The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 28, 1905, Image 10
. . . . ----r.- : . - " ' . : : - . . , , . . . " - w - \ ' r. " " I. . _ oIII.11Il r . . , , . . . . . . - - . . . . . - . - - - - , , - ' J" . . " # ' , ' " . " t- : . - : ; I' . . Have You Seen the New Things In Moulding to go with the Wall Paper ? If not go to the White Wall Paper Store I and see the new things for Spring Decorating. . Everything in the Latest Things. H \ W HIT E' S ! Wall Paper & Paint Store : 1 I I I COAL COAL T S The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. ( n Also halllllo all kllllt of Coat and wool : call fill orders on short notice. Plenty of o Flour , round Jo'c.M , Bran and Shorts : Grain , Baled hay and Straw : Rock Salt ) > 7Sc per cwt. , Fine Ground Rock Salt 40c per cwt. . Mlchhran Salt $1.50 per barrel , too tb. sacks Loc : Crushed Shells for Chickens SI.25 per cwt. , Ground Oil Cake $2.00 r O per cwt. Prussian , Pralls , Watkins Stuck and Poultry 'oods. Cash for Butter , I C JoIfIfHallltPoultr : : O. P. HECK.I : , ! FEED FEED . . - - - - McNall's , GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guar- t anteed Free City DeHvey Phone 40 Storage for Household And Other Goods . Merchants and Business Men 2 'Vith ' hard accounts to collect , should place them with t i John L. Cleaver ' JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY NEB For Collection or for Suit Small Com's on Collections f Attorney Fees on Suits Defendant pays all Costs. r + II ' Remember the City Pharmacy for Wall paper. 1 . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - , N ' ' ; - - - - < n . . For Sale. A house of eight rooms , four lots , a good cyclone cave , stable for 4 horses , a good well and a : summer kitchen. Some fruit trees. Situated on Block 160.Be- . tween 9th and 10th McLane St. For particulars inquire at City Hotel. A Bargain. 14-4t. Elks Meeting. i A meeting preliminary to the : organization of the Elks lodge was held this week in . the . - Sphinx club rooms. Committees were appointed to make all prepara- tions for the installation which will occur the night of May 20th. A special train will be run from Omaha , Plattsmouth , Lincoln and Beatrice. Three hundred visit- ing elks are expected. After the lodge is installed a banquet will be given at which some of the most prominent , men of the state will speak. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Beat and Moat Popular. "Mothers buy it for croupy children , railroad men buy it for I severe coughs and elderly people buy it for la grippe" , say Moore Bros. , Eldon' , Iowa , 'We sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Re- medy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brand. " There is no question but this medicne is the heM that can be procured for coughs and colds , whether it be a child or an adult that is afflicted - ed It always . cures and cures quickly. Sold by-Kerr's Drug Store. - . - . . ' . . . . . . " : J _ u. ' ' > - ; " ' , R - -I-- - .v- . I" J > OLl - . . _ , . A fine line of chocolate at L C. Mauger's . Joe Cullen of Verdon was on our street Ionday. W. H. Wylie came down from Nebraska City , Monday. C. M. : . Heinzelman was down from Verdon Saturday. Gertrude Lum returned to her home in Verdon Saturda.y. Pearl Prater and Catherine Crabill were in Merrill Saturday. W. S. Leyda left Monday for Auburn and will be in Lincoln before his return home. Ray Meyers and William Cra- ice were Merrill visitors Satur- day. day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Weaver of Verdon were shopping here Sat- urday. I Fred Paxton , Chas.Cornell and Willard Sears attended a dance at Stella 011 Monday. Mrs. Jas. Gilmore of Verdon spent Sunday with her brother Willis Yoer tn this city Mrs. A Cook went to Stella Saturday to spend a week with her two sons , Gief and Frank , at that place. Mr and Mrs. L. A. Kinsy I were down from Verdon on Sat- i nrday visiting at the home of I Frank Eversole. Mrs. Fred Nettlebeck returned from Syracuse Saturday She was accompanied home by her grandmother , Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Robert Hendelson came , up from Rule Monday and took the train for Verdon to visit a few days with relatives. The marriage of Thos. Martin and Miss Jordan has been an- nounced. The young people were married in Horton , Kansas , some six months past the mar- riage having been kept a secrect until a few days ago. Clare Foster and Harry Foeh- linger left Sunday for Web City , Mo. , where they will join the league and play base ball this season. By these two : young I men going away Falls City ball : . boys loses two good ball players. A farmer is i as much a business man as a merchant , a profes- sional man or a capitalist. A farmer's correspondence is just as important as the correspondence of any other business man. What would you think of a physician , a lawyer , a merchant or any other business man who did not have his name and address printed on his stationary ? You would be prejudiced against him at once , would you not ? It is just as important for a farmer to have neatly printed stationary as it is for any other business man The Tribune does such work promptly , cheaply and in a workmanlike manner. Drop us a line and we will submit prices that will be an inducement _ T - 1 W/tI. / : : : , . . . l . . . . - - \ _ _ . . . . . . . , _ . < Ik'l. , _ _ . _ _ , JJJII..J } Jlll ' . . - _ ' - : . ' ; ; , I ) , : r SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. Now that the Governor has . . . called a special congressional election to be held in July , the many candidates are at work fix- ing their fences and preparing for a struggle. So far as known i there are only seven Lincoln men ' t 'j ' - , Lan't who are contesting for the Lan- \ caster county delegation. I Fully ninety per cent of the republicans - , publicans of Lincoln believe that the nomination should be given to some outside county. About the only ones who want the nomination - ination to be again given to Lan- . caster county are the candidates from Lincoln. - . . . . Lincoln has had the congressman - man for twenty years. Lincoln has one of the United States senators. Those counties which have - - " f been electing Lincoln men to , 1 congress for twenty years have a right to demand that Lincoln get out of this fight. Lincoln would not now have a United States senator if it were not for the enthusiastic support given to Mr. Burkett by the counties - ties of the First district. It is probable that Lancaster county will not heed past favors when the future holds the pos i- b'lity of further reward. There is no past tense in poli- tics. tics.It ' It 'Lincoln insists on being the 'l hog of Nebraska politics , it , is / then up to the other counties in this district to go into th saus- j age business. . . The politician of the capital . are now trying to get men in every county to become candi- dates and to secure the delega- ; tion , that they may be turn d over to some Lancaster county man. If they can find no man in the . country county that will consent , to be made a cats paw , they will get some former resident to be- come the candidate and thu : insure a turning over of the dele- . gation to the Lincoln man at the proper time. - . The Tribune speaks only for I itself in' saying that Lincoln . ; : should not be given the congres- ' . > " . ' sional nomination , and that every \ effort should be made bv the del- J egates from the outside to see . I . that Lancaster county is made to . . U "be good. " . . l . "f : Mr. A. R. Keim has brought , out George W. Marsh of Lincoln , as Richardson county's candidate 1 for congress. Lincoln has seven candidates for the Lancaster ! county delegation , and Mr. Keim , , ; evidently shoul(1 be provided for . .b ' . , . 'i ; by the outside counties. We ; - . ; haven't heard what Lincoln man . ' . < , ' will ask for Pawnee county , but ' . ' ' presume that the matter will be arranged in the near future. . You can do no greater favor to . . . this paper than by trading with . its advertisers. 1 . it i , . . . ' . - - - - . - - - - . - . . . . " - . " " .M. I . , . . . - : : ' ; ' , , . . 'I . J. . ' ' \ ' i Il { ) . ' - . . . . . . . : ; : . . . . jz..IIL " , , .J : ' - t' _ , ; r. , . . . . .