The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 20
. - Educational Deparim ent Conducted by County Supt - - - - - , ! Last Saturday was regular cx- } am1l1it110n clay 1 but there was only one applicant. - - - The summer session of thc State University will begin June 16 ) and close July 28. It is a little early to tell del i- itely but it seems that teachers will hc scarce luring the ensuing i k ycar. Remember that our Annual Ficld Day Meet will he held on thc Salem Fair Grounds , Satur- day , May 1) . 1)ist. No. 2 Nellie Candy tcach- cr. Our school closed March 31 Enrollment for the yeal. H. On thc closing wc planted 1' ) ) trce. - - - - - Thc school in 1)ist. 35 Pearl Sncthcn teacher will close April 28. ig"hth grads : ralutting ; exercises will be held in the after 1I00n. ] - - - - - - Rock Dale School 1)ist. 87 Mable Goodalc , teacher closed April 14 , thc pupils celebrated Arbor Day in advance by planting seven t rces. - - - - - Supt. \Y. H. Pillsbury and Mr. V. G. r . y font , President of thc Falls City Board or Education , schools and visited thc Vcrdon ' ' ' of last three country Thursday ( . . .nn1. . " . . " , n. ' . ] the Senior class in thc Rube high school number 11-six boys and five gi rls. Rube will also have several eight . grade grad- uating exercises will bc held. Falls City and neighboring districts will hold join eighth grade graduating exercises this ycar. Intact all 8th graduates in Live Poultry Waited We will pay you the following - loving cash prices for Poultry delivered nt the F , C. P. B. & Egg house Saturday April 22 Ilclls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 cts ! Young oostcrs. . . . . . . . . . . . G cts Old oostcrs. . . . . . . . . . , $3 per doz Ducks fat and full fcathcrcd..7 c Geese fat and full tcathcrce1..6 c Hen Turkeyc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13c 'rom 'l'urkcys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 3c per doz Poultry must bc frccfrom : feed Sick or unmarketable poultry not wantcd. Remember thc dates and bring in your poultry. " ' " Falls City Poultry Butter & Egg Co. t Block vest B. & M.depot . . ' - - " _ _ , - - < 1 _ r , 'W' am . . - - - - our county arc invited to take part in thc exercises : - - - - - Since the schools opened last September , tell of our teachers have married and thc birds arc saying that about ten more will bc married soon after thc schools closc. District Nu. 73 , Lillie Morris , tcachcr. School closed 0 Friday , April 14th. 'Ve enjoyed a school picnic. The following pupils have been neither absent nor tardy ; Stacil Moore , Pearlie Wil1ams , Martha Kahlbau and Crete Stcwart. George Sayill has not been tardy luring the term and absent only one da\ Dist. ( ) 1. Alice Douglass , tcach- cr. School closed Thursday , April 14 , with a short program which was attended by several friends and patrons. Time attendance . ancc during the term hits been good and the children have done splendid work. Jima Johnston has been neither absent nor tardy during the tcrm. - - - - - - Monday evening April 17 , The Central Medical College ' of St. Joseph , Mo. graduated a class of 17. ? ! mss Emma Lawrence , who resides at Falls City ; uml ) who taught thc Baracla schools suc- ccssfully for several terms , is a mcmhcr of this class. Her many friends extend COUg1' l tulatiolls. District No. 21 , Miss Marie L Crotty , tcacher. School closed March 31. : Many appreciative friends and patrons wituessecl our closing program and admired om exhibit of school work. Minnie hammerer received thc prize for attendance and punctuality ; EI- timer Michacls thc prize for spcl- ling'l'hc dIstrict proposes to improve thc school property dur- ing vacation and have a longer terns next ycar The following teachers have been elected for thc Humboldt schoo : for the ensuing year : Supcrintcndent , H. T4. HolTj ; prin- cipal , Oshcr Schlaiferj ; assistant principal , Eva Cooper ; sixth room , Grace Jones ; fifth , .Ii1r'y Strunk ; fourth , Ruth Chambers ; third , Daisy Morris ; second , Bertha Frank ; first , Miss Bucrstctta. Humbolclt will have cight high school graduates this year. Supt. HefT will bc one of thc instructors in thc Junior normal at McCook which will open June 1st , and continue cight wceks. It seems that Richardson County - ty will have not far from 185 eight grade graduates this ycar. A few teachers ha\'c not report- cd but seems that the number of eight grade graduates by ( ' townships - ships will be about as follows : Humboldt-H , Spiccr-4 , Porter . . - . . . . . . . . . ' . - ' _ " " " . _ . J " ' - - _ _ ' , - - - , - - - . . . , . . . . - . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . - . , . . - - . . . . . . - , . . . . . - . , - _ . . . - . e. - - . I AI It is time - 10 paint , I . I . ! I r. i. - When you paint . . . t 1 use the Best Paint ; + Lowe Brothers - - ; L. UHigh ( Sta.ndard" 1 1 ; r - . . . . ' \ ; 't I j ' BECAUSE t J. It spreads bestand . . - - . : - \ wears best. : . t 2. It loolts bC9t-most . , 1 Ii - ft . ® beautiful colors. j 3. It costs thc least per , , year of scrvice. . 4. The guaranty Is broad . _ _ , _ _ _ . . . . . . and good F ' ; . . 5. It Gives Best Results , . . ; , in all qualities. I ? i . ; .I1s1c for Color Cards , " , " . . . , . . ' . . "AttractiVe " ' homes . " . ' : . . "IIob to Paint etc. uilEY ARE FREE i. ARcK F 1 Meyer + Agent' . 1 . Falls City , Neb. : 1 -4 Gm ant27 l\eU1aha- - , ant- , - , l\1uddy--16 , Liberty- , Sal m- 18 , Harada- ) , Ohio-5 , Falls ity--51) . G JcHcr50n-i - ) AragoJcHcr50ni ulo-8. . 'reachers should nolify the County Supcrintcndcnt about a week ahead of time when they want thc question for thc final eight grade examination. District No. 2-1 , Nellie Dunn tcacher. School dosed Friday. April 14th. The room was decorated . rated with c\'cnrrccns and paper chains which were made by the pnpils. \Vc gave it program in thc afternoon and exhibited some of thc work clone uy thc pupils. A large number of visitors were present inclucting many of our patrons , and pupils from districts No. li , P ) and 23. Ralph and Edna Butler brought several shrubs which were l ; antcd. 'Vc I have a large number of trees and and shrubs growing in thc yard. I District No. )5 , Eva Bacon , i tcacher. Our school closed Mch. I 31st. \Ye had thirty-fivc visitors I thc last day. 'fhe pupils did ! their parts very nicely and I ! think everyone present cnjoycd . it. March 30th wc planted nine i trees and named each onc. 'f lie past year has been a very pleasant - ant one as all the pupils were interested - tcrcstcd in their work. Amanda Bcutlcr and Viola StaMcr were neither absent nor tardy during thc ycar. Several others missed only a few days. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - . ; . . . . . . . . . : , . : . . - - - - - ' - - ' - Get ill now on thc ground floor . , only a cent . ; I cr share for a few - ' days. Eagle Mining Co. Gold l field , Nevada , richest field all the face of thc earth. Addrcs Ceo. 1 E. V\Tarcl , Rnltl , Nl'b. 1 : VUssouri Pacific Rail vay Time T3b1c ! , l o11s ! City , Neb. NORTH N I. 51 Ol1laha acid I.illco1n gxprcHs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a 1\1 \ No. 53 Omaha a'iiI I.i ncoltl ' . " pas5en cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:00 : p 1\1 \ " 1" No. 2.13 Local I'reightAu- hU1'11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ' :00 1 : p 111 sour No. 52 KansJs City ami St. Louis and Deii\ ' cr . . . . . . . \ 3:10 a 111 - No. 58 Kansas City am1 St. T40uis and Dcnver . . . . . . . A 1:40 : p 1\1 No. 232 Local , Atchison. . . 10:30 a 111 I No. 220 Stock Frci { htHi- ' awatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:20 p 111 j' A. Daily. n. Daily except Sunday' J. n. Y.\KNlw.\g-cnt , ] " a - - 1"- , Merchants and Bus \ess Men . Y' 'Vi th hard accounts to collect , i should place then with John L. Cleaver . , .iI. ' JUSTICE of the PEACE - FALLS CITY , NEB ' I For Collection or for Suit / - _ _ _ _ " --4- . " - - _ , Small Com's on Collections . No Attorney Fees on Suits. , Defendant pays all Costs. " , - I -4 - - . . , - - . - - . - - - - . . - . - . . . . . . - ,