The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 28, 1905, Image 2

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Educational Department
Conducted by County Supt Crocker
Last Tuesday : Miss Nellie
Dunn started for Jamestown ,
North to spend the summer with
friends and relatives. She will
return in time to resume school
work in the fall.
- -
Last week the county superin-
tendent visited the following
schools : Humboldt , dist. 11 , 93 , I ' .
90 , Shubert and Stella and attended -
tended eighth grade gradating
exercises in ( list. 15.
District No. 47 , 'YIiss Elizabeth
Brecht , teacher. School closed
. .
Saturday , April 22. The pupil
served a' farewell dinner and
many patrons were present to enjoy -
joy the feast and the excellent
l'l'ugram which followed. Several -
1 oral trees and shrubs were then
: planted. George Prichard was :
I present with his graphophone
t and furnished 11S with music for I
I which we hereby extend our
thanks. Alice Goolsby and Sammie -
ink Fisher have been neither ab-
sent dol' tardy daring the whole
year. Ethel , Sarah and Bryan
Cook have . not been absent during
the year.
Dist. 15 , Pearl Cunningham ,
teacher. School closed last Friday -
\ day evening with graduating ex-
ises. 'l'he room was beautifully
decorated , The pupils were
t nicely dressed and wore the
school colors. The program was
i given in honor of hiss Florence
McDowelt who completed the
common school course and received -
ceived her common school d1plo-
! ma. The program given by the
\ pupils was splendid and would do
, credit to many of our larger
towns. The county superint"en-
, dent was present , gave a short
i , talk and presented the diploma.
After the exercises the school
; board complimented and congrat-
ulated the teacher on the success
of the term and offered her the
! school for the ensuing year at
i S45 per month.
, On the Salem fair grounds , on
; I Saturday , May 6 , the eight high
! . schools of Richardson county
I will compete for athletic honors.
I In the forenoon Stella and Falls
1 City high school boys will play
baseball , and the Verdon and
! . 11 , Dawson high school girls will
j' i ' play basketball. A mammoth
1 , basket dinner will be served on
I ; the beautiful chautauqua grouud.
Large delegations from each
1 town will be present , each wear-
ing school colors , waving banners
and giving school calls and yells.
' H the weather be at all favorable ,
it will be a day of most intense
enthusiasm 2nd the high school
spirit in Richardson county will
b e wonderfully raised and
The following is the program
, . . . " ' . . . , . . . ' . . , . : . - ' , ; $ ; . . . . . . .
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for the afternoon : 100 yard run ;
440 yard run ; running broad
jump ' ; mile run ; running high
jump : silOtput ; 220 yard run ;
baseball throw ; standing broad
jump ; hammer throw ; 880 yard
run ; pole vault ; standing high
jump ; relay race by all schools ,
one mile , four from each school
to run.
A small admission : will be
charged to help defray expences.
Competent judges will decide the
contests and every thing will be
conducted in a pleasing and orderly -
derly manner. All lovers of honest -
est and noble sport will bc pres-
The pupils in the fourth grade
of dist. 24 have each written the
county superintendent a letter as
a part of their language work.
The letters are good for fourth
grade pupils and show that they
have been carefully taug-ht.
Prof. \V. \Vittman and wife
will spend the summer at Slieri
dan , \Vyoming. 'f ' lue professor
will have charge of the Le IvIar ,
Arkansas , public schools during
the ensuing year.
Friday evening , 'day 19 , eighth
grade graduates of Falls City and
neighboring districts will hold
joint eighth grtde graduating exercises -
ercisc8 in the Gelding opera
house. 'l'he pupils will give a
program which will be followed
with an address by E. Combe
Smith of Omaha. Friends .
ecucation should not forget the
date. It will be one of the most
interesting educational events
ever held inthis county. All 8th
grade gtaduates in the county arc '
urged to be present and take
part in the exercises.
Friday , April 28 , Dawson high
school boys will come to J.'ails
City to play the high school boys
a return basketba l game
Frank Vylie , who has been
working 111 Stella , spent Sunday
in this city.
S. L. Davies , J a5. Jellison and
John Norris came down from
Stella Tuesday to attend "The
Trip to Egypt. "
Did you ever eat Sunday dinner
at the City hotel ? Try it once
and you will no longer wonder
why Will McPherson is so fat.
About thirty young people en-
joyed a most pleasant evening at
Wahl's hall last Monday. Danc-
ing was the order of ' the cvening'
: Miss Schoenhelt furnished the
music which was good.
Gadski is to sing with the
Pittsburg orchestra in Kansas
City in the near future. If she
would agree to sing Ave Maria
I as only she can sing it . , the reporter -
porter would borrow the money.
to go and hear her.
. . . . . . . . . - . , . W " " . ' . . ; : . . . ; : ; . . . . . . . ' . . , ' - ' . ' " . . < , . '
- - - -
- '
- -
_ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . . . _ , r. _ 41.- . . . . . .
ave You Seen . .
Our new Buggies and Surries we have just ' y
received a car load of them and when in need of i
' ' "
'f' \
a Buggy or Surry call on us. Don't forget we ,
are carrying the best and biggest line of Imple . .
ments and are also agents for the W. C. Shinn
Lightning Rods. When you Need anything call
and get our prices before buying
. . . '
MAN & COm I ; . . -
_ _ . . . _ 1
. . - .
- . . _ - , .u aadaw.n - a. r.n.nJ -
New Goods \Vilson's
in fancy . . . . .
See our stock in these
lines , the finest in the
city. Special attention
give11 to . . . . .
and all Goods promptly
delivered at : : : :
. . . . . . .
- -
Every merchant should decor-
ate on June 1st.
To O. A. Cooper-If you .don't
see what you want , ask and you
shall receive.
Ed Howe wants to know why a
woman will wear a peek-a- boo
shirt waste and then get mad
when a man looks .
\V. A. Greenwald has been ab-
sent in western part of the state
this week in the interest of his
candidacy for Grand Reciever.
Let all citizens co-operate to
make the congressional conven-
tion a success. It is not a matter
of politics , it is rather a matter
of civic pride.
The Hiawatha \Vorld has been
trying to induce the young men
to wear dtess suits. The World
man should come up here when
we wear them in the afternoon.
. ' . ' . " .
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Can be moved lr GROWS
one UNITat3 W1TYOUR !
time without LIBRARY , '
bturbin ,
contents-- t
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Rou1RBF.ARJN : 1't '
VOOR3 , ( ' , ' \ ' . . , . .
(1f'c'.1 ; ' . . . . !
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' CALL as see men oRt
Sold Exclusively by
" '
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Ralph Anderson Burbank . Bun
of Joe Burbank who was a merchant - ' . I. , \
chant in this city - about twenty , . . I
years ago , of the northern part
of the state was in this city thc I
first of the week. He isa nephew ; t- ,
J , t
of Albert and Frank : Norris of J 1
this city.
, The Tribune has had inure
' "
'I trouble this week than a newly
married man with his mothl'r-in-
law. Our paper did not show up ,
the ink wouldn't work and the f
I devil has bean to play gener'lll.\ ' \