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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
n - - - - - - - - - - OPERA TIO J AVOIDED EXPERIENCE OF MISS MERKLEY Dho Wan Told That an Oporatlon Wu Inevitable How She Eacnpo It When n physician tell n woman nif- fering with o\'al'llIu 01' womb trouble that au operation IHll'SSIII'Y : , the very thought of the knife lulu the operating table strikes terror to her heart nail our l1ospltnl8 Url full of women coming for ovarian 01' womb OPCI'utlOUS. , e e . . fr44'a rqr eL1e1 Arley There are cases where an operation fA the only resource , hut when one con- \doI'8 \ the great number oC cases ot o\'llrlUll and womb trouble cured by Lydia 1 : , I'lnlham'8 Vegetable Compound . pound alter physicians have advised , operations , no woman should submit to ono without first trying the Vegetable Compound and writing Mrs Pinlcllfllu , Lynn , MnsJ. , for advice , which Is frce. Miss Mnl'g'ret Merlclcy of 275 Third Street Milwaukee , Wis. , writ4s : Dear Mrs. l'lnkhnm- 01 Loss ot strength extreme ; . norvoU8Tl8S shooting ; pains through the pelvic organs bearing down pains 111\(1 crnlllpfl l'ompeUJ ; 11\010 seek lnl'lllmiIIl'lco. . 'rho doctor , new ranking oXllmlnllUon , snlll [ had ovarian trolllllo and ulceration and advised IIn opera- tlon. 1'0 thlll J strongly objected and decided I to try Lydia ' R l'inkhnn Vcgctablo Com- . The ulceration qlllcidy healed , nil 'i. . . . _ . ho had ( symptom disappeared ntlll I aln once more strong , vigorous and w01l. " . . . Ovarian and womb troubles arc stead- ily' " 'ut the increase IImollg womcn. If the nlnhthly periods arc very palllClll , or too fr l lt'I.t. . anti cx ssivc-if you have pain or swc..iug low down in the left side , bearing down 1)tiins } , leucor- rhma . don't neglectyourself : try Lydis ti. l'inlcbnm's Vegetable Compound. I aw , yY t ) r w I t : t I rJtdo $3 e 50 SHOES For l\lon. , v. T. . Douglas 111l1ln'/I Ittul sells tHOro 111rn ' s II..O ! : shot's ' thllll any nth'I' n + IIl1ltlllfnclllrOl' 111 the wurlt ! 11I.JlIO 1ttWA1W Lo AllY one who can disprove this statement. . ' \ ' . T. nOnl"lll/I S3.rO shoes arc the ' - ( ' tttesttrliers III the world lH'III1 nf their " " ( ' , ' 'lh.'II : style . easy lltlill" IUIII huh + etlor w'lu'llIl . :1111111. . . . . . . 'I'hcy are jlt ar Juull 1\11 those that cost front .i.lIO to 7.lIO. . 1'ho only 11IfI'.rum'o lethe ho l'I'lce. \ \ ' . r. . Douglas ! i IOa.tiO shoes coat lIIuro to make , haul their shah + o Ih.tlor111' ( longer , ttnd are of gamier value than any other sa.roo : show un the Jlllulwt to-day. \ \ ' . I. . UUU\IIIII JIIIU- ant.s their "l\luo by IItnllll' inh I his name moth price Oil thin 1)IlInll1 of "I\Ih : t.he. . l.oolc for It. 'IIItJ 110 "hMlltlll' " , . r. . Juulllts sa.roo hues are sold thl'oll:11 > ; owltrelallstort ' thol'rln- cf . nl cltlt' . . , 1\1111 Ity IIhuo dealers ev ( 'ry- " 101. , . \ottalttrwhoryoulive , 'tV.L. ; UuutIIII shots are within your reach. EQUAL $5.00 SHOES u 1 hare wont , W. L. /J1I1I(11a. 13..50 shoes for pears , find 011,1" . them H/IILlI to anI 15.00 shoe now 011 the tnur tet. Theta "are perm entire , , , 'iI/M'lo/I. " - 11"/11. ll. dnderson . Reall.'dale Aprut I , Kuias , City Jlo. Ploys wear W. I. . Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 shoes because they fit better , bold their shape and wear longer tlllln other makes. W. t I. . Aouplas uses Corolla Colts tin i,1 his . 1J'w .hll" Corona Clllt i. con reject 10 lie tIe ; ( nest patent leather l11'o./ucttl. Fast Color lit ' clets will not wear Brnssy. \1 . 110111:135 has the lancstalwl' assail order b".ln."s In the world. "io : trouble to tint a tit by mall. : brontsextraprepsysdelh " ery. If YOU < I"8Iro turthJr ! Information write for l11llltraleJ Cat'llol1/1e tiJ'MIIIl till/I" W. L. DOUOLAS 8rockton , Hus. . . r. - - - - - - - - - Falls City Tribune DY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. FALLS CITY . . NERASKA. : 1'he spit hall and the high hall will 1J0 rivals In the public mind this sunl mer , Build your own monument. Do not atl'lvo to compel your fellow . citlzens to Imlld It for ) 'Oll. A saline solution may brIng the dead to life , hut has no effect on those 1I0JltlcuJJ dead. King Edward Is no longer able to set the pace , hut he has a store of in- teresllng rccoJJections. If , as l\lark 1'waln contends , clothes are royalty , It is easy to see why Rome women are queens. . When lovely woman wields the ham- mm' , she sometimes hits the nail on the head-the thumb nail. Andrew Carnegie now says he has no Intention of dying poor. Has the needle's eye lost Its terrors ? There may be 73,000 germs In a dol- lar hill , but wo prefer to count the bills and estimate the germs. If a man can't get enough trouble to suit him any other way . he can always try to raise 11 vegetable garden. It would bo a decided relief to find some man cleaning up $1.80 In It stock deal Instead of making $1,000,000 A California professor has found an Ichthyosourus. ! Why didn't he get on the watm' wagon as It was driven by ? - - - - - - A Baltimore scientist has discovered . ed that Adam hud thirteen ribs. No wonder ho was willing to part with onc. It's a mighty poor sort of man who ha m't a cure for grip : but under some circumstances It Is well to encourage pO\'m't - As soon as _ _ _ thin im'Iprrrnpil tllnt _ n _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . .n Castle was to write a hook It hesitated no longer and fixed the sentence at ten 'ears. - . At last the real yellow peril has bcen discovered. An English doctor has found that the grip germ comes from China. The Philadelphia Ledger says that fame awaits the man who will give us n national song. \Vhat's the matter with IIlo.watha ? Cassie Chadwlcl says that the loan sharIs made all the trouble. In the words of the transpontlno melodrama , "Alone they done It ! " In New York a mother and her daughter have hypnotized each other speechless. That bents all records In ! mutual admiration societies. Mr. Carnegie says wealth Is not so much after all. However , It may be easier for a man In Carnegie's position to take this lIhllosophlcnI view. A recently Invented machine , It Is said , will turn out 10,000,000 matches a day : but nobody will ever bo able to find n match when ho wants it , all the samo. The human heart Is said to beat 92,100 times n day. hard to believe that there's any such activity In the immediate vicinity of Russell Sage's ossification. A Pennsylvania city council will from now on open Its meetings with prayer. It will no doubt continue to open the town treasury in the old- fashioned war. , , . . . . . . . - - .I.1'iJ : o- ; ; T1 . . ; t' ; , t , , . 1'PR'4P ! if 1 t glUnnu H , cl r _ _ . , , . . ' ilfl m.nm _ nn.atinnui w if i u o.I - . n ' ' ut r , i.Cn , n.uu ' , ti P , . ! A'M gctable PreparationforAs- it similating theroodandIlcgula- , k Ling tlle5tomachs a1dBOWels [ of Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- } ness and RestContains neither OpiumMorphine nor } fincr 1. dr NOT 'NARc OTIC. ; . n. Jntv rV'U / "SJMl/ELFiI'CIlER ik 6 7:1J - 6P A/x.Smsa P ! l < MU4 S.III- h diniae Snead t /YIt \ : R f"ayitsruilsdif" Hfrnr.rriOd , . [ Irtrt/wdJltpv' r9 ! ! : + . it Apetfccl Remedy forConslip.1. 4 ion , Sour SlomachDiarrhocc1 Worms , Convulsions , Feverishness - p ness and Loss OF SUER ; Fac Snails Signnlure oP 1 t NEW . YORK. U" ; r , EXACT COPY OF WRAP.2ER. . ' . . . , . . . , , . _ " ' - - 32 YEARS SELLING DIRECT J . . . . We are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell- ing to consumers exclusively. ' We Dave No Agents " - , - but ship anywhere for examination . aminatlon and approval , uaranteeinlr safe deliv- ery. You arc out moth- hrj inC Ifnot satisfied as to ; t style , quality and . price. We make 200 styles of vehicles and No : 636. Comhlnstlon nuslryr ! with extr.165 ( j styles of harness. stick seat land , In. rubber res. PritO - complete $68 00. . As good I1S sellsCe Our hsr t:3 Catalogue is No. 37 : i. Canopy Top Surrey. Price complete for $30 more. Fart. Send for lt. $13. As good as sells for $25 more Elkhart Carriage QL ; Harness Mt'r Co. , Ell hart Isridiana . , - . . - - Hand'T by Ha.nd' ' ) Wear a. Lifetime Our Catalog explllins how we con sell our superior 1\1uel1er" pianos at trom - - - - $ Hi.OO to $150.00 below all competition. ; - 1 . .Don.t BUY Until Posted. . _ _ _ - _ - - - _ - Write for full particulars prices terms _ t , and our 1905 special proposition. 1 l 'Va Have no Agents-Address the 1\Ialcers. SCHMOLLER 18. MUELLER j u " ! t iiilHilit ! ! INl :1 : ' Established : : 1859. 1313 Ii'AI\NAt Sfl' " , OU..UIA . ' . - , WITHOUT WORRY 4 % INTEREST o OR EXPENSE. Every person should have their own bank account , nnu our anldl1g' by Mail" system brings the bank to your very door J Write for circulars. Oldest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nehi' 1ska. CITY SAVINGS BANK , 201 S. 16th St. , OMAHA , fIEPJRASKA. " , 3 . - BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER I CURES catarrh of the stomach. , . . , , . . . . . . i T' .p l ' ; ; ; " : ; r .L. ' .Joo' " ! ' ' ' - I , CASTO RIA" . For Infanta and Children. .t - ! , , The Kind { You Have r Always Bought Bears the I . ! Signature ) 0 f _ _ " Y In : Use For Over . Thirty Years ! AST1A 'l'HI OENT"Uft eOMIO ! . ! " " . . NIW : . YOMS CITY . . . : . . olJ . . . $ : :7. : . . . . : ' : ; ; . " . . " . . . . When Answering Advertisements , Please Mention Paper. . , ,1 r T'i - - - r-- , I . . ; . I , ) / /z 1 Ji JiP . . P ' r I ) t ' \ 't i iIi Iil ! . " + \ f. , . . 1 . I \ 1j ! t j , . c 1 . . I i i i , , , - \ ' ( I. \1 \ s 1