, 'M _ - ' If you take f 1 , advantage of our \ , ' rt ' " 'r ; iALL . . ( * WALL PAPER t' offerings , you will , , assuredly save money , There is practically no limit to Colors and Designs. Our L ridiculousLY low prices will 4- make you an eager buyer. L Borders to match theSic1ewalls , Decorators and Paper rrnttgers ' will find it greatly : to Uidr advantage by trading with tis. r + r "r If you need any Anti - ConsUpaion , Little Liver , Blood Restorative or Toni Pills , on't fail to ask for DR. SCALES'-thcy the Best. Don't fail arc to procure at our store a FREE copy of U The Naked Truth. " ' . Y ou'l1 enjoy it. , A FULL LINE OF . , DRUGS CIGARS t. , , f TOILET ARTICLES , PAINT , A " OILS , ETC. \ A. G. WAN N E R j OPP. COURT HOUSE. live Poultry : . ' , ' Wanted - - : . ' We will pay you the fol = lowing cash prices for Poultry delivered at the F , C. P. B. & Egg House Saturday April 29 Hens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < ) j6 cts Young and old Roosters. . S3 cloz Ducks fat and full feathered..7 c Geese fat and full teathered..6 c " Hen Turkeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13c ' Tom Turkeys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llc Eg-g-s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13c per doz Poultry must be free from feed Sick or unmarketable ] poultry not wanted Remember the dates and bring in your poultry. Palls City Poultry ' , Butter & Egg Co. t Block west B. & M.depot ' 'l1ose Kisses. UI'uYcp-\rhit'h , oue ( of those girls is it that you don't like ! G Ind 'H-Sssh ! She'll hear you Then the crowd comes up I'll Ids : , . . ' her twice-Louis\'ilIp Courier- , " j J0nrnaL ; DIsappointe "Bow do you like your govern . ment position ! " "I'm greatly disappointed. I have to work as hard to fill th e place as I did to get it.-Chicago JQul'nal. s , \ i1 . - . . . . r WIG CAUSED LOSS OF BET. II'Put Up Job" Puts End to Boasts of Man Who Could "Lift Any- body by the Ht\ir/ ' Not long ago , during the shearing - lug season , an IIl1lubing ineideu t was witnessed in New South \\Taes ) The shearers gathered ogl'thel' t for the t occasion repre seated : various t.\1)'s ) ( of men , but 1I0ue among the ) number attracted serb general ] attentiuu as a big , muscular fellow , who loudly ] dl ' eland that he ( was well able to lift bJ" the hail' any man ill Ow whole district at least ( : : ; one foot from the ground , says 'l'it.llits There was , however , considerable - able indisposition : to accept the t'hallengl' , and for a time not one of the men appeam'ed at all inclined to allow this modern Samson to tl'\ ; ' his bo.wtpeJ . ( tTPngth. \t last the strong mun's vaporings bew cause inSUliel'able , und his fellow workmen dptpI'minl'd ( to stow t 11 < 'm. Amnng the shearers was a stout , Ifood'-natul'ed fellow , whose head was adorned with luxuriant black locks , both thick and 10ngI 1'Itis individual , who was generally ] - ly ! known as the "Professor" be. ' lUse : of his abundant hair , of. ' 'red to lay a wagel'of ' \ ten pounds Jmt he , at any rate , could not be lifted from the ground by the hail' 'Phe mighty shearer at once alc 'pted the challenge , and , after the dar's ; work , t here was a get PI'a ) gathering in one of the shear ill -sheds to witness the illsheds performance - ! ance 1'he tm'psonw "Professor" ' stood calmly in front of the boast . fail sheu'el' : The latter ) mounted a low box and prepared to demonstrate - strate his strength. Be twisted his ! : ; fingers among SOllle of the long locks which afforded him such ! an excellent grip , then tightened - Plied his muscles and Jifted-thl' hair from Ow "PI'ofpssor's" head ! The Shearer ) ) , seeing the hair in his hands , believed for the nmo IHl'nt that he had pulled off the . . PI'ofessor's" st'alp , and turned pale with fl'igh Those who wPl'e IIJ the joke and knew that tile "Professor" wore a wig fell into t tits of laughtl' ) The shearer paid the bet , and during tw ) lime lw remained in that t neighborhood made no fur titer aJlllsion to his strength JAP FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Thoughts Which Floral Beauties Con- vey Are Represented in the Sys- tem of Placing The general ideas of Japanese tlOJ'a ] ' ' . ' ' ' al'1'anige'lnents are SUlllnUII'- - ized in this way : Each ietIiug ; of flowers 01' plants must represent ] earth , aim and water , 01' heaven , earth and 1 mau. In placing blossoms iu a i vase , the ) ease and water arc : > earth , the short-stemmed flower : : ; man , and the ) tall ones heaven , The ramifications of this princi- lIe ) , the delil'atp subtle meaningr- : and proprieties ) , are infiui te , There are flowers which represent - sent months and flowers which 1 represent ) ) days , and as every JUp a anese house contains flower ; j - . . _ . . . . . . . . . . - - ' . . . . - " ' " they I form n ll'mll1l' for the ini tinted , Every family of standing has art istica1JJ' ( 'OI''P.t ) ( VflSPS , vase holders and tlC\\'P's.II1H1 ) the t nisml ' nor ) of l'utl'I'lainiug' :111 : honored ! "iHifor is 1.0 rile him to al'l'auge sonic flowers The guest I is go I ( I\ " el'I1ed by rigid la ws , " He must t nol make 100 pIn b01'1I I I' 1111 nrI'lIuI-W11lPIII , for fllld takes O\'crIHu'h limp Ill' IIlwlln , offers . fers to destroy what t Iw has lone ( , to pI'd\'e he considers ' it valueless. OnIJ' when lIP is \I1'g'pd hy his host does he leave if-thpsp at'eeXlmn- ) ( pies of the long list [ of I'psLl'i ' ( i onH. : l'he Japanese J ] Imows them liS Ill' Imo\\'s his language and his literature. J i II I I Makes a Difference II BoskJ'-1 sa\ , , doctor ' , 1 want , you to look at a horse Ill' ' here ' at the stable ( : and tell mp honestly just what you think about him ; whether hp is sound 01' unSOIllI(1. Vetel'inHrJ"-1 always tell just what I think By the way , is it a horse you think of buying 0) ) one have for sale'l-lloston ' ' you sale-Boston'.L'ran - script. Long Trip New Missional'JT-Cau [ you tell 111 ( ' what has become of my pl'el1l'- i 1' ' Hor' ? ! ( lnniba : I Chief-Be Illade trip :1 : 1&1 t0 the inte 'iol' . 'VashillgtOl : Life. _ - _ - - STREETS REALLY WASHED. Number of Bacteria : reduced in Proportion - portion of 460 to lO-Cleaning , Thoroughfares .All example of what can be He- coutplislicd ) bY Honest l'IHleavo ) , controlled ) } by scientific knowledge ) . : edge , in the adminisl-ra of of fairs concerning the public is fur nished bJ' the work of Street Cleaning Commissioner John M. [ \Voodblll'J' , of New York , says American 'dicille. 1 Not satisfied with the old ) ( and 'tIieient ( method of cart sprit hung and sweeping , he introdll'pd the plan of washing ) the stl'epis ' hY means of ( 'OllllH'l'Ssed ( ail' mat chines , OJ' with hose from the hJ'- dl'ants Instc.1Hl of laying flu dust by SH'illkIin" ) ' he says till > strpets sholll 1 lw washed so clean 1I1'l'e will be no dllst. During I > the last yett' an average ' or GO ( ) stiles of street has been washed dailY , between the hours of one and fOil o'ock ) in t tic . 1II0J'lIing. nr w\r.1Jing : \ , PI'TOO [ . bury means applying ) the watom ' with suni'ien force to I'emo\'l' fht' gum whi'h chugs to the sun ! face ' of the asphalt ; this , he says , is the olllY sanitary way to clean such pavement. 1.'he proof of his assertion is found , not only in the ( 'omparati\'l' freedom from dust but also in il more positive ' ) way by bacteriologist - ist tests. The latter show that bacteria are very largely : removed 1 from the : streets bj' washing them l as descrihed .An agar plate exposed at a a point ill Fifth avenue just after ! ' the passage of a slB'inkling wagon developed MiO colonies of bacterial A second plat exposed at time > same place J ) for an equal ( time after - - . . . . . . . . . . , . . , - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . " ' : . . . . . - . . . . , toi' ; . . . .L r.'J. ; . . : ! ) r. . . . ta.-- . - " 1II W. : " . . . . . . . . . . . I1ppro'Ted flush lug of the street I ; showed only ten ( 'olouies , ° , Anolfier proof of the ement'y : . of Uw pIau adopted ( ] i8 the tow " ( ] path call' itl the port of the city which ( has ! IIl''n AO ( 'leaned for II ' considerable ( ) period } < 1 of tillW. KEEPING uJOHN" AT HOME. Wife of Olubman Solves Problem of Malting Fireside Attractive for Spouse - Less than \ two years after his uuu'riage ( OaJ'mu Iwgan to O\'l > I' . look his promise to slay away from the clllb ftPI' \ he reached haute lit night HIIYH the New York 'I'intes. 11f I liI'HI he ] 1 ( moved cau ' ' Iiausly , plpudillg' [ U hllHinl'JiS ap poiutnlcnf there ( sled ) promising' tn bl' buck ill UII hOlll' Soon that III'Oll1iH b'i. ( ; , UII 10 slip his miud. amid : ( ; Il' ( 'Uill ( ' haute at 1 all \ . hom'H He : did nol ( , \,11 ( gin' , all ( PXCUS for ' geeing l\II'H \ ( J :1."lIlIn : : did not rush home io her ( mot I1l' ) ' , She did 1I0t. appeal 1.0 his 11101 hl'l' . "lie played her own game. One evening , when OU\'IIIUII showed no incliJlu- t.iOIl to leave Ilse t house , she said : .JOhll , drat' ) , \011'11 he late at the club. " "How do , \'oll'mow ] Pill going ! " lie ask'd. ( "Not going ! Oh-afl'ectillg intense ( 'onf'lIsion"itwOllld - - wOllld Iw most HwkwUl'd ' , Ihut is-hut of' course' .YOII'"P " ( gning'Y ( "rl'lI " he ' ' "I , I'ppli'd , must just run :11'011I1(1 ( fol' i hove : ( un appoint- : lI1'nt. ( Him t I shall be ( back in two . hotll's. " TIe was ba'Iill one hour , and ] seemed astonished to find his wife alone , 1'l'lling. : ( Ile ( was glum all the e\'l'Jling , sllowing fl'quent ! - position to go out ag'uin Bllt the same galllP pals worked ever s.i II ee , Extravagant 1tIonarch. \Vithin t.lIl' lill1its of his ability ale sllltan [ of Mol'wCO ' is among ne : most extravagant ' of nloIl . tll'chH. ITe hUH spent in the few years since he ] 1 took 11) ) ) t.he reins of governnu'ul ) ! not only ] the whole l'l'\'PIltW of JlisCountry1)11talso ) the saving of his prpdpcessol'S Few of the timings he bought gave him any pleaslII'l' Photography amllsed him for a time A camera of' gold ) at t $10,000 tine from Lon- don ; 0,000 francs' worth of photographic - tographic [ paper arrived in one day : front Paris Radium Mine in France 1 tis ) mown at Paris that the as- shdant : of PI'Of. Curie , who , with his wife , discovered radium , is ex. ploring a mine of this rare element in the department of Saone-et- Loire , FraI1Ce. Overheard in Picture Gallery Husband ( art : eonlloisseul'- ) 'Vhat a perfect enamel ) ! Vire-You mean the one in the black hat'l-Punch. ? Earned Her. Ethel-b'rank : was desperately ill love with Priscilla 'VhJ' , hp used to send her the most expensive - pensive flowers and presents neal'- IJ' every day for nearly . three years ! Mabel-Did he finally 1 win her ? "No ; he earned hm' ! " -New Yorker. . . . . . . I . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . ; . . \ ; . _ . . - " .oo L" . , : ; 1tt'6 ! i. "