The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 4

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i , A Jewelry Fad.
One or the novelties 111 jewelry Is
the miniature start pin , containing
M the tiny portrait In oils upon porcelain
or the wearer's favorite horse Favor
, < , Ho terrier and petted cats have also
' posed for these miniature , which are
k Met In a gold brooch or lace pin for
the ornamentation of their fond mis ,
, tresses.
r , ' The worlc of painting ) these animal
it miniatures Is difficult , requiring three
' , weeks lord having to he clone entirely
. ; 1 under 1mlcroscolle. . A portrait paint
or oC note has been obliged to put
. aside his legitimate work ; : to cater to
_ . this lad.
- -
Pretty and Serviceable.
A pretty red cloth coat that comes
from Parts , for n child , might be dn
pllcaloll In any other color , and made
ot a lightweight cloth with an Inter.
lining would serve through the spring
It the Interlining were l'oll1oved.
The garment Is loose ' liW ng , with
two very scant bias ruffles nt the
0110 ; bottom. At least one of these rut.
floc should bo used , for It a child
grows ; quickly the coat may be length
enell ( by drOJllllng the ruffle that at first
should he Ret upon the hell1.
The shoulder cape Is put all In a
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graduating line and the tOil edge is
IInlshcd. hy a band oC stitching which
continues down both sides or the front
In double.breasted effect. Two rows of
buttons are used. The sleeves are
full and the cuffs are made or the
same velvet that edges the cape and
makes the fiat colhll' A fur tippet
should be worn 111 cold weather.
- - -
Scented Hillr.
There i3 a new powder , straight
from Paris , made for scenting the hair.
It is nothing more nor less than a
finely powdered sachet , and comes in
tints to match any shade of hall' It Is
dusted into the pompadour and over
the bun by means or a powder puff ,
and Imparts to the tresses the faintest .
est and most fascinating odor iwa1lna.
I We. !
d Scented , tresses are as much the
fashion today as they were In the
Spraying 'j {
" - , , , " . - + - . .
them with OI'llIlIal' perfume Is not
effective ; hut Aachctlllg them leaves a
lasting and delicate odol'
- - -
A Good Golf Suit.
'I'weed [ , In u small brown and white
check , just ankle length In the skirt ,
made with a IIlnln brown cloth cant ,
banded and slightly falling over the
waist III front ; the revers of the coat
faced with the material of which the
skirt IH made , a turnover collar of linen -
en und sill ; : lie , with a white flannel
blouse , which , when the coat Is on , Is
hardly visible.
- - -
P ] K y
Yorkshire ; : puddings are much hight .
er when basted with the meat drip-
Never allow lettuce to stand In
water ; It wilts the loaves.
In making soft custard add the mill ; :
to the eggs , nol eggs to the mlll ; use
an agate mill ; : boiler for making the
Add a little hot water to what Is left
, , , ' , , , , , , , , . . , , ,
of 'esterdn " s t oma t " " enl t 1
L y UL ' UU y U " , . . . . " o soup : , LUAU . . 1e
macaroni sauce is made.
All crusts and hits of bread should
always he saved. ] Brown them in the
oven , then roll very fine.
For the creamed potatoes use those
that are left from IJl'ealfast.
Esclllloled ) oysters taste and look
better when the cracker crumbs arc
moistened In melted hullel' _
Cut the braised beef into small
pieces before warming
To Make Chocolate.
To obtain the full flavor or choco ,
late It should he boiled In water , nev-
el' In mill ; and after the mill Is added
It should ollly reach the boiling point.
One ounce of chocolate to two or vat-
er Is the right III'oporUon. Cut the
chocolate In small pieces , add the boll.
Ing water and cook unlll reduced
about half. It will seem too thick , but
do nol add more wuter. The mill
should he heated , another essential
point , and the sugar niay he dissolved
In It. No accurate rule for the quatt I I
lity of sugar can be given as there
Is great diversity of taste 111 this respect ,
SPl'ct , . Loat sugar play be added ( to
each cup as ( 11eslred The quantity ] of
milk must not exceed two cups , but n
spoonful of whipped cream may be
added to each cup. 'l'his makes a very
rich beverage. A plainer one is made
hy boiling \ four tablespoonfuls oC chocolate .
elate In a pint of water ten minutes ,
und then alling ! a pint cf hot mill ; :
Sweeten to taste. Flavoring may he
added It desired , hut I consider it un
necessary , as the chocolate of commerce .
merce contains \'nnllla.
- - -
ri 11E THf
; TeA bREws
A tough suiting suggests both can.
vas and homespun.
All the new hues or silk COme very
strong in browns.
Suede shoes with mammoth bows
are conspicuous on the street.
Big Tam 0' Shanter crowns of silk
dlta1gure a few ur the new lIats.
Puce , that color dead to our grandmothers .
mothers , is written large across the
winter 110rlzon
. 'J' IImcademerl : principally
for the smart : dlrectolre cants-arc
more beautiful than ever.
A soft woolen of brown tinged with
orange Is among the most.sought llOP'
r'lIriced stuffs.
: An immense variety or pastel tints
Is shown among stuffs for
developing exclusive costumes.
Certain to bc 11 furry feature of the
winter Is the small stole which is
knotted lIIw a cravat close to the
Materials In the new shade of brown
-the rich , ; yellow brown of our grand-
mothers' da's-ul'e the height of
l\1essaline , the newest of soft sills ,
is employed for everything from the
smart shirt.walst dress to the most
elaborate evening gowns.
- - -
Two Effective Hats.
In the first illustration is a large
red chiffon hat of a garnet shade ,
made on a Galnsborough frame , laid
In clusters of folds ; two large ostrich
plumes are caught ! in the center with
pleated tnal11me thus giving ! the high
effect. This makes an excellent dress
hat and can be duplicated In any
sha e.
For our tallor.made girl we have a
smart novel shade made of corn color
nll.over braid , faced In light blue
shined chiffon , with loops oC pale
blue velvet drawn to one side , and
caught In the back with a silt : buckle
, : ( i i' '
I scf / ' / a
which fastens three large box-pleats.
This gives a very stylish amid nobby
effect , and the model is admirably
adapted as an accompaniment of a
tailored gown.
- - -
Spanish Rosette.
A simple but effective mode ot trimming .
ming a fur hat if ; the Spanish rosette.
Extremel rich laces arc employed In
these rosettes when combined with sa-
bl\1. A striking effect was produced
by a tulle rosette fastened on a squirt .
rei t skin ; : hat. The rosette was built
of white tulle and Instead of the jew-
eled ornament III the center there was
a rosette of accordion plaited gold
Powder That Won't Come Off.
The newest thing is i liquid powder.
It is put on with a sponge or brush
and warranted to defy wind and
weathei' With liquid powder securely .
ly I spread over her hoe one may face
the hardest downpour amid go 'hoPl1ing
all day long without : feeling that her
forehead has become a sUuiug l1lt !
anti her nose a bea.cQU.
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Gasoline Atlantic Cruiser. , j ,
A gasoline Atlantic cruiser Is com '
lug Into existence In London. It is 65 , : :
feet long and with 340 horse power , jj
develops a speed of 20 miles per hour. ' . 1 !
There are three screws , oC which the , 'Y
two outer are actuated by gas engines
oC 150 horse power each and drive
the boat at the maximum speed. The
central screw is operated by nn engine .
glne oC 40 horse power and is used
mainly for cruising al low speeds ,
though it may also be used as an auxiliary .
IlIm'y to the others when the maximum .
mum power Is required. This central
screw also is much used In maneuvering -
Ing the hoat. Accommodations am-o
provided for six passengers and n . . . _
- ' - - '
crew of two men. One provision or . ;
the contract requires that the boat
shall cross the Atlantic under Its own
power , which it Is expected will bo ac- ,
compllshed in about seven dn's. Fuel
accommodation is provided for a ra- . : . .
dins ! of ten days at full speed , or a dis . _ . -
tance of 1,800 miles. (
Separable Hinge. ,
In many households It is the custom
to take down the doors 01' inside shutters . "
tel's In the spring and put them up
again in the fall , but the work is very
11 ying to the uninitiated , and it is
hardly a job of sufficient importance
to warrant calling a carpenter A Ne\ ' . ' ;
' Yorker has 111ented an improve type
. of hinge adapted to overcome this dif- ! 1
! ficulty. 'l'he construction also provides
easy access to the pinlle for the appli
cation of a lubricant thereto The pin-
tics are formed Integral with the
leaves which are attached to the door
jamb , while the other leaves of the
hinges are formed with slotted
knuckles ; : adapted to fit into recesses in j ,
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the plnlle hinges and engage the pin' ti ;
tIes. The slots In the knuckles of the
door leaves , however , are oppositely
disposed , so that when mounting time
door the upper leaf is first moved Into !
engagement with its corerspondlng
pintIe leaf and then the lower one is
moved into position. The door Is .
kept thus In hinged position by the "
action of graVa , hut can be unhinged "I
by a horizontal pull. The upper leaves
cannot he disconnected until the door
Is wide open. 1
Railway Under Wat r.
A novel amusement device has recently , . . .
cenllY been devised by a Yankee in- , t
vontor. It consists oC a boat shaped
car adapted to run down a steep track
Into and through a body or water with
such speed that the shovel nose at the {
front ot a car will throw the water .
clear over the car , without permitting ,
it to come Into contact with the OCr .J ;
cUllants. j ,
1'0 prevent derailment of the car It ' (
Is provided with double concentric
wheels. The larger ones travel on the j
lower rails and ( \ the smullel : ones on
the under side oC the guide rails above
and parallel to the lower rail .
The patent from which our information - ' (
mlltion Is taken gives no data as to ' ,
the possible speed oC the cur 01' the
tremendous amount at work It will 'I
have to perform In lifting the large t - j
yohne of water over itselC.-SclentJfic '
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