9 SHOE. WHIMS Almost every man has Shoe vVhims of his own. Nothing irritates him more than being urged to buy a totally different kind of shoe from those he wants , simply because the Shoe Store in question doesn't carry his favorite kind. " We can please nearly every man with Shoes. Not all- that would be impossible , but , at least , you won't be talked into bad or unsuitable Shoes. The Choice of Good Shoes t here is both exceptionally and surprisingly large. They are bettl.r , by a dollar or more , than any other Shoes you can find at the price. The spring Styles ) await your coming. OEO. B. HOLT 1tM _ _ & Have You Seen I . , Our new Buggies and Surries we have just ' received a car load of them and when in need of a Buggy or Surry call on us. Don't forget we fly are carryhlg the best and biggest line of hnple- ments and are also agents for the W. C. Shinn Lightning Rods. When you Need anything call and get our prices before buyil1g. YOURS TRULY WERNER ! MOSI- MAN & CO. . C 0 COAL : e The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. C ) Also handle all kind of Coal and Wood : can fill orders on short notice. Plenty of o Flour Ground Feed . Bran and Shorts : Grain Baled Hay and Straw : Rock \ Salt ) > 75e per ewt. . Pine Croullll Rock Salt -tOc per cwt. . : \lIchilfan Salt $1.50 per barrel 100 lb. sacks tAc : Crushed Shells for Chickens \ 51.25 per cwt. . Ground Oil Cake $ : .00 r 0 tIer ewt Prussian Pratts Watkins Stock \ and Poultry Poods Cash for Butter I 0 Elflfs and Puultr ) ' . O. P. H EC K. -t I FEED FEED Pearl Jones returned from I Preston Monday after spending a few days with relatives. She was accompanied home by Miss : I : Meyers. H. E. Lemmon leaves today ( Friday ) for Chattanoga , Tenn. , i as a delegate to the Sovereign convention of the \V. O. \V. : Mr. ' Lemmon expects to be absent about two weeks. The conven- tion will meet each day at the summit of Lookout mountain. " ' ' ' Lee ; , . . . . ; . , , . _ _ . _ L - , A. P. Smith , who was professor - ser of tie : business college last year , passed through here Sun- day on his way to Pennsylvania where he will join his family. A fellow who does not smoke was telling us last week of how many brick blocks we might own I if we had not spent so much tobacco - bacco money , and we know of three dwelling houses he has been ejected from in the last year for non payment of rent , Jack Waltz was in town on : Monday. R. E. Grimteac1 of Salem was ill to .vn 1\Ionc1ay. L. 1\1. Reed of Merrill was in town Saturday. . Geo. 1./ . Endees was down from Sterling Sunday. Ii' W. Cleveland was in Salem on business Monday. O. Andrews made a business trip to Table Rock 1\fonday. : Mrs. Sophia Gunn was ill St. Joe visIting relatives Sunday. Cass Moore of Verdon was in this city on business Monday. Ii' C. French of Nebraska City was a Falls City visitor ! : Monday. I In the mean time , let every- body prepare for the crowd June 1st. Clarence Pea Jody of St. Joe spent Sunday with friends in this ci ty. Iessrs. Fred and George Cleve- lan were St. Joe visitors Tues- day. day.Do Do your part towards giving Falls City a good name as a con- vention city. John Cop ass attended court Monday in the interest of his overflow case. ' Falls City has man so bald that he has a hair cut without taking . ing his hat off. It will be a year before the out doors will be again so beau- tiful. Go fishing. Mrs. James Hanley and daugh- I ter Winnie of Verdon were shop- ping in this city Monday. Born-'ro 1\Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Morton on Monday of this week twin babies , a boy and a girl. I . Mrs. E. E. 1\Iettz returned from St. Joe Monday after spending several weeks with relatives. The Gehling' opera house will have the largest crowd of its history when the convention is called to order the night of June 1st. Mr and 1\Irs. Ben Durham of Yuma , Colo. , are visiting in this city at the home of Alex Meyer and family. The Episcopal choir went to Hiawatha Sunday afternoon and assisted with the singing at that place in the evening , Miss : Mary Gehling was called to St. Joe the latter part of last week by a telegram stating that her uncle was very sick. - 1\lrs. Sue DeVa1c1 entertained a number of ladies at a quilting 011 Tuesday. Dinner was served and a pleasant da was spent. Dr. A. Gaiser started on the road : Monday afternoon as a trav- eling man. His headquarters will be at Davenport , Iowa. 1\Irs. Gaiser and children will remain in this city until school closes. Dr. C , N. Allison of Kansas City has possession of the Gaiser dentist office. - . . - - - . , . . M ; : : , TWICE TOLD TALES. Charles Heineman , the well known l ' alls City contractor , ' was in the city on 1\Ionday look- ing after sonic work he has in view here at no distant date.- Humboldt I./eader. NEWSPAPER LIKI H A WOMAN. A newspaper offered a prize for the best answer to the conun- drum : "Why is a newspaper like a woman ? ' .Clore prize was won by a lady In Oklahoma who sent in the following : "Because every man should have one of his own and not run after his neighbor's. -Exchclt1g'e. - : I1IPpomWMH A'l' KANSAS Cl'l'Y. Scrip Dundy , the Falls City man who is half owner of the new Hippodrome at New York , is figuring on a Hippodrome cir- . cuit and Kansas City will prob- ably get one. The building will seat 5500 people. : Might ask Scrip to build an"opery" house in JIia- wath . -Hiawatha Worh1. COSTLY ADVI Rl'ISm\mN'l' : . A few months ago , the Youth's Companion relieved S23,000 for a single vertisemen The Ladies' Home Journal , a tew months later , recieved S20.000 for a single advertisement , and the Butterick Trio has just been paid S12,000 for an advertisement which appears but once. These are the greatest prices ever paid in the history of periodical adver- tising.-Exchange. TOO MUCH nAI'l' Fisherman report the appear- ance of a strange animal that bas frequently been seen at points along the Ncmaha south of town. While the creature seems to ap- pear different to each individual bcholderall agree that its appear- alice is so frightful as to strike terror to the hearts of the bold- ' est fishermen even in some instances - stances having caused them to abandon their tackle and make a bee line for town. As some describe - scribe it , the animal might be a , lynx or wildcat while others are . sure that it lives part of the time in the water. One man says it has a slender body five feet long and a head like a hog. Another . : man is equally possitive that it is i . ' a a young sea serpent. " There is no doubt however , but . that a strange animal has been ) I . seen and fisherman are now carry- ; ing guns and keeping atlall times " r ; J a sharp look out for the beast.- J terprise. j I David Griffith was down from VerdOl : Monday. From there he went to Preston to visit with his son. son.E. E. G. Allen , who worked for D. 1\1. Davies but who has been in California for some time returned - turned home the latter part of last week. He says he left Al- bert timber in Truckie , Cal. , where he is at work. J . . . _ _ _ r , , _ _ .