The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 12, 1905, Image 5

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' /f' SHIRT I WAISTS , .
We have a new department with us , but one which gives us I
pleasure to bring to your attention. Never have we had tile good
, , tf ! # fortune to secure more satisfactory ready made wear than the shirt ;
waists suits now offered. I
! J1
Wash Shirt Waist Suits
A high grade Precale Suits in
excellent design at $2.50 , A
, chambrey suit in Blue and
It ' Brown very neatly trimmed
I 1 f in strappings , large and small
pearl buttons and plaits , only
I.1 IY X3.30. An all linen suit , in
, > Z natural shade , ornamented
.1 A with wash braids , plaits etc ,
1 - f , sensible long wearing hand-
! ' suit in blue and brown having
.I white embroidery on the
4 ' Y goods in the latest surplice
l - - style , a lady's suit only $5.00
On up to 8 are exceedingly choice creations that are
I - worthy your consideratien ,
Embroidered Patterns !
Embroidered patterns having material and embroidered -
broidered trimming for a complete waist at S1 , $ I .25 ,
$ 1. 50 and up to S3.6o. These patterns are represen-
tative of the newest ideas in style , the materials are Jl
fine lawns , mercerized batistes' and light and heavy ! f
weight linens. Embroidery in white , pink and blue.
i'lade Up waists ! I
At $ I is a waist that any lady might i wear with pride
At $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.25 and up to $8 in lawns PIC
Jap Silks , LilJens , Crepe de Chines and lace , is the most V
exhaustive line of shirt waists we have ever shown. ' "
: . _ . : . _
Nineteen I Inch I Fancy Silks
Sacrifice r
A large offering of fancy nineteen inch silks at
great reductions , at from 50 to 90 cents are the best
we have had this S ason. If you are considering a silk
waist , skirt or suit this item 'will interest you
U I / ; IVG . F . -
I'l ; J. C. Iorehead W. A. Green-
wahl an(1'J. E. Leyda left : Mon- '
] ! day for'Omaha ; , where they will
, $ attend the grand lodge of the A.
' i O. U. W. At this time they elect
'i grand officers and W. A. Green-
! wahl is a candidate for grand re-
I .
o : celver.
I Ed King made , his trip this far
the first of the week in his new
j It auto which is one of , the largest
and best . eveIi' brought to this
t r section and enables him to cover
's ; considerable < < territory when the
; roads'are not too ' .
ro re 'rough.-Hum-
, ! I oldt Leader
, ' 4 I ' Let every citizen of Falls City
" ' who has the town's we Hare at
; . . , , ! ' r heart , attend the meeting , , of the
' Roosevelt club , at which preper-
: , - - atioll for the congressional con-
"J ventioll will be made. This is
' /0 / not a matter of politics , but is
. . $
" rather a matter of civic pride.
' : : , _ The county attorney has made
1 .
' [ a second attempt to secure requisition -
I SitiOll papers on the rape case ,
.t , which Lieutenant Governor Mc -
" " . , . . Gilton recently refused. The
; 41 application this time is made to
j \ '
. Governor Mickey.I : . I The h aring-
is being held in Lincoln today.
. Miss Sarah Huchins ' returned
: , home this week from her school
duties in hincoln. She will not
. finish this term at the university
on the account of her mothers
- . ,
- - - -
' . L.r - , . - . - _ . . . . . . . .A , - -
- -
A Never-Ceasing Terror to Criminals -
finals Are These Hounds
of Justice.
But the chiefest terror of the :
Pinkerton detective agency to
evil-doers lies in this '
: they never
stop ; they never give up u
case in which a member of the
American Bankers' association is
involved ; writes Charles Francis
Bourke iil Leslie's l\lagazine.
So thoroughly is this recognized
that the little sign hanging in
many banking offices and reading
"Membe ) American Bankers' association -
sociation , " serves as the best pos.
sible insurance against the exploits -
ploits of safe-blowers , sneak
thieves and forgers. An amusing -
ing instance of the influence of
this reputation is found in a case
reported from 'Yisconsin. Sneak
thieves entered a banking house
in an interior citY aml succeeded
in getting away ; with negotiable
bonds valued at 50000. At the
time tIle robbery was committed
the thieves did not notice the sign
of the American Bankers' associa-
thou which was hanging in an inconspicuous -
conspicuous position. When the
affair became public , the fact that '
the bank which hud been robbed
belongc'd to the association was
also stated. Next day the bank
hi question received by express
from Milwaukee a package containing -
taming the stolen bonds intact
with it was a note : "Please put
your sign where people can see it ,
and save trouble , " it read.
. . . . - . . . , - - - - -
The Brethern church people
observed Help Communion Sun-
day evening A number came
down from Silver Creek : twenty
six from IIamlin and quite a few
from Preston , Shubert , Stella
Merrill ' , Mound City and Kansas
City. 't ' he house was full and
many who desired could not be
aldmitted The service was
pleasant and beneficial to all.
In commencing on the fact that
The 'rribune had quit the ready
print trust , the Humboldt Leader
says : "Good for The Tribune !
\ Vepredict. . it will not be many
month until other publications
will follow suit. There is no
reason why' the publishers of a
county should not get together
and discard the 'pr sent useless
and burdensome ready print
without which the reader gets
about all that he desires or ever
reads. An that is needed is co-
operation. "
A Good Family Liniment.
Every family should be supplied
with a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm For cuts , bruises
burns , scalds and similar injuries
which are of frequent occurrence
there is nothing so good.It soothes
the wound and not only gives
instant relief from pain , but causes
the parts to heal in about one-
third the time required by the
unusal treatment. As it is an antiseptic -
tiseptic all danger from blood-
poisoning is voided. Sold by
Kerr's Drug Store.
_ _ _ _ n _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - . - - - - - - - -
Airtight Smokebox : Door in Stok&-
hole Makes Life Easier for
Partial relief from the awful
heat of the stokehole is promised
the stokers of the ocean liners by
the adoption of an r-tight : smoke.
box door , which has successfully ] ]
undergone a most thorough test in
Bnglund. The diJ1leutJ' ] of obtain.
ing a satisfactory degree of tightness .
ness in the closing of doors under .
del' forced draft has until recently
bullied engineers. In ordinary op.
oration tIle hot gases beating on
the doors cause buckling , permit.
ting the ingress of fresh air and
the consequent reignition of Ow
gases , so that , once buckling commences .
mences , it goes from bad to worse ,
allowing smoke and soot to he
blown out into the litokehole
The principle adopted in obtaining
airtightness in the new door is
that of the wedge and girder. rl'wo
angle iron fasteners , which be-
tween the points of wedge bear.
ings form practically ] ] small ] ] gird.
ers , one on either side of the door ,
are made in one piece , corresponding .
ing to the length of the door.
One handle on each angle iron dis
penses with tIle large number of
handle catches usually ] ] employed
and reduces the operation to the
simple movement t of pushing the
angle irons out of the wedge catches .
es and turning them back on hin.
ges so they ; will clear the catches ,
thus leaving the door free to open
. . F - I !