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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
Ii \ 1/1 I t ' \ . , r . ' I ' 1 . . t ? : . _ . . , . rr { > ' tI I t tto' to' " " ! ( , ) - . I 1 4 . ' - . t . . t r - . . . .n . _ . ; . . ' . t , : . . WHO OWNS THE RAILROADS ? , H. T. Newcomb of the District or Columbia Bar , has compiled statistics ¶ 3i showing that 5,174,718 depositors In A1 savings banks of six eastern states . ' are directly Interested In the joint ownership of $412,35 IO86 of steam railroad securities , that insurance companies dolug business In 1\la8sa. chusetls hold $8lGS8038 ! ) ; of steam railroad stocks and bonds and 7.t edu , j'/ catlonal Instltllllons depend on $47 , 468,327 Invested In similar securities for a portion of their Income. Other fiduciary Instltllllons own enough railroad securities to bring such holding . Ing up to more limn a billion and a half dollar : , about one-sixth of the entire capital Invested In railroad . . J.'roperty. . These Investments represent . sent the savings of the masses , there being twenty million holders of life Insurance . surance policies In the country , as many more of fire insurance policies , and an even greater nllmber of depositors . Josltors In banking and trust institutions . t tions , where Investments are largely in railroad securities. To Married Men. The married man can get a much warmer welcome hy taking home a box of chocolates than he can hy tak- lug home a box of good cigars , and the chocolates don't cost one.tonth as much.-Somervllle Journal. NO TONGUE CAN TELL How I Suffered with Itching and Bleeding Eczema Until Cured by Cutlcur "No tongue came : tell how I suffered 1 \ , ; for five years with a terribly painful , itching , and bleeding eczema , my body and face being covered with sores. Never In my life did I experi- ence such awflll suffering , and I longed for death , which I felt was near. I had tried doctors and medicines . cines without success , but my mother ( ' insisted that I try Clltlcnl'U. I felt . . , better after time first bath with Clltl- curu Soap and one application of Cutl- Cllru Ointment and was soon entirely ; af well. ( Signed ) J1rs. A. Elson , Bellevue - , vue , Mich. " Have You Noticed That- Don't undertake to "bluff" unless you know your opponent thol'Oughly. Every housekeeper ) should Imo\\ that If they will buy Dellnacc ( Cold ! } Water Starch for laundry use they , . will save not only time , because It never sticks to the Iron , hut because each package contains 16 oZ.-one full pound-while all other Cold Water Starches are put UII In % -IlOund pacle- 1/ ages , and the price Is time same , 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem- Icals. It your grocer tries to sell you a 12oz. package It Is because he has a stacIe on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts In Defianco. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large letters . tel's and figures " 16 OZR. " Demand Defiance . fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the Iron stlc1e- Ing. Defiance never stlrls. \ There are slxt ' -four shops In Berlin In which nothing hut horseflesh Is sold. r SOUTHERN O rfDa T IONS AND POSSIBILITIES. In no part of the United States has there been such wonderful Commercial , Industrial and Agricultural development as along the line of the Illlnuis Central and the Ya7.oo R Mississippi ! Valley Railroads In the States of Tennessee , Mississippi and Louisiana within the past ten -r'\ years. Cities and towns have doubled their population. Splendid business blocks have been oreetel Farm lands have more than doubled In \'alue. hundreds of Industries 1111\0 been established und us result there Is un unprecedented demand for Day Laborers , Skilled Workmen , and Especially Farm Tenants. Parties with small capital , seeking : an opportunity . tunlty to purchase a farm home ; farmers who would prefer to rent for a couple of years before purchasing ! : ! ! ; and day laborers In fields or factories . tories should address ! a postal card to Mr. J. I" . Merry , Assistant General Pawenger Agent ! Dubuque Iowa , who will promptly mall printed matter concerning the territory above do- &crlbed , and give SIJcclUc replies to alllulUlrlcs. t , - . . , - . , , . " ' - ' , Fame of the "Agra " Speaking of the Agra diamond which was sold recently In London , 1\ London newspaper writer snyg : "I 1 : l11n disposed to think the 'Agrl\ only : became 'famous' about 1892 ! ) : ! , when It was the subject of a lawslllt It had been sold for 20,000 pounds , hut the jury , In the litigation referred to , hy thell' verdict rescinded the contract. A curious circumstance Is that this jewel Is not mentioned In the only standard work on diamonds " . IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by It new process , In a few weeks , with. out loss of time or Inconvenlonco. Rectal diseases cured without the Iwlfo. Send for circular. O. S. Wood , M. D. , 521 N. Y. Life Bldg . Omaha. , Dust Your Foliage Plants. All ) ) plants which are grown for their foliage effect and which are , therefore , to bo kept for any considerable time In the home , must receive attention at the tops as well ) ) as at the roots. In the > C'lPnTH'flt of houses IIIIS ! will accumulate - cumulate , and this , settling upon the leaves , hlocls up the breathing pores ( of the plaut. Time only remedy Is removal - moval of the dust , to which end a sponging of clean water , say at least OnCO a week- should I ho glvon. - - . - Washing Blankets have ready three tubs of moderately warm water ; for the first water make a strong suds hy using plenty of Ivory Soap. In this put a pair of blankets land stir with time clothes stick until clean ; then rinse through the other two waters , putting a little soap in each. Wring hy hand and stretch carefully au the line. ELEANOR It . 1'A1tliER. Must Have Been a Bachelor. A l C err ibl " " . .nln hnn In."nl".1 th" .n. "U" IU' a ' cy . n c . nas ri ven ; , et , , . . ' " ' following disgraceful paragraph : "It Is beautiful ! to behold at a wedding the sorrow-strlclcen air of the parent as he 'glvos the bride away , ' when wo know that for the last ten rears : ho has been trying to get her off his hands.-London 'I'It-Blts. How's This ? 1ffl offer One hundred Dollars Reward for any clue ot Clltnrrh that cannot bo cured by 11111\ \ ' . Calarrb Cure. F. J. nRNEY do CO . Toledo , O. We the undersigned , ha\ e known I' . J. Cheney for thu lut 15 years , and \ believe him perfectly hon. Drable In all \ "U"lneIo8 Irlln"aellulu and \ Onanclully able w carry out any obilgatloua \ niado lIy h' , Orm. W & &antso KINNAN .t' MARVIN , wbuleaaia lrIgeistp. ' Toledo O. n..l1'8 CRIRrrh Cure 18 taken Internally , aellnl directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot tbe ' 1 II'III. Te'llmnnlnlH ellt trec. l'rlco 7i : cents pu bottle sell lIy all ltruet : iata. Take 11141\8 \ I-'IImllyl'l\l. \ for conltlpntloD. Some people do an act of mean nos In one direction and try to square things hy generosity somewhere olse. Those Who Have Tried It. will use no other. Defiance Cold Water - ter Starch has no equal In Quantity \ or Quality-1G ounces for 10 cents. Other brands contain only 12 ounccs. One of the first fruits of the clean heart will bo clean hantls. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers Hay they don't keep Defiance - fiance ( Starch ! because they have 11. stock In hand oC l2-ounce brands , which they know cannot he Hold to 11 customer who has once used the lG-ollnce Ilack- age. Defiance Stal'Gh for same money. Where the Bible does not get worn the heart soon gets wear ' . No chromo ! ' or cheap premiums , but a better quality and one-third more oC Defiance Starch for the same price or other sturches. The kindliest thing In this world Is simple l\lndncss-Rnm's 1I0rn. fiTS permanently cured. No fit' or ner.cnaneae "net' Ilnl dny'8 URe or ! Jr. IUln" Oro'nt Nerve Ho.tar- er. Send for I"UI' ; G.OO : trllll bottle and trcatlao. Lin. It. a. &LINC , Ltd. , 531 Arch Itnct , l'WlndclpWal'A Seventy-five years ago Yucatan declared - clared itself IndelJOndent. I OBSTINATE CASES or leucorrlmea , excessive ftowin , pninful periods , Jrolnps\ls } , or falling of WOIIIU , nUl'luled ur weak back , bl'arintlown Bonsatio1l6 , ulceration of WOIIIU , pain and tenderness of ovaries , are almost always cured by 1\ fairly persistent ! use oC 15r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription If in I\ny case it should , in lime tilllO , not. seem quite Ildl1ql1nt to meet every thane oC some coal1)Heated case , Dr. Pierce always stands ready to orrrr valuable suggestions bnHed upon yelu ' 9 of vnried experience which often proves of incstimable1110. . This he does en- tirely free of charge to those . uHillg his medicinl18. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce , ( jl3Ilin ( ; Street , Buffalo , N. Y. 1)it. Jl. V. l'IImoc , lIulTnlo , N. Y. : tllulIlllt I should never ! enjoy & .Str-f IlH\Jth ngnin.S' lint I HulTm"'tl with womb disease word cannot 0)(111'01 II nd ,1Istres < ; llIlC. \ . l'IIIIl-loWII 1Jnln . pnhtful monthly sickness . hal'kaellu. consthll\tlon. also cold hands and ) fut ! at nil tlmo \\'no all rUII-dO\\'n. nod 1I1l1ru was nothing lulL of mo hut 1"hallow. . After I hind taken eight ! hottlol Dr. . Phlrt'o' . I'avol'ltu , Prescriptlon . two of his Coll11101ll1l1 Extrnet ut lI1nl'l.- Wccc1. " also ROIIIIJ of 1)r. Plerco' Pleasant Pellets I was cntlrnl 1'111'1\(1. always i keep the roll1elllos on hand now . and f'OIllIllOIllI t.\Jern \ t.o all my frlenlls. Yours truly , MI't JOHN Ilo1vmt ' . ro.'I4th Street Rensselaer ! . Albany , N. Y. There ia no opium , cocaine or other narcotic in II 1'l\uII'itJ l'rnscription. " Neither does it contain alcohol , wlrsky or other intoxicant. ( . It of ton happens that childlessness is due t.o conditions \ which may bu cor- recte(1. Many women have found that the vitality und vigor imparted by 1)r. Pierce's favorite PrescrIption to the womanly organs , has been the one thing needful to fulfill the joy of motherhood l'his famous medicine is not a cure-all , Conviction Follows Trial . . 'Vhon buying loose con'co or anything your grocer ImpponR to Imvo in hit bill , how do you Inow : what you are getting ? Homo queer stories about coffee that in sold ill bulk , could ho toM , if the people who ll1Ullllo it ( gl'OCC1'H ) , cared to speak onto Could any amount . of moro talk have 1)Orsuttded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee , the leader 01 all package olfecs for over n quarter } of u century , if they hlld not found it superior to nIl other brands in Purity , Strength , Flavor nod Uniformity ? I I TIts popular success 01 LYON COFFEE can be due only t" Inherent merit. There Is no strongcr proof 01 merit than continued populnrlty. ' , tlnued and lucrcndn / II the verdict 01 MILLIONS OF ' 1I0USEKEEPERS sloes not convince ; 1 ) , t4 j , you 01 tile merits 01 LION COFFEE II costs you but n trifle to buy n ' i pnclmge. II Is the easiest way to p rl P convince yourself and to mulce > o PERMANENT PURCIIASER. , you n qh , x-tofs LION COI . ' 1r1S III soul ! only III Ill ) . scaledpackngea , and reaches you nut pure ) altl ! clean 1111 when It lolL use p , factory.r ; ' 1.lon-hc/\ll on every packngo liYYlspy . / Suva lheau 1lou.holliln for 'IlJl/nblo / ) lrcmlum . d/r r w SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE i . WOOLSON SPlOE CO. , 'l'oledo , Ohio Q- - + . " _ , , . - - - A CLEAn , HEALTHY SKIN Sl\ndbolm' . Eczema 'P and Skin Itemedy D PurlfloD , Then Uoole. . . . I'o < lth'ely cures Eczema : , I'hllples / , grnI'UIJII . Insect Bites and all .118' CII'CII lit the skin All absolute cum for I1uelllrulT ) IIr Scalp dtsense , $1.00 Per Elottlo Bendrr 'REElIOOKLET . Ask your druggist or barber or send tll 8AIiDIIOLIf IIRUG ) CO" , Dell MolneR , Iowa. When Answering Advertisements , Please Mention Paper hut n BJccinlist's ) prescription ) . hl\\'lnl ins a single \ nitn time cure of 111tcl\ses ! peculiar ) to twanetl. \ HI'lil\hll' Ih'nll1r recommend 1 nt'or- ito Prl'Hcript . " With tricky t Olles , something . else that t lint's } them t helter will probably } bo urge { upon ) \ you liS II just nH geol . " I'l'I'll1\lHI it is for thcm j but. ii cnll't , h ( ' for ' / (11SOlho sn\'illJ ( limit ) UI'111111 \ ( by purchasing \ our 1\II'Cli(1I111'/ ! ill hnlf.l1ozl'lI qu11lmlitk'5. } If i f you are cOIIllccll Hutt t the t II Fn- \'OJ'ihi 1'reSC'ription ) " Is the 1I1l'11icl1\0 YOI1 1\l'l'l1 \ , do not ue cajoled into 1\0- ceptln something elsl' The attempt to intillco rOil to do All is ( an insult to your intelligence , 'I'llI'll your unck 011 time one who offers ! the nrrmllt. I > R. PUlRCU'S PI.U'\St\NT ! I'IJI.LUT- 0111'0 biliousness , sick I\lId bilious headache - ache , dizzilless , cost it'eness , or constipation - Jation ] of time bowels , IOlof ! appetite , coated tongue ' , sour IJlIIl\ch , willdy belchings , ' helu ' t-burn , " 1inin I\lId distress - tress ! after eating , , I\lId kindred dlrl\11Jo- meats of the liver , stolllneh allli bowie's ! ' ! POI'SOUM Subject to tiny of theRe troubles shollld meter bu withollt 1\ vial of the " PlelUmllt , Pelltt ! ! " I\t mnmh ( 'limey are always ndopted n1 1\ houl'hold ! rem- oily 'I\Clm' the first tril\l l'ul lip In HIl\ss \'inJ , tightly , corked , therefore Ilwl's fresh amid relil\lJlo. One little . II J'elll't" is 1\ hxnI'o ' . two are Cl\lllI\rtlo. 'l'lwy rl'Hlllllto , Iuvigor- mite anl1 Clel\lIHO limo Ii\'OI' , Htollinch and howel ! As 1\ II dinner pill , " 1.0 ] Jro- 1IJ0t\ e digestion , take one IH\I1h tIl1'0 relieve the distress ! : ! I\J sillg from overeating - eating , nothing equals OliO of those little Pellets ' 'lhl\ \ "ro ' tiny , sugarcoated - coated , alltluiliougrallull'B , scarcely ! larger than \IIuatml : seodA. Doctor Pierce'/ / great thol1mlHl.rn ! to "COmUHn } Sense Medical ; [ Alh'iHl'l" will be sent for the lIJero cost of maillllg ; paper-bound ] ) for 21 OIW-Cl'lIt. stanm(15 ! ! , or cloth. bound for HI 6tl\lIIJR. ) It is 1\ grand 1\1111 IIsdlll boole. Address ! ir , H. V. Pierce , ( U1.3 \ : J\taiu St. , Burrnlo , N.\ ' --.iC'.5 .4"rp. , , IYo. - DUY YUUIt GO-CART AND DADY nRI4IiES , . ' dirt ' et from " f ; e'ir 1IIl1l1l1tUlllIrur. Wo will Hell ' . , d yon n " all /lL wlioll'lIlo prl- - t tIn - s : 1i , - I. 'PH. two curry Ft . iht . . h"lIt IIl1tl IIlIftllllowot , ur CII I Nil i : II. CullHf " n.l for ( ; : &t : & 1 111:1111. s Omaha Reed & 1 J Rattan Wor' ' 1Ll2 ] ] Howinl 01l1ll1ln , Nuh W. N. U. Om < \h < 1. No. 15-1905. - - - - . PUTNAM FADELESS colors DYES Color mON ooods brighter and faster colors than any olhl r dye. One toe package colors silk , wool and collon equally well and Is guaranteed 10 give perfect resulis. Aak .ecler wewill send post paid at lOc a package , \Vtle for free booklet-How 10 DIe Bleach and ! Mix Colors , UUS1WA : IJUUfJ ( : U. , Ufountita.Ulssuuri / ' ) . ' \ . , " . , . . , ; .j.4. : ' < , , , , . " . . . : . ' 4.-- _ , " . . _ ; . . . " is ; r. 1)3. : - ' ' ' . : ' ' ' - ' _ _ ; s . ' : , , .aY : . . - _ ! , . ' . ' . , 'Y