The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 19, 1905, Image 7
The Elks come in herds tomorrow - morrow night . . lrs. Ruby Jackson of Rule . was shopping in this city 1onday. ' , ' ' . When Bill Greenwald starts " , after anything he generally lands - : , , < , \ ; . , it. t/ ' . Mrs. Chas. : Maddox of Preston . ' . : ' , . : ' , was shopping in this city last I. . . . " ! r / ll \ . ; ir1\.ay. ' , r ; : . Jake Norris won the Peters , ( f'ak ' , ' , , , cup at the shoot last week by a : ' . " of 17. . f' . ' , ' . . score ' , : ' .1' " t' : ' . Mrs. A. E. Gantt will attend a : : " : ; - - - , ' June . wedding of a niece living 'Y . . ; w f , ' ; . + . ' " 1 J in L111coln. ! l'i ' . \ ' , . ' C. F. Reavis delivers the ad- F . ' dress to the Salem graduating " . . , . . . 11 1 y- " class tomgh 1" Mrs. Hattie Dodder of Kansas . City was in this city Friday on \ her way to Verdon. , . . . . . ' : Mrs Gelding and daughter , " . Amelia , were Stella , visitors on 'f' ° . . . : . . Friday of last week. ) , , " ' . ' : , . I Miss ' Elva Sears left Sunday .1 afternoon for Omaha where she will spend some time. ' . Miss rater's scholars attended a lawn party at Mrs. Ed Steele's Saturday afternoon. . : Miss Ella : Miller returned Fri- day from an extended visit with , her 'sister in Omaha. W. H. Sailors , Fulton Peters , . and Mat Schulenberg were down from Barada Saturday. , : ? J. B. Dillon and - J. Miller of Highland , Kansas , were in this city on business Saturday. Frank Gosset came up from T4eavenworth and spent Sunday with his wife in this city. " 1rs. Walter Veach and little daughter of Verdon were in this I - city last Friday and Saturday. I " . . , Rey. Smith left Monday for I Indian Territory where he will , spend several days with relatives. Irs. R. B. McMahon left : Monday : for Kirksville , Misssouri , * ' 1 where she will make her home in : f the future. 'I ' An advertiser said to a reporter - . , er , "it isn't so much a question how many persons take a paper , . . . I , , - as it is how many read it. " : t ' ' , The is in " cyclone abroad the . . . . : , . . " , 'r ' ' ' , , ' ' 7 : j , . . - ' T1 land , and the timid take to the ' ' ! . - : . \ ' . . . " : high grass at the sight of a , . ' ' , , , cloud. May the good Lord , x r l ; _ , - pre- " ' : " ' " , . . - serve . ' ; . ; , , ' us. > . : ' . ' E. E. Bell has sufficiently recovered - f' , , ; ; , , ' covered to be about town again. f ( . . L- ' " Ed had a narrow escape and his . ' ' i : . " . . many friends are gratified at his - : speedy recovery. , . , ; ' ' , . , Miss Lottie Culp of Falls City , , . .ti l . , . . , , ' " Miss Lillian Hulse of Powesville , ' ' , " - , ( ( :1\10. : , and Miss Cora Watkins of . ' " \ , ' \ 1. " . I' ; 0 : ' 03 , have been recent visitors.- ; { . ' . Hiawathat World. " : : ; , ; . " 't' . . Wait until the News chickens " ' ; ' ,1. ' . " " ' , w : ' . fly the coop and light on Bill ' . . Lutz's flower garden. There will .4 \ , , . , . . . : be more of the foreIgn languages ' ' : . spread around the library than arc on the shelves now. I , i I . \ . . . . . . ' - - - - - _ _ . , . - - . . _ _ , _ _ . ' 1-- The common heroisms of life are anyhow the real heroisms ; the impressive heroisms ; not the military kind , not the political : kind ; just the ordinary world kind , the bits of brave conduct happening about us ; things that don't get into the papers ; things that the preachers don't thank God for in their pulpits-the real things , nevertheless - the only things that eventuate in a good harvest.-Walt Whittt1"'d.n. Ernest Pollard of Nehawka got the Cass : : county delegation to the congressional convention. Pol- lard is a young man who would make a very acceptable congregs- I man. He is favorably known as a young man of political inde- , pendence and personal integrity. His habits are excellent , and his official conduct would doubtless meet the expectations of his friends. A number of Barada people were down Saturday to hear the saloon case from that village. Owing to a misunderstanding Judge Kelligar did not come down and the case was continued until next Saturday. Dr. W. L. Kenney , the eye , car , nose and throat specialist , of St. Joe was in the city Saturday and Sunday and performed an operation on the little son of John Gilligan , who has throat trouble. Will Veach left Monday for Harrington , Kans. , where he will take part in tuna state shoot. Among them will be the champion - pion of that state , a man by the name : : of Arnold. Miss Lettie Cain , who has been visiting her cousin , Mrs. R. L. McCoy , returned Monday to her home in Falls City. Mrs. McCoy : accompanied her home.-Hiawa- tha " \Vodd. The Journal can add fifty dol- lars to the treasury of two worthy institutions if it can establish the truth of the assertions made in its more or less famous circular. Don't be bashful-speak right up boys. A little daughter was born to Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Bentley of Denver , Colorado , Saturday , April 29th. Mrs. Bentley will be remembered as : Miss Florence Sulli van. Miss Lois Spencer returned from Omaha M.onday. She was in a hospital there for three weeks and underwent a serious operation but is much improved in health. May McIlvain of Tobias Neb. , arrived here Tuesday to spend the summer with her uncle , Will 1cIlvain and family in this city. The flowers have been planted in the court house yard and in a few weeks , under the care of henry Ruegge , will be very at- tractive. When in need of a nice juicy stake or a prime rib roast tele- ' phone 74. . . . . . . - - - - . . . . . - " . ' . k I McNALLS' CASH GROCERY You ought to buy your goods where you can buy the best the cheapest , \ve do. Here are a few bargains as long as they last. 3 bottles sweet , sour or mixed pickles.------ $ 25 bottles stuffed or plain olives------------------------ 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 glasses mustard , 10 cent size . . . . . . 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 1 gallon best Maple . . . . . . . - . . . 1 20 syrup------------------------------ 3 bottles celery salt , 10 cent size.---------- : .h. . . 25 bottles catsup cent size------------------r : : . : . 3 15 - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ur'-- . . , - - 25 2 cans oysters . , 20 tent size---------- . " ' " _ , - t ' - : : , . : . . . . ' . - . . 35 3 cans salmon I , 10 cent slze----------- . , : . . ; ; - - 25 3 packages soda , 10 cent sizeh-- _ _ : _ . : . : : h _ _ 25 . . , 3 packages of starch.--- . . . --.1.7 _ ' : " fj " - . . . . 25 3 boxes of Shaker salt 10 cent size--------- ' - ) . _ . . - : - 25 \ " 2 Gans best peas 15 cent size---------------------------- , 25 2 cans best sweet potatoesh'i . ' : . : : _ 25 3 cans best tomatoes or corn--------------------------- ' : 25 3 pounds crackers----------'h . 25 1 full quart syrup----------- ' . . . . . : : : . _ _ _ _ _ . . : _ . . , . . . . 10 1 sack best flour----------------------------------------- : : - : 1 50 1 pound Horse Shoe or Star l'obacco-----t. : . _ _ 45 Square and Compas 20 cent plugs , 2 for ; h" " _ - - , - _ 35 5 pound package Oats-------------------- . . . . . . . - - - : : : - - . 25 4 pounds best Rice--------------------- _ _ n.n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 25 W orchester sauce 35 cent size------------------------ - - - - - - - - ------n-n---- 25 All canned Goods fresh and new at 20 per cent discount , just received , must ' reduce stock by June 1st. Highest price paid for Country 'produce. 18 cents for Butter. I cent better than market price for Eggs O J MoNa.ll Fa.lls-City . . .1 I . Nebraska' WAX FARMING BY CHINESE. Crop Is Produced by Myriad of Little Insects-Yield Rich Harvest to Jl'll ' ntals Among the novel occupations in China is that of the wax farmer. The entire crop is produced by the labor of myriads of little insects , whose eggs 01' cocoons deposited on the limbs and brunches yield a rich harvest , which is trans. formed into pure white wax and marketed at a fair price. The tree ( JigustruDl lucidum ) which pro. duces the white wax insects grows in the Chienchang valley in the western part of China , which is 5,000 feet above the level of the sca. In March : round brown forms are seen attached to the limbs and brunches. If one of these should be opened it would be found to contain innumerable white in- sects. By u strange law the insect will not flourish 01' produce wax in its birthplace , and if allowed to remain will drop off in a dead mass. The Chinese have discovered - ered the exact locality where they will flourish to the best advan- tage. Transporting the females to the various farming places some 200 to 400 miles distant in the province of Szechuan , gives employment during the season to thousands of porters. One of these wax.making centers is Kia tinge - - . About May : 1 the female insect is nearly ] grown , Hud the body is almost conical , with u round base. Later on it becomes mature and begins to deposit eggs. At this time the operation t of removing the females from the limbs and brunches to which they are attached . t ached and getting them ready to turn over to the porter for trait- sit is eomUl nccd. ' rheJ are thereafter . after carried hundreds of miles to the places where the wax farmers . ers have rows of the special food plant-a species of flowering ash five OJ' six feet high-upon which the insects feed and deposit their layers of wax. I Many thousands of insects are taken by each man on a trip. They have to l'avel , entirely at night with their delicate and precious loads , for the midday beat would be dangerous to the lives of the inma tes. The various cities and villages along the route leave the gates open , so us to afford free , and unobstructed passageway to ' the carriers. Seen at night , running . j ning with all their might , dressed ' in most cases in rainproof straw , ; their flickering lanterns swaying to and fro , the carriers form a : weird and pict11l-esque sight. John Lichtv of Falls City , an f extensive cattle feeder , marketed two car load of fed steers in Kan- j SOlS City the latter part of last week. . . . . . y vW ,