a . Educational Depariment . Conducted by County Supt Crocker The pupils in dist. 27 , Mamie : Kanaly , teacher , planted four trees , Arbor Day. In nearly every town school in the county , eight grade graduates will be publicly recognized. Arbor Day , the pupils of No , 59 , Miss Grace Colson teacher , ph'tt ted four trees and several shrubs. There will be a special teacher's examination held in halls City at the Court House Friday and Sat- urday , May 26 and 27. The Rule high school grad- uates will organize an Alumni Association and hold the first I banquet Tuesday , May 23. I Prof. F. A. Nuns , whom many of our county teachers know , has recently been reelected superin- tendent of the Exira , Iowa , schools 'rhe school in list 96 , Vivian Atcn teacher , closed April 21st , with a program and dinner given by the patrons. There was a large attendance and all seemed pleased with the work. Dist , 57. 1rs. Maud vVamsley , 1 teacher. School closed April 25 with a program anu planting of trees. Ice cream and cake were served. Owing to bad weather , only eight visitors were present. : Miss Mamie G.Riley who taught successfully in Dist. 44 during the past two years will teach in I Donglas County next year. She is spending the summer , at her home iu Omaha , 721 Pacific Street. Wednesday May 10th , Miss : Emalync Loennig , who has taught successfully during the past three years in district 11 , became vlrs. Walter lcChntock. Teachers in Richardson county join in extending congratulations. District 41 , Lela Patterscn , M teacher School closed May 5th. Over forty visitors were present. 'Ve had ' a picnic dinner in our . pretty yard , after which the pupils gave a short program. Eddie and George Roxroth were not absent during the entire term. The juniors of the Humbolc1t city fchools gave an entertain- mcnt at the high school building , ! p closing with the musical farce , 'The Peeke Sisters , " under the { direction of Miss Duras , assistant. principal. The first half was de- voted to literary and musical selections. _ Dist. No. 11. Emalynne Loen- l1ig , teacher. School Friday t April 20. Our school and Dist. 52 in the adjoining county , Miss Nellie Snoke , teacher , united and held a school picnic , both schools closing the same day. Everyone present had a royal good time. i This is ' the third term that Miss Locnnig has taught in this district - trict and the last day her pupils presented her several useful and beautiful presents Dist. No. 85. Della \I. Kinsely , teacher. School closed Friday , April 21. The school gave a program consisting of songs , recitations - citations and dialogues. Twenty visitors were present. The spell- ing prizes offered were won by the following : First prizes by Rebecca Strauss and Willie Hark- endor1Tj ; second prizes by Emil Ken top ) and Willie Kentopp. - - Dist No. 42. Helcn Smith , teacher. We have just closed an eight 111onths' school. The attendance during the year has been good. Those receiving common school diplomas were : Ethel Spurgin , Ethel Wilkinson , Roxie Thompson , and Cora Fos- ter. The pupils gave a program. 30 visitors were present . Dist. No. 43. Ida Kernen , teach- cr. We observed Arbor Day by planting 13 trees The pupils have been taking splendid : l care of them. School closed Friday : May 5. The pupils gave a pro- gram tt the close of which they presented the teacher with a beautiful gift. Several visitors were present. ' Dist No. 16. Elizabeth Thomas teacher School closed May 4th with an extensh'e program. The ladies of the District prepared a splendid dinner as a surprise on the pupils which was served about one o'clock and to which every one did ample justice. \Ve had quite an exhibit of school work. Some of it will bc exhibited dur- ing the institute. About 40 vis- itors.were present. The District Field Day at Paw- nee City last Saturday was not very well attended on account of the rainy weather , yet the following - lowing high schools were repre- sented : Pawnee City , Humboldt , Falls City , Nebraska City , Tecumseh - cumseh and Auburn. Pawnee City won first honors , Humboldt second , Jake Green walel of Falls City won 9 points The next : Meet will be held at HumLoldt. The next meeting of the Na- tional educational association will be held at Asbury park and Ocean grove , New Jersey. \Vm. H. Maxwell , of New York , is president , James W. Crabtree of Peru , treasurer , and Inon Shep- herd of 'Vinona , Minnesota , sec- retary. Many Nebraska educa- tors will attend this meeting. It is hoped that Richardson county will bc well representrd. Write i to J. \V. Cr.lbtree , Peru , Neb. , . for information. District 6 , \label Iacombcr , teacher. 'rhe Hedge school HERE TO STAY H . , : i ΒΌ _ UR line of farm implements are of the best . , " r o makes and we have some bargains to offer. . , , " . - Just think Walking Cultivators $10.00 . . ' . I - . f and up , Riding Cultivators $21 .SO and up and for fine Buggies and Surries we are , . t f ' , . . in the lead and don't fail to get our prices on Wind hills , Pumps and W. C. Shinn Light. . . . . . : " ' fling Rods and our work is guaranteed. Call and " ; ! see us when in need of any of the above. Your < c . , ' truly , . . . . . . . . 't' ' - : I " i ' - \ WERNER MOSI. - - . ' -q 1 MAN & CO. - iI i < , G" .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l.-4 closed a very successful term Fri- day , May : 5. The school gave a program in the evening which reflected much credit on both teacher and pupils. Following the program a free ice cream supper was served. Almost all the patrons and many other visi- tors were present. All expressed themselves as well pleased with the entertainment and the school board showed their appreciation by offering the teacher the school for the ensuing year. District 16 , Florence E. Leslie , teacher. School closed Friday , April 28th , with a program at the close of which our eighth grade graduates were presented with daplomas by J. F. Snethen. During the noon hour we had an old-fashioned dinner. About 35 visitors were present. 1\11' and ! Mrs Sam Philpot of Humboldt entertained us with their grapho- phone HICHAltDSON CouNtry HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES 1905. FALI.S CI'ry Lena AiIcn Ruth Ailwn Franlc Allen B.ose Earl 11Ie1oy Clinc James ! Prancls Coupe Fred l\Iartin Graham Dan'lJacobGrceltwalcl Anna Augusta Freltse Vcsta Yernell LI'eMar \ } ' Kathcrlnc Maddox Stephen Albert Mower Martha Weaver Myers Una May Snidow John Duncan Taylor Lena Alice Voclfcleln. Florence Irene Wylie AdallneIIJdred Hollanll Date of commencement , U1ay 25th. v DAWSON 1.rthurKihua Myrtle Neeld Sara Cnrran Beatrice Ryan Charles Helm , Ploy Hnmmcl " Gertie Roblnon : Lotta germ Belle Holejlcle Marlon Dillow Date of commencemett , May . 19th. HULO Bessie I. . Harrison Bc"le E. Miller l\If'l\'a 1) . Kern Ruth A. Kana\ \ Della M. Martin Roy E. Dylws Earl 0. Martin James H. LaRando Earnest ! C. Shepherd Samucl G. Ward Earl C. Shepherd Date of commencement , May 19th. SALEM Ura g. Mobley Mary g. Russell Harry J. : . Smith Mattie F. Martin Lena G. Sta\'er Commencement , slay 19th. , HUMBOLDT Fred G' Arnold Llnnle Bemert Louise Power Joe G. Morris O. W. James Anna Mac Gra\'all George Petrashck Lloyd W. Stahlcr Commencement , May 24th. . - - r- " . \ This is The : I Place . To come for your graduat - ' ing and wedding presents. There is nothing so welcome and appreciated for a gift as a piece of jewelry , cut glass , silverware etc. vVe have everything from diamonds to inexpensive silver no'el- ties. Goods coming f rom us are sure-quality being the . . first thing we take into consideration - sideration when we buy for . our stock. This is also the place to bring your jewelry and watch repairing. We make a specialty of fine repairfng. Watches , jewelry , clocks and t delicate little ornaments are skillfully , carefully and neat- i lyrepaired For such work our charges are moderate. Call and see me. The Old Reliable A. E. JAQUET ' . REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont , M. D. ' L Sixth & FelixSt . Joseph " _ ! Formerly eye and ear special- I I , ' ist now limited practice to " .J t Eye Glasses - . " ' , ' , , ' . H. PARSELL M. D : . l GEO. . Telephone No. 88 ; i' I Office Residence ' " " ' ' ' ' at ' " " ( ' r Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ; 1 . I to 3 p. m. . I. VERDON , . , Chloe n. Wilkinson Kalhryne M. Mcllza ' . Raymond K Klnsc Mabellc M Crouch + . , Laura May Watson Vivian I Mayfield . . Edna M. Parsons Cleta M. Moran' Ruth g. Parsons Vera O. Lord Da\'hIM. Clark Caro\'ne \ I Cunnlnlfham . Date of commencement,1\1ay 19. . " i I The Stella and Shubert high ; t , " schools will not hold high . school graduating exercises this ' : ' year , each having added a year to the high school oursc. j " I . - - - -