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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
. . - . . - - . - , : . . . . ; . . : , . - ; : ; ' - . : . = ' : . : - , " n ' - - J _ _ , .1 n _ . . . . . . _ " . . W'MV' n . - - a I Eat Sowles Candy. Will J'nne spent Sunday in Auburn. Remember the City Pharmacy l for Wall paper ! ! John Walker cattle down from Verdon Sunday. Laura Gilroy came down from . Dawson Saturday. I W. H. Dragon of Verdon was in this city Sunday. . I John S. Stull of Auburn was : . i ; in this city Sunday. ; : I I Joy Andrews spent Sunday I ' with friends in Omaha. l : 1lrs. ; Morris returned to her home in Stella Saturday. ; , I y ; I Clara LanO"hrev spent Sunday \ J with relatives in this city. See Coupe & Thornton for all kinds of salt and fresh fish. i , Ivlrs. George Jorn of Verdon spent Sunday in this city. . Arthur Callison of Auburn spent Sunday in this city. J. F. Walsh of Humboldt was a business visitor Monday. Dr. R.P.Robertsdentist over Kings Pharmacy. W. E. Mitchell was down from Dawson Saturday on business. Lard , ham and Bacon at very low prices.-Coupe & Thornton. R. A. Sharp of 'ymore was a business visitor here Saturday. Garden Seeds , Coal ; Wood and Rock Salt at Heck's Feed Store. . . , Bert Bunninger of Reserve spent . Sunday with friends in this city. city.Mrs. Mrs. Will Cook returned home from Stella the latter part of the week. Will Gibson and wife of Ver- don were shopping in town Sat- I urday. , F. M. Bates was np from Hol- ton Kas the latter part of last week. . Frank Snethen of Humboldt . . . was in town the latter part of the week. . I Mrs Frank Veatch and Irs. M. Meliza were down from Verdon I Saturday. Mrs. J. R. Cain who has been ; ill j suffering with rhuematism is able to be about again. k t Fred Paxton , Willard Sears , ' ! and Chas. Cornell spent Sunday . with friends in Stella f , V. A. Albright of Dawson ) spent Sunday with his brother , t G. S. Albright in this city. When in need of a juicy steak } or a prime roast beef , telephone i 74.-Coupe & Thornt . \ Mrs. M. A. Veach of Verdon : and Mrs. John Strauss of Strauss- ! . . yule were in town Saturday. I ; - l\rs. Al Cook returned home J from Stella Saturday where she was visiting her two sons. Sarah Sangainette of Hia- I . watha visited with friends in this ) city the latter part of the week. , . . . . . _ _ . - 11i11tlll ! [ .M : : T.d" ' ' - - - . . . . . - - - . - . . . . . . . . " _ . . _ - . . - - . - , . , . . " . . . - - - . " - . . ' , . , Bessie Shock , daughter of Will i Shock , returned from airmen , Neb. , Friday where the has been stenographer for the Falrmont creamery for the past two years. She has accepted a position in St. Joseph which she will take up after a short visit with her parents south of this city. Falls City owes a great deal to O. A. Cooper of Humboldt. Many of the cities of the district offered cash inducements to get the congressional - gressional convention , Mr. Cooper secured it for Falls City without a cent. Let's all work to make his promises good. John Oswald has eight of the finest little greyhounds in this , country. He says they are all colors of the rainbow and will take delight in showing any of his friends the litter if they might call at his place of bus- iness. J. R. Cain remained at home over Monday to put up wire for the sweet peas to train orer. He said it was his first experience and if he didn't go "bug house" before the job was finished , it would be his last. ' Two of the local teacher who lave had charge of the fifth grade have left to get married A member of the school board told the reporter that there were sev- enteen applications for this grade on file. The Ladies of the Methodist church held a bazar in connection with their exchange in the Strong building Saturday. We are glad to announce that the exchange will be conducted every Satur- day hereaf.ter. Mrs. Mars - .McKiever . and daughter Mazy : returned last Thursday from Chicago where they spent the winter with the formers' daughter , Mrs. Clara McNamara. . Let everybody assist in making i it pleasant for the delegates to i the republican congressional con- vention May 31st. Every busi- ness house in town should be decorated. The Shakespeare club m { ; t with but one member absent. After the regular lesson a business meeting was held at which it was decided to join the state fed- eration. , , P. S. Heacock , J. L. Slocum , ! John Nulk and Dr. G. W. Rene- ker left Saturday for points in Oklahoma with a view of purchasing - chasing land. Don't be a clam. When the congressional convention meets here lets show the delegates something of the Falls City spirit Get busy. Dr. Emma Lawrence has grad- uated from the St. Joseph medical - cal school and will locate in this city to practice medicine. : Mabel Macomber came down from Stella and spent Sunday with her parents in this city. . . . . . ' . , . . . - - - orn . _ ' . . . - . - y . . . . z - _ ; ' < . . . . - - - - J .r.- " . : : . : = . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' - - - _ _ , - . . . : : .m . . . _ . - . . . . . . 1. r I There is Nothins Doing I t ; i'iJ \ ; J ; i . -c : . t ! ' More pleasant and profitable than raising good horses " "TOM"-The finest black percheron in the COUttt ) ' . , "FRI'rZ"-Chestnut sorel 1 of unusual breeding qualities. - - . ' "DECK" son of Fritz needs only to be seen to be ap- pr'ci a ted. These three stallions will be at my barn in Baraela every Monday and Tuesday ; at m\ farm 3 miles south of Baraela Wednesdays , Thursdays and Friday forei1oon. Tom and Fritz Friday afternoons and Saturdays at Farmers feed yards Falls City Nebraska TERMS-To insure colt to stand and suck , Tom $12.00 Fritz SID. 00 and Deck $8.00. Mat Schulenberg : Mrs. w. E. Goolsby and two little daughters of Verdon' spent Sunday with relatives in this city. city.Mrs. lrs. DeLes Graham and little son Dannie are visiting at the home of Irs. Dan Babb this week. Mrs. Dr. Rush has brought suit for divorce from he- husband in the Lancaster county district court. The sound of carpet beating is again with us , and the family man wears a "lean and hungry look. " Mrs. J. C. Martin returned from Omaha Saturday after a ten days visit with M1\ \ ; . and l\ { rs. John Towle. 1\Ir. and Mrs. Fay Simmons of Verdon and 1\lrs. C. C. Simmons of Kansas City were business visitors Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Harden who visited her sister , 1VIrs. Horner , several days last week returned to her home in . Verdon Saturday. The local tabbies have had an- other scandal to yowl : about for ! the last week. I Loaf. A stick pin with gold nugget setting. Finder please return to Mrs Maud Wightol1. For Sale. A house of eight rooms , four lots , a good cyclone cave , stable for 4 horses , a good well and a summer kitchen. Some fruit trees. Situated on Block 160.Be- tween 9th and lOth McLane St. For particulars inquire at City Hotel. A Bargain. 144t. . . . _ . . - - . . . - ' . - , - . - - . - . . " , - - - - - - . - - . . . . . . 't- McNall's GROCERY wt t . - Fancy and Staple ' 'iJ Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guar- . anteed Free City DeHvey Phone 40 . l1 J Storage for Household - ' And Other Goods Merchants and Business Men With hard accounts to collect , should place them with I John L. Cleaver . ' . JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY NEB For Collection or for Suit Small Com's on Collections ; fj . , . No Attorney Fees on Suits. I Defendant pays all Costs. For S..le. I have some seasoned burr oak standards for sheds or barns , cheap. From 12 to 16 feet. . C. F. REr A VIS. . . } I - - - - . . - - - " . ; ; - - . , ' - , , r aye