The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 05, 1905, Image 1

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    ' I ,
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' 4 ht' j'alts otitl ! ri1t1tnt.
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1 . . . 16----n - - ; ; ; - NE- A-FRIDA , -MAY , . .
Vo1.II. No. iG FALLS CITY ' NEBRASKA FRIDAY MAY 5,1905. - - Whole No 70.
; " , DIED.
Miss Nellie Lewis , the young-
est daughter of the late John 11.
Lewis of Shubert , died at her
home at that place last Sunday
morning , at the age of 28 years ,
after a lingering illness of sev-
eral months. The deceased had
' been a cripple all o'f her life ,
never having been able to walk ,
but she had always been a patient
sufferer , always ready with a
smile and a kind word for all
with whom she came in contact
y ' Her last illness extended over a
_ period of several months , the best
medical aid that could be pro-
cured availing her nothing and
she was relieved. ot her suffering
as stated above by Him who
cloeth all things well.
The funeral was held on Tues-
. clay and the remains interred in
' the Prairie Union cemetery. She
leaves to mourn their loss an
} aged mother and several brothers
t and sisters who have the sympa-
thy in their deep affiictidu.
r John Shurleff was run over and
killed by thc cars at Tulsa , 1. ' 1' .
on last Sunday morning Mr.
Shurfleff ' once lived in this city
. . : ' and is well known by many of
. . " , . , our citizens. When found dead
"c. . . he had in hi's pocket a letter from
Harry Simon of Rulo. The
officers telegraphed Simon to
learn something of the deceased's
relatives but they could not be
found and he was buried at 'I'ul-
t Centra.l ) Committee Meetin .
1 The republican county central
committee held its meeting , in
the office of the secretary of the
committee in this city on Wednesday -
day afternoon , many of the committeemen -
mitteemen being present John
Hossack , chairman , presided at
the meeting.
Quite a spirited debate was I
had as to whether the county
' convention should be held on the
_ 24th or 27th day of this month ,
- the vote of the members of the
committee being a tie , and it was
I finally decided by the chairman
in favor of the 27th.
. lVIr. 'Yeller of Stella made a
rr spirited contest for holding the
1 ; convention in Stella , offering the
use of the opera house , and offer-
ant many - favorable ' considerations -
tions l\'Ir. Marls : of Verdon
wanted the convention to be held
2 1 in Verdon , but the sentiment of
the meeting was decidedly in
favor of holding the convention
at Falls City.
It was decided to hold the prim-
I aries on Saturday May 20th , at
! . r
- p
an hour and place to be dcsig-
nated by the precinct committee-
mcn. Time basis of. representation -
tion being one vote for each ten
votes or major fraction thereof
given' to the Hon. E. J. Burkett
for representative in 1904 , we re-
fer our readers to the call pub-
fished elsewhere for the number
of delegates apportioned to each
It was also decided to place all
arrangements for the congres-
sional convention to be held in
this city on June 1st , in , the hands
of the Roosevelt club of Falls
At Kansas City , Mo. , Sunday
evening , April 30th , at 6:45 :
o'clock occurred the marriage of
Albert : Maust of this city teNancy
Nancy Bryant of Kansas City.
The home of the bride's par-
ents , where the ceremony took
place , was beautifully decorated
for the occasion with cut flowers
and potted plants. The wedding
was a quiet one , being attended
only by the immediate relatives
oft h e contracting parties.
Shortly after the ceremony the
young couple took the Missouri .
Pacific train for Falls City , arriving - .
riving hcre : Monday morning.
A large reception was given
1\lr. and l\Irs. 1\faust by the par-
ents of the former , assisted by
lVIr. and lrs. 1. C. : Maust , on
Thursday evening , a more de-
tailed account of which we are
unable to give on account of go-
ing- to press
Albert l\Iaust is one of the
most popular and progressive of
our younger business men.
He , together with his brother ,
1. C. 1vlaust , has complete
charge of the coal and grain
business : of E. A. : Maust & Sons '
His bride is represented to be a
young lady of exceptional accom-
plishments and talent. She is
the daughter of a prominent
woolen manufacturer of Kansas
City , and will doubtless be a dis-
tinct addition to the young mar-
ried set.
1\Ir. and : Mrs. Iaust will make
their home in the residence va-
cated by Dr A. Gaiser on North
Stone street where they will be
at home to their friends
The Tribune extends its heart-
jest congratulations
Word was received here of the
marriage of Bert Bowman and
Mabel : McPherson lt Denver , Col. ,
May 24. ' Mr. Bowman will be
remembered as the young man
who was the foreman at the
Journal about a year ago
. . . . , > " .
'l'he 11011. Johll H. Mlclu' . governor uf the
state uf Nebraska , having Issul'd a call for
haldhnga foIpcclal l'II'ctloll 111 the Plrst CUll-
IfrcsHlollat IIIHtrlct 111 this state for the election
of a Ullltcd States Representative tu till thc
vacauci ' cauRcII by thc resignation uf the 1\011. \
B.J. Hllrlcctt , Haiti clectloll to lake IllacI'oll the
18th day of July , 1905 : alllt the Republican
COlllfrtsslollal ! Clllllllllttl1I ! of said bird CIIII-
Ifrcsslullal district having Ilcsllluatcd Jlllle , I ,
1905. and Falls ! City. Nebraslta the date alllt
place for holllllll the HCllllhllcall convention
for uOllllllatlull uf a rCllllhllcall c\llIlIltatll : for
United Stales rcprcselllatlvlJ : the rtlllIhllcalls
IIf Richardson county Nebraska are hereby
requested tu meet III convention at the
court house lu Falls City . Nebraska 1111 Satllr-
day , the t\\'cllt"sc\'l'lIth day IIf M.n' . . 11)05. ) at
1:30 : o'clocl 11. III. . for the purpose of selecting -
ing ! wCllty.four delegates to thc Republican
Congressional convention to tm hclll ) at falls
City . Nebraska Oil June I , 1905. and fur tine
transaction ! of such other buslllcss as utay
cOllie before thc CUII\'Clltioll.
The basis of representation hclllif one delegate -
gate for each ten votes , or major : fraction
thereof cast fur the 110111 B , J. Ilurtwtt , for
Representative III 11.J , the several precincts
beiltg entitled to the following representation :
Arago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Barada' : NIII'th. . . . . . 12
Bar\lla , South . . . " . 11
Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
halls City precillct..10
halts City 1st wartl.13
Fal1s City 2d wanl..15
halls CI ty 3d ward . .10
Grant . . . . . . . . . , . . . .13
Humboldt precinct. 7
IIlIlIIho1t1t 1st wan1.IO
Hnlllholdt M : ward . 7
Jefferson . . . . . . . . . .11
Liberty . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Muddy East . . . . . . . .10
Muddy Wcst. . . . . . . .12
l'\cmaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Rule . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .14
Salem . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
SlIcker. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
It Is rcccollllllcndcd the precinct caucuses
be held Oil the twentieth day of Itay , 1905.
at the place and hour dl'Kllfllated by thc several
precinct con\lnitteelllcn , who will lIIalec the
necessary calls aIII arrange the details for
holding ' thc sa 111 I' .
Dated at Falls City . Nebraska this third day
of May . 1905. .
JOliN I. . CI.BA\'lm. Chalrlllan.
First Ward Caucus.
A caucus of the republicans of the First
ward uf Falls City will be held at the council
roollls 11I1 Saturday evening , May 20th , at 7:30. :
for the purpose of selecting thirteen delegates !
tu the county convention to bc held May 2ith.
W. W. Alllllt\ .
First \Vanl COllncl1nmn.
SeCond Ward acS
The republican voters of the Second ward of
Falls City . Nebraska arc hereby rcquest'd ; to
meet at the court house lu Falls City , on Saturday -
urday evening , May 20. 1905. at 7:30. for the
purpose of electing fifteen delegates ! to the
republican county convention to he held III
Falls City . Oil May 27 1905.w.
\V. W. JntttINS
COlllml t telJlllan.
Third Ward Caucus
The ! republican voters of the Third ward ill
Falls City , Nebraska . are hereby requested to
meet at the usual voting place In the National
hotel on Saturday evening Mai ' 20. 1905. at
7:30. for the purpose of electing tell delegates
to the republic'1n count convention which will
meet In Falls City . on May 27th , IIJ05.
COlllml tleelllall.
- - -
Ohio Precinct Caucus
The republican voters of Ohio precinct art
hereby requested to meet at the town hall Oil
Saturday. May 20. 1905. at 730 ; p. m. . for the
purpose of selecting eight delegates to the
republican county convention tc be held III
Falls City , oil Saturday , May 27. l1J05.
J. \V. Dorms ! ; ,
Jefferson Precinct Caucus
The republican voters of Jefferson ! precinct
an hereby requested to IIIcet at H. P. Rlclers
store In Preston , Nebraska UII Saturday ever
tthtg at 80'cloclc. for the purpose of electing 11
delegates to the republican COllllty con\'cntloll
to bll held In Falls City , Nebraska May 27 . 1905.
Liberty Precinct Caucus
The republicans of Liberty precinct an
called tu meet III thc opera house III Verdoll ,
Nebraska on the 20th day of May . 1905. to
elect twelve delegates to attend the county
convention to be hcltl III Falls City . May
27. l'N5.
Serious Charge Against Rule Man
Sim Burke one of Rulo's prom-
inent business men , was brought
to Falls City \Vednesday night
charged with the commission of
statutory rape upon a sixteen
year old girl named 1vIcClel1an.
: Mr. Burke was released on bond
Thursday morning , Frank Sim-
mons and Jacob Sweinfurth sign-
ing the bond. It was related to
. . ' . . . . . - _ ' : " . - . . . . . " _ . . ' . _ . . . . _ . _ . _ . . . . . ; . f < ---.t. Ita , , '
- -
a ribl1J1e reporter that 1\Ir. I
Burke who is about thirty-five. \
years old and a man of family ,
bears an excellent reputation in
' ' and the
Ruin 'I'lmt the father
girl were in Falls City a few
weeks ago trying to prefer a similar - t
ilar charge upon another man ,
t ,
and that the citizens of Rube be-
tieve Mr . Burke to be innocent of 1
the charg-e. (
H. . C. James , the county attor-
hey , did his full duty when he
dismissed the indictment against
young Carson of Auburn , It
may be that the young man did
commit the offense wtih which
he was charged , in this county
But it is a matter of commoned .
knowledge that he also commit
it many times in Nemaha
county. Judge Stull came before
the grand jury of this county and
got the indictment. We have
troubles of our own , and if Judge
Stu11 wants Carson punished let
his own county bear the expense
of prosecuting its own criminals.
James did exactly right.
Little Boy lIurt.
On Sunday morning while on
his way home from Sunday school
the seven year old son of Mr . dud
Mrs. Frank Vaughn was running
and playing on the Morton Street
viaduct and some way fell to the
, concrete flooring about sixteen
feet below. Little fellow was at
once taken to his home and Dr.
Houston was called and the in-
jured members dressed , which
required a number of stitches to
be taken in the forehead. The
patient is . resting nicely and in a
few weeks he will fully recover.
Again Injured
: Miss Lulu Hinton the daughter -
ter of William Hinton formerly -
erly of Falls City but now living
in 'I'ecumseh was badly injured <
by a cyclone in Omaha , Wednesday -
day She was an employee in . \
the Omaha casket company and 1' .
was injured in the side by thc
cyclone which demolished thc 1
plant of the above company.
Miss Hinton was hurt so 0 sevely : ,
by time cyclone which destroyed :
Hinton's park several years ago Jj
that she was confined to her bed '
for several weels. At last report
she was resting easy from her
present injuries with every hope
of her recovery.
Charles Koehler , formerly of
this city graduated from the 'J
Bellevue college at Omaha. He
had the honor of being called
upon to deliver the class address (
' . , , . . " .R. " , . . . . . , M' :
u.L.- ; : . . . . , . . . . . .u.l. . : : : . . . . . . : . : & . . . . . . .c s „ "