The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 12, 1905, Image 3

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Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble , hoping "it will wear away , " are
drifting towards Brlght's Disease , which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
I '
, - y"I
- ' - "
stops irregularities , strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
° : : , : _ . . t ' the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do nbt , and
; ' the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body ,
t t , , causing dizziness , backache , stomach trouble , sluggish liver , irregular heart action , etc.
r , - \ I , If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
* ' , , KIDNEY CURE at once , as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
'r fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
< : T
I How to Find Out. G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Ye. . . . .
You can easily determine if your kidneys are G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center , N. Y. , writes :
: , out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a "About four years ago J wrote you stating that J had been entirety
. bottle of the urine passed upon arising. It cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of
l . . . - upon examination it IS cloudy or milky or has Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick-dust sediment and
. . . . . . . . " ' " a ) a brick.dust sediment or small particles float pain and symptoms kidney disease disappeared. 1 am glad to say that
; ' . _ about in it , our kidneys arc diseased and I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four
L - ' years that have elapsed , and lam evidently cured to stay cured , and
FOLEY'S IDNEY CURE should be takes heartily recommend Foley Kidney Cure to any one suffering Cram
at ooce. kidney or bladder trouble. "
; -
Two Size ; , 60 Cents and $1 nOD.
- DR. McrIILLAN , Proprietor City Pharmacy.
Diet Authority Declares That Man
Must Live on Whatever Is
Nearest at Han
. "Man's food , " said an authority
on question of diet , "is largely a
matter of ( 'Jimate.
"The inhabitants of a country
F must eat what lies nearest to
hand , so that in the north the native -
4 - } tive must live on the flesh of au-
) , : , , ) imals , since he cannot readily ob-
. lain much vegetable food.
"The native of the south , on the
other hand , is often a vegetarian ,
because he Jives in a climate
where fruits and vegetable
: abound , and where meat , owing
to its heating qualities , is not in
req uest.
"In the tem IJera te regions men
naturally consume both meat
and vegetable ] foods.
"I believe the question of food
nowadays has a good deal to do
, yith the progress of mankind , bJ'
. 'oducing similarities that in
days to come will lessen the
. physical and mental differences
I . between different races : I refer
' tO the fact that foodstuffs are ex-
. 1 changed between various parts of
the globe : many tropical ] fruits , for
; example , being conveyed ; to and
eaten in northern countries and
" vice versa. l.'he , exchange of foods
( . between nations probably has effects .
' ' \ ' - fects little Jess important than I
( ( I ( the exchange of ideas. " I I
Drain Should Not : De Overloaded , But
Consistently Filled with
' \ 1" ; . , . . Healthy Matter.
' 1
" - - - -
Many people complain of having
a bad memory , as if it were some-
thing they could not help , like a
. headache 01' some similar ailment.
After alI , there is no reason why
anybody should have a bad memory -
ory , says CasseH's.
. It is merely a matter of train-
. .
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: . _ , _ ' - " ' " - - - - - - - - '
E : ; ; : : : r:7"t ; : : = : = -
ing , and is , moreover , a matter ill
which it is never too late ] to attempt .
tempt to train it.
For grown-up people many
methods are advocated , all ] ] of
them , 110 doubt , based on ' the principle -
eiple of mental ] concentration.
In a young child tla faculty ; eaJl ; !
be cultivated ] by making the child .
describe everything it has seen
in its morning walk , taking care
that no fact is exaggerated , but
that strict attention is paid in
truth to every detail.
In the matter of memorizing it
is an excellent ] ] plan to let the child
learn one line of poetry a day ,
which it should repeat the follow-
ing morning , and at the end of a
week it . will be able to say seven
'nle young brain must never be
\'pl'loaded with knowledge , but
plowed to assimilate a fragment
' itch , : da r.
South Buada Caucw
The republican voters of South Harada are
hereby requested to meet at the town hall Oil
Saturday afternoon , Ma ) ' 20.1905. to elect eleven
delell'ates to the republican county ; convention '
to be held in1alls City , May : 27 , 1905
Jim Steve nson ,
- -
North Bara.da Caucus.
The republicans voters of North llarada are
hereby requested to meet at the town hall on
Saturday afternoon , May ; 20. 1905. to elect
twelve delegates to attend the county convention -
clol1 to be held in Falls City ; , May : ; 27 , 1905.
Charles Martin
At the last annual meeting of
the old settlers association a committee -
mittee was appointed to locate
the picnic grounds. As chair-
man I will soon call that com-
mittee tog-ether. In order to
facilitate the work of this com-
mittee I would recommend that
points wishing to obtain the pic-
nic for 1905 or for a term of
years , send me such propositions
as they wish to make for their
respective localities.
S. C. BARLOW , Dawson ,
. , . . . . ,
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After a long illness , Tom Cox
of . Barada died at the Mercy ,
Hospital in this city on 'l'hurs-
day , : May 4th. The remains
were taken tn Harada Friday
for burial and. . . . , interment was
made in the Harris cemetery east I
of town 1\11' Cox leaves a wife ,
one child and aged parents to
mourn their Joss We e.dend
our sympathy. Short services
were held in this city by Re v.
Cline of the M. E. church.
Louis Berg-ess , a trave'.ing man
for Nave & McCord : , Mercantile
Co , of S1. Joe , drove to Rule and
was so unfortunate as to have a
run away Saturday , resulting in
three broken ribs also some severe
bruises , He returned to St. Joe
where he will be laid up for some
The ladies of the K. L. of S ,
planned and carried out a surprise
on Irs.R.B. McMahon Thursday
night at her home in the east
part of the city. 1\1rs. McMahon :
will leave soon for her new home
in Kirksville , 1\10. Lunch added
much to the pleasure of evening.
14izzie Hossack went to Verdon
yesterday where she will spend
several days visiting her sister ,
. .
: Mrs. W. C. Sloan.
1\1rs. James Hanley and her
father of Verdon were in this
city : a short time Wednesday doing
some shopping.
The usual servicrs Sunday
morning and evening will be held
at St. Thomas church Sunday I
May , 14. The Rector will offi-
J. \V. Spieckler was down from
Shubert on business Wednesday.
1. N. Rupard of Shubert was
in this city \Vednesday.
. - - - . - . . . - . . . - . . . . , . . -
, - - " . . - - - - -
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Scott Saylor returned to Ver-
don Wednesday.
John Crook and wife went to
St. Joe 'ruesday.
Joe Harper of Shubert was a
vtsito in this city Saturday.
Mrs : I + reel Kellar was a St. Joe
visitor the first of the week.
Jesse Weaver was down from
Verdon on business , Wednesday.
Sallie Schoenhiet was a B. &
\J. passenger to S1. Joe Tuesday.
Mr. and 1\1rs. Sig Puller of Ver-
don were in this city Wednesday.
Guy Eversoe ] attendad the
Field Day exerciser at Salem Sat-
urday. ,
Fred Cleveland and Carl Sedl-
mayr went to Hiawatha Sunday
to spend the day.
B. P. 1\Iorg-on and J. W. Holt
returned Tuesday from a weeks
trip to Indian 'rerritory. ; ' .
John Vogle and wife and the .
proud parents of a baby boy born ;
Friday May 5th. - ;
At the last Ministerial meeting
it waa decided the an inter-de- ' :
fornication "house-to house , ;
qlhvass" be made very soon in .j .
the intercst"of the Sunday schools
of our city. Many children and
young people are not in the Sun- J
day. Many parents are not in- . a.
terested in the work of the church. , . j
\Ve are here to work for the spir- ' :
itual and moral good of every
soul. Our work will be well
planned and we trust the plan
well worked. Next week we shall
give the plan of this work , and
trust and pray for the Ico-opper- ,
ation of all christians in this great ,
work of leading souls to Christ ,
and to the study of His \Vord.-
J. Cronenberger , Minister Chris-
tian Church.
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