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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
. . , . ' . , V , , ' i "T . w.r' - ' 1 - ' - ( . " i ; l' , , . 4 { t : / : t T ' f- , , ' I - - . Irf I 9 1\ I. lS it& , l - - . I . r. . ' I j , - - , . . - M + 1 l . . . I - Everybody who knows - any- . , ' thing about shoes , knows the "quccn quality shoe to be one of thc very best. Head what Sam'1 \Vah1 has to say about them in this issuc. I The Kansas City commercial , club is thc right sort. Upon the request of thc commercial club of this city. thc officers of the Kan- sas City club got busy , when there was nothing more to be gained than thc good will of our people. Kansas City spirit is the spirit of hard and continuous work that never lets up. H. H. Avey , of Auburn , was in Falls City last \Vcdncsdar. While here hc sold a Huntington piano to Mrs. A11ie Watson GehlingTheatre ONE NIGHT Tuesday , April 25 - SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! Engagement Extraordinary A Two Dollar Show at Dollar Prices. The Shea Amusement Com- pany presents 40 A STAR CAST OF 40 ' " PEOPLE Including the Great German Comedians CARSON & WILLARD AND OTHERS' In C. Herbert Kerr's latest farce "A Trip to Egypt" _ 2 Solid Acts of Fun. A big musical comedy succcss ; a big girlie chorus ; group of pony dancers ; pretty costumes ; spark- . ling music ; novel ele.trical effects gorgeous scenic display ; graceful danccrs. The One Bright Star in the Musical firmament. PRICEs-Lower : Floor $ 1.00 ; Balcony 75C and Soc. Special Prices AT Wilson's . - - - - - China , Queens = ware , Glassware Notions , F Iou 1 r and Groceries 12 Dinner patterns to se- lect from largest stock in the city. Flour by the car load every sac1 . warran teed. We want your trade and will treat you right at C. M. Wilson ' - - - By Selling Superior ( i Wi Clothes ) By giving better values for the same money ' we insure you greater and more lasting : ' Satisfaction than you can possibly secure 11 elsewhere. } ; i ! ' : All that Thought , Skill , Experience and Capital can accomplish is in evidence in the : Designing , Tailoring , Fit and Style of our i. ; ) Garments. p. . . In justice to yourself , look at our Goods and get our prices. You will find some . . . ; r'\ \ new experiences and 1 new sensatIOns aWaItr ' ij inn- J. \TOU when See What We Offer - Children s Garments..S2.00 to $7.50 Boy's Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 to$10.00 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hargrave & Hargrave . " , "Good Quality Clothing Store" . . - - - Opposite Post Office = Falls City , Nebraska - - - - - - - - I'tl'r ! < ' " " " "j . Easter services. Bible school at 9:30 : ; preaching at it o'clock , subject , "Thc Easter Experiences - ences of Mar ) ' Magdalcne ; " jun- ior C. E' at 3:00 : ; Y. P. C. E. at 7:00 : ; evening worship and ser- mon at 8 o'clock , subject , " 'l'he 'l'rees of the Lord. " Special singing , music and decorations at these services. You are cord- . . Cron- ially invited to attcnd.-J. - cnberge , minbter. There will be services at the Baptist church both morning and evening Hev. Geo. L. White , of : , incoln , will preach. Come and hear him April 23 , )05. At ( ) :25 a. m. , prayer service ; 9:45 : a. m. , Sunday school ; 10:45 : a. m. sermonV : orId- \Vide Ex- tention of Christ's Kingdom ; " 3:00 : p. t m. , Junior league ; 7:00 : p. 111. , Epworth League ; 8:00 : p. 111. , " ' ' " sermon : 'l'he Hesurrection. Special music for there scrvices. All arc invited to attend.-\V. 1' . Cline , pastor. The second club shoot was held Wednesday afternoon. The boys did not shoot in their usual form. Will Veach was high man with 22 out of 25. Fred Oswald second and Jake Norris third. J. R , Cain spent a part of last week in Omaha. It is reported that Mrs , I. N , Houston is much improve A fine line of chocolate at L. C. Mauger's. . " ' . . .Jh , _ t. : " ' " , , " _ " ' : r , _ " . . . . , . , . - \ " . t ' . l . ° ; L ? ' , ; II It { I t t a V I - . I ' ClltC" " " , 1 / d r . S/rir ; 1 y ( 1 ' i\I + ' , St'tlill ( ' ? f1 ! J' ' k'1' ' , tijiT1 a 1 ' , - Young Men's Suits. . . . $8.50 to $20.00 Mcn's Suits. . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 to $25.0) 1:01I' , . A MATTER OP CHOICE u Really as a matter of choice we would rather have Ten persons deposit S1 each than one person $10 ; or Ten persons deposit $10 each than one person $100 ; or Ten persons deposit S100 each than one person $1,000 ; or Ten persons deposit $1,000 each than one person $10.000 To be sure these smaller accounts would mean a great deal more work , yet we prefer them. Don't fee at all timid about bringing in small deposits. Palls City State Bank Bode & Son have an interesting - ing story in this issuc. There is money in it for you if you will 'read it and act accordin1y. Mrs. T. J. Gist read a paper on the missionary work among Spanish and Mexicans under our flag , before the missionary convention in Nebraska City Thursday. " , ' . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . " , . . . > - . . . E. H. 'fow1c and C. F. Reavis were in Kansas City the first of the week at thc instance of the- commercial club. Their trip was not entirely successful , but information - . formation was obtained that it is. hoped will lead to definite results. which will be of great benefit to. Falls City. Mrs. P. S. I Ipacock was a Kan- sas City visitor uesday. . . ' . . . . . . - . . ' , . . , - - - ' 1'M !