The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 12, 1905, Image 9
J. J. Jones of Salem was in town Friday. David Bowen was up from Reserve Friday , J E. E. Auxirr was down from Verdon last 1 4\riday. Erma and Lulu Price were in Salem Saturday. Neal Thornton wa a Rule I visitor on Sunday. . , , , Mrs Ira Houtz was down from I . Verdon on Saturday. Howard Long was a Stella vis- tor the first of the week. A. A. Walker of Verdon was a business visitor here Friday. S. B. Moore of Beatrice was in town the latter part of last week. J. T Weddle and wife of Stella r were Falls City visitor Saturday. Mrs. Cunningham of Rule was in town on Saturday doing some trading. . -t- Gene Fitzgerald went to St. Joe the latter part of last week on , business. Mrs. Ed Hayes left Saturday for Auburn to spend a few days . ' with her parents. Fred Oswald left Monday for ti Jasper , Wyoming , where he will spend some time. ' Rose Anna Bowen of Reserve were Falls City visitors the lat- . ter part of last week J. J. Morris and wife went to Kansas City Saturday to visit their son for a few days. A new sidewalk is being laid on the east side , of Stone street between seventh and eighth. ' ) Warren Schaible was down I from Auburn and spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Willard Sears and Charles Cornell attended the Fields Day exercises at Salem Saturday. George Jones came up from Margrave's ranch Saturday and spent Sunday with his parents in this city. 1 t - C. G.Humphrey of the Verdon . , Vedette spent Sunday with relatives in this city , returning home Monday afternoon. Stella and : May Johnson of Verdon visited with their uncle , Will Price , and family in , this city the latter part of last week. Mrs. A. R. Bentley and little daughter came up from St. Joe Sunday for a visit with her par- entsMr and Mrs G. S. Albright. f Mrs. Ida Green returned to her ' < , ; home in Kansas Saturday after ( 'r spending a week with her parents , George Story , and wife in this city. ' - city.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Harris and daughter , Helen , came down from ' \f \ # Shubert and spent Sunday visit- ing at the home of Sheriff Hos- sack. sack.T. T. L. Hall of Verdon spent a , few days the latter part of the week in this city visiting his brother , George , and attending to . , some business matters . 4 . The members of Carley Post , G. A. R. , of this city , are talking of holding a district reunion of the old soldiers here some time this summer. The matter is yet in the experimental stage and no definite plans have been made nor has any attempt been made at organization. It is understood that the old soldiers at Tecum- seh , Falls City and Humboldt are favorable to the project of hold- ing the reunion in this city and those at Nebraska City will prob- ably fall in line when the matter is broached to them. If matters take a favorable turn those who arc interested in the holding of the reunion will undoubtedly per- fect an organization and make an effort to give the best reunion that has taken place in ihe his- tory of the district. Auburn Herald The Hiawatha World runs some very interesting pictures last week under the heading "Some , Bits of Brown County Scenery. " One of the pictures was of two little girls , one about twenty-five years ot age and the other about twenty sitting with their feet in a babbling brook and their skirts comfortably tucked above-considerably above their knees. There was some kind of a background ! of rocks , or woods , or prairie or something or other , but altogether it was quite a strking "bit of Brown county scenery. " Rev Father Smith , of Fans City , conduct services at St John's Episcopal church Sunday evening. These of his parish- ioners accompanioned him here for the service : Mrs. H. B. Smith , Misses Lois and Alice Keeling , Oddie Lapp , Marguerite and Edna Horricks , Jessie and Mary Paxton , Hazel Jellison , and Harry Hughes , Bart Messier , Sidney Lapp , Jack Jellison , Jeff and Lynn Horricks , Reed Burch- ard , Tom Palmer and Geo. Culp. -Hiawatha World. A great deal of trade from the south of Falls City could be se- cured , by the proper method , that now goes to other towns simply through our apparent indiffer- ence. There are very few men across the Kansas lir.e who do their shopping here. If a good band was secured to give Satur- day afternoon concerts it would help materially in drawing people here , and would more than pay the expense for such an enter- prise. The usual weekly club shoot was held Friday of last week. Dr. Fred Keller was the winner he shot rings around the other boys and closed with the good score of 23 out of 25. Fred Os- wald was second with 21 out of 25. Gus Falsken came down to shoot with the club and for a time looked like a sure winner but he fell down on the last ten. , Mrs. J. : ' . Slocum and Miss Carrie and Mr. and 1'lrs. H M Jennc of Falls City and E. Wheeler spent Sunday at G. L. S10cum's- tella Press Daniel Sarvis , Scip Stringfield and George Wixon of Stella were in town Friday consulting a law- yer with reference to the municipal - pal affairs of their home clty. Miss Bess Lear came up from White Cloud Friday and visited Helen Fowler until Saturday and from here went to Hiawatha to work in the telephone offiice. Mrs Bettie York , of Watson , . Mo. , is visiting in Auburn. Mrs York is 93 years of age and has more than one hundred descendents - ents , from children to great , great grandchildren An Auburn piano merchant got in a car load of instruments the other day and had a parade of wagons filled with the empty : boxes. A band led the proces- : sion about town. Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph went to Atchison last Saturday in an- swer to a telegram stating the , formerfs mother was seriously in. . They were accompanied by a niece who has been visiting them. . Mrs. Charles Henderson of Verdon accompanied by her daughter , Mrs. Hattie Dodder. visited Francis Maddox Saturday. They left in the evening for Rule to visit at the home of Dr. Robert Henderson. An absent minded professor at the state university walked with one foot on the curb and the other in the gutter and thought he was suddenly lame. One of the girl : students ran into his study fright- ened almost to death. ' " 0 , professor - lessor , " she cried , "I'm so scared. I've swallowed a pin. " "Never mind , my dear , " said the professor soothingly without looking up , fumbling the lapel of his vest , "here's another onc. " . Money to Loan. Annual interest , privilege to. . pay part or all interest pay day. Low rates. Mortgages bought. Some good mortgages for sale in i various amoun ts. Lands for sale Henry C. .smith. Why Suffer From R.humatism1 Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chilm- ; berlain's Pain Balm will relieve the pain ? The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest 'and sleep possible , and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping on-ly for a short relief from suffer ing have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief - lief became permanent 1'lrs. V. H. Leggett of Yum Yum , Ten nessee , U. S. A. Writes "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism , all over , from head to foot , and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain. " For sale by Kerr's Drug I toreS , I II I Lega' ' Notice. In tie Rlch\rI'"on county district court , State of Nebraska , ' Robert C. Glenn , PlalntltT , j "R. Arvllio A. Hlmlll , 'nccresa t ; . 'Vortlmm , Simeon wortltam 1\he State Hank of UII UOIR , flu ibis , Nebraska , M. W. 1\I1I1IIolmnn , J. V. Hatlken , 'rho unknown heirs of J. P. Lore , deceased nllll The Inter. ; national Harvester COlllpall . Da fendallts. To \v.lussclntub The IInlmown heirs of J. P. Lore deceased and ' the Interl.ntlonal harvester Company , non.rellhlent defciui aunt : . You nalll each of you will take notice that the plaintiff , Robert C. Hlmln. did on the 14th day ' of April , 1905 , fill Ills petition \ In the district court of Richardson county . Nebraska , wherein ho prays for the foreclosure of certain mortgages therein described , nlfahlllt Lots 3. 4 , S. 6 , 19. 20 , 21 allli 22. In Block 89 , and Lots 21 , 221 23 and 24 In mock )0 , all In the city of bails City , Richardson county , Nebraska all of which mortgages led been theretofore executed by Alhlllllln N. Glenn ( nllli Arvillo A. Glum to parties muted therein allli of which this plaintiff IR Ilrelllnt ! owner and hohler. Which mortgages wem Riven to secure various Rlllltl of monl'y aggregating $7840.64 , together with acculllulatiollR of In- tereRt , unpaid , ulltlluntlnlr to about $3.000,00. and cOlltallllnlf a prayer for the foreclosure of the several mortgages mentioned , allli that an account bo taken of the amount dUI and unpaid Oil the same , and a decree by the court requlrlnll' payment thereof wlthlll n short day , or In default that thin mortgaged prelll18eR above described be sold , aH on execution - ecution to satisfy the saute and the costs of this IItllfation. And you are further notified . that defend. ants , M. w. MUHHl'1nlan and J. V. Ratlken claim ROllle kind of lien on said premises by a judll'lIIent III tilt District court , and you arc hereby notified that the prayer In lIalll petition IR that said judlfment bo helll subject to the mortgages owned by the plaintiff. and requires you to Ret lip the nature and status of said claim , or late Rallle will be declared null and volll and held for nauA'ht. And the unknown heirs of J. 1' . Lore deceased , whose names and residences arc shown to the court to be unknown to the plaintiff hy proper affidavit allll upon the order of his hllllor , Judge Babcock being advised of said fact , this publication alfalnRt Imlll IInknowl heirs III made , as shown by order of the court granted lit said cause allli filed of record therein. Unknown helrR of J. : P. Lore deceased , arc therefore notified that according to the prayer ! of Ralll petition , the judlfement held by theh' ancestor , J. P. Lore , is alleged to be dormant and subject to the lien on till real estate ownell by Addison N. Glenn In his life tlllle and of which he died Ielzed. And that unlellll Raid unknown heirs shall plead , answer or demur to this petition , aR III hereinafter re- qulred said judgment of J. 1' . Lore , deeelRed , In the District court of Richardson county , State of Nebraska , alCllllllt the lIalll deceased Addison N. Glenn , wilt be hchl for naught and decree entered accordlnlCly. . And the Raid non-resldeut defendant ' The International Harvester Company , III also alleged In Raid petition for foreclosure , to be the holder of ROllle kind of judgment aA'\ln'lIt thu said Addison N Glenn . which Is alleged In said petition to be no longer a lien on the real estate described III said petition and unless the Ralll ulIlUlo\Vn non resident defendants and each and all of thlJlIl plead answer or delllur to Raid petition on or before the Sth day of June , 1905 the same will be taken all true and the decree therein prayed will be entered accordhlllh' RnAVIS & RnAvIs 68-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff Legal Notice In the County Court of Richardson COllllt , Nebraska In the matter of probating an authenticated - Bated COP of the last will and testalllent of Margaret Rebecca Whiteford , deceased Notice III hereby given to all persons In. terested that George D. Kirk hall deposited In said Court an hlRtrulllent pun1llrllnil' tu be an authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Ralll Margaret Rebecca SVltiteford late of I1arford County In the state of Maryland , decc.sed. It III ordered that the RalllO be heard by the Court on the 13th day . of May , 11))5. ( ) at 9 o'clock a. m" , In the C.unt ) ' Court room In Falls City , In said County , when atlll where all persons Inter. cllted may appear and contest the probate therefore By order of the Court , dated April 24th , 1905 [ SnAl. ) J. R. whL1IzT1 ? , 69-3 Judge of salll Court. Legal Notice First publication May S. 1905 Notice III hereby IClven that Frank Hlakene has filed his petition with the board of county supervisors signed by the requisite nUII\- her of freeholders of Nemaha precinct In RlchardRon county Nebraska aRkln" , that a Roloon license b3 ( granted him tll sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors , on Lot 13 , Mock 0 , lu Nlllls City In Nl.- Malta precinct , Richardson count ) ' . . Nebraslcl J. C. TANNI , 70-3t Count Cleric. , - Legal Nobce. Belle Edwards , Plaintiff , , vs. } David Edwards , Defelldant ' [ ' ue defendant David Edwards will take notice that the plaintiff did , on the 2nll day of 1. a ) ' . 1905 , file hcr petition In the district court of Richardson count ) ' . Nebraska , the object and prayer of which arc to obtalll a decree of divorce from said defendant on the grounds and for the reason that Ialll defendant has wlthollt just cause been guilty of extreme cruelty towards thlll plaintiff and has failed and refused to provide for her support thoullh' sufficient ablllt to do so The said defendant will plead to said petition on or before June 19th , 1905 , or the same will be taken as true and the decree of divorce prayed for will be rendered. BELLE EDWAItI > s. RUAVJS & REAVJS. Plaintiff. ' ' for PItt. ' AU''II 70-4t LOlt. A stick pin with gold nugget setting. Finder please return to Mrs. Maud \Vighton. - , '