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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
. . . i , , THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second.class matter at halls City , Nebraska , post office , Janu- ary 12 , 1904 , under the Act of Congress ' of March 3 , 1879. : i 1 Published , every hriday at Falls City , Nebraska , by " The Tribune Publishing Company . . ; l One year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; . _ _ $ . . \ ' Six months _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .60 - 'l'hree months _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .35 1 1 ' TELEPHONE 226. , , I ' . AN EASTER SERMON. I went to church Easter morn- . ing and heard the resurrection. It was a good sermon. I wen theme home and ate a good dinner and smoked a good cigar to settle ! it. . , s' " The I walked a mile and a half / ' through the hazy afternoon , clown to where the woods are and I i sat on the sunny bank of the riyer. . . . I listened to the restful sound of - - - t - - ; . " , " : the chirping birds at their spring I mating I do not know by what I . } psychological , : process 1t came , : probably the peace , of God's I great outdoors on a sunny April j - afternoon , but fer some reason I I fell to wondering if I had hurt anybody's feelings during the , _ week past , and to feel sincere re- o gret that I had added sompthings to the world's vast possession of sadness. The sermon of Easter afternoon on the bank of the river , ' was not of the resurrection , nor ! - the life to be it was of the great . } ' pregnant now-the life that is , and that's best kind of a sermon i t w after al1. James Buckham speaks of an afternoon such as I spent ,4 , , , .1fJ.J ; last Sunday in the following . language-"Happy : is he who , . - s with single heart , and soul at , r , ' , peace with God and man can yr'r " spend a whole sunny , day in the joy of the rambl-ing. How much to instruct him in the quiet sug- ' , , , ' . . . - , gestive ways of nature ! , . All that r - . he learns that day will be at first hand out of the earl est book ever / . ; . . .t. written , and all that he feels will be quick and fresh from the indwelling - , , , - ' , dwelling heart oi Divine Love " " Wi : ; ' : : ' " All dutiful husbands attended 'I h' ; \ . , ' : , church Easter morning and will j it , , : : now take a layoff until next , ' 1.1. , ' " vpa T. 'S > : ' - ; . ' . , ' . The value of advertising " was f , t " ' , : ; . ' < demonstrated by the Innes band concert at Hiawatha last \veek . r ; ' , ' While the band was a good one , it . : \ ' . is in no sense a great one , and can- , " " . . . . not be compared with Sousa'sCre- - . . ! " ' . atore's or the Marine bane } Notwithstanding - t- . .T withstanding this , the seat sales ! at Hiawatha for a matinee performance - formance amounted to nearly 8600,00. This was accomplished ' I ! by intelligent newspaper advertising - "j tising under the management of 7 ; ' . the Hiawatha World \Ve have " , . . ' . . . . . . . never seen a more systematic , scHeme of advertising than was used in his instance. The cooperation - operation of the newspapers con- I tiguous toHiawathaVas secured ' . ' and every community contributed its share to the immense auditnce. trhe great crowd which listened to limes last Saturday afternoon was a tribute to him as a musi- cian , but a greater tribute to the young man who acted as press agen t. " . The Tribune printed 350 inches of display adyertisinl last week ; If every person in Falls City , . would for twenty four hours tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth it would be. necessary to call out the militia to preserve the peace of the com- munity. - - Your acquaintances do not know you as well as , they think they do , but they know you a great deal better than you think they do. 1)on't four } flush , you are not fooling anybody. Con- sider the owl , look wise and say little , - The Auburn commercial ] club has employed a band on the streets every Saturday afternoon ! This is a splendid idea and will result he drawing a great deal of trade that would otherwise be lost. The Falls City commer- cial club would do well to emulate this example. W. A. Greenwald who is the candidate of the local A. O. U. \V. lodge for the important and responsible - sponsible position of grand receiver , stands a most excellent chance for election. Tlere : is no m < , n more deserving and compe- ten , and we hope to , be able , to announce his election in .a. few I' weeks. - - - , Anything that is worth having is worth going after. No city ever got anywhere by merely starting. Kansas City is a great city partly because of location and partly , because of the push and energy of' its , people. A good start has been made towards getting the stub trains but- these trains will never be secured ' by merely starting after them. Let's go and get them , and not stop until we do get them . - , Governor Davis of Arkansas took a shot at Governor Mickey at Galveston last week because Mickey stated that the last time he was in the south he was ' a northern - ern soldier during the civil war. The published remarks of Geo. Mickey were not in bad taste , and would not have been offen- sive to any gentleman. How- ever , Davis , who is and always , ill be a rebel , talked about a shrine that had been erected 1n every southern heart and a great deal of similar rot. After read- ing the speech of the Arkansas Governor our only regret is that Mickey did not read him a few lessons on loyal citiz nship. Geneva and Alice Raymond of Hiawatha spent a few days with Lottie Culp the first of the week. 'fhey returned home 'fuesday. t : . . _ _ _ . _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ A MATTER OF CHOICE tY , , . . r , ' I I li Really as a matter of choice we would rather . . have ) ' Ten persons deposit . $1 each than one person 810 ; or o I e ' \ . Ten persons deposit $10 each than one person 8100 ; or lr" Ten persons deposit $100 each than , one person $1,000 ; or 'fen' ' persons deposit $1,000 each than one person $10,00 i' To be sure these smaller accounts would mean a great deal more work , yet we prefer them. Don't feel at all timid about bringing in small deposits. , Palls City State Bank . . , , - . . . - - 9 , . It is time : ; to paint" r' , - , When you paint r f use the Best Paint a9 , ' esl Lowe Brothers ' ' ' Standard , , , High -BECAUSE I. It spreads best. and . wears hest. 2. It looks best-most / beautiful colors. 3. It . costs the least , per year of service. a 4. The guaranty I. broad - - . ' - and good. . S. It Gives Best Results . ' , In all qualities. f . . . . . . ti' ; % ' eAs1c for ColorCards , "Attractitie Horses , " . , . , . HoflJ to Paint . " dc. ' " ' f GHEY ARE FRIE Alex Meye'r ' , r Agent 3- = i , Palls City , Neb. A Trip to Egypt. Herbert Kerr's musical conl- edy , a trip to Egypt , was greeted by a splendid house Tuesday evening. The music was very catchy and seemed to please the audience immensely. Daisy look- ed and sang the leading part very acceptably. The company was large and the chorus well costumed and quite active. Altogether - together the entertianment vas very pleasing to the , , man ) ' friends of Herbert's and Mrs , King's. , ' I Subscribe for the Tribune " " , c . . - - _ REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont'-M. D. , Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph Formerly eye Ind ear specialist - ist now limited practice to Eye Glasses ! Dan Ramsey and \ 1ittlc } son were down from Verdon Mon day. The Christian Endeavors will give a ten cent' tea ! at the Chris- tian church 1 'ridav .eve , April 28th. ' Everybody cordially in- vited. ' . ' : . 'nl" , , ' . , . , , ! . . . . ' . . - . _ . ' - . . - . , ' J , " _ . . ! l. " ' \ , , , , J- . . . . . . . : l. ' : , ' l" . . '