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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
. , . tried the effect of turning down one street and up unoUIC1' Sure enough the woman still followcd. i 1'he more he wanted to look _ , J around to see what sort of a pee Ir'\ son she was the more he didn'I' dare to ; but finally , taking his courage in both hands , he stopped when he came under an electric light and turned squarely around. As the woman came up she ' \ } seemed ! : ; puzzled and slackened her . ' ' 1. Iacc. , " : Lay I ask you why you arc following nw'/ " he said. " \YIIJ' , ' " the woman. "I . yes , replied sup. pose I must explain and apologize , . , though I had hoped 1 wouldn't have to I'm going to call on : Mrs. Jones. 1 don't know where she lives , but the man at thc station said ; you lived next door , and if I followed Jon I'd get thcrc. " t- FOOD THAT HELPS GROWTH , - - , New Chemical Production Shows Mar- I velous Results in Promoting I - - - Size of Human eings. ' ! Several doctors and chemists have lately been studying a form of food which is stated to show marvelous results in promo ! ing the growth of human beings and animals generally. Experiments have been mad upon creatures so , tliverse as tad- poles , guinea pigs , puppies , rats , and young chickens , and in every case it was found that the animals . fed upon this food grew faster , - and attained a larger growth , than those reared in thc ordinary waJ' way.There There seems , therefore , to be no , doubt that children brought up on this kind of nutriment would far outstrip in size thos ( j . fed on other diet. .And now , their curiosity roused , readers may ask : "What is this wonderful food / " Well , it is nothing more or less than the yolks of eggs. Their effect ip pro- moting- growth is due to a substance - stance which they contain , and which ( scientists ( know as "leci- . thin. " It develops the bodily Firm t Inrc. I' + 'spla } ( ( ' flip. the hones ! - :1 : \I' \ ' j I j- a lso I bra in food bJ' virtue ot tic I } " ' ' ' ' : ! ' ( ) ' it 'outains. . . 1. They Must ! Be Swimmers . - In the Dutgli army a man must be able to swim as well as to fight Moreover , if he is iu thc cavalry he must have a horse which will I take a rh'.cr as easily as a hunter . takes a fencc. Swimming maneuvers - vel's are part of the regular drill 1 ' , , there. Collapsibl canvas boats , manned bJ a few oarsmen , lead ] I the horses so that they do not at. tenmpt to land on stone quaya { , and other difficult points. The r men swim across both with their horses and on them. They do it in swimming costume , as well as in all the accoutrements of war. There are few nautical emergent ties for which the Dutch army ia ' ) , ( ' not preparcd. Some of the officers t have even reached such a degree ' of proficiency that not only their , . 'J horses and kits cross the river with them , but their pet dogs sit . upon their shoulders and are borne over almost without wet. ? M ' \ W . . . " " " " " ' , _ " .A - " " " - - - - have been just us well to eomml ! me. Who is to chaperon you / " " \VhJ' , Ethel ] will chaperon nu' ( and 1 will chaperon her , " was the ingenuous rpply. SEES WINGED EXPRESSES. Santos-Dumont Utters a Few Star- tling Predictions Regarding Fu- ture Transportation. . - 'Vriting in thc new French magazine Je Snis Tout ( I Know Everything ) , M. Santos Dumont , the famous French aeronaut , prophesies that before in tummy , years have passed a complete revolution elution will have taken place in modern methods of traveling. Transcontinental aerial expresses , presses will "tlJ' between St. 1'e . tersburg and Paris. " Men of this generation will take their seats in them as naturally us their grand- fathers did in the first railway ( 'U rria ges. Pars will bc transformed bJ' aerial stations at which passen- gers will alight and embark on flying omnibuses. \Yinged warships will menace ! modern fleets and wage war with HulHuarines-perhaps put whole armies to flight. Very possibly some bold explorer will reach the north pole ] without much difficulty iu a dirigible bulloon. " 11 hat would you say , " adds 1\1. Santos Dumont , "if 1 told you tutu t next . summer I am confident of giving a new impulse to aerial nay - ig-ation ; that I myself ; hope to be able , before ending my experiences - riences , to cruise over Europe for a week at a time-without descending - .Andiug to carth-in a yacht that will be in itself a flying house ? " Curious Trade . ! : Union. There is a barbcrs' and wig makers' union in Vienna which is stringent in its examination before - fore it admits any new member to its society. Only fully competent persons I ) are allowed to practice , and to prove their capabilities must first show that they thoroughly oughly understand the disinfec- tion of razors , brushes , etc. , used in their craft , and also how to keep the razors sharp and use them to the best adYanta e. Even so , the man who successfully passes the . examination of the union is required . luired to serve an apprenticeship for two years before be can take a shop of his own. Women barbers . bel's are also admitted to this .Aus- trian union , but they are required to apprentice themselves for three years before they can go into busi- ness on their own account.-N. Y. Herald. A Suburbanite Shadowed by a Mys- terious Woman-Puzzle Explained . ' Later. A suburbanite bound homeward - ward the other evening fancied , after he got off the train at hi station , that lie was being followed - lowed br : a woman who kept a certain - tain distance behind him , whether he walked fast 01' slow , says thp Philadelphia Record. Memories of women highway robbers , stor- ies of blackmailing females and . various other unpleasant sugges , tions canine kite , ) his mind , and he . . . - TRAMP GOT SILVER DOLLAR Story Told by an Indiana Legislator Relating to School Days as a Military Cadet. Representative : Branch , of the Indiana. legislature , tell ! : ; this in the Indinnupoli Star : \Voile attending . tending as a cadet at t the military Behool Branch wits in the habit of taking strolls through the neighborhoods . borhoods , and on one of these ! : he " ' ' ' old says ! : "I was 'to\1clwd' \ bJ' an fellow , whose tale of hard luck would have smelted a stone. " 'But , mj' good fellow , ' I said , ' 1 huve-n't a cent with mc this lIwrning. I spent my last penny bust night and my cheek from hone won't reach me until to- ' ' , ' 1\101'I'OW \ wfll < ' . old man vasim't ! tisflpl. " 'Look through your pockets ' lIP begged , , ' 111U'u < . ' \ou'l1 find sonic- i thing. ' " ' \\'ell , if 1'n' got any m011'y in i these clothes you eau ( Mire every cent of it , ' I swill io him , and I he , gnu turning t m.r ll.oets 1 > ) inside out to show him that- I was 'sh'ulped. ) ' " 11'(11 , would you believe it , a silver ! dollar dropped out of one of 111J' pockets and coiled on the side , wall ; . elig-htpd > , the old man quick ly l grubbed ifup and said : "Plmanks. ' "He was much bigger than 1 mind I said : 'Certainl ; I am glad L can help you , but really I didn't know it was tll'rp. ' "All the way : back : to school I wondered how the dollar sumac to be in my trousers. " "And did you ever find out ? " asked , another legislator "Oh , yes ; when 1 got back to my room my roommate told mc that I was wearing his p:1nts. : " CHAPERONED EACH OTHER Ingenious System by Which Girls Avoided Disagreeable Feature of a Theater Party. Thc two country girls were or D visit to town , and they were enjoying jOJ'ing themselves immenscl ) ' , But somehow there seemed to be a conflict of ideas between them arc their hostess. She had strict ideas of propriety , and they had appal" . cntlJ' only thought they bad. They - - - had determined to show that they ' in social were fully up-to-datc matters , but-well , hcre's what OccuI'l'ed. Two young fellows from their part of the country happened to be in town at thc same time , and they invited thc girls to go to the theater , with a little supper to follow. The girls pro111p11y acceptcd. The hostess in whose charge they were raised her hands ill horror when she heard oC it. "It will never do , " she said. "You must be chaperoned on any such occasion is that" "Chaperoned I" ! exclaimed on(1 of thc girls. "Thy , of course wc'll be chaperoncd. You don't suppose we'd neglect such an im , portant feature that do ' ' as , you 'Ye'rc not entirely ignorant of f social usagcs. " "Thcn it's all arranged ? " "Of course it's all urrangcd. "I'm glad of that , " said thc hos . tess with relief , "but it WOUlll ) . . - - - - - - - - - - - - + , : Ii . I m , I To the CItizens of Palls City. The assembling of thc congress- ional convention here June 1st will tax our city for sleeping room , 'j'hc undcrsIgned committee on : entertainmcnt has been .appoint- ed to arrange for rooms for delegates - gates and wc earnestly request all persons who can furnish sleep- jug room lor one or more delegate to report thc same member of thi committee at once 1'ltc committee recommcnd a maxi- mun rate of fifty cents a person for lodging' Committee head- quarters at P. S. Hcacock's otlice. P. S. HltACOCK , Chairman. JOHN \-VII/l'SH , secretary. N. MUSSlU.MAN. : I ' 1' . J. \VIII'rAKlat. J. E. LItYDA. MfJney to Loan Private funds to loan ; mort- gages boug-ht. Have you a 10.\11 coming due , or a mortg-ag to sell ? Some good loans of $500 to $1,000. Perhaps you have some idle money and would like : one of them. Lands-west or south- call or write for dctails. Lands near and along thc Frisco rdiiroad fide lands und ranches in 1'exas. Farms and lands in 80 tracts and upwards in thc Indian 'l'erritory , well located. Excursions on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. If you wish to get a home there is some- thing to see along the Frisco. 72-2 hENRY C. Sl\I1'l'H. : May 30 G. A. R. memorial day will bc observed in the usual way : All ex-soldicrs and \V. R. C. will meet at G. A. R. Hall at 9:30 : a. m. At 10:30 : go to Steele cemetery - tery , after appropriate exercises thc graves will be decor ted. Bring flowers to G. A. R. Hall. Memorial sermon May 28 at 11 a. m. by Rev. Cline at M. E. church G. A. R. and W. R. C. will mect at G. A. R. Hall and march to church in a body. By order Jas. McDowell Commander , B. Simanton Adjutant. Thc , international convention of thc churches of Christ will be held in San Francisco , Cal.Aug. 16 to 26. This convention will bc largely attended. Elder Cron- cnberger , minister of the local church in making preparation to attend. There arc several homes in Falls City that have pianos but no playcrs. The gun is worthless - less without ' the man behind. " New type will not make a newspaper - paper , and sometimes brains would be a better investment than a new press. George Hall and Simon Davies were in Omaha Monday to make / final preparations for thc Elks tomorrow night. A large crowd is coming from Omaha , Platts- I mouth , Lincoln acid Beatrice on a special train. Services as usual at the Methodist - dist church. Evening service , Baccalaureate for graduates of thc , high school.-W. T. Cline , pas- , tor. . . . . . , - - - - -n -