The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 26, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. II. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , l RIDA , MAY 26 , 1905. Whole No 72
Elks Instedled .
m The Falls City lodge of B. P.
O. E. , was installed with thirty-
seven charter members Saturday
nigh 'rhe Omaha team of
, i' ' fourteen members was down to
do the work , and the installation
was in charge of : Mr. Taylor of
S Omaha , grand exalted ruler. The
t , officers of the new lodge are Dr.
Fred Kellar , Rev. ! -1. B. Smith ,
S Geo. E. Hall , R. C. James , fIer-
I ' ' man Minnick , Ed lay Dave
I Davies , John Powell acid Grant
t \Vinde1. After the' ceremony of
, _ iii'- installation was over and the
candidates had recovered from
r : the goat ride , an elaborate bdn-
' " . quet was served.
Several speeches were made by
the visiting members , and alto-
gether a royal good time was
'rhe lodge has leased the entire
upper floor of the Strong build-
ing and the rooms are now being
fitted up in the most modern
style. With its memberrhip ,
comprising many of our most
prominen citizens , and the well
, a selected ' material in sight , Falls
City lodge No. 963 should be a
Rebekah Convention.
I 5 , The ReiJebah District conven-
r tion was held in this city on May ,
22 , 1905. Those from out of
town who were present were lvII's.
Nellie Corrick Cothd : l\Irs.
Sarah ft1arburger and : Mrs. Camp-
bell Humbol ; M-s. Lesley Miss
\ t Lesley , D. C. Simmons of Salem ;
ftIrs. Hansen and 1\lrs. Tackley ,
Pawnee City ; l\'Irs. Glassen , Te-
cumsehj ; v1rs. Faulkner and Miss
Buerstette of Table Rock.
The following officers were
elected j Mrs. 'rackley , president ;
1\1rs. ' Glassen vice president ; Zola
Jones , warden ; l''lrs. Hansen ,
Secretary ; Minnie Buerstatte.
t treasurer. ,
Reporters were appointed as
b follows ; Zola Jones , Western Re-
j : bekah , Council Bluffs ; Fraternal
, Review , Omaha ; Nancy Glassen ,
! National Rebekah , Minneapolis ;
) \ " , _ . . Nellie Downs , Falls City
'rribune. Bessie Davis New. I
; )
f. . A good talk was listed to by
, the state president , Mrs. Corrick.
S A paper prepared and read by
1'.lrs. Glassen on "Rebekah De-
l I gree" was very good. The new-
i - - ' J ly dected officers were ens taIled ,
J the work being done by the drill
Anna Dorrington sang a very
pretty solo. A number of instru-
mental selections were rendered
by differn members.
I , .
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Friends in Council.
Friends in Council met with
Sallie Schoenheit on Saturday
evening of last week. A program
as follows was rendered : Roll
call , Favorite Recipes ; paper by
Miss Morton on "New England ;
Discussion by the members of thc
club on "Helpful Household
Devices" . Instrumental duct ,
vIisses Schoenheit and JohnClara
'ral1l1er and Winifred Taylor were
guests of the club. A pleasant
evening was spent and light refreshments -
freshments were servcd.
Mrs. Wilson Entertains ,
11Irs. Charles Wilson entertain _
ed a number of young ladies at
here home on Seventh and Chase
street last Monday evening. The
evening was spent in playing
games and many beautiful musical -
ical selections both vocal and instrumental -
strumental were greatly enjoyed
by all. Those present were Misses
Davies , Robbins , Banks , Helen
Martin , Bowers , Gilman and
Schoenheit. An elegant lunch I
was served by the hoste s.
A Narrow Escape.
As Judge Gagnon and his son
were driving down Chase street
Sunday afternoon on their way
home , the harness broke and the
horse they were driving started
to run away. Upon turning the
corner by the residence of T. J.
Gist the judge was thrown from
the buggy alighting on his head ,
the horse was stopped a short
distance from where the judge
fell. 1\-Ir. Gagnon was badly
jarred by the fall and received
quite a gash on the forehead.
The young man was uninjured.
'ro those who .saw the accident
it seemed almost a mircle that it
did not result fatally.
An Appeal
Active members of the auxiliary
to the cemetery association are
somewhat discouraged over the
present state of affairs. Many
people who have lots in the cem-
etery use the water without paying - I
ing for it , and in other ways seem
to take no interest in the efforts
of the society to help defray the
necessary expenses. Only a very
few ladies have the burden of the
work. We do not know of a more
worthy cause than the beautifying - .
ing of the city of our dead , and
every citizen should attest his interest -
terest in a substantial waVe It
would be disgraceful if the soci-
ety were allowed to go to pieces ,
as some fear , and an earnest ap-
peal is made for both workers
and funds to carryon the work
Yk9.ha / i ' . . , 'oJ : : ! 410ii _ " . , . .
School Grudu 'es. '
The eighth grade commencement -
ment of the city public school and
the district school ! of the county ,
was held ast Friday evening at
thc Gchling opera house.
A large audience greeted the
forty-f ur pupils who constitute
this class. Rev. E. Smith of the
First Iv1ethodist chuch in Omaha
deliveredthe address of the e 'en-
ing.Iis subject was , "Adding
Beauty to Strength j or , The I + in-
ishing of our 14i ves. " Rev.Smith'
manner of presenting this was
both scholarly and finished. He
likened the building of Solomon's
temple to the structure of our
lives l ; or the building of our char-
acters. 1'his thread of comparison -
son through the entIre speech
which was filled with practical
suggestions , beautiful and force-
fully presen ted.
Following this address and the
presentation of diplomas , a'fell
prepared program attested to .
painstaking effort on the part of
teachers aqd pupils. This con-
sistcd of instuuintal : and vocal :
solos , recitations drills.
Such occasions demonstrate the
fact that universal interest is
being taken in matters educa-
tional , and instructors , parents
and scholars are getting togetheJ
as never before.
Fire Alarm Sounded ,
On last Saturday night after
oiling the floor at Wat1l1ers drug
store , saw dust was used in sweep-
ing. The trash was all swept
up and put in a large waste can
in the rear end of the tore and
on top this many scraps of paper
were thrown. Some time during
the night this caused a spon- I
taneous combustion and when :
Iv1r. Wanner came to the store
about nine o'clock Sunday morn-
ing found the room full of smoke
and the floor around the basket
badly damaged. The fire bell
rang and a number of people
soon responded to the call and
the fire soon extinguished. This
was a very narrow escape and
might have been a big fire.
Junior Reception.
The juniors of the Falls City
high school gave their annual reception -
ception to the senior class on
'rhursday evening and a pleasant
time is reported. The event took
place at the high school building ,
the rooms being decorated in the
class colors , green and white also
the class flower which is the
cream rose. After an interesting
program elegant refreshments
were served.
. ' . . . . : ' . . , . . . . \ . ' . . . . _ _ . . ,
Died .
One 'of the saddest events The :
tl'ribunc has ever chronicled is
the death of Fred Paxton , which
occurred : at his hem on Friday
morning , May 19.
His death removes from our
midst a young man who was be- +
loved by all who knew him. I.Ie
was a son of v1rs. . Laura , . n.
Paxton , born in Scotia , Greeley
county , Neb. , January 11 , 1885.
About nine years ago hc came
to this city with his parents and
has made this his home ever sincc.
At the time of his death hc was
employed by W. H. Crook in the
hardware storc. His sickness l
covered a period of only two
wees. On : Monday before he
died hc underwent an operation
for appendicitis , when it was
found there was no hope of his
recovery. He was very patient
during all his suffering , and had
a smile for all who entered his
room , but the destroyer of all
mortal life takes no heed of these ,
As a boy he made friends ( and
won the love of plat mates by his
kindly disposition and his , high
regard for all that was true and
good. As he grew older these
. - f
traits developed 1 more and more'
until he entered the sphere of
manhood , and from this new
found and wider environment
these beautiful traits of character -
ter drew new friends who loved
him for what he really was-a
true type of manhood.
Thc funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. Smith from the
Episcopal church on Sunday
afternoon with interment in
Steele cemetery.
'rhis city extends to Irs. Pax-
ton and two daughters , Mary and
Jessie , its heartfelt sympathy in
this their sad hour in so great a
1\lrs. Eunice L. Harrington
Moore was born March 25 , 1862
Marshall county , Iowa. She
was educated at Grennell College
Iowa from which institution , she
was graduated. December 12 ,
1895 , she was united in marriage
to : Mr. \V. S. Moore. They re-
sided in : Minnesota till last Oct. ,
at which time they located in
Falls City , Neb. 1\1rs. Moore
has been a sufferer for several
years. In her religious affiliations -
tions she has usually attended
thc Congregational church.
Her death occurred : May 19,1905.
Aged 43 years , 1 month , 42 days :
Brief funeral service held from
the 1'.1. E. church in charge of
Rev. " \V. T. Cline , the interment
took place in the Steele Ceemtery.
' . . _ .
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