The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 28, 1905, Image 1

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" ) , Vol.II. - No. 16 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , APRIL 28 , 1905. Whole No 69. 111
j' .y' ' ; Republican Congressional Convention -
, ' tion to be Held in Palls City
, II I
J O. A. Cooper Lands. I
. " The Prize .
\ . ,
. At a meeting of the congres-
sional committee held in Lincoln .
on Monday , it was decided to I
. . . .
I , : " ' - hold the convention in Falls City
( 011 June 1st at 7. p. m. Every
' . . ' county in the district was an applicant -
plicant for the convention , but
of the hardest kind of
by some
. . . . . .
work Mr. Cooper , the congres-
sional committeeman from this
county , landed the prize for this
city. There will be several hun-
r . , Ired men in attendance , and be-
cause of the bitter contest among
the many candidates , the con\'en-
thin will probably be in session
. . several days. Our citizens with-
out regard to party should co-op-
Married. ,
At the St. Thomas Episcopal
church in this city Wednesday ,
- April 25 , at 3 o'clock p. m. : Miss
" "f . Blanch Kerr , youngest daughter
r _ 4 of Dr. and Irs. W H. Kerr was
r- ? . - united in marriage to Mr. Bruno
- . Hansen of Omaha.
i I ' , 1,4 "ifr - ' The wedding was a society
. l' I ' . t t c\'ent. A large number of invi-
tations had beer issued and the
l church was filled in spite of the
very inclement weather. .
' Messers'f ! : . L. H1tnmelreich , C.
" C. Davis and ' \Vil1 Schmelzel act-
f ed as ushers. The alter of the
_ \ edifice was profusely decorated
i ' with potted plants and cut flow-
L . ers while the chancel rail was
< -
. ,
t p wound heavily in greens
, , 4 Shortly after the appointed
, . hour the wedding party walked
up the centre aisle of the church
\ . to the strains of the march . . played -
\ cd by : Miss Zola Jones. Little
1'he1ma Roberts as flower girl ,
preceded the bride , who was escorted -
1'- . ' corted by her father. Following
' .
\ were the brides maids , Misses
' \ Bessie Davis , Katherine Heacock ,
Carrie Slocum and Sarah Hutch-
ins ; and the groomsmen , Messers
. C. C. Davis , Will Schmezel , Mr
, Lindsay and Mr. Barton of
Omaha ,
' The bride was dressed in a
U handsome gown of white net
heavily trimmed with narrow
4 . . . , white satin ribbon , over silk
ti She wore a long veil and carried
a large boquet of brides roses
White gloves of elbow length
completed her costume. The
bridesmaids wore fluffy white
dresses and white hats Each
( M
. . .
. . . . . . . . , . . . . , . .
' " ' Y. - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - -
I T' , , : . . . . . . : _ . ---S . _ _ _ _ _ _
crate in making this convention
a huge success. The town should
be decorated for the occasion and
every effort be made to see that
every delegate has the time of
his life. The holding of this
convention here will be worth
many thousand dollars to the
city , and every citizen of the city
should constitute himself a com-
, mittee.r ; one to see that Falls
City does not fail in making the
occasion an entire success.
We might say- by the way , that
if O. A. Cooper will except the
court house and the city hall he
is entitled to anything Falls City
has to give.
carried a shower bouquet of pink
carnations. Moving up the aisle
the party met the groom just out-
side the chancel rail where the
impressive words of the ring cere-
mony were spoken. The ser-
vice was completed at the alter
rail all of the members kneeling
as the prayers of matrimony
were said.
Immediately after the ceremony
a reception was held , at the home
of the bride's parcntsDr. and Irs
\V. H. Kcrr. After greeting the
bridal party the guests wondered
through the pretty decorated
room Miss Grace Maddox
served light refreshments 111 the
dining room , while Miss : May
Maddox presided at the punch
bowl in the library , Mesdames'1' .
L. Himmelriech and A. E. Hil
assisted in receiving the guests.
Numerous and costly presents
demonstrated the esteem in which
the young people are held by
heir t many Falls City friends
Miss Blanche is the youngest
child 'oJ Dr. and 1irs. Kerr and
has lived here all her life. She
is vivacious and bright to a de-
gree and possesses unusual mus-
icle a ility. She has friends
throughout the city who extend
their sincere congratulations.
The groom is a young man , of
German extraction and has the
many sterling qualities of that
race. He travels for a dry goods
firm of Omaha and ha made
many acquaintances here who
are ; favorably impressed by him.
Those attending the wedding
from out of town were Dr and
. - - - - - . . - . . - , , . " , , , . . . . . " " . . . . . . < . . .
' . _ ' . , : JIiIII :
Mrs C. L. Kerr of Kansas City.
Herbert C. KerrMrs E. H. King ,
111' and Mrs. T. J. Hansen , 1\'Irs. '
Beasch and Mr. Thompson of
Tilden , Neb. , and Mr. Protsting
of Omaha.
1'lr. and 'lrs. Hansen will make
their home in Norfolk , Neb.
About eight o'clock Saturday '
morning Dr. 1. 1\1. ' Williamson of
Barada was taken seriously ill
Dr. Reneker was phoned for but
before he could make arrange-
ments to start for Barac1a an-
other phone call announced that
he was dead. His death was
caused by drinking nitre to the
amount of about for ounces ,
Dr. 'Villiamsom was a man
who was well liked by all who
knew him. He practiced medicine
in Barada for more than thirty
years and made many friends 111
the business world.
He was a nian of about sixty I .
years and leaves ] behing him a
wife two sons and one daughter
and an adopted daughter to
mourn his untimely death. The
Tribune joins with the family in
their sad hour
Mrs. Christian Apel died sud-
denlyof heart trouble on Thursday -
day afternoon April 20th. Irs.
Ape1 had gone to her garden to
work 2nd had been absent about
twenty minutes when her little
daughter found her lying by the
fence where she had fallen when
stricken with that dread dise'ase.
The deceased waR 57 years old ,
having come to this county with
her husband and children about
ten years ago. For the past
eight : years she has lived on their
farm near the Zion Church east
of this city . 1\Irs. Apel was a
Christian lady and I was beloved
by a very large 1 circle of friends.
She leaves to mourn her loss , her
husband Christian Apel , and a .I
large family of children. The
funeral was held from the Zion
Church and was follow to the
cemetary by a n immense
throng of people. The floral
offerings were many and of excep-
tional beauty. Rev. Noninger
delivered the oration , speaking in
both German and English. Rev.
Manshardt assisted in the ser-
vices. The death of 11rs. Ape1
is a serious loss to her friends and
relatives and The Tribune joins
in expressions of sympathy to the
bereaved husband and and fam-
Mrs Rebecca Wyatt . died a the
'J- . . .ir : ' * ' - : - " _ w i 'Y. : " ' + ;
. . -.1 : " " ' " " " ' _ . . ' ' ' ' 'f ! ;
home of DIr. Harry Fisher three
N1 /
miles east of Falls City , Nebr.
April 22 , 1905 , aged 59 years , 4
months . 26 days '
The deceased was a daughter
of Joseph and Mary ' , Forney
She was born in Ohio and came
to Holt County ' Mo. with her par-
ents when a child , a few years
later the family located in Rich-
ardson county , where she has
since resided.
In 1867 she was united in mar- ;
riage to 1\1r. ' Charles Wyatt , who
1 died 27 , years ago. Five children t
I were born to them ; Henry , IvIary a
Martha , William and Joseph. All
arc living xcept Mary ' who died
in Pennsylvania 1899. Mrs.Wyatt ' ;
leaves an aged father , 4 children
11 grand children , two sister one >
brother and many friends to
mourn her loss.
When 8 years of age Mrs ' Wyatt
lost her hearing caused by scar-
let fever but could read the move-
' "
mcnts of lips very readily. She . . . . .
was a loving Christian woman
and won the admiration of all
who knew her.
The funeral service was held
from the home on Monday , April
24 , 1905 , at 2 p. 111. Rev C. 1\
Cline of the 1'1. E. church officia-
The interment took place in
the Steele Cemete ry.
The in tan t child . . of 1\'Ir. ' and
\rs. ! F. Gossett died at the home
of Mr L. Snyder , April : 21 , ' 05
Brief funeral services held at
thc home Friday at 2 p. m. , in
the presence of a few friends
Rev. W ' 1' . Cline conducted the
services i
ii i
Infant child of Prof and Mrs.
E. L. 'fobie died Friday night ,
April 22 in our city. Interment
took place on Sunday in' Hia-
watha , Kansas.
"Third Paper is Unneces-
The Falls City Tribune is a
splendid local paper. It shares
the Falls City field with the
Rebeckahs Entertain.
The Rebeckahs entertained the
Odd Fellows in their hall on
Wednesday evening. The eve-
ning was most pleasantly spent
in music , a colored wedding and
a hoc-down. Bessie Davis and
Frank Schaible were united in
marriage by "Rev. " Charles
Davis , of Clubville. Refresh-
ments were served and all had a
most pleasant time
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