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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1905)
r. . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class mutter at rails City , Nebraska , post office , January - ary 12 , 1904 , under the Act of Congress of March 3 , 1879. Published every Friday at balls City , I Nebraska , by f The Tribune Publishing Company . One year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.00 Six months----------------------- .60 . Three months _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .35 TELEPHONE 226. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 'l'he lIon. John IL Mickey , governor of the state of Nebraska , leaving issued a call for holding a special election In the First Congressional . ItresKlonal district In this state for the clectlllli of a United States Representative to 1111 the vacancy caused ! by the resignation of the lIon g.J. Iturkelt salll election to take place on the i 18th day of July , I'J05 ; and the Republican Congressional cOlllllllttee of salll First Congressional - ItrcHslollal district having dCllltllatcl Jlllle I. 'J05 , and Fails City , Nebraska , the date and place for holding the Hl.lpnhllcan convention for lIollllllatloll of a republican candidate for I United States representative ; the republicans I of Richardson county , Nebraska , arc hereby requested to meet III convention at the f court house III Falls . City , Nebraska , 011 Satur- 1 day , the tWl.llltsl.lveuth day of May , I'J05. at 1:3 ; o'clock p. III" for the purpose of select- hilt wellty.four delegates to the Republican Congressional convention to he held at Falls City , Nebraska , 011 June 1 , 1905 , and for the transaction of ! such other business as may cOllie before the cOllvuntloll 'l'ho hash of representation , being one delegate - gate for each tell voteR , or lIIajor fraction thereof , cast for the Hon. I : , J. Bllrkett , for Representative III I'JO-t , the several : precincts being entitled to the following representation : Delegates Delegates Aralfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 IInlllbolc1l2d ward. . 7 , , Harada North. . . . . . n Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . 11 Harada South . . . . . 11 Liberty . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 l rankllll. . . . . . . . . . . . .to Muddy ' East . . . . . . . .10 I 1' < aIlRClt'llreclllct..l0 Muddy \Vest. . . . . . . . 12 Falls City 1st want.13 Nemaha . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fails City 211 wanl..15 Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Falls City 311 ward . .10 Porter , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 nrallt . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,13 Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 lllnnbnldt precinct. 7 Salen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 HUlllbuldtlRt want.IO : . . . . . , 6 It Is rcccotl1l11emlCl\ precinct caucuses he held on the twentieth day of May , 1905 , , at thc place and hour designated by the several precinct committeemen , who will make the necessary calls , and arrange the details for holding \ the same. Dated at Falls City . Nebraska , this third day of May , l1J05. JOliN 1I0SSACK , . JoHN L. CLHAVlm , Chalrmall. Secretary. First Ward Caucus. . A caucus of the republicans of the First ward of Falls City will be held at the council roollls 011 Saturday evening , May 20th , at 7:30 : , for the purpose of selecting thirteen delegates to the county convention be hl.lhMay 2ilh. ' " ' . 'V. Amnm.y First ward Coullclhllall. Second Ward Caucus The rellllbilcall voters of the Second want of Falls City , Nebraska , are hereby requested to meet at the court house III Falls City , on Sat- urday \ evening , May 20 , l1J05 , at 7:30 : , for the purpose of electing fifteen delegates to the II rCllllbltcan county convention to be helll III Fails City , on May 2' , l1J05. l1J05.'V. 'V. w. LLIKINS , Comml tteelllau. : Third Ward Caucus : ' Thll republican voters of tlll Third ward In If Falls City , Nebraska , are hereby requested . . meet at the usual voting placlJ III time National r - hotel , 011 Saturday evening , May 20 , llJOS , at i : 7:30 , for the purpose of electing ten delegates j - to the republican : county convention which will \ meet In Falls City , on May 2nh , 19\15 . J , A. l\ICCOK'UCK. Committeelllan. F j Falls City Precinct. \ 'rhe Republican voters of Falls City Precinct ! are hereby notified that a caucus will be held at the Town Hall In Falls City Precinct , on Saturday . May 20th , l1J05 , at 2 p. m" , for the purpose of selecting delegates to the count convention on May 27 , 1905 , and for such other business as may properly come before ll. HARRY Pnr cn. Contntitteeman Ohio Precinct Caucus The republican voters of Ohio precinct arc hereby requested to meet at the town hall on Saturday . May 20 , llJ05 , at 7:30 : p. m" , for the purpose of selecting eight delegates to the republican count convention tl.l be held In Falls City , on Saturday , May 27 , l1J05. J. W. Dorms , _ _ . " v" ' ' ' d , . _ . . - . . . . . . . " . . . - . . ' . . , . . , . Jefferson Pr &I clnd Caucus The republican voters of Jefferson precinct , are hereby requested to meet at 11. P. Rlell'erR store In Preston , Nebraska , 1111 Saturday eve- nlll"l\Iay 2O,195 , at 8 o'clockfor the purpose of electing 11 delegates to the repub\lcan count convention to bu held In Palls City , Nebraska , May 27 , lIJ05 C. F. DAItSCIINRR , Comml tteeman. Liberty Precinct Caucus The republicans of Liberty precinct are called to meet In the opera house In Verdon Nebraslca , 011 the 20th day of May , 1905. to elect twelve delegates to attend the county con'elltloll to be helll III Falls City , May 27.1905. W 11. MARK , Chalrmall Those stub trains still stop at Hiawatha and Auburn. The killing of bears by the president has become so ordinary an incident as to call for but four lines in the press dispatches. - Give us a trial order for job work Call us up and we will gladly submit prices and sam- ples. We guarantee everything we (10. The l\Hssouris Pacific now runs a traveling auditor on every train to keep the conductors from knock- ing down fares. This will be more or less unwelcome news to some of our traveling public. Falls City has been Utwccount- ably dull for the past six weeks. 't ' here hasn't been enough doing to make life even interesting. The next thirty days will atone , however. The Elks' excursion and the congressional convention . will put new life into things. A Falls City merchant told the writer the other day that he got more direct results from his ad in this paper , than from any other paper in which he ad- vertised. Our rates are low and the service should appeal to every local merchant The band plays on the streets of Auburn every Saturday after- noon and evening. This idea sould be followed by our commercial - cial club. A great many people , especially to the south of us , would spend their Saturdays here if they knew they would be entertained - tertained by a good band concert The country roads leading to Falls City need the drag One of the excellent ideas of the Hia- watha commercial club is to offer a cash prize for the best mile of road near the city. The great way to build a town is to offer something worth while to the people who come in , and then to make it easy for them to come in. Nan Patterson will soon be released - I . leased and will undoubtedly go on the stage. The fact that this . woman who is probably a mur- ' . dereo : s and is certainly an immoral - . moral creature , can flaunt her vice before decent people is greatly , - I ly to be deplored. The stage should be the house of one of the highest arts , and not a museum for the exibition of the degraded part of life. Every person who has rooms to rent should communicate with the hotel keepers at the earliest , , , HOW PEOPLE LOSE Ir' , - t y THEIR MONEY By concealing it about their person or premises ; hence increasing chances of theft , burglary or fire. . . . . . .l' w' ' HOW PEOPLE SAVE , -THEIR MONEY j J By depositing it in a good , reliable bank. Confident that this bank fully meets the public's needs , we tender its service to all who believe in keeping on the safe side. I " 11 Palls City State Bank " I I J possible moment. Our hotels are inadequate to house aU the dele- gates and strangers who will re- quire rooms on the night of June 1st. There will be no serious difficulty in feeding the crowd , but the question of rooms may prove annoying unless our citi- zens assist its the way indicated. If the congressional nomination is to be taken away from Lancaster - ter county , no preference will be given to any other county and the ' will into free-for- race develop a - - all. The candidates will have prac- tical1y all even chance and the , candidate from Richardson should have the same chance as the can- didate from Pawnee or Otoe or Cass or any county except those from Lancaster. These things : will tend to make a pretty fight in the convention. But in the mean- time a county convention must be held and will be very important - ant that the Richardson county convention should remember that the man whom it will endorses stands as good a show as any of securing the nomination , which : is equivalent to an election. The selection of the best possible man . is therefore highly important.- , Humblodt Enterprise. The Lincoln News seems to think 1t assured that enough del- egates can be secured from the six country counties to nominate a Lincoln man for congress. Such a result is possible. . Every city appreciates the value of a congressman - gressman and large crowds will ; . be in attendance to work for their home men. Nebraska City and Auburn are particularly anxious to see their home man win out Auburn wants a public building and is going after it in earnest. If the outside counties will put their whole heart into the fight , Lincoln can be beaten. In any event , it will be a merry contest and one well worth witnessing. - The little store on the corner , conducted by the quiet , inoffensive - inoffen-j sive little gentleman to whom . \ . ' ; , ' , the fates were so cruel , does a t good business every day. The i ' . I'i dignity of labor was never better \ i exemplified than by this unfortu- nate man who prefers to fight I the unequal battle and earn his ri r i bread rather than ask charity. If you haven't bought of him ct , it wouldn't be a bad idea to spend a nickle or two with him. The meeting called by the Roosevelt club to make preparations - tions for the care of the congres- 'sional convention should be at . tended by our citizens without regard to party. The officers of the commercial club arc espec- ially invited. The convention is j a big undertaking and it will re- quire the co-operation of all our people to make it the success it should be. Everybody attend , the meeting of the club , and let each one do his' part. i t Governor Hoch of Kansas has i started a crusade for the enforce- t ment of the prohibition law. Th influence of a good example is sometimes of more value than any other direct result that may follow. Gov. Folk of Missouri has enforced the Sunday closing , law in : Missouri with such success I that Gov Hoch has undoubtedly ! I caught the fever for reform , and ' his attempt to enforce the liquor ' law of Kansas is occasioned by , ; . the altitude of the Missouri i gov,7 : : . . . : ' , : , ernor. ' 'r t' " - ! \ The present contest between : ' . ; ; : . r the employers and the labor R ; ' . $ : , . . . . .01 unions of Chicago is one of the I greatest in the history of that I I city. It is a fight to the death. 'l The employers association is de'i 'i ' termined to crush the labor trust 't at all hazards. Joy Morton , son of the late J. Sterling Morton , of 'ii'l . j Z . 1 Nebraska City , is at the bead of I the association and has at his back more than 500 of Chicago's . great merchants. It is related . " that one million dollars has been subscribed and that an uncondi- tional surrender on the part of the labor unions is the determi- nation of the strike bteakers. _ . .