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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
' - - - - " - . _ _ _ ' _ : : : : _ . . . = - = . . _ _ _ . _ _ ' . . - . " " ' n"w 1'n"w 1/ i . _ . . _ - - - , - - - _ . . - . I I H. Simons was up from Rube ' 1' \ icslay. E(1 Murphy of Shubcrt was in T town Saturday. . : H. .C. ' Boyd of Humboldt was in town Monday. \V. L. Porter of Salem was in ' town ucsday. ' " H. S. King returned honk from : \ Omaha \Vcclncselay. . B. Ii' . Crandal was Ul from Reserve - ar serve cdncsday. . , \Valtcr Banks of Reserve Kan- . i I gas was in town ucsday. \ Miss JennieThompson Stella was in this city Saturday. " J as. IcKicvcr spent Sunday with friends in Nebraska City. ; Henry Sintering jr. of Barada ! was a business visitor Monday. i , Winnie and Margaret Ryan of ! ; r Dawson spent Saturday in this ! city , I l obt' Maxwell and Roy Swcet- , land were up from HiawathaSun- . . ' I , day. . : Judge Scott spent several days ! t the first of the week in Lincoln and 1Iastings. ; Albert and Dollie'Ii ' lshal1 , of , 'l"'ryon , Oklahoma , returned to' ' their honk today. , ! \Ir. and Mrs. Craig , of Lin- ; coIn , spent thc past week at thc a home of W. S. Leyda. J Mrs. J. A. Ryan and children were up from St. Joe and spent Sunday with her l1sband. 'lrs. Will Price and son Don- aId , went to Verdon Thursday to t visit her sister Mrs. 1\1. D. r um. ft Dr. C. 1-1. Maust , who has recently - I , ccntly graduated with honors , I has decided to locate at Barada. j 1 y 'll ' r ' Y 1I 1 I r 1 . 1I I t . I SIFTS 1 ; There may be a wedding to t. which you have been bidden. i You cannot make up your 11 mind what to get--it is a hard in question to decide. Drop in ; and see if we can not help you I out of a dilemma. 'vVe have : . t : many beautiful things in gold 1 , , i . ) i silver and cut glass-things h ' that look well among other i presents and that will bring j joy to the prospective bride and groom. 'Ve have also a nice line of commencement presents , dainty unexpensive novelties sure to please the 3 receiver We make a speci- . alty of watch : repairing. ; The Old Reliable A. E. J A QUE T . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ . _ . r- . . , - - - ' - , - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , . . . . . - . . . . . - - - ' " - - - - " - - - - - - - - The following services at the lctho(1ist clUrch : next Sunday : prayer service G:25 : a. m. ; Sab- bath school 9:45 : ; sermon 10:45 , subject. liThe Kingdom of God ; " Junion league 3 p. m ; Epworth league 7 , public installation of officers ; sermon 8 , subject , "Sin- ning against Sd 1. " . You are cordially invited to attend these serviccs. Gertrude Bell and Ralph Birr- cll of' ' Kansas City were married at the Zpiscopal parsonage in that city Saturday April 25 , 1905. They arrsved in this city Sun- day nigh for a visit with relatives. Dlrs. ' Birrell will be remembered by many of our people who met her while she was visiting her cousin Helen li'owler. Services a.t the Christian church next Lordsday. Bible school 9:30 : I a. m. ; preaching at 11 , subject , "A Look unto the Whitened Fields ; " Junior 3 p. m. ; Y. P. C. E , 7. subject , "Prayer for Mis- 'sions at Home and Abroad ; " Eve- ning worship and sermon at 8 , subject , "S ed Sowing. " A most cordial welcome to all services. M. L. Jorgensen of Stanton Nebr. , was in this city Tuesday on his way to Hum bold 1. On \Vedncsday he was ! : married to Miss Ethel Bu11is. He was at one time an operator at Hum- boldt , while Miss Bul1is has worked - ed in the post office for a number of years. lrs. Allie Dowty , of Ohio pre- cinct , while tilling the lamp for an incubator spilled some kero- sene on her hands and then turned the eggs in the incubator. The result was only thirteen eggs out of two hundred hatched. The ladies auxiliary to Steele Cemctary association will meet with 1\lrt. I ham Heavis on 'l'ues- day afternoon at 2.30. A fall attendance - tendance is requested as there are important mattrrs to be attended to. John Clasmyer , student at the Missouri Pacific had the misfor- tune to have a tramb steal a ! dollar from him Sunday night and in a chase to secure the dollar - lar welt almost to Straussyi11e. Lora Iv1cCool came down from Dawson and stopped here on her way to Atchison , where she ex- pects to visit about two months. Saturday April 29th , the ladies basket ball team of the state normal , will be in Dawson to play the Dawson high schools girls. Mrs Belle Rich returned to her home in Kansas City Thursday after a weeks visit with her par- cnts O. Andrews and wife. Supt. Crocker and wife spent Sunday with lV1rs. Crocker parent l\lr. and Mrs. Judd in Dawson Sunday. J. N. and G. W. Lesley of Salem - lem were in town Saturc1dY. S. L. Bates was up from Rule Saturday. . - - - - - - - - - - - " . . . ' . . , . . . , , _ . , . , . . . . . l'/'YT ; , . . . . . " ' ! ? ' ; : < . .n' " , 'II\ ' . " " : : : : : : - " _ _ " . . _ . . " _ _ ' . _ . . _ . . ' ' , , , . . . . . . . - r . t tr ti Whitaker Bros. Land Excursion May 2. Greatest Wheat Crop r , . In History of the Country The recent rains have extended all over the wheat belt . of Kansas , and the greatest crops of years are now assured , 'I ' " and everyone that we have sold land to in Dickinson , Saline , Ottawa and Lincoln counties will make this year from 10 to \ 15 percent on their investment , besides the advance on the land which will be from $ 5 to $ 1 5 per acre , as we are now o offered an advance on some we have sold of5 per acre. If you want further proof before you buy of the great values I t that we are offering in this country , see or write some or all of the following parties to whom { we have sold land in the J above counties : . . . , . : . : The following have bought in Dickinson county.Vm. . H. ; H. Dike and father of Humboldt , a fine well improved I 640 acres , close to market , paving $ ' 25.70 ; a daughter of 1\11' Dikes of Dawson , a fine 80 , paying $2800 : County Treasurer . . . . . . . J. Zook , three fine quarters , paying about $25 ; Christ I-lorn a ? " - nice smooth 160 , at $25. 1\1ahlon Beachy a good 80 at " $ i8oo. J. D. Mitchell a fine well improved 160 right close : to town , at S40. 1. t The following parties have bought in Lincoln county. J Fred Brecht of Falls City , 320 acres at $25 and has refused . : $30 ; Herman Wolf , well improved' 160 , at $4000 , refused ; $5000 ; Henry Meyer , a dandy 160 acres near Lincoln , the county seat , at $6200 , Frank Ramel , a nice 160 at $2850 ; Ed May , of the county treasurer's office a good farm of J 70 ; acres , at $ 3 500. . The following parties have bought in Ottawa county. 'l Frank Schaible , a fine 60 near IVIinneapolis , at $23 ; and his , three sisters , a fine 80 each , at $2 ; , making 400 acres ; 1\11rs. Mattie E. May , a nice 80 lying between two railroads with 50 acres in wheat , $ he gets / of all crops delivered in the ' } market this year , she paid $ 1600. None of these parties get "T- : : . less than 7S of all the crops and some of them get all of the " " . wheat this year at the above prices. . : ti . . . > " If you will come and go with us on next Tuesday May 2nd" we can sell you fine land at about the same figures and give \ . you / of the wheat in the market but if you wait later than next 'T'uesday you can't get the ' of the crop and will have to pay more for the land as the biggest crop this country ever produced is now assured and will advance land $5 to $ 10 per acre bv fall. ' 1 I Come go with us on the 2nd , and we will show you the } finest country you ever saw. Vie will leave here at ; : 10 , - a. m. , over the 1\1. P. by the way of Kansas City. This will be a delightful trip this season of the year , and will cost you ' l" " but little. Write or call us over phone 168 at our expense so we can get your ticket as it takes some little time to make them out. Nine dollars for the round trip , good 21 days , can stop off going down and in Kansas City. Don't forget the date May 2nd , 1905. I Whitaker Bros. I , V. A. Margrave of Preston marked two car loads ot steers Thursday at Kansas City of his own feeding that sold at 86.25. Dendle and Wilkinson of Rich- ardson county were on the Kan- sas City marked with a load of cattle Thursday. J. H. Judy , wife and children were over from Sabetha Sunday to visit l\Ir. Judy's parents in this city. O. R. Trimmer of Stella had a car ot cattle and a mixed car of stock at Kansas City last Tues- day. Chas. Mamdox was L.lp from Preston Monday on business. , ; . t There will be services at the I Baptist church next Sunday I morning and evening , and each evening during the wcek. RC\ . " 1' " " ' . ' 1 Geo. L. White of Lincoln will ) ) 'f , conduct the meetings. Everybody - ; body cordially in'itee1. ; rm , Legal Notice. In tile County Court of Richardson Couut ) " , 1 Nebraska In the matter of Probating an authenli. , ' , f cated copy of the last will and testament of .tiI ! ' , ; Margaret Rebecca \Vhiteford , deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested - . j terested that George D. Kirk has deposited In Hail Court an Instrument purporting to bo an authenticated copy of the last will . and testament of said Margaret Rebecca \VhitcConl , late of lIarCord County in the stale of Maryland , deceased. It Is ordered I that the saute be heard 11) the Court Oil the 13th day of May , llJOS , at I ) o'clode a. m. , In . the Ccunt . Court room In Falls City . In said Count , when and where all persons inter- csted stay appear and contest the probate 11 < i therofore. . 1 11) order of the Court. dated April 24th. " . , ' , 1905. " [ srerl ] J. , R. WI LIlITH. J Judlc of said Court. t . t . . _ . _ - - - . . _ _ . , _ . . _ , . . - . . . . . . , . . . . - . . . . . . - 'T- I'Pt" . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' . ' , . . . . r . . " 'WI' i - ' ' : : i .1"at. . j . : ) oCJi ! , _ : ; . . . . " ' ! . ' : . < . ( , : .L'.rt\'i \ . . . . _ _