The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 22
- - , , II I II I I , I . , Gen. Kuropatl I ; ; 011 the Retreat and so are i. i.I I . Our Competitors i ; hand Tailored l y CA..tI , I WAMPOLD . . CO. Am.rlu'5 moll " rot \ te e iI l " , k Clolt.tS hktr5 1 k. _ % . 5 r I t ' r r I 4 . . . , I , .1r , \ . .w.4i : l , , .CA'IiY53\ : t t7/11 . j . . / .1i * . tr ' ; Cotrtght 1004. y Cahn. m Id A Ca a . - _ _ lit J have bought We e for fair prices the best and latest goods the market con- tains. We are not trying to get all \ve can for our clothes , but trying to give you all \vecan for the money - ey you pay us. Our \ . clothes contain the best work of exper- ienced operators and every new feature of style is sho\vn. Pat- I terns which are aba ' I , ways lllportant have I been been selected , after long deliberation fit , style ane staying qualities are guarana teed. 1I..a : . . - . - If The Shoe Fits Wear It h MADE FOR US . ' PETERS For a stylish SHOE , Ca Up = to = date one try t 11 e Peters P Shoe. All sizes shapes . and good prIces. - We secured a large assortment of Boys clothing which \ve are selling at reduced prices. We are always looking for tile best bargains - gains to please our custOtllers. If you are to have tile best on the market on an economical basis CALL AND SEE US F. W. Cle-tJeland Falls City NebraJ'1a 11 : _ _ . . , \t tJ J - I ANNOUNCEMENT Q CHANGE OF FIRM . : DIETSCH & MADDOX , Successor to George Dietsch . 1 In making the above announcement A'Ir. ' Dietsch 'fr takes great pleasure in thanking his many friends for their past patronage and to say that they will always find the same liberal and courteous treatment bv the i new firm as of old. The firm of Dietsch & 1\'Iadclox i Groceries and Oucensware will always conduct their business in business ; ; like manner and -will sustain the reputation of this store of being ; 'Ivlost-up-to-date" ; , : Grocery & Gueensware house in the county. Our I stock of Qroceries ue of the best that are produced and i 4. . of variety that fits all pocket , books and tastes. Our . , I , line of canned fruits and jells cannot be beat anywhere J and the prices are right. Our line of canned vegetables \ include everything sold in this market and if you don't ! $ find what you want in our store let us know and we will ' get it if 01 the market. All kinds of garden truck will 4- . be found at this store in season also fresh fruits and . berries. Our Oueensware is "the Best" made and an ' inspection of our stock will soon convince you. Don't ; depend on the I 'Phone"entirely for your orders for we ! are always adding something new so come in and see I what we have and be satisfied yourself that you can get i ' anything you want in our line to the best advantag'to . j yourself at this place. FARMERS-Don't forget that we pay the high- . ; ' t : est market price for all farm produce that is handled in a grocery store. We earnestly solicit your patronage , I . DEITSCH . & : MADDOX _ T j r----- ; , - --JIi : ; Verdon. Frank Adams and wife of 'l'ablc Rock , Ncbr. , came up Sunday to visit fril'nds. John Combs wcn t to Craig , 1\10. , Saturday to visit his parcnts 11rs.Vhitman went to Rube Saturday afternoon. Mart Stuart went to Omaha Sa tu rday. 1\lr. Stitzer of Salem was over Saturday. Cyrus Veils shipped 'a car load of cattle Thursday c\'ening' 1\lr. Yoder of Falls City was up on business \Vcdnesday. 1\1rs. Hcinzclman's brother 1\lr. Kuker , of Barada , visited her several days last week. 1\1rs. Henderson is much improved - proved in her recent sickncss. V. G. J4yford and \V. H. Pillsbury - bury of Falls City visited our high school 'I'hurscfay. Dr. Bourne of Auburn was vis- iting' friends here 'I'hursday. The Curts Co. played three nights in Vcrdon. Everyone was fully satisfied with their cntcr tai nmcn t. 1\1r.1\1arfield's father of Grcely , Colo. , is visiting him. Misses French and Allen , of Salcm , came over Friday afternoon - noon guest of 11rs.V. . Stach. Roy Watson returned home for a vacation from Lincoln where he is attending the uni- w'ersity. Mrs. Vcacl ; of Stella was down Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Meliza and Katie were in Falls City Monday. Jake Nciford , of Dawson , was over Sunday , Gus Hcinzelman's house has recently been paintcd. Rulo. Mrs. John Holland died at the MargravC : Ra't1ch Saturday night = : : . : : - : : ' : : : after a short illness. 'T'he body , was brough to Rule for burial l ' ' and the funeral was held at the Holiness church Monday after"a , 1- noon. 1\11' and Mrs. Holland had - formerly l'cd l in Hulo and a " , large number of friends and relatives - lat \'es attended the serces , J 1\1rs. S. \ \Vhitman of Ver- ' don and son came down to l ulo { , Saturday to mak her home with j \Irs. Boles during thc summer . , vacation. 1\i-sJulia Cronin went to Falls City Saturday returning Sunday. Prof. C. M . French and Mrs. L. D. French were halls City * - visitors Saturday. Jos. McDonald is the proud J possessor of a new hand. The t new arriva' put in an appearance . the latter part of last week. . - 'l'uesday was children day in I ulo. Rub.Prop. Prop. S. \ \Vhitman arrival I in Rule ' Prof. Larrabee and wife were . . down from Preston Saturday. A Lincoln Star reprcse ntati\.c was working Rule Monday and 'l'uesday. Jessie and Opal Hays went to Preston Saturday. , An Accident. " Monday morning while on the usual delivery route , the horses hitched to the milk wagon belonging - longing to Henry 1\Ieyers be- came frightened in front of Peter Frederick's house and Ftartecl on the run. The wagon was upset , ' breaking the bottles and spilling the contents , but the horses were caught before they had proceeded any great distance. Dull Calves for Sale. Four thoroughbred calves , S to 13 month old. Henry Hahn & Son , cf miles cast of Falls City 13-5t. 1 ) . . "J