster county delegation will
never vote for any man other than
its own candidate. This should
be a game that two can play. It
may prove to be a waiting game
and develope into a contest of
Saturday was one of the best
business days Falls City has
experienced this spring. The
streets were crowded with buyers
all day and the merchants and
clerks welcomed the closing hour.
Falls City is the best trading
point in southeastern Nebraska. ,
The local stores carry stocks
which in quantity and quality
are not equaled in any of the surrounding -
rounding cities. A reasonable
amount of judicious advertising
would keep these facts before the
people and would tend to increase
the patronage already enjoyed.
To the Citizens of Falls City.
The assembling of the congress-
ional convention here June 1st
will tax our city for sleeping room.
The undersigned committee on
entertainment has been appointed -
ed to arrange tor rooms for dele-
gates and we earnestly request
all persons who can furnish sleep-
ing room for one or more delegate
to report the same member of
this committee at once. The
committee recommend a maxi-
mun rate of fifty cents a person
for lodging. Committee head-
quarters at P. S. H acock's office.
P. S. HEACOCK , Chairman.
JOlIN WILTSE , secretary.I I
- . , . . f .
, , .
Every Young Man y. . , ,
Every Young Woman I
, \ , . !
, } i
Should lay aside a portion of their income.I
And the time to begin ? . .
- I
The easiest and surest way to open an ac = - ,
count with this bank , start in with small de- JI I
posit ; and adding to this regularly each week , .N . .
or month. Many have tried this plan , many , .
have succeeded.
I ,
This bank receives deposits as low as a >
DOLLAR , and is always glad to-help those who . ' . . . . k ; ; . IL
' ' -
help themselves. - rr
. . . . . . I
" ' :
The Falls City State Bank . ' , t . r
"jlii , : ' . '
- . } < Ri
'The Caucuses.
The caucuses Saturday night
were exceedingly tame. There
was no contest , . the following'
delegates being' elected without
opposition :
First ward-A. R. Scott , Gee
W. Holland , P. S. Heacock , Rev.
Yoder. Sam Bain , Wm. Reiger ,
John Mosiman , jr.G. M. Barrett ,
John Wiltse , Fritz Herbster , Lou
Beasley , J as. Hilh"ard.
- , -
Second wdrd-G. J. Crook ,
Aaron Louc1rs , Ernst . . . Werner ,
Norman : Mussleman , J. R. Wil-
hite , D. C. Kirkpatrick . , R. G.
Wills , V. G. Lyford , sFred Sea-
bold , John lossack , W. E. Dor-
rington , John L. Cleaver , Wm.
Cade , J. J. Whitaker , Louis Mc-
Third ward-Con Reagan , J as.
Nausler , J. A. McCormick , Carl
Lippold , Martin Zook , O. Andrews -
drews , Frank ' Brenizer , Cal Everts ,
Chris Saylor , George Linsacum.
The probabilities are that C. F.
Reavis will be given the delega-
tion to the congressionl conven-
tion without opposition.
Why Slier from Ilhmatiam1
Why : suffer from rheumatism
when one application of Cham- I
berlain's Pain Balm will relieve
the pain ? The quick relief which
this liniment affords makes rest
and sleep possible : and that alone
is worth many times its cost.
Many who have used it hoping
only for a short relief from suffer-
ing have been happily surprised
to find that after awhile the re-
lief became permanent. Mrs. V.
H Leggett of Yum Yum , Ten-
nessee , U. S. A. Writes "I am
a great sufferer from rheumatism ,
all over , from hEad to foot , and
Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the
only thing that will relieve the
pain. " For sale by Kerr's Drug
. . " ' .
. II a
: '
Merchants and'
Business Men f
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with !
John L. Cleaver
For Collection or for Suit
Small Com's on Collections I
No Attorney Fees on Suits. . ;
Defendant pays all C sts. . t . . : 'j
R.L.Baumoni M. D.
. . , . . , .
Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph . ' ; 4
Formerly eye and ear special- .
, '
ist limited to \ . .
now practice ' ' "
, , ,
. . . . - : , : ,
Eye .Olasses . "f"
, . . . . - . , '
GEO. H. PAR.SELL M. D . , J' ' ' : ' f , .
Telephone. No. 58 . : . :1' : . : ' . ' ;
' . . . . . y
Office at Residence " , F'
, :
Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. : . . " ' ,
. :
fto3P.m. - .J
. . ' -f : ; 11
Legal Notice , . " ' . Z- '
First publication May 19. 1905 ' " " r , I
Notice Is hereby l given that John Scluden . . " r
berg bas filed his petition with thc village . . '
board of Barada signed by the requisite nurn- . 7 ,
ter of resident freeholders of said village . . , '
that a license be granted him to sell " ' tasking
malt spirituous and vinous liquors on the , + "
property beginning 28 feet south from the 1 -
south cast corner of the od : school house lot. w
thence west 140 , feet , thence south to the ' . ' . ' 1\ ' . ,
street. thence cast to corner stone of block 1 ,
thence north to plac 4 of bcll'lnnlnlC all in north. , ' '
east quarter of section 23 , to\\shlp : 3. range " " .
Ib , east of bth principle meridian , In Richardson . ' 'fO I
count , and village of llarada for the munlc- . / ,
' ' ' May 4 , 1905 , and ending
Ipal year beginning ) . . . . . .
May 3.1906 . THOMAS ROH . /
72-3t VlllalCc Clerk . ,
Leg& I , Mice . .
Notice Is hereby given that A. J. Helmick . ' . :
has filed his petition , on May 11. 1905 , signed
by the requisite number of freeholders of " , , ' "
the village \ of Stella , Richardson count ) ' . _ . '
Nebraska askllllC that a license as a saloon , ' , /1 '
. .
keeper be granted to him to sell malt spirituous - . . . . ' 1
uous and vinous liquors on lot 6 , block 11 , In > ,
said village for the municipal year beglnnlnlf . , '
June I , 1905 and ending May 31 , 1906. ' , .
Vllla'Ie Clerk .
1xJJr '