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.1"1I:1f1Jlr : ] j 1 n Illi I II _ JU III . . . .
k .
Entered as second-ctass matter at
: . Falls City , Nebraska , post office , January -
I' " ary 12 , 1904 , under the Act of Congress
r- , , of March 3,1 1879.
I. . ,
kl 1
Published every Friday at l alls City ,
r , - " Nebraska , by
3. / , . "I
; The Tribune Publishing Gmp : .ny
; 1.
l' ' One year----- _ - _ - - _ - . _ - . . . $ .
, ' , Six months _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ .60
t ! 'l\hree months _ uUuu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : .35
How about those stub trains ?
'Ve would suggest that when ,
O. A. Cooper comes down to the
congressional convention that
Iayor J4eyda turn over the keys
of the city to him.
Get out your shell on June 1st.
Be an enterprising for one
day. There will be several hun-
dred strangers in town. Decor-
ate your stores. Show the dele-
gates a good time. Help Falls
City make a good tmpress101L
There will be three hundred
Elks in to wn on 1\Iay 20th and
several politicians in town on
l June 1st. It would not be a bad
idea to have your lawn mowed ,
and the place cleaned up. Noth-
ing so Impresses a stranger dS
a clean and well kept town
tl'here is a merry fight in Ne- .
maha between Dick Neal
I county i
and Tom Majors for the Nemaha
county delegation to the con
gressional convention. Keeping
in mind the presumption that
Nemalm is sane we make the
prcdiction that Neal gets the del
egation. Tom : Majors couldn't
get a vote outside of his own
county under any circumstances
'Ve have often heard farmers
say , "Falls City never furnislie 5
entertainment for its people" .
After the Elks excursions and
the convention have been disposed -
posed of , wh- , not have an old fashioned -
ioned fourth of July celebration ?
Let's keep something doing and
get people in the habit of coming-
to Falls City \ Why not make
this year the most prosperous we
have ever had ? .
, # ' The congressional COil ven tion
to be held in Falls City June 1st
will probably be one of the great
} , est ever held in the district
+ i Every politician of note in the
district will be in attendance
' ; The writer was told in Lincoln
last week that a special train :
carrying probably two hundred ,
men would run from Lincoln. A
I large crowd will come from Cass ,
Otoe and Nemaha counties t o
1 boom their local candidates and
to assist in keeping the nomination -
tion away from Lincoln. 'J'he
Tribune invites all Richardson
County people who can spar the
time to come in and see the fun
'Ve will see that you are care d
for and the scrap will be worth
going miles to witness
(4 ( . . - . . . . , - _ " _ . _ < _ . , . , - " " . _ _ ' . _ _ - . . w . _ _ . . < . . . . " . . . . "J . . _ _ , . " ' . - . - '
_ - ' _ ' _ ' 'C = - " " - '
. n' = : . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
III. 11 J .L. . . . A n . _ _ 1 j J. j _ .4
If the citizens of Falls City
would expend as much enegy in
fighting for the town as they do
i n fighting against each other ,
we would have a better city.
Take , for instanceKearney , Hast-
ings , Grand Island and Beatrice.
There is not one of them that
is not a better town than Falls
Citro The country contiguous to
these cities cannot be compared
with the country surrounding
us. There is more wealth in and
near Falls City than in any of
the cities named. tl'here is every
reason why we should have a
better town than Kearney or
Hastings. The trouble is we
have no productive capital. Our
wealthy men are content to loan
their money for six or dght per
cent or to buy a farm. Such an
investment i does not help a town
for the reason that it is non pro-
clucti \'e. 'l'here are many small
industries that would furnish excellent -
cellen investments , and would bc
productive in that they would
furnish employment to labor and
thereby put money in circulation
The Dempster manufacturing
company of Beatrice is a very
prosperous company and it em-
ploys three hundred men every
day. ' 1'he packing houses and
cereal : : 1 mills of Nebraska City em-
ploy several hundred men. There
are like industries in every city
of any size in the state. Ther
should be such industries in Falls
City , and there will be when our
wealthy men make productive
the capital which is now nonpro-
ductin If these industries will
pay ill cities located as Hastings ,
Grand Island and Kearney are ,
is there any good reason why
they would not pay in Falls City ,
situated as it is , in the garden
spot of the world ?
After the services in a Lincoln
church were concluded one evc-
Wing last week , a meeting for
general discussion was held. It
was definitely letermincd that
Joseph Jefferson , the actor , had
gone to hell ; for , as one of the
. . .
lr1shans 1 Said 1 , "H was a pia 1 } 4
actor. " Great , noble hearted
Joe Jefferson , over whose dead
body it was truthfully said : "He
never wronged a fellowman , nor
brought a sad hour into a human
life. " But he was an actor and l
certain pretended christians have
condemned flim to eternal pun
ishment. Once upon a timclcng
years ago , they burned witched
in this land of the free , where
every bigot has the legal right
to run off at the mouth. Tier
are no longer believers in witch
craft , but the descendants of such
are still abroad in the land and
some of them evidently live in i
Lincoln. ,
The Auburn papers speak
slightinglY of Falls City as a
convention : city and assert that
we cannot entertain thc cOl.lgrcss-
Tonal ! convention . Don't get
\ . - 'j ' , . ,
a" . : . , . . - -
11 ! , - -
JIIl ; ; : : , : r- ' '
l.ulllI1. . . . _ . _ .II411f1i .MllIl II.III11'l , I\tiI1I ! ! . . IItII cO . _ _ _ " a''t : " : ! : . ,
. I'
By concealing it about their person or premises ; hence
increasing chances of theft , burglary or fire.'t \ -
' '
.J ' ,
i J
By depositing it in a good , reliable bank. Confident
that this bank fully meets the public's needs , , we tender
its service to all who believe in keeping on the safe side. _ - f
- :
- ,
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Palls City State Bank
Bank'I '
- -'I ' , a ,
alarmed brother Falls City i"3
' ' this convention
going to give
the time of its life. Thele will be
neither republicans nor democrats
in Falls City on June 1st.Ve
will all be citizens of a town that
always entertain its guests in the
most complete and finished fash-
tiott "
The delegates to the congressional -
sional convention from the high
grass counties should fee to it
that the nomination is not given
to Lancaster. The time has
come for Lancaster to acknowl-
edge the claim of the outside
counties ; if this is not done , then
it is up to the outside counties to
demand and assert the justice
that is due thc faithful and unre-
warded labors of twC'nty years.
The congressional committee
estimated that five hundred
strangers would attend the congressional -
gressional convention. It is anticipated -
ticipated that the contest for the
nomination will be a protracted
one. If such is the case an estimate -
timate of ten dollars expense per
man would not be high. That
would mean S5OOO.00 for Falls
City. Let us all show our appreciation -
elation by assisting to make it a
great success.
The Tribune appears smaller
than formerly , under its new
plan , but as a matter of fact more
home news is published than ever
before. 'Ve shall from time to
time increase the size of the
paper until it will print the news
of the entire county.- To those
swho have been interested in our
welfare , we will say that our
business was never so good as it i
is at present 'Ve are constantly
adding to our subscription list t
and at the present rate of in-
crease will soon have the forties 1 I-
circulation of any paper in the
county. Every dollar above expenses -
penscs will bc used in the im
provemcnt of the paper until it i
has reached that degree of excellence -
cellence its owners are deter
mined it shall achieve
, _ _ . : ' , _ - " . . . , J . . ' . " . _ .
Legal Notice.
In the Richardson couuty district court
State of l'braslca.
Robert C. GlcnuPlaintiff . _
YS. . fl !
An'i1le A. G1eun Theresa G.
\\'orthalll. Simeon ' \'orthalll. 'l'he \
State Balik of Dn ibis Du Bois.
Nebraska . : : : t. " ' . 1-lusscllllan. J. Y.
Ratikcu 'I'he unknown heirs of J.
P. Lore deceased and 'I'he Inter ,
natiollal harvester Company Dc.
'ro 1\1. " - . 7IIussl"llIIan. The unknown heirs
of J. P. 1.0\1' deceased and the Illterllational
'Harvcstcr CompallY , nOlI-1'cshlcnt defendants -
ants : .
You and each of you will take notice that
the plaintiff , Robert C. Iclln. did Oil
the I'Hh day of ApriL 1905. file his petition
In the district court of Hichardsoll conllty.
Nebraska l . wherein he prays for the fO\"l'closun
of cprta l' mortgages therein described , against
Lots 3 , 4 , 5 , 6. 1' ) . 20. 21 allli 22. in mock 99 .
and Lots 21 , 22. 23 and 24. In Block 1)0. all \
in the city of Falls City Rlchanlooll Ioullty.
Nebraslca . all of which mortgages had been - .
theretofore executed by Addison N. Glenn '
and An'jlle A. Glean parties named thereill J
alld of which this plaintiff iH present owner , ' "
and holder. which mortgages were ! given .
f "
to secure various Hums of money gl'clfating- f
Si840,64 , together with accumulatlollS of in. \ t
( terest unpaid , amountillg to about $ : : :3.000.00. \ljf "
and containing a prayer \ for the foreclosure \
of the several nlOrtgag-cs nlentloned. and
that an account be talwn of the amount due
and IInpald on the sallie , alld a decree by the
court requiring lI1yment t thereof within a
short day , or in default that the mortgaged
premises above described he Hold as on execution -
ecution to satisfy the same and the cost of
this IItig-atioll.
And you arc further notified that defendants .
ants 1\1. w. 1\lusselman and J. V. Hatl1wlI
claim some.ldlll ! of lien 011 said premises by
a jUIlcell1Cllt ! in the District court and ! you
are hereby notified that the prayer In said
petition is that s id judulllent be held subject t
to the mortgages oWlled hy the plaintiff \ , and ! .
requires you to set 1111 the nature and status
of said claim or the saute will be declared .j
null and cold and held for naulfht. And ! the
ttuknowu heirs of J. P. Lore deceased whose _
names allli residences are shown to the court iI
to he ullkllllWn to the plaintiff hy proper . . ?
ailidavit . and upon \ the order of his honor , .
Judge 1'abcoclr being . advised of said fact \
this publication ag-aillst ' said uuhnon n heirs ,
is made as shown by order of the court granted
In said cause and 1ed of record thereill. . ' I
Unicnowu heirs of J. : . Lore deceased , are . , J
therefore notified that according to the prayer , .
of said Petition the jlldgellll'nt held ! hy their -
ancestor J. P. Lore Is alleged to be dormallt
and subject to the lien oil the real estate
owned hy Addison N. ( actor III his life time
and of which he died clzed. And that unless "
said unlwown heirs shall plead \ answer or - . ' . '
demur to this petition , as is hereinafter re- . , , ,
IIl1lred , said judg-ment of J. P. Lore deceased , - I
In the District court of Richardson conny . _ ' " , j !
State of Nebraska auainot the said deceased -
Adlllson N. Glenn , will he held for uaughl
and decree entered accot'lllnlfl
And the said non-residellt defendant , 'I'he' f ,
International Harvester Company \ Is also
alleged In said petition for foreclosure to _ -
be the holder of some ! Bind of judlfmcnt
against the said Addison N. Glenn , which
Is alleged In said petition to he no longer .
a lieu Oil the real estate ' described In said + au .
petition , and unless the said unluau n non. "if'
resident defendants and each and \ all of them , .
plead answer or demur to said Petition 011 j
or before the Sth day of June 1905 ) . the same I
will he taken as true and the decree therclll - - {
prayed will be elltered acconlllllfh'
Rertl's.t : RllA\'IS
68-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff i
„ \
Legal Notice. , 1
In tlm Count Court of Richardson County . \iI \ :
In the matter of probatillll .
an autlwllti- ra ( <
rated cop ' of the last will and testamellt of
Margaret Hebccca 'hitefm.tI , deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons In- '
crested that George D. Klrl has deposited
In said Court an instrumcnt purporting to
be an authenticated coteof the last will
and testament of said Margaret Hebccca I '
1t'idlefard late of Harford ] County III the i
state of Maryland. deceased. It Is ordered
that the same be heard by the Court Oil the ' ,
13th day of Alay,1905. ) at 9 o'clock a. m. . In ,
the C-unt Court ' in Palls
room City in said _
County . when and where all persons Dutcr . I
cstI'd stay appear and contest the probate J
Ih' order of the Court dated April 24th. !
1905. .
[ SEAL ] J , R. WILmTI : .
69-3 Judge ur ' > 'dU ' , " . J
: 1 II
- , - - , ' . " ' - - - II . . . . . ; . . . . . " - - - , ' T.l '
\ . _ ; " ' . . . . , . JIt' .