The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 19, 1905, Image 1

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. VolII. FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , MAY 19. 1905. , Wholc o72. ' .
; , 4fs ( ' He was Honest.
t . - t\ I
, Itrhe latter part of last week
y . . vIrs. Will Uhlig lost a hand bag
containing a pocket book in
which there was something over !
ten dollars. Shortly after she
dropped it , Ed King , who lives
, on the Hinton place south of
town , found it on the alley cross-
. ing just west of Wahl's store.
. .
' vIr. King had some purchases to
p make in Reavis & Abbey's furni-
ture store , and he inquired there
if they knew the owner of the
, 1 I . \ pocket book. It was recognized
. _ . . . . . d ; ; \
.Jr' by a member of the firm who had
' \ seen it in Mrs. Uhlig's hand that
t' . afternoon. It was restored to. .
. her , and she was grateful that a
. . man of Mr. King's honesty had
: been the finder.
,1 ,
\ .
Trouble at Hamlin Kansas.
On Sunday night a store at
Hamlin , Kansas was broken into
i . and robbed. Tuesday morning
Dr. Fulton's blood hounds from
Beatrice passed through here on
their way , to Hamlin. The hounds
, .
were immediately started to work
" ' . and followed the trail up'to a livery -
ery barn where two young men ,
Ross 'Villards and a fellow by
r the name of leyers were. To
' : w 'J make sure they started the hounds
over the trail again , leaving the
boys at the barn. The boys took
" . a team from the barn and immediately -
medi tel y left town. At this
" time they have not been caught.
Ross \-Villard will be remembered -
. . ed by many of our readers as he
made this his home for a number
\ of years.
A. W. Greenwald Elected.
At the session of the Grand
, Lodge A. O. U. W. held in South
> , Omaha last week , W . fA. Green-
I wall of this city . was elected
, . grand receiver. This is one of
1 , . . the highest positions in the or-
) der and for which there were
. l many candidater The Grand
Receiver has charge of all the
funds of the lodg vIr. Green-
wald is to be congratulated upon
his splendid fight and its result.
. '
' r Mery Hospital no More.
fj' : The Mercy hospital was closed
this week. Dr. Houston has
" .J labored inces'3ently to make it a
} " success , and has expended a large
l - .
, - - : . \ \ I sun of money for this purpose.
\ ' It seems , however , that Falls
" ,
City is not yet ready for an enter-
\ , ; : . . prise of this character. Dr.
( . , ' : Houston returns to his offices
over . D. W. Sowlrs confectionary
. " .
\ ( . , .r
Chas Jones died at the home
of his mother in Stella Saturday
morning. He had , clerked in dif-
fercnt stores in Stella for the
past fifteen years. About six
months ago he contracted lung
trouble and left for points ; in
Colorado : in the hope of regain-
ing his health , but he becamc
worse and finaly returned home
about two months ago , and has
been unable to leave his home
since his return. The funeral
services were from the Baptist
church Sunday afternoon.
Wm Snyder died at his home
in Sabetha , Kansas , Friday morn-
ing May , 12 and the funeral was
held Sunday afternoon at two
o'clock from the Presbyterian
church ill that city , with inter-
ment at Albany , three miles
Many of our people will remem-
ber , him as he lived here in this I
community in 1877. He was a
relative of David Grush of this
city , He was an old soldier.
Mr. Snyder was an old friend
of John Hossack , who attended
the funeral and was one of the
pall bearers.
The funeral service of Elsie
Leipik , the thirteen month old
daughter of Joseph and : Mary
Leipik , was held from their home
011 Wilson St. Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Elder J. Cronen-
berger of the Christian church
conducted the' services. She was
a sweet little child , cheering and
brightening the home for a few
short months , and has now gone
to be with the Angels.
John A. Gilliams and Mary
Moore both of Craig , Mo. , were
married at the court house by
Judge Wilhite last
Thomas : Murphy of this city
and , Margaret E Ryan of Daw-
son were married at the Catholic
church in Dawson on Tuesday
morning , Father Cochron offici-I
ating. They will make their
home in Shubert.
Thomas : Matthews and Miss
Myrtle Webb of Tina , Mo. , were
united in marriage by Judge
Wilhite on Wednesday morning. . Wins
Wm Veach who went to Her-
ington Kansas the first of the
week won the Elliott cup , ninety
four to ninety-two. vIr. Veach
is certainly hard to beat. His
many friends extend hearty con-
gra tula tions.
, - -
The Palls City Journa
claiming ' to have the
largest circulation in
Palls City , published
last week 155 inches of
, Palls City matter. The
Tribune published 221
inches of Pans City
Inatter. More than 25
per cent more than the
- . .
Arrested at R.ulo.
Some time last winter the
Catholic church at. Hula was
robbed of vestments and other
articles to the amount of about
J. J. Lamb was arrested at
Rube Friday and brought to this
city and placed in the county jail ,
charged with grand larceny. He ,
in company with a man named
Batten are supposed to be the
Batten was shot by a police at
a town in Iowa while in the act ! i
of robbing a store , about a week
a1o. Lamb has secured an attorney -
torney and will be given a preliminary -
liminary tomorrow.
China Anniversary
Mr . and vIrs. G. C. Jennings
celebrated their china wedding ,
Sunday , May 14 , 1905 , having
been married twen t , } ears. The
house was beautifully decorated
with cut flowers , t1nd a most
pleasent day was spent. ' An elab-
orate dinner was served to about
eighteen relatives. Many beau-
tiful pieces of china ware were received -
ceived by I ' 1rs. Jennings. Those
present were11' : . and Mrs.
Campbell. of Salem , parents of
vIrs. Jennings ; Jess Shrimptons
and : Minnie Jennings of Salem ;
George Slocum and wife , Esbum
, Wheeler and wife , A. J. Bald-
win and family , Herbert Bailey
and wife of Stella.
11iah Wind ,
Saturday afternoon during the
heavy rain , a small cyclone struck
a number af farmers south and
east of this city. Pat Murphy
had several small , building com-
pletely destoyed , W. W. Browns
orchard was somewhat torn to
pieces , also Chas. Brech large
new barn was blown down. The
Lake Side school house was damaged -
aged to the amount of 625 and
the grove was badly demolished ,
several corn cribs and trees were
torn up in that neighorhood.
Prepare for Convention.
Time Roosevelt club met at the
court house Wednesday cvcning'
to make preparations for the congressional -
gressional convention June 1st.
A large number was in attendance -
ance and the various committees
were appointed and arc now at
work. One committee will can-
vass the town \ to ascertain how
many rooms can be obtained at
private houses. Anyone who
will consent to entertain guests
wlli confer a favor on this com-
mittee by leaving - his name with
P. S. Heacock. In addition to
this committee others were organized -
ganized on decorations , finance
etc. Falls City will meet all ex-
perbtiom ; ill caring for the crowd
hat viii Jj here Jimmie 1st.
Falls City will be the center of
intereet on June 1. Let's make
a success of it.
- - -
Time fight in Nemaha county
is about over and one Thomas
lyIajors seems to be decidedly out
out of it.
Lincoln expects to run a , special
train to Falls City convention
day with 200 Lancaster county
"boosters'7 aboard. .
The Otoe county convention
passed resolutions condemning
the use of railroad : passes on the
part of public officials , and com-
mending the president's fight on
railroad rates.
Judge William Hayward , Otoe
county's candidate for congress ,
has engaged headquarters at the
National and has asked for accommodations -
commodations for his twenty-six ,
a band and sixty rooters.
O. A Cooper not a Candidate
O. A. Cooper of Humboldt
whose name has been used by
several as a candidate from this
county for congress , was in the
city Wednesday. He announced
to a Tribune reporter that he
was not a candidate , but that he
believed the time was ripe for
Richardson county to get the
congressman. Mr. Cooper states
it as his opinion that there never
was a better time than now for
this county to win. I
Reqisition Granted
. Gov. Mickey granted requisi-
tion for the return of Perry
Meyers from Los Angeles , Cal.
This is the case in which Lieu-
tenant Governor M.-Gilton re-
fused to issue requisition papers
a few days ago. We understand
that Mr. Mevers ha returned
without an officer ,