The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 19, 1905, Image 10
For "Goodncs sake" drinlt ! Kings soda watcr. I Frances Withee of Stella was : in this city last Tuesday I Evan Owen was down from Verdon a few days this week. , Cap't. Grinstead of Salem was j I I down Thursday for a few hours. , Born , to : Mr , and Mrs John Babb on 'l'hursday morning a little son. f I , : : Mrs. Edward , a nurse who has \ rooms over Bode's store , is dan- I . a I gerously Ill. Rev. Lore of this city is suffering - i ering from an attack of nervous prostration. For "Goodncss sake , " drink King's soda water , and drink it Saturday , : May 20th. Aaron Loucks caught a 14 pound catfish 'l'ucsday. Hank Shaw got a mud turtlc. ' 1' . J. Mickey , free Smith and James Livcngood of Merrill were among 'l'hursday's business vis- itors i . The Graham , Omaha's best ice , cream , served only at King's assisted by the ladies auxiliary on Saturday , May 20th. The taste te lis. tells.A . A good time was had by the young folks and all enjoyed themselves - selves 'l'hcy were nicely enter- taincd at each place and light refreshments were served. A failure on thc part of Falls City to live up to its contract in accepting thc congressional con- vention , will be a black eye from which it will never recover. , \ I GreenwaldFrank Boose , Jacob , , I John Taylor , Ralph Lewis , Monroe - roe Lively ) , Chas. Hofcr , George cossack , George 'Vahl and Joe l\Hles ' attended the district fields , I day at Pawnee last Saturday Ed Nolte's horse became frightened ned at a large planlVcdnesday evening and ran away. 'l'hcy J ran several blocks before they were stopped l\Ir. Nolte was not injured but the buggy w.s ; some what tamag-ed. Thc D. D's e tertained the I-I. 8. 1\1. ' C. club , at a prog'ressi party on Friday evciting' The company met at P. S. Hcacock and from there to John Crooks , I then to thc home of W. C. Crooks then to V. G. I..Jyrords. The third annual opening of King's soda fountain takes place Saturday , May 20th , under the auspices of thc laclie's auxiliary to the cemetery association. Onl- half the total receipts at the fountain this day go to thc ladies for beautifying and improving thc last resting place of our ' dear departed friends and relatives , we urgently request your patron- age and trust when the ladies call in soliciting advance sale of tickets , good only this day , you will buy liberally , and come often to the fountain Saturday , May 20th , from 10 a. m. , to 10 p. m. " Il.ral Carriers Meet , 'l'hc annual meeting of thc ru- ral mail carriers of this county was held in Humboldt , Monday , May : 15 , in thc G. A. R. hall The officers elected for the com- ing year were ; F . E. French , Sa- em , president ; E. W. Clift Hum- boldt secretary and treasure , A. E. Stumbo , Palls City , vice presi- dcnt. A. E. Stumbo of this city and Dom O'Grady of Dawson were elected delegates to the state convention which meets at Lincoln July 3rd and 4th. The carriers adoubted resolutions endorsing - dorsing F. H. Cunningham of Omaha for president of the Nat- ional association. 'rhe next meeting will be held in June of 1906 at Stella. Social Dance Last Saturday evening there was a social dance given at the National hotel. About twenty- two couples were prcscnt. The : music was furnished by four little boys from Biglow , Mo. The young folks were royally : en tcr- tainecl and feel cndebtcd to ! Mr and 'vIrs. Andrews for their ev c- , ning's pleasurc. Kensington. i Misses Carrie and : Mable Grccn- wald entertained the Prcsbytcr- inn Kensington last Friday evening - ing at their home on Ninth and Harlan street. Sixteen young ladies were present and all enjoy- cd thcmselves. One of their entertaining features was having kodak pictures of the club takcn. Elegant rcfreshments were served. RED ANTS IN WHITE HOUSE Mrs. Harrison Showed Visitor Her Way of Ridding Place of the Little Pests. When Mrs. Caroline Harrison was the first lady of the land , says the Housekeeper , she gave the renovation of the white house her personal supervision ; , and some of her methods were unique. blrs Ben Butterworth tells a story of one of liner ideas , the working of which she witnessed once upon making an early morning call. Finding ! Mrs. McKee in the red parlor alone she inquirnd for her mothcr. I " " Where is manuna ? ' Why , in thc basement. You will generally find her in 1 he hmement ; , too , un . til she is perfectly sure there arne \ no more worlds to conq ucr. . ' " 'Veil , I will look for her , " said the visitor , and , descending to the lower corridor , she soon located her in the kitchen. , "Come in , " said Mrs. Harrison , "that is , if you can cross that chasm of dirt and creeping thing of all kinds , " pointing to the floor where lay , in evidence of her prowess , myriads of defunct wa ter-bugs , etc. , that had been sluughtercd..undel' her direction. "And now come up into the dining-room , " she said , after she had explained certain of her contemplated . tem pIn ted improvements ; "I want t to show you something else. " Going upstairs they entered t I the family , and the visitor , stunding in front of the mantel , said : 'Vhat is it ? I do not see anything new. " "Turn around , " said the presi- dent's wife , and , doing so , Mrs. Butterworth at lust noticed two good.sized sponges hanging over the mantel piece "Well , I see some sponges ; what are they for ? " But just then she observed two thick , brown streaks , about an inch wide , reaching from the mantel to the sponges , and they seemed to be ill motion. 'VhJ' , what is that ? " she asked. "That is two solid armies of red ants , " said Mrs. Hurrison. "Those sponges have been saturated with sweetened water , and the ants are traveling up to them for a feast , and as soon us they have pretty well covered the sponges , they will be plunged into hot water , ants and all ; then washed and sweetened again. They have been changed four times already thin morning , und as yet there seems no perceptible diminution of their number ; but time and patience work wonders sometimes , and it is a sure remedy if kept up long enough. " TOWN MADE UP OF GRAVES I Another Village on Lake Huron Where Inhabitants : Live Only in Winter. Away up in the northernmost part of Northern China is a town composed entirely of b "rayes . Thc place is , as a matter of fact , a deserted - scrted burial ground , and has been taken possession of by a band of beggads , thieves and outcasts of all descriptions , who eat and sleep in spite of their strange environ- ment There fire several of these "towns among thc tombs" in vari- ous parts of thc Chinese empire , but time ' one mentioned is the most extensive. Another curious place without a name is a town on an arm of Lake Huron. It is made up of 500 wooden . en buts. During the summer these houses arc bidden way on shore and the town contains not a single inhabitant , but on the arrival of winter , when thc lake is frozen , thc owners of these huts arrive and proceed to move their huts out on the ice. The floor of the hut is taken up and a hole is cut in the surface of the jce. Through these boles the residents fish all through the winter. But when the spring comes and thc ice melts away this extraordinary town is once more broken up and the inhabitants I move their shanties back to the woods , while they scatter themselves . I I selves all over the country. This the "season" has place during two churches and a curing house , not I to mention several suloons. A walk about Humboldt incH- ate s that it is the prize hammock own in thc state. Thc up there all buy the 'sit { close" var- iety. J.Cronenberger , minister of the Christian church will preach at Salem , Sunday afternoon at three 6'clock. f , I WILSON 1' . . [ , ' " See the display of DINNERWARE PAT. . . TERNS AND FINE I.- , GLASSWARE : : : in our show . windows. No - / . I , tice our BARGAIN WINDOW t. . I every Item at " COST OR LESS' . Our windows are well light- jl ed and ' we do not turn out , . .t. : : . " the hghts. j- _ ' C. M. WILSON . . Merchants and Business Men . With hard accounts to collect , should place them with John . L. Cleaver ' JUSTICE of the PEACE . FALLS CITY . NEB For Collection or for Suit J Small Com on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays all Costs E. WALKER A.E. _ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Clev lancl's Store I-IoUt.s from I to 2 ; 7 to 9 Phone I70 Legal Notice , Notice IR hereby given that A. J , Helmick has filed his petition on May 11. 11))5. ) signed . by the requisite number of freeholders of the Tlllall" of Stella Richardson count . Nebrasica asking that a license as a saloon keeper be granted to him to sell malt spirituous - 110llS and Vinous liquors on lot 6. block 11. III said Village for the min tticipal year beginning June I. l1J05. and ending May 31 , 1906. J. C. Rri + ncRS . YlllaKe CIerI. . ) 1I Thc'1vlodel Farm record is be- , ' f ing introduced in this county b"j t j 'vIr. Gates and is becoming quite ' 1 popular He has put out a num- I ber of them in this county and ' every farmer who has purchased . : . _ one seems to be satisfied. Every f ; T , farmer buying one is given free " I a $5 book of trading stamps good I at almost any store in his com- munity. Fred Paxton , who underwent , an operation for appendicitis last . ; ' ' " Monday is still very low at his -I ' home in this city.