The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 7

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f ) y I Local and Personal.
' . - y Goldfield richest - placeon earth.
I . ' . . Wail paper cheap at City Phar-
1 llWC ) ' .
11 den Fowler is on the sick list
this weelL
\ New styles of wall paper at City
, Pharmacy.
James Hi n gwas in this city
during the week.
For first class dressmaking see
Mrs. Hattie Branum.
Joe Miles came into this city
. f the first of the w'ek.
- See Coupe & T horn ton for all
kinds of salt and fresh fish.
First class g"o-cart for sale
J cheap by :1\Irs. : Hat tic Dranum.
- ; - - Dr. . h. Roberts , dentist
over Kings Pharnacy.
Garden Seeds , Coal , Wood and
Rock Salt at Ileck's Fe ° d Store
' ' 1 1'11' Chester and son of Shu-
arc visiting relatives 111 this : city.
. . ' . I.larcl ham and Bacon at'ery
k : , very
t 1 low prices.-Coupc tS Thorn ton I ; .
Charlie HUl\1phrey \ of the Ver-
" : den Vedcttc spent Monday in our
' . .
. CIty. ,
Marie Emerson of Dawson was
I. thc guest of Peat 1 Prater Satur-
! 4 day.
( ti
, , ' . Da"c Abbott came down from
Ok _ .1 Omaha the fore part of this
. week.
_ , . . - Nellie Jennings heard Lines
- : - . .
t' f. " and lies band In HIawatha last
F ; - week.
, iRrev Meyers and \Vill Carico
, visited Hiawatha friends on Sat-
James Atwood came down from
Humboldt and spent Saturday in
this city.
TIrIrs : . Marion and latB.hte
. . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . "U' _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ _ .
Audrey went to Hiawatha on
' 'J'ueselay.
Jennie and Grace Bucher vis-
- te.d . in Hiawatha the latter part
of last week.
I Nellie Dore went to Omaha
Sunday where she will work in
a telephone omcc.
George Hossack was in crdon
Saturday and visited his sister ,
Mrs. \V. C. Sloan.
Fred Scabold and Clarence
L Smith were M. P. passengers for
Hiawatha the 15th
, " Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris of
, Shubert spent Sunday in this city
r the guest of relati \'e5.
t When in need of a juicy steak ! .
or a prune roast beef , telephone !
. " , . ' 74.-Coupe & Thornton.
' Mrs , JQhn Smith and son of
Omaha arc visitil gwith her
\ mother , Mrs. Fred Iiller.
Charley Davis accompanied Dr.
Henek to Shubert Monday to
attend the Quiggle inquest.
The reporter had the pleasure
of visiting the \Vorld office in
! Hiawatha one clay last week
and to say that it is' a finely ]
- equipped office is putting it
t mildly.
. -
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of b I "ifi. . ati ; r 1t yournlso )1II /ifill Alar'p ron : ere tIel'pl b cOllccml'tl flout how to m'ol'\ ' I'Itf\l'I\ ant ! A . l , ) . . \ . ' .
, . if'J. : ; \ ; ! . . r:1& ; . t'lro rcuh. 'j hcm'R n tlcpt'lIIlaLlo remeh } ' . ' 1'hn hight'st oulhorltlt'R , Vt'l'n , . . ' . , I , / M .j' ; ' . . r
{ , , y ttlu ' ; q. 41 , . , LcutIluS Brooders , , G'rrmnrnt xpcrill1l'nt filthms , both 1.\ prenchiuraud 11111CUcc. 0 _ t " . : ; 4 ; '
r ! . 't ' } # 9" " - proclaim It the o\'croIGu relllooro It Is (1I1110U:1 : / . , . . .t # . .
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f1".t. , " , " , ' ' ' ' ' , _ : . : ; ( . i" rl ! rau. a , 'J' ' ' { 11,111'03 : our nt ' In , ' t1'n , IICIIIUI'ou need ( only > o Huhobr wind Unretnnwn mind tJlAto ii 1 ! J " , . " , . . . . , rl\ ; . . . . '
D- ) \ " , / ri \ . aulltorltlc9 and leading breeder { AI l r y . "J\'Y'i : ' 1'\'J.\i.\1 ; '
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Lytl , 1 J1r r. 1urcttcntubycoudlut:1.rcutt.t.IotircuLNtob.ute : , 1u , . 'rluafl A vlocr" . tJ " i1KiLu.Tiuubto. ' ' ' : ( '
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For Sale by King Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska '
un _ n _ _ _
' 1' h e following Richardson
county shippers were on the Kan-
sas City stock market during the
last week : Windlc & \Vilkinson
of Salem , two cars cattle ; E. D.
Grist , Falls City , one car cattle ;
F.V , Heincman , Verdon , ' four
cars cattle ; Higgins & Spickler ,
Weddlc & Spickler , Dan llig'g'ins ,
Ritchie & HiCYI.ins and Joe Slick-
let of Shubert each one car catt.e ;
C. I4. VeilS , Vcrdon , one car
cattle ; \V. 1\ [ . Fisher Verdon , one
car mixed stock
Attention is called to the ad of
the Smith Bros. Loan & : Trust
Co. of Beatrice which appears in
this issue. This company is reliable -
liable and will treat you rig'ht.
O.Y. . Dc\Vald of the Trenton
Register was in this city Visiting
his mother and other relatives
He was accompanied by his wife
and da ugh tel' .
Fred Cleveland , Sydney Lapp ,
Max Werner and ! Carl Scdll11ayr :
visited in the city of lliawatha
thc latter part of last wcek.
Miss Plum left Tuesday after-
noon for Leavenworth where she
will VIsit a week ur so with
Dayid Ransom and county attorney -
torney James went to Shubert
_ _ _ n _ . _ n.n _ _ _ n. . _ _ _
. .
Monday to attend the Quig-g-Ie
\Villiam amd Arthlh' Gerg-ens
of Humboldt transacted buincss
in Falls City on Saturuay of last
Cora Swisegood came down
from Verdon Sunday : and visited
a few days with Mrs , , D. M , Dav-
\\'m. Cadc and Mr. Messier
were M. P. passengers for Os-
borne , Kansas , during the wcd.
Mrs. Chas. Wilson and daugh
tcr Anita heard : the Inncs band
Saturday afternoon in Hiwatha.
Mr , Jacob Gerg-cns of Hum-
boldt after a short visit in this
city left Sunday for Auburn.
l\Irs. Frank Houtz of Verdon
visited her brother \V1n Price
and family in this city Sunday ,
Chas. Humphrcy and wife of
Verdon spent Sunday with G. A.
Abbott and wife in this city
l\Iabel Macomber carne down
from Stella and spent Sunday
with her mother in this city.
Mrs. Chas. Wilson and daughter -
ter Neta attended the band con-
cert at Hiawatha Saturday.
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More 1Jlea ant and profitable f than raisin „ good hOl'v'
' . "TOM" 'Ch [ ( ' fin\st black pl'rclH.\"On \ in the rU11l1 t\ ' .
; ' 'i'i I'7. [ ' lH'stnut son ! .l ) of tin u " rlal ) brl'C(1 ngqlialitics. .
if "DECK" son of Fritz , l1l'ul. only to be seen to he ap-
tt pn'ciated.
'l'hcse three stallions will br at illy \ ham in ] jlrnda every
Monday and 'l'ucsday ; at 111\ farm , miles south of Harada
t \Vcdncsda\'s , Thursdays [ and Friday fon'"oul ! 'vIII [ and
. Fritz Friday afternoons and Saturdays at I''arnicrs feed yards
t halls City Nebraska
'J'gr i\IS---To inslll'C' colt to stand and ; : tick , 'rom t2.lJO
Fritz S10.00 and Deck 88 00.
w _ _ Mait Schthnberg : : : . . , . ,
I The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. en
Also hallllll' nil kind or Coal alld l worn ] ; call fill nrdors ; . 1111 short 1I0thl' ' ] 'limy lIe . . .
o I I'lollr. ( ; roI111111'II. Bral1111111 Sinrrtn . ; Grain ( . label ] IIay mild Straw : Hock ] Halt " " . .
ic : IH'r I.'wt. . Fill" 1 ( ; rllllll.1 Hill' ! , Salt 1oc 111'1' c"t. . \lIchhmll Salt SI.SH per btrrt ' 1 ,
I 100 Ih welts ( , Ie ) ; ( 'ru..h.'ci SI\t'II. . for Chickens : : ; I,25111'r cwt. , ( ; \11111111 011 Cake ; : : : 2..r ( )
O per l'wt. I'rll..slal1. I'rattsVatkius Stuck aiitl l'oliltry l'oodH. Ca..hl tor IlIllter ,
o gUlfs and I'tntltry' o. P. 1-1 ECK. -I
- - - - - -
Best willl finish at City Phar-
maL. : ) ' .
Mrs. Francis ? Iurtin and dallg--
liter Helcn went to Hiawatha
Saturday to hear the band con-
Ward Knig-ht , Irvin Bode and
Fritz Herbster were catching 'cm
at the Missouri lakes the first of
the week.
l\Irs. Anna Horstman came
down from Verdon Saturday to
spend a few days with . her moth-
er. Mrs 1'aylor.
Mrs Cameron , who h as been
visiting with hcr' daughter
Mayme in Idaho , returned to her
home in this city last Saturday
morn i ii g.
- tQ
f E. \V Al , K1R
Office over Cleveland's Store
I-lours from I to 2 ; 7 to 9
Phone J 70
CEO. I-I. i'ARSELL l\'l. ' I )
'ia ' 1'elepholic No. cS
Office at Residence
Office I-lours ! : 8 to 10 a. 111 ;
1 to 3 p. m.
Pearl Prater , Katherinc Cra-
bill and Elva Scars heard thc
Inncs band in Hiawatha on Sat-
urday of last week.
. . . . , .
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