The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 12, 1905, Image 6

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    I r
! "When beaten to earth -well , well ,
I R , whal's that ?
! r Come up with a smiling face.
i It's nothing against you to fall down
] t I nut to lie lhere-lhal's disgrace.
1 j The harder you're thrown , why the
1 \ higher you'll bounce ,
, I . Dc proud of your blackened eye ,
J It ia't the fact that rou're ; licked that
, I counts ,
It's how dId you fight and why ?
And though you be done to the death ,
what then !
If you battled the best you could ,
If you played your part in the world of
men ,
Why the Critic will call It 1 good.
Death comes with a crawl or comes
I with a pounce ,
II I I And whether he's slow or spry ,
' It isn't the fact that you're dead that
counts ,
But only how did you die ? "
Eat Sowles Candy.
I ' W. H , Wylie spent Sunday in
this city.
t j Joy Andrews went to Pawnee
City Monday.
J. P. Jones of Salem was in
I town Monday.
, f j Remember the City Pharmacy
i j . I ; , , for , Wall paper
: , : C. H. lVIaust of Barada was in
: this city Sunday.
; ! I W. E. Haner came up from
: I. : Hiawatha Monday.
j Chas.Frakes spent Sunday with
II ; friends in Barada.
! J. A. Hinkle was up from Rule
I : .
i , Monday on uS1I1ess.
Marion Vaughn spent Sunday
with friends in Dawson.
; Homer Yoder was down from
Verdon Monday afternoon.
J. R. James spent Sunday in
I Lincoln visiting with friends.
: Scott Saylor of Verdon was in
this city the first of the week.
Geo. Harral of Humboldt was
in this city on business Monday.
Dr. R.P.Robertsdentist
over Kings Pharmacy. .
If you want all of the news all :
of the time-Try taking The
Tribune. I
Miss Mamie Gillespie returned
Monday from a visit with friends
in Hiawatha.
F. A. Newberry and wife of
Hanibal , Mo. , were visitors in
this city Monday.
Ed Stock spent Sunday with
his family here but on Monday
he left for Plattsmouth.
Free beer was one of Saturday's
attractions. The Derby was introducing -
troducing a new beer.
Mrs. Dan Sargent and son ,
Allen , left Monday for a visit
with relatives in Omaha.
Jas. B. Davis , one of the best
horsemen in the west , was down
from Humboldt Saturday.
Lloyd Mitchell of Barada was
a Falls City visitor Monday.
From here he went to Omaha.
Mrs. Mayme McCoy of Baetty ,
Kans. , is visiting her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain , in this
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
. _
. , . . I ' . ' " ,
An Old Timer
How many people in Falls City
ever saw the great flint boulder
in the field just north of Will
Holt's and immediately east of
the cemetery ? It is said to be
the largest rock of its kind in existence -
istence and has been examined
and inspected by some of the
most noted geologists in America.
Professor Barber of the state
university says that it was deposited -
posited there by a glacier during
the ice age , and has been in its
present location for ages upon
ages. If you want to see some-
thing venerable , go and look
upon the wrinkled face of this
old rock , the patriarch of its
kind and the mightiest of its
Why Suffer From R.humatism1
Why suffer from rheumatism
when one application of Cham-
berlain's Pain Balm will relieve
the pain ? The quick relief which
this liniment affords makes rest
and sleep possible , and that alone
is worth many times its cost.
Many who have used it hoping
only for a. short relief from suffer-
ing have been happily surprised
to find that after awhile the re-
lief became permanent Mrs. V.
; H. Leggett o'f Yum Yum , Ten-
nessee , U. S. A. Writes HI am
a great sufferer from rheumatism , !
all over , from head to foot , and
Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the
only thing that will relieve the
pain. " For sale by Kerr's Drug
Mail Wagon Sijnals .
The Kansas City Journal cor-
dially endorses the suggestion
that the rural free delivery
wagons carry weather service
signals. If the signals were
made of metal and mounted on a
short staff that would hold them
above the top of the vehicle , they
could be read for a half mile , as
the metal flags would not need a
breeze to display them.- E.
A New Story.
A little girl was asked by the
preacher why her father had not
attended divine service last Sab-
ba 1i. ! \ , ) : e e..l1tH\90Wll , pn the
bottoms , " replied the little miss.
"I am afraid that your papa does
not fear the Lord , " said the
preacher. "Oh , yes he does , "
returned the little lady , 'he took
his gun with him. "
It is not generally known , but
nevertheless true that Walter
'Vellman , the great newspaper
correspondent and explorer , was
born near York in this state.
Rev. Dwight Newell Hillis , the
great Brooklyn divine , was a
Pawnee county boy.
An old widower in town bas
commenced to take notice. No-
thing serious is anticipated , but
you can never predict the finish
when they take to dying
the hair and wearing button hole
. . ' .
E. E. Evans was down from I
Shubert on Sunday and visited
in this city a short time
Miss Helen Martin returned
home from Humboldt Sunday ,
where she was visiting friends.
G. E. Hall has been very sick
at the National Hotel this week
and was unable to be up town at
Fred Paxton bas been very ill
at his home on Lane street for
the past week but is improving
H. P. Marble of the , Humbo
Leader was a business visitor
Friday. We acknowledge a pleas-
ant call.
l\Irs. , Anna Horstman and little
son returned to their home in
Verdon Monday , after visiting
hhe former's mother here a few
Jennie Carry and Erma Fraker
came down from Stella Saturday
afternoon and from here drove to
Salem to attend field dar : exer-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richardson -
son of Cottage Grove were called
to Texas last week by the serious
illness of their daughter , Mrs.
Nellie Gjbson.
The canning factory at arada
is an assured fact. The founda-
tion is laid and the lumber
work will .be under way in a few
days Good for Barada.
Will Veach was high gun at
the Kansas City shoot last Satur-
day. He won by the remarkable
score of 194 out of 200. In his
present form Clayton would be
something of a lunch for him.
Alexander Andrews of Lincoln ,
but who travels with C. B. Liver
& Co. of Omaha , spent Sunday
with his parents , O. Andrews
and wife.
- -
We're busy as never be-
fore selling new Spring
Shoes , and our patrons ' r
are enthusiastic , in their
praise of the way we've
prepared for their spring
Particular striking are i
the new styles of Men's , . .
Women's and Children's . . . . . . .
" . . .
Low and High Cut Shoes. '
There is simply no limit
to the Shoe selection we
offer our patrons this
The best advertisement I
for our Shoes is the perfect
satisfaction they give , and
our Shoe service this ' .
Spring will be such as to ' .
. .
make us more popular , f' ' . . . ;
than ever. . . , ( . :
' : .W
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GROCERY , I . , ' 1. ; . . . : : . ' t . i
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Fancy and Staple
Fruit in Season
Satisfaction Guar-
anteed 11
Free City Delivey . . . dP'
Phone 40 . . . . . . . .
o , , L1
. . . : : t '
Storage for Household " ' ' ' , < i ;
. , "V' .
And Other Goods ' : ' , , : % '
. . YLa
. . - . , . .
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect , . . .
should place them with ' ' - ' "
, /jH {
John L. Cleaver ' i.
. " . . . . . . "
JUSTICE 0' the PEACE . " -1 " ' . , ' , ; , , ' . . >
\ '
. ,1l'
FALLS CITY NEB ' - ' . ' : : ' < /
For Collection or for Suit . : - - < L '
' : : ; .1. ;
" , " . ' J
Small Com's on Collections , : : . : . .
No Attorney Fees on Suits.
Defendant pays all Costs.
/ . . , .
Office over Cleveland's Store .
. "
Hours from I to 2 ; 7 to 9
Phone 170
- - . . A _ ' " , . . . . .o\- . . . . " . ' . . - . . , . . . - , . . . - . . I Jrc- . _ = " ' - - - . . , . , . . _ "