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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
_ _ ' .H' _ " _ _ - _ _ " . . . . _ . . . . _ " ' _ " _ . _ . . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r . _ - . - . 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .i _ ,4k 4 , : I r . ; . t l' \ 'I . FOLESI ' K1DNEY CURE ' ! . . Will positively cure any case of Kidney a - . . . . t I l tt I I i or Bladder disease".not beyond the , reach ' of' medi ine. , . No medicine . can 'do ' morc. ' . . , , , .I' . I , . t ' . FOLEY'S' KIDNEY CURE . Passed Stone and Gravel ' With Excruciating Pains , : ' I A. H. Thurnes , Mgr. Wills CreQk Coal Co. , Buffalo , 0. , writes : , ; } . . . I ' eel have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years , passing . , . 'f" strengthens the urinary organs Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only ) . . , gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KInNEY CURE the result was builds the kidneys and invigsu prising. A few doses started the brick dust , like fine stones , etc. , . Up . . . ' and now I have no pam across my kIdneys a. 1 I feel like a new man. . ' orates the whole system. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done , me $1 , OOO worth of good. " . . . . . . ! I . No Other Remedy Can O.ampareWith It - : ' I 1 IT IS GUARANTEED t I Ths. w. Carter , . of Ashboro , N. C. , had Kidney Trouble and \ I " one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure , and KIDNEY.CURE effect.ed .n I TWO SIZES 50c and $1 . 00 . ' C an. he say there IS no remedy that WIll compare with It. a I I . . 1 I . . . . , . SOLD ! AD t ! . RERD1MENDED , BY . , ' , ' ' 1 . ' : ' ' ; " . DRS . ; . "Mcnl . . . , LAN , Proprietor ! ' City i. . Pllarillacy. , ' ' , I I . 'd . I. $ : _ _ _ _ _ J.I' , j " ' . , , , Eat . Sowlcs Candy.l . ' " I' l\'lr. and 1\irs. L. A. Kinsey \ ' . . . . . . . l. \ . . i r . . . . . $ . .U . A . , : . were . in nus cite 1\1onday. \ ' See Coupe & 'rhorntOl ; for al ! kinds.of f salt ' and , fresh . , fish. . . A. Crawford . WS , lo\vn < \ . fro'ni Auburn , Friday on business. \ T. 6. . Bailey . . v.\s \ down , , from York , on .1.m incs S . lt.irday. ! , , " ; Win Nitschc of Rube wt4S ! : ? one of Saturdays : ) . business vi5itors. ! . 'Villard Veils . and wife of Ver- ' don spent Tuesday in : this city. Coupe & Thornton have on tap at ' all - times corn . . fed mcats. . , , Flething ' Robbs of Verdon spent . Sunday , H'fh : frie dS' . in- this . t. . , - ' ; ' "j t. : . . , " " I . " ' , city. Cl - . ' , ( ' , ' , ' j , . . . . . I , . A. . . 1-1. Callison. of A burn spent Sunday . in . F . this . . city . visiting . ' , friends. j When in need 01 a nice juicy stake , or a prime " rib roast tele- phone . 74. " r , . . . , D. : Spiclle , and . wife of " Bar- . ada were among Saturdays business . " - ness visitors. E. E : ' James . canie' ' down from Sh' ' bert 'and' visitcil friends in th'is ' city S nday' . " . ' \ ' " . ' . . , " " . ' Cho ; Fclt , . one ' ofiShuberts business men , was seen on our streets last Satur hr. 'Ve arc making unreasonably low- prices , on salt meats and lard. -Coup & . .Thorntoil . , . " W. E. Griffith.of Stellar , spent a couple of ' clays ; in thislCity : . . . the . . 'httt > r' J1a'rt : f'1istve k : ' : " s , . . , . , ' , , I' : ' .f' I IIt.l ' " 1"\ . . ,1\'Lr. . , ; . ; tndJ'11.r : < ; . Rat . . . Al . . der Hl . < J. } } ! J 1 l.1 . ; v r . lq.Wl . , front } ltordon 011 , Sa turela r. . . . , : . . -1 ' 1\Ir. and Irs . . . . Sam Stewart came over from Reserve and spent Sunday with the tatters parents in this city. I , . I fi ] I J. . . 11 _ WT..Wlf1 . J . . . . . . . - . I I" ' . " . . " , , . Dr. . Wiser and family spent se- veral ! clays in Sabetha ; Ial1s , at the home of" ; - ' : --IIt1ghes and on Saturday left for . Caloradd where they win make their Home ' in .the future. S. H. Aver and wife of Auburn speiiseieral \ clitys ' i'n' ' this city the first of the week in the nter- ert of his big music store' . . . . . 'I'he " members of the senior class , of"'tIle Ruf higl : school cau1eto thIs , city Saturday and had \ a class picture taken. . : Miss Ada Stocker of Ohio ar- rived here the latter part of last week , and is visiting at the home of her cousin , Mrs. O. P. Heck. ! The senior class of the Verdon high school . . \ \ ' ere in' town : Mon- day having ; their class picture taken. ' F. S. Crable and family left Monday , for Clarinda . , , Iowa . where they will make their home in the futurc. Albert Zimbers ' came . home Saturday from a severed. months stay in New : Mexico and Cali- fornia. : , Matt Hoffman and his mother leave this week for their new home in Jefferson City , Nlo. Van Scilon ; of Verdon had a car load of cattle on the Kansas City market \Vednesday. E. L. Brown of Verdon was in Kansas City , 'Vednesday with . a car load of cattle. A1iss Pearl Cunningham came down from Verdon last l\1onday to do some shopping. . . Oraman Lutz of Osborne , Texas : ! is here visiting his sister , Mrs. ' : Carrie Paxton. . \V H. Lowe of Stella spent Sunday in this city. . . . . . . _ . - - - - . .wcsw . . . .1. . . . . " . . . . . . . y . " . A. J. Hefniick \ vas down from Stella on Sunday. : ' ! ' A. . , R. Goolshy left Sunday high for Kansas-Ci . . ' . " . . . . . . Lizzie' Goolsby spent Sunday . ' with relatives near 'Straussville. 'l'he Dawson- seniors had a class picture taken in this city on l\londay. , . . Ed : Burris , wife and mother spent Sunday in the country with relatives. Last Saturday , Prof. C. 1\1. French of Rule schools started tc join has family in Santa Paula , Cal. , where they will make tlreil future home. John 1arkt of Barada accom- panied his family to Falls City Sunday where they took the Mo. Pac. nigh train for an extended visit in Kansas. If y'ou wish to know what glasses - es will do for the headache and nervousness call and have I them fitted by Dr. Hutchison who will be at 'Va1ker's office on Saturday 'lay , 27 , He will not be back again until August. The ladies of the auxiliary to the cemetery association were eminently successful while in charge of King's soda fountain last Saturday. In the evening so large a crowd was present that it was with difficulty the mem- bers were ser ' ecl. The local lodge of Elks prepared - pared for a larger number of visitors - itors than they had Saturday night , and in consequence there t were bushels of untouched food { I left frdm the banquet. Bob' ' Johnson , Fred Kellar and Grant \Vinde1 spent most of Sunday morning ih carrying huge bask-I ets of it to the poor families inj town. , . _ . d' - - - ' ( .He Worked Them All. I , A stranger blew into town last week and proceeded to make himself - : ; self . extremely well acquain ted. He claimed that hb name was : 1' l tdnllno'ns : and that he was a cattle man. He was driven around the country by our local livery firm ostensibly ; to sell and buy cattle , but it developed later that G hc was enjoying a number of free r carriage rides at the expense of Corn Bros. , whom he forgot to P3Y. At Dan Ramsey's he cashed a check drawn on Kansas City parties. . Up to the hour of going to press the money had not been returned. During his stay in Verdon he enjoyed the best of i hospitality prodded b y the Transit hou e. Mrs. Moran , the proprietor , now mourns his departure - parture several dollars' worth. i On Tuesday night Fitziuunons quietly took French leave and I has not written to auy. of us since The rascal also managed to cash checks at each saloon , . . which have turned up to be ' d , / worth1ess.-Verdon Vedette. I l . , J A lood l'a.mlY L' Imment. I : ' Every family should be supplied : with a bottle of Chamberlain's ' \ I Pain BaIrn. For cuts , bruises r ' ; burns , scalds and similar injuries . : : / " which ' are of frequent occurrence ' 1 's ' ; . there is nothing so good.It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain , but causes the parts to heal in abou on e- i 1 third the time required by the ) unusal treatment. As it is an an- . , t' : j tiseptic all danger from blood- poisoning is avoided. Sold by i Kerr's Drug Store. 4 $ , For Sa-Ie. II , " I have some seasoned burr ova 1' ' andards : for sheds or barns 1 I cheap. From 12 to 16 feet. C. F. REA VIS. I . I t I