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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1905)
" Court House News. I I'I I ' Judge Wilhite has had a peaceful - , , ' 'rul week so for as far as new busi- ness was conccrncd. One license was issued this week and that tea a young couple of Humboldt , I' Walter S. McClintock and Emi- , line LcOtming. I I : ' Just two new cases were filed : : in Chas. J40recs office this week which were as follows ; Peter Fridcrick vs Mrry Ann Buckmiti- ' < stcr 'Vm Buckminister and Carrie - . Buckminister petition for injunct- I ion. \ ; Sarah B. Griffith vs Willie E. : ; Griffith IJctition for divorce. ' 'I . Nothing new in county clerks , or county treasurers office but all arc kept busy with the regular routine work. : Supt Crocker and his stenogra- ; pliers arc very busy this week cor- :1 : rccting 8th grade papers and getting - ting ready for commencement. He also sent out blanks for class- : ification reports , term sum meries I and all other final reports for the I closing of the school year. He informs us that after this week only the town schools and four country schools will be in session. The register . of deeds force has been keep quite busy this week. The following is a list of trans- fers. Constantine Fnley and wife to I J. S. Parsons and C. 1\1. Heinzel- ' man , wd lots 14-15-H-17 , blk. 5 , Verdon , consideration S,50. oachem A. Lippold and wife to Henry L. Ralph , wd , part sw'u ( sw' u 10-1-16 , $6000. Frederick tiland and wife tc Louis H. Howe , wd , nsw / and part swsw / 34-3-13 , $4000. John Gehling' and wife to Law- rence Gehling , wd lots 1-2 , block 191 , Falls City $30. Cornelius Reagan to Edward 1\'IcKciver , wd to part ne'u ( se/ ( 15-1-1f , $250. J. F. Shubcrt and wife to Har- vey Harmon , wd lot 14 , block 7 , Shubert , S450. \Irs. O. W. Payne and husband to : Myrtle W. Marble , wd part of lot 7 , block 5 , Humboldt , 8550. J. Y. Logan , unmarriacl , to Lillie May Wilkinson , wd lot 5 , block 11 , crdon , $125. , Maria Atwood , widow , to Mae : F. Emmcrt , wd lot 22 , block 1 , D. A. 'risdel's add to Salem$700. Jerome C. Wiltse to E. S. Cooper , wd lot 8 , block 25 , Luther Nims add Humboldt , S15. John Carico and wife to George \f. Jenkin , wd lots 13-14 , block 61 , Fans City , $1550. 1-1. E. Boyd and wife to George W. Davis , qcd lots 37-48 , block 120 , Salem , $13.20. F. A. Nims and wife to Edith Smith , wd part sw' ( se/ 17-1-14 $30. $30.Christinc Christine G. Porter and husband - band to John A. Anderson , wd lots 37-48 , block 120 , Salem , $850. F. A. Nims and wife to Asa Fairbanks , wd part sw'a ( se/ 17- . 1-14 , $30. W. 1 a. Duryea and wife to R'obt. Honners , wd part sw't ( se U 17-1-14 , S55. . F. A. Nims and wife to Ona Simmons , wd part swU se'i 17-1- 14 , $30. W. E. Juryea and wife to Lot- . . tie M. Duryea , wd undivided one- half interest in part sc'z swM ,17-1-14 , S50. Samuel B. Clark and wife to Florence Clark , wd ' 4 interest in undividcd one-fifth interest in nc l. ( sel-4 , section 22 and part l1W 1-4 sw 1-4 section 23 1-14 , S100. E. A. 1\-faust and wife to Irwin C. : Maust , wd lots 7-8-9 , lot lb ; also all lots 15-1-17-18-19-20 blk 136 , Falls City , consideration 8l. E. A. l\'laust and wife to Albert - bert Maust W. D. lots 11-12-13-14 part lot 10 block 136 Falls City , $1.00 Irwin C. 1\'Iaust and wife to Al- bert Maust wd lots 7 and 8 block 136 Falls Cityconsidcration 8500. Notice or Examinations Saturday , May 20 , 1905 , an examination - amination will be held at thc high school building for teachers desirous of securing positions in the Falls City schools. I A. glum was down from Da won - : on business Tuesday. : W m. Riley of Dawson was a business visitor here on Tucsday. . Edward and Arthur Bronson of Verdon were in town Wednes- day. I clay.R. I R. E : Grinstead of Salem was . : in this city of business .Vedncs- day. H.uba Eversole was among those who attended Fields Day exercise at Salem Saturday. I\Irs. James Powell returned from a few months visit with relatives - latives in Chicago Wed nesday. Rev. H. B. Smith is spending this week in Muskogee 1. T. but i will return home in a few days. I J. G. Ranger of Salem came to this city Monday and in the afternoon took the train for Omaha where he will attend the grand lodge of the orkmen. Miss Lettie Cain returned home Monday from Baetty , Kansas , where she has been engaged in teaching school thc past year. She will spend the summer in this city. You arc invited to attend all the revival services at the Bap- tist church And the meeting will be held every evening begin- ning at 3:00 : 0'c10c1 Prayer service - vice 20 minutes earlier each even- ing ; Baptismal services will be held Sunday evening. Special 1 lecture to men only Sunday afternoon - noon at 3 o'clock at the church. Services at the Christian Church as follows ; Bible school at 9:30 : ; preaching at 11 o'clock , subject "Repentance. " This is the second in this special series of doctrinal sermon ; Junior Endeavor at 3.30 ; Y. P. C. E. a"t 7. This is a bright and helpful meeting for the young people , come and enjoy it with them ; evening worship and ser- mOll at 8 o'clock , subject , "Paul the pattern worker and minister ; A most cordial invitation to all these services ; Those who failed to bring their missionary envelope last Lordsday , should do so next. -J. Cronen berger , Paster. . . . Land Excursion. Don't forget WHITAKER BROS , LAND EXCURSION . . . . May 16 , To Dickinson , Lincoln and Ottaway Counties Kans. . , If you buy now you will get ' of the crop and the land will sell this fall for $ 5. per acre more than you pay for it. 'vVe . have sold over 3000 acres of this land to Richardson Co , ' ; .1 people. The only way you can make a mistake , will be in ) not getting some of this land before it doubles in value. 'tb' . r Dent forget the date , May 16 , R. R. fare only $9 , for , the . "fo r ' tr 11' round trip. The largest wheat crop in the history of the I . state is now assured. If you think of going this trip write or . 1 call us over the phone 168 at our expense , so we' can g-et . . (1 ( pour tickets Whitaker Bros. 9 , , i John Sims of Nims City was in this city 'ruesday. TALE OF ORANGE BLOSSOM Legend of Spain Tells How It Was First Used nt a Wedding in That Country. The wearing of orange blossom at a wedding i8 accounted for in various wa 's. Among other stories i8 the following popular Ie. geed from Spain : An African king presented a Spanish king with a magnificent orange tree , whose creamy , waxy blossoms and wonderful fragrance excited thc admiration of the whole court. Many : begged in vain for a branch of thc plant and a foreign ambas sailor was tormented bJ' a desire to introduce so great a curiosity to his native land. Hc used every possible means to accomplish his purpose , but all his efforts com- incr to naught he crave UP in de. spair. The fair daughter of the court gardener was loved by a young artisan , but she lacked the dowry which the family considered nec essary to a bride. One day , chance iug to break oti a spray of orange blossom , the gardener thought. lessly gave it to his daughtcr. Seeing thc coveted prize in the girl's hair the wily ambassador offered . fercd her a sum sufficient for the dowry , provided she gave him u branch and said nothing about it. Her marriage was soon celebrated - ed , and on her way to the altar ; in grateful remembrance of the source of all her happiness , sh\ secretly broke off another bit of the lucky tree to adorn her hair. .Vhethm' the poor court gardener - er lost his head in consequence of his daughtcr's treachery the Ie. Bend does not relate , but many lands now know the wonderful tree , and ever since that wedding day orange blossom has been considered - sidered a fitting adornment for a bride. NO REJECTED LOVERS. Jilted Sweethearts Are Unknown in the Cape Horn Race of Savages -Refusal May Mean Denth. Courtship anion thc Tierra del Fucgans ( the strange race of savages inhabiting the islands in the neighborhood of Cape Horn ) ia a simple but serious business. Having chosen a bride , the savage - age wooer offers the lady his hunting - ing bow. If she takes it " and returns - turns it at once , then the Rl1it01' dc This is The t Place - . : i . .1"r fro come for your graduating - } ing and wedding presents. " - There is nothing so welcome t and appreciated for a gift as h ' a piece of jewelry , cut glass , . t- silverware ctc. .Ve have " - everything from diamonds , 1 to inexpensive silver no\'cl- \ tics Goods coming f rom us are surc-quality being the first thing we take into consideration - sideration when wc buy for our stock. \ . This is also the place to bring your jewelry and , watch repairing. .Ve make 1 a specialty , of fine repairing. . Watches , jewelry , clocks and i . delicate little ornaments are ski1lfull.rcarefully and neat- u , lyrepaired. For such work our charges arc modcrate. Call and see me. r I The Old Reliable I , A. E. JAQUET ' i : I understands that he i5 ! acccpted. As a matter of fact , a woman rarely , if ever , rejects an offer of 1 marriage , for i'icrra del Fucgall does not take a rejection patient- ' lJ' , and is apt to resent a denial bJ' _ wounding the damsel with an ar- row. I It is , perhaps , needless to add that there are no henpecked hus- bands in Tierra del Fucgo. The men , in fact band themselves together . gether 'in a sort of society , the aim of which is to keep the women in subjection. This curious cus- tom is thc outcome of a tradition . that the women . once had the upper - ' per hand , and forced the men to do all the drudgery , As men in a savage state are even more pl'eju- . diced against work than their civilized brothers , it is quite natural . 1 I ural that ' should take they mcns- ures accordingly. J "Pa , " asked little \Villie , look. ' ing up from his book , "what are 1 gastronomics ! ' , " "OlI-m' lemme " ' , . I . - , sec , said his cr \ pat "Oh , theJ"l'e these country 1 jays that blowout the gus.-Phil. I adelphia Press. 4 Cnnni Boat : Wome Thirty thousand women make a living bJ' managing and steering the canal boats in southern and midland England. - I ,