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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
a 2 . . . . . - Y , t. . . . : . _ . - f t . . . . . . , . . - , l' j ! ! . 'f ; ' ' ti' l S , y 4 . - - If you want to run for congress speak up. I ] ) an Kroh was down from Stella during the weck. Mrs. John Martin is visiting fr icnds in Omaha. \ . Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over Richardson county bank. As a 1ife-savcr George Culp is there with the quality. Mr. Dickinson spent \Vednes- day afternoon in our ; i ty. . ' Mayor Eberhardt of Barada was 011 our streets Wednesday , Fred Cleveland Jr. attended to business in St. Joseph "rcelncs- day. day.H. H. C. Lowe of Omaha was selling - ing blue ribbon talk here \Vcdncs- day. Mrs Steyle Gentry returned Tuesday from a short visit in Dawon. ! Mrs , J. l\I. Evans of Shubcrt 'dsit friends in this city "rcel- n t'sdat . Mrs. Anna Harpster of P rcston was visiting friends here on \V cd ncsday. The prettiest hats at the low- cst prices are sold at the Bon Ton l\riinery ] Storc. Harry 1fessler left Tuesday for Lincoln where hc will work for the \V. U. Tel Co. While our Job press is quite busy time to do that work for you and do it right. The swc1lest Easter hats lat- cst designs can be bought at thc Bon Ton Millinery Storc. Among our new advertisers is thc Die tsch - and Maddox grocery storc. They have SOC thing worth while to tell YOU in their advcrtisemcnt in this issuc. If you tale advantage : of our t . . . . . . . . . . " . ' , t 7-S- , " - = , = . > : ; . _ : . . - , , , . ' - ! 't..r- . . . _ _ = : : ! ' " . " ' . . . . I . I 'J , > " . . ' ' : .0 ti : . . . . tt.Q. ' " , ' t . . . J . . . I11) ) t . " " 4 . . . . -i.\T ; , & , C > . 11 \-.t.ty 1 . tI " < . : , : .5 : > " . . : , ' " : , t''f v \ ' < . ' , , .Itf/I . . , , " ! fJi' } . . ; " : 'i o'I . . ; ; . . . ! . { , " , ,1. , . < I1.n" ' ' 1 , ' ' " - ' ; ; 1 f ' ' l i : ' \ J-- + 1 ' - . . . , # _ _ { : , ! . . ; , . , ) J . 7 t.- - " : : . : . : : ; .2. . . ( ; ! : . ' . . [ ' T " Tf ' /i / . . WALL f1 f' " f1 "P ! D1 1 [ ) if J It.JJL : offerings , ron will assuredly save money. There is practically 1:0 limit tb Colors and Designs. Om : . < ; > ridiculously lOW 1)rices will . make you a : J. eacr tuJ cr. Borders to ! : latch Sidewalls Dccomlt'r : ; 1'\.1 rarct' : Hr"r1 ; will fin t I' w'c : . tlp t , \ : : ! ' ah'anta cy \ t.UlIIg Will : U3. Ii you reed my : : l\1H.COtil' t : " 1'11 Little ! Liver , Bocd ! : ; ! ! ct' Tortc : : Pi' h. ! : don't fait to : ± ir.r Df2. 34LLS'-thy : : ! ! are the lc : t. Don't fail \ to ( procure , .t our store a FREE copy of , s ' the Naked Tnltb. " You'll cnjoy it. A FULL LINE OF DRUGS , CIGARS , TOILET ARTICLES , PAINT , OILS , ETC. A. G. WAN N E R OPP. COURT HOUSE. . " . " . . , . . , " " "I"'M' . \ ' 1'- ' : ' " "I"'M't "l- ii < " ' t , . . . . _ _ , , ' " - rwar . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do VOlt Own the Farm VOlt alee Working ? - - If Not , Would it Not Be to Your Advantage to Buy and Own a Farm ? The most success , prosperous farmers of Richardson and adjoining counties in Eastern Nebraska are men wilt secured large farms when land values were low , which they are now leasing to their less fortunate neighbors , from whom they are securing high rentals , and able to retire from active work. Rentals arc advanced as land values increase , and renters become less able to buy farms here'T e have choice farming lands in \\T esteril Kansas , along the lines of the Union Pacific and the Rock Island railroads , suitable for slack raising , dairying , or general farming , which we can sell in tracts of 160 , 320 or 640 acres and more in a body , at from $5 to w . lopeI' I acre , being just about the price at which eastern ebrasJ.t . lands were sold twenty or twenty-fi years ago. These lands will be sold on the ten-reat. payment plan , one-tr.nth down at the time of purchase , one-tenth at the end of two years , and one-tenth each year thereafter until full payment is made , with interest at 6 per cent. Or liberal discount toil be made upon cash sales. Much of this land is located in Thomas and Logan counties , wher roads , markets and schools arc good , and where rural fn email deliv- ery , telephone and other advantages are to be found. The lands can be reached from Beat- rice over he railroads mentioned in ten hours. \\Te have maps and price lists here at our office. A representative from this office will go to Thomas county with a party of buyers about May ' I ; would you like to g'o ? For further information , address ' The Sil1itll Bl"05. Loan & Trust Co. , Beatrice , Neb. For Sale-l acre farm Brown Co. , Kans. \Vi11 consider resi- dencc in good town as part payer or a small stock of l\Idse. House and four corner lots , 3 I blocks Court House 1,400.00. A ba 1'gl n. 1120 acres , Nuckol1s Co. , Neb. Ranch and li'arm. ' Lands to sell and ex. in Indian i ' 1'erritoiy. Harness & Shoe Shop $ ( ) OO . to 51,000 on B. & l\I.R.R. Money to Loan5 pC'rccntannual into Small Com Optional Pay- mcn ts. Mortgages Bought.-Hcnry C. Smith. I 'rhe boys have rcccived word I from the powers that bc that thc new Elks lodge l will be installed I sometime in the early days of I Ma \ ' . A big banq net win be g \'cn and speakers of note will attend the instal1ation. 1\'lrs. A. N. Glenn accompanied her daughter Mrs. Walter Worth ham to Oklahoma this wcek. Mrs Glenn has stored her household goods and will remain 111 the territory indcfinitely. George Jones left Sunday afternoon - noon for Margrave'sRanch where hc has accepted a position as salesman in the general merchandise - chandisc store of that place. Mrs. Spencer returned Wednesday - day from Omaha. Hcr daughter Lois sustained the operation per- formed on her last Saturday , very nicely . Hon. H. D. Wel1cr of Stella was in town Wednesday and Thursday renewing his acquaint- ancc with his Falls City fricnds. Mcsdamcs V. G. Lyford and I" C. Maugcr went to Nebraska City on Tuesday as delegates tea a Missionary con yen tion. John Dorrington and Roy Hea- cock of the University arc spending - 1I1g their vacation at their homes it I : this city. John Parlicr returned Tuesday from Grand Island. He drove through and enjoyed quite a nice - - - - - trip. George Conner and little daughter Genevieve of Lincoln are the guests ot Mrs , 'Phursa -Hoy. ' Hoy.Ve \Ve have thc big-ist : assortments of street and tailored hats at thc Bon Toll Millinery store. , , { ; : r , ; : : : < , . ; f' . , " "L &Gf . , . . . f . " .Jr. . , , " . ' Y' . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! " . 'i.3W2f ' ; I Ii.M . .t/ / J - Have You Seen . . tile New Things hi Moulding to go with the Wall Paper ? If not go to the White Wall Paper Store . . . and see the new things for Spring Decorating. Everything in the Latest Things. rr , W HIT E' S r - - : ! Wall Paper & . Paint Store . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . _ .JJSl.rrJ .I".J : ! ( I } : ! C'P e ' - " " - - - - FARMERS . Just think of it \ve are not closing out our stock of Implements at cost But we have some Bargains to offer below cost and \ve invite you to come in and see us \ve carry the biggest and best line of Farm I1nplil11cnts , Windn1ilIsCrcal11 Seperators , Pumps , Buggies , Carriages , Spring Wagons , and Lumber 'Vagons. 'hen in need need of any of the above call and see us our prices are right. YOURS TRULY WERNEELMS - MAN & CO. . - Rheumatic Pains Quickly ncJiev . The excruciating pain charact- cristic of rheumatism and sciatica arc quickly relieved by applying Chamberlains Pain Balm. The great pain relic'ingpower of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands of suffercrs. ' " . . . ' \ . . . ' . . " . L. .rP.wCi . . . j" . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times it cost. For sale by Kcrrs Drug Store. . Ned tl'owle will never quit until wc get that division. If we had about a cozen like him we would get it too' . . , ' , ' ' ' 'j ' ; . , . . , ' ; " ' . ' _ ; ; I . ' . , < ' 1 ; . , . - . . , 'j'